997 resultados para Reflexão conjunta
In the present context the information assumes a major role, providing to the business environment a dynamic performance that is constantly renewing and adapting itself to the environment in which it operates. In that sense we aimed, through literature, a reflection the models of information management for business. Were review the models of Beuren (2000), Choo (1997, 1999) and Davenport and Prusak (1998). We conclude that information management can provide a significant positive differential to business in the contemporary context.
The complexity of interdisciplinarity as a category of analysis in contemporary discourses gain evidence. In information science, the practice of integration of scientific discourse aims, among others, the establishment and consolidation of their identity as a scientific field. Thus, the study aims to reflect on the epistemological status of information science as an interdisciplinary scientific field. To this end, we discuss the interdisciplinarity in the sciences and, under this understanding, address the interdisciplinary movement in Information Science and the real fruits of this process nowadays. The reflections undertaken in this study indicate the need to forward the discussions on interdisciplinarity as a focal point with the configuration of the related fields and their real benefits for Information Science.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Within the Wittgensteinian approach, the ideal of exactness, disconnected from concrete situations of language use, does not make any sense. Such an approach takes into account every and any kind of intersubjective communication, inasmuch as it is based on a previous agreement concerning the use of language and the interpretation of the world linked to it. This paper, throughout its three parts, seeks to understand this agreement, and evaluates whether or not philosophy plays a role in relation to it. To start with, the obstacles to such an agreement will be considered, namely, solipsism and private, subjective language. In the following stage, the intention is to indicate that the rupture from the subjectivist conception of language allows Wittgenstein to visualize another subject, the one incorporated by the community. From then on, the question is to verify whether reflectivity is possible in the ambit of a linguistic community or not, since the objectivity of concepts is not sought within knowledge, but within forms of life. In the third and last part, we will point to the language game metaphor
This work was born from public presentation done during 8th Meeting in High Level Education Program at University Moura Lacerda, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, in October 2012. That time showed up theoretical hypothesis of teacher education done by a collaborative research group of teachers and researchers and main results for Pedagogy course and students of basic levels. This paper intends to show up the findings of researches done by group of studies for Earth System Science and teacher education. The aim is to think about curriculum politics and teacher education from teachers’ practices, researches and studies on high school level. Moreover, we show up theoretical fundamentals which guide our actions and think. After we treat of organization, results and curricular innovations guided by Earth System Science and how that changes the view of nature of teachers and students. Qualitative methods of research help to describe curricular processes collectively done together with teachers of public schools. Our findings show up that teacher education must be a long, collective and interactive process to prepare high level teachers and researchers for teaching and teacher education.
Por meio deste artigo pretendo oferecer e promover uma discussão iniciada por Immanuel Kant no século XVIII, a qual possibilita repensar nossa educação atual, atrelada à sociedade da informação. Pensar uma escola que oriente as pessoas em uma formação mais humana é de suma importância em nossos dias, especialmente uma formação dos próprios educadores que tenham condições de pensar sobre si e sua própria atuação. Nesse sentido, completando a proposta de Kant sobre a coragem de orientar-se por meio do próprio entendimento e de chegar à emancipação, Michel Foucault indica uma nova forma que não se alimenta somente de dados e que não se limita a descrever ou analisar a situação atual, mas que integra o ator no seu momento presente; a esta forma de pensar ele chamou de ontologia do presente, a qual neste texto recebe destaque.
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Las neuronas de la raíz coclear son las primeras neuronas del sistema nervioso central a recibir la información auditiva proveniente de la cóclea y se conectan con centros de integración sensoriomotora del tronco encefálico, especialmente con el núcleo reticular caudal del puente. Funcionalmente las neuronas de la raíz coclear están envueltos en el circuito elemental del reflejo auditivo de sobresalto juntamente con las células ganglionares del órgano de Corti, el núcleo reticular caudal del puente y las motoneuronas de la médula espinal. El reflejo auditivo de sobresalto presenta una serie de modulaciones como la habituación, la sensibilización, la inhibición por estímulo previo y la potenciación por un estímulo adverso. Las alteraciones en la reacción refleja de sobresalto y sus diferentes modulaciones poseen valor diagnóstico en la clínica médica de enfermedades neurodegenerativas y psiquiátricas como Parkinson y Esquizofrenia. Las modulaciones del reflejo auditivo de sobresalto ocurren mediante la influencia de diversos núcleos sobre los componentes del circuito elemental de este reflejo. El núcleo menos estudiado del circuito neural del reflejo auditivo de sobresalto es el núcleo de la raíz coclear. El patrón de conectividad eferente de las neuronas de la raíz coclear es bien conocido, sin embargo poco se conoce sobre los orígenes de sus aferencias y la identidad neuroquímica de las mismas. Estudios previos demostraron que el soma y en las dendritas de las neuronas de la raíz coclear están cubiertos por botones sinápticos de cuatro tipos, sugiriendo que existan diversos orígenes para estos terminales axonales, con características neuroquímicas propias. El conocimiento de las aferencias a las neuronas de la raíz coclear es relevante para comprender cual el papel del núcleo de la raíz coclear en las modulaciones del reflejo auditivo de sobresalto. Por lo tanto, ...
