842 resultados para Reinforcement Learning,Deep Neural Networks,Python,Stable Baseline,Gym


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In this paper, a real-time optimal control technique for non-linear plants is proposed. The control system makes use of the cell-mapping (CM) techniques, widely used for the global analysis of highly non-linear systems. The CM framework is employed for designing approximate optimal controllers via a control variable discretization. Furthermore, CM-based designs can be improved by the use of supervised feedforward artificial neural networks (ANNs), which have proved to be universal and efficient tools for function approximation, providing also very fast responses. The quantitative nature of the approximate CM solutions fits very well with ANNs characteristics. Here, we propose several control architectures which combine, in a different manner, supervised neural networks and CM control algorithms. On the one hand, different CM control laws computed for various target objectives can be employed for training a neural network, explicitly including the target information in the input vectors. This way, tracking problems, in addition to regulation ones, can be addressed in a fast and unified manner, obtaining smooth, averaged and global feedback control laws. On the other hand, adjoining CM and ANNs are also combined into a hybrid architecture to address problems where accuracy and real-time response are critical. Finally, some optimal control problems are solved with the proposed CM, neural and hybrid techniques, illustrating their good performance.


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Al giorno d'oggi il reinforcement learning ha dimostrato di essere davvero molto efficace nel machine learning in svariati campi, come ad esempio i giochi, il riconoscimento vocale e molti altri. Perciò, abbiamo deciso di applicare il reinforcement learning ai problemi di allocazione, in quanto sono un campo di ricerca non ancora studiato con questa tecnica e perchè questi problemi racchiudono nella loro formulazione un vasto insieme di sotto-problemi con simili caratteristiche, per cui una soluzione per uno di essi si estende ad ognuno di questi sotto-problemi. In questo progetto abbiamo realizzato un applicativo chiamato Service Broker, il quale, attraverso il reinforcement learning, apprende come distribuire l'esecuzione di tasks su dei lavoratori asincroni e distribuiti. L'analogia è quella di un cloud data center, il quale possiede delle risorse interne - possibilmente distribuite nella server farm -, riceve dei tasks dai suoi clienti e li esegue su queste risorse. L'obiettivo dell'applicativo, e quindi del data center, è quello di allocare questi tasks in maniera da minimizzare il costo di esecuzione. Inoltre, al fine di testare gli agenti del reinforcement learning sviluppati è stato creato un environment, un simulatore, che permettesse di concentrarsi nello sviluppo dei componenti necessari agli agenti, invece che doversi anche occupare di eventuali aspetti implementativi necessari in un vero data center, come ad esempio la comunicazione con i vari nodi e i tempi di latenza di quest'ultima. I risultati ottenuti hanno dunque confermato la teoria studiata, riuscendo a ottenere prestazioni migliori di alcuni dei metodi classici per il task allocation.


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A differenza di quanto avviene nel commercio tradizionale, in quello online il cliente non ha la possibilità di toccare con mano o provare il prodotto. La decisione di acquisto viene maturata in base ai dati messi a disposizione dal venditore attraverso titolo, descrizioni, immagini e alle recensioni di clienti precedenti. É quindi possibile prevedere quanto un prodotto venderà sulla base di queste informazioni. La maggior parte delle soluzioni attualmente presenti in letteratura effettua previsioni basandosi sulle recensioni, oppure analizzando il linguaggio usato nelle descrizioni per capire come questo influenzi le vendite. Le recensioni, tuttavia, non sono informazioni note ai venditori prima della commercializzazione del prodotto; usando solo dati testuali, inoltre, si tralascia l’influenza delle immagini. L'obiettivo di questa tesi è usare modelli di machine learning per prevedere il successo di vendita di un prodotto a partire dalle informazioni disponibili al venditore prima della commercializzazione. Si fa questo introducendo un modello cross-modale basato su Vision-Language Transformer in grado di effettuare classificazione. Un modello di questo tipo può aiutare i venditori a massimizzare il successo di vendita dei prodotti. A causa della mancanza, in letteratura, di dataset contenenti informazioni relative a prodotti venduti online che includono l’indicazione del successo di vendita, il lavoro svolto comprende la realizzazione di un dataset adatto a testare la soluzione sviluppata. Il dataset contiene un elenco di 78300 prodotti di Moda venduti su Amazon, per ognuno dei quali vengono riportate le principali informazioni messe a disposizione dal venditore e una misura di successo sul mercato. Questa viene ricavata a partire dal gradimento espresso dagli acquirenti e dal posizionamento del prodotto in una graduatoria basata sul numero di esemplari venduti.


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Embedding intelligence in extreme edge devices allows distilling raw data acquired from sensors into actionable information, directly on IoT end-nodes. This computing paradigm, in which end-nodes no longer depend entirely on the Cloud, offers undeniable benefits, driving a large research area (TinyML) to deploy leading Machine Learning (ML) algorithms on micro-controller class of devices. To fit the limited memory storage capability of these tiny platforms, full-precision Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are compressed by representing their data down to byte and sub-byte formats, in the integer domain. However, the current generation of micro-controller systems can barely cope with the computing requirements of QNNs. This thesis tackles the challenge from many perspectives, presenting solutions both at software and hardware levels, exploiting parallelism, heterogeneity and software programmability to guarantee high flexibility and high energy-performance proportionality. The first contribution, PULP-NN, is an optimized software computing library for QNN inference on parallel ultra-low-power (PULP) clusters of RISC-V processors, showing one order of magnitude improvements in performance and energy efficiency, compared to current State-of-the-Art (SoA) STM32 micro-controller systems (MCUs) based on ARM Cortex-M cores. The second contribution is XpulpNN, a set of RISC-V domain specific instruction set architecture (ISA) extensions to deal with sub-byte integer arithmetic computation. The solution, including the ISA extensions and the micro-architecture to support them, achieves energy efficiency comparable with dedicated DNN accelerators and surpasses the efficiency of SoA ARM Cortex-M based MCUs, such as the low-end STM32M4 and the high-end STM32H7 devices, by up to three orders of magnitude. To overcome the Von Neumann bottleneck while guaranteeing the highest flexibility, the final contribution integrates an Analog In-Memory Computing accelerator into the PULP cluster, creating a fully programmable heterogeneous fabric that demonstrates end-to-end inference capabilities of SoA MobileNetV2 models, showing two orders of magnitude performance improvements over current SoA analog/digital solutions.


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There are only a few insights concerning the influence that agronomic and management variability may have on superficial scald (SS) in pears. Abate Fétel pears were picked during three seasons (2018, 2019 and 2020) from thirty commercial orchards in the Emilia Romagna region, Italy. Using a multivariate statistical approach, high heterogeneity between farms for SS development after cold storage with regular atmosphere was demonstrated. Indeed, some factors seem to affect SS in all growing seasons: high yields, soil texture, improper irrigation and Nitrogen management, use of plant growth regulators, late harvest, precipitations, Calcium and cow manure, presence of nets, orchard age, training system and rootstock. Afterwards, we explored the spatio/temporal variability of fruit attributes in two pear orchards. Environmental and physiological spatial variables were recorded by a portable RTK GPS. High spatial variability of the SS index was observed. Through a geostatistical approach, some characteristics, including soil electrical conductivity and fruit size, have been shown to be negatively correlated with SS. Moreover, regression tree analyses were applied suggesting the presence of threshold values of antioxidant capacity, total phenolic content, and acidity against SS. High pulp firmness and IAD values before storage, denoting a more immature fruit, appeared to be correlated with low SS. Finally, a convolution neural networks (CNN) was tested to detect SS and the starch pattern index (SPI) in pears for portable device applications. Preliminary statistics showed that the model for SS had low accuracy but good precision, and the CNN for SPI denoted good performances compared to the Ctifl and Laimburg scales. The major conclusion is that Abate Fétel pears can potentially be stored in different cold rooms, according to their origin and quality features, ensuring the best fruit quality for the final consumers. These results might lead to a substantial improvement in the Italian pear industry.


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Reinforcement Learning (RL) provides a powerful framework to address sequential decision-making problems in which the transition dynamics is unknown or too complex to be represented. The RL approach is based on speculating what is the best decision to make given sample estimates obtained from previous interactions, a recipe that led to several breakthroughs in various domains, ranging from game playing to robotics. Despite their success, current RL methods hardly generalize from one task to another, and achieving the kind of generalization obtained through unsupervised pre-training in non-sequential problems seems unthinkable. Unsupervised RL has recently emerged as a way to improve generalization of RL methods. Just as its non-sequential counterpart, the unsupervised RL framework comprises two phases: An unsupervised pre-training phase, in which the agent interacts with the environment without external feedback, and a supervised fine-tuning phase, in which the agent aims to efficiently solve a task in the same environment by exploiting the knowledge acquired during pre-training. In this thesis, we study unsupervised RL via state entropy maximization, in which the agent makes use of the unsupervised interactions to pre-train a policy that maximizes the entropy of its induced state distribution. First, we provide a theoretical characterization of the learning problem by considering a convex RL formulation that subsumes state entropy maximization. Our analysis shows that maximizing the state entropy in finite trials is inherently harder than RL. Then, we study the state entropy maximization problem from an optimization perspective. Especially, we show that the primal formulation of the corresponding optimization problem can be (approximately) addressed through tractable linear programs. Finally, we provide the first practical methodologies for state entropy maximization in complex domains, both when the pre-training takes place in a single environment as well as multiple environments.