The aim was to reflect what action to prevent accidents used by caregivers / participants in the home. This is a prospecive cross-sectional descriptive study conducted at the Pediatric Inpatient Unit, Hospital of the Medical School of Botucatu – Unesp, during the months from May to August 2010.A questionnaire was used in the form of check list (Annex I) on measures to prevent accidents. The participant chose two alternatives taking into consideration the order of priority in the prevention of accidents. This study shows that for the age group from 29 days to 2 years, the companions chose these preventive measures for falls, burns, poisoning and drowning, “do not put near the windows mobile” (27.8%), “no access the match, lighter and appliances (22.2%), leave toxic substances out of reach and sight of children (41.7%) and empty buckets, tubs and pools after use (27.8% ). Regarding the age group 2-6 years, the measures for these types of accidents were not put near the windows mobile (26.5%), do not have access to matches, lighters and household appliances (20.9% ), leave toxic products out of reach and sight of children (27.9%) and maintain tanks, tanks and wells or struck with some protection (20.2%). For ages 6 to 10 years, the measures chosen to more such accidents were dry liquid spilled on the ground (23.5%), do not have access to matches, lighters and household appliances (22.5% ), leave toxic products out of reach and sight of children (31%) and keep tanks, tanks and wells or struck with some protection (23.5%). One fact that attracted our attention was that the preventive measures most frequently used by caregivers, regardless of age, show results that differ in few alternatives. It is essential to the understanding of the escorts / participants on the importance of injury prevention. Even today is predominantly defined as accident, injury must be addressed through measures
This work is a study and a repost on a possible way that can be worked together Mathematics and Native Language, presenting activities for the middle school, trying to make teaching more interesting, dynamic and playful. The work presents proposal for activities based on stories from the book “O Homem que calculava” by Malba Tahan, with questionnaires to be answered by the students and guidance for teachers on how to apply these activities in the classroom. Applications of these activities were carried out and this work also includes analysis and records of them
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar a polêmica gerada pela publicação de Arcaísmo como Projeto, de Fragoso e Florentino. Apoiados no mercado atlântico como inserção determinante da economia colonial, no papel estrutural do tráfico de escravos na África como nas colônias americanas, na expansão ultramarina portuguesa como projeto social para a manutenção do Antigo Regime, acabando por reproduzir hierarquia desigual e excludente na colônia e apropriando apenas o resultado final do excedente gerado, os autores afirmam que deste conjunto emergem as condições para um circuito interno de acumulação. Mercadores cariocas, a partir da transformação das formas de acumulação ao longo do século XVIII, preenchem os espaços mercantis internos e alçam-se à hegemonia socioeconômica local, apropriando-se de excedentes agroexportadores sem contudo levar estes à ruína, em função da elasticidade da oferta interna, desta forma reiterando a ordem social excludente da colônia, e criando quadros de monopólio para a elite mercantil. Esta proposta será descrita e criticamente apreciada no capítulo 2. Precedendo-a, apresentamos no primeiro capítulo uma leitura da explicação em “formação da estrutura subdesenvolvida brasileira”, em Furtado. Analisamos extensamente sua análise pautando-nos pelos elementos que entendemos serem centrais, a formação de capital e o nível de renda verificados a partir da produção exportadora em cada período colonial, e a possibilidade de desenvolvimento que permitem. A conclusão é uma síntese entre a reflexão estrutural(ista) de Furtado e o isolamento teórico de Fragoso e Florentino, apontando o papel que entendemos para estes no debate após as críticas a sua proposta, assim como propomos a importância das análises clássicas ao entendimento do resultado histórico brasileiro
The objective of this study is to analyze the trajectory of the bill the Senate No. 330 of 2006 that led to Law no. 11,769 of 18 August 2008, amending Article 26 of the Law of Directives and Bases of Education (Act 9394 of 1996) to be held about the mandatory teaching of music in primary education, after more than 30 years of absence from the scene national public education, until to be sanctioned with partial veto, noting the historical importance of this artistic aspect as widely performed in various ways and for many different purposes. The return of the compulsory teaching of music reappears in the realms of teaching systematized public by bringing the possibility of thinking about music, see it beyond the medias execute that permeate society today.