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Correctness of information gathered in production environments is an essential part of quality assurance processes in many industries, this task is often performed by human resources who visually take annotations in various steps of the production flow. Depending on the performed task the correlation between where exactly the information is gathered and what it represents is more than often lost in the process. The lack of labeled data places a great boundary on the application of deep neural networks aimed at object detection tasks, moreover supervised training of deep models requires a great amount of data to be available. Reaching an adequate large collection of labeled images through classic techniques of data annotations is an exhausting and costly task to perform, not always suitable for every scenario. A possible solution is to generate synthetic data that replicates the real one and use it to fine-tune a deep neural network trained on one or more source domains to a different target domain. The purpose of this thesis is to show a real case scenario where the provided data were both in great scarcity and missing the required annotations. Sequentially a possible approach is presented where synthetic data has been generated to address those issues while standing as a training base of deep neural networks for object detection, capable of working on images taken in production-like environments. Lastly, it compares performance on different types of synthetic data and convolutional neural networks used as backbones for the model.


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Uno degli obiettivi più ambizioni e interessanti dell'informatica, specialmente nel campo dell'intelligenza artificiale, consiste nel raggiungere la capacità di far ragionare un computer in modo simile a come farebbe un essere umano. I più recenti successi nell'ambito delle reti neurali profonde, specialmente nel campo dell'elaborazione del testo in linguaggio naturale, hanno incentivato lo studio di nuove tecniche per affrontare tale problema, a cominciare dal ragionamento deduttivo, la forma più semplice e lineare di ragionamento logico. La domanda fondamentale alla base di questa tesi è infatti la seguente: in che modo una rete neurale basata sull'architettura Transformer può essere impiegata per avanzare lo stato dell'arte nell'ambito del ragionamento deduttivo in linguaggio naturale? Nella prima parte di questo lavoro presento uno studio approfondito di alcune tecnologie recenti che hanno affrontato questo problema con intuizioni vincenti. Da questa analisi emerge come particolarmente efficace l'integrazione delle reti neurali con tecniche simboliche più tradizionali. Nella seconda parte propongo un focus sull'architettura ProofWriter, che ha il pregio di essere relativamente semplice e intuitiva pur presentando prestazioni in linea con quelle dei concorrenti. Questo approfondimento mette in luce la capacità dei modelli T5, con il supporto del framework HuggingFace, di produrre più risposte alternative, tra cui è poi possibile cercare esternamente quella corretta. Nella terza e ultima parte fornisco un prototipo che mostra come si può impiegare tale tecnica per arricchire i sistemi tipo ProofWriter con approcci simbolici basati su nozioni linguistiche, conoscenze specifiche sul dominio applicativo o semplice buonsenso. Ciò che ne risulta è un significativo miglioramento dell'accuratezza rispetto al ProofWriter originale, ma soprattutto la dimostrazione che è possibile sfruttare tale capacità dei modelli T5 per migliorarne le prestazioni.


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I recenti sviluppi nel campo dell’intelligenza artificiale hanno permesso una più adeguata classificazione del segnale EEG. Negli ultimi anni è stato dimostrato come sia possibile ottenere ottime performance di classificazione impiegando tecniche di Machine Learning (ML) e di Deep Learning (DL), facendo uso, per quest’ultime, di reti neurali convoluzionali (Convolutional Neural Networks, CNN). In particolare, il Deep Learning richiede molti dati di training mentre spesso i dataset per EEG sono limitati ed è difficile quindi raggiungere prestazioni elevate. I metodi di Data Augmentation possono alleviare questo problema. Partendo da dati reali, questa tecnica permette, la creazione di dati artificiali fondamentali per aumentare le dimensioni del dataset di partenza. L’applicazione più comune è quella di utilizzare i Data Augmentation per aumentare le dimensioni del training set, in modo da addestrare il modello/rete neurale su un numero di campioni più esteso, riducendo gli errori di classificazione. Partendo da questa idea, i Data Augmentation sono stati applicati in molteplici campi e in particolare per la classificazione del segnale EEG. In questo elaborato di tesi, inizialmente, vengono descritti metodi di Data Augmentation implementati nel corso degli anni, utilizzabili anche nell’ambito di applicazioni EEG. Successivamente, si presentano alcuni studi specifici che applicano metodi di Data Augmentation per migliorare le presentazioni di classificatori basati su EEG per l’identificazione dello stato sonno/veglia, per il riconoscimento delle emozioni, e per la classificazione di immaginazione motoria.


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This thesis contributes to the ArgMining 2021 shared task on Key Point Analysis. Key Point Analysis entails extracting and calculating the prevalence of a concise list of the most prominent talking points, from an input corpus. These talking points are usually referred to as key points. Key point analysis is divided into two subtasks: Key Point Matching, which involves assigning a matching score to each key point/argument pair, and Key Point Generation, which consists of the generation of key points. The task of Key Point Matching was approached using different models: a pretrained Sentence Transformers model and a tree-constrained Graph Neural Network were tested. The best model was the fine-tuned Sentence Transformers, which achieved a mean Average Precision score of 0.75, ranking 12 compared to other participating teams. The model was then used for the subtask of Key Point Generation using the extractive method in the selection of key point candidates and the model developed for the previous subtask to evaluate them.


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With the advent of high-performance computing devices, deep neural networks have gained a lot of popularity in solving many Natural Language Processing tasks. However, they are also vulnerable to adversarial attacks, which are able to modify the input text in order to mislead the target model. Adversarial attacks are a serious threat to the security of deep neural networks, and they can be used to craft adversarial examples that steer the model towards a wrong decision. In this dissertation, we propose SynBA, a novel contextualized synonym-based adversarial attack for text classification. SynBA is based on the idea of replacing words in the input text with their synonyms, which are selected according to the context of the sentence. We show that SynBA successfully generates adversarial examples that are able to fool the target model with a high success rate. We demonstrate three advantages of this proposed approach: (1) effective - it outperforms state-of-the-art attacks by semantic similarity and perturbation rate, (2) utility-preserving - it preserves semantic content, grammaticality, and correct types classified by humans, and (3) efficient - it performs attacks faster than other methods.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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I developed a new model for estimating annual production-to-biomass ratio P/B and production P of macrobenthic populations in marine and freshwater habitats. Self-learning artificial neural networks (ANN) were used to model the relationships between P/B and twenty easy-to-measure abiotic and biotic parameters in 1252 data sets of population production. Based on log-transformed data, the final predictive model estimates log(P/B) with reasonable accuracy and precision (r2 = 0.801; residual mean square RMS = 0.083). Body mass and water temperature contributed most to the explanatory power of the model. However, as with all least squares models using nonlinearly transformed data, back-transformation to natural scale introduces a bias in the model predictions, i.e., an underestimation of P/B (and P). When estimating production of assemblages of populations by adding up population estimates, accuracy decreases but precision increases with the number of populations in the assemblage.


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Analog In-memory Computing (AIMC) has been proposed in the context of Beyond Von Neumann architectures as a valid strategy to reduce internal data transfers energy consumption and latency, and to improve compute efficiency. The aim of AIMC is to perform computations within the memory unit, typically leveraging the physical features of memory devices. Among resistive Non-volatile Memories (NVMs), Phase-change Memory (PCM) has become a promising technology due to its intrinsic capability to store multilevel data. Hence, PCM technology is currently investigated to enhance the possibilities and the applications of AIMC. This thesis aims at exploring the potential of new PCM-based architectures as in-memory computational accelerators. In a first step, a preliminar experimental characterization of PCM devices has been carried out in an AIMC perspective. PCM cells non-idealities, such as time-drift, noise, and non-linearity have been studied to develop a dedicated multilevel programming algorithm. Measurement-based simulations have been then employed to evaluate the feasibility of PCM-based operations in the fields of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM). Moreover, a first testchip has been designed and tested to evaluate the hardware implementation of Multiply-and-Accumulate (MAC) operations employing PCM cells. This prototype experimentally demonstrates the possibility to reach a 95% MAC accuracy with a circuit-level compensation of cells time drift and non-linearity. Finally, empirical circuit behavior models have been included in simulations to assess the use of this technology in specific DNN applications, and to enhance the potentiality of this innovative computation approach.


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In this thesis, a search for same-sign top quark pairs produced according to the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) is presented. The analysis is carried out within the ATLAS Collaboration using collision data at a center-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV, collected by the ATLAS detector during the Run 2 of the Large Hadron Collider, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $140$ fb$^{-1}$. Three SMEFT operators are considered in the analysis, namely $\mathcal{O}_{RR}$, $\mathcal{O}_{LR}^{(1)}$, and $\mathcal{O}_{LR}^{(8)}$. The signal associated to same-sign top pairs is searched in the dilepton channel, with the top quarks decaying via $t \longrightarrow W^+ b \longrightarrow \ell^+ \nu b$, leading to a final state signature composed of a pair of high-transverse momentum same-sign leptons and $b$-jets. Deep Neural Networks are employed in the analysis to enhance sensitivity to the different SMEFT operators and to perform signal-background discrimination. This is the first result of the ATLAS Collaboration concerning the search for same-sign top quark pairs production in proton-proton collision data at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV, in the framework of the SMEFT.