577 resultados para Refining


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The real-time refinement calculus is a formal method for the systematic derivation of real-time programs from real-time specifications in a style similar to the non-real-time refinement calculi of Back and Morgan. In this paper we extend the real-time refinement calculus with procedures and provide refinement rules for refining real-time specifications to procedure calls. A real-time specification can include constraints on, not only what outputs are produced, but also when they are produced. The derived programs can also include time constraints oil when certain points in the program must be reached; these are expressed in the form of deadline commands. Such programs are machine independent. An important consequence of the approach taken is that, not only are the specifications machine independent, but the whole refinement process is machine independent. To implement the machine independent code on a target machine one has a separate task of showing that the compiled machine code will reach all its deadlines before they expire. For real-time programs, externally observable input and output variables are essential. These differ from local variables in that their values are observable over the duration of the execution of the program. Hence procedures require input and output parameter mechanisms that are references to the actual parameters so that changes to external inputs are observable within the procedure and changes to output parameters are externally observable. In addition, we allow value and result parameters. These may be auxiliary parameters, which are used for reasoning about the correctness of real-time programs as well as in the expression of timing deadlines, but do not lead to any code being generated for them by a compiler. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Manganese is a grain refiner for high purity Mg-3%Al, Mg-6%Al, Mg-9%Al, and commercial AZ31 (Mg-3%Al-1%Zn) alloys when introduced in the form of an Al-60%Mn master alloy splatter but the use of pure Mn flakes and ALTAB (TM) Mn75 tablets shows no grain refinement. Long time holding of the melt at 730 degrees C leads to an increase in grain size. The mechanism is attributed to the presence of all epsilon-AlMn phase (hexagonal close-packed) in the master alloy splatter. (c) 2006 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Brugada syndrome (BS) is a genetic disease identified by an abnormal electrocardiogram ( ECG) ( mainly abnormal ECGs associated with right bundle branch block and ST-elevation in right precordial leads). BS can lead to increased risk of sudden cardiac death. Experimental studies on human ventricular myocardium with BS have been limited due to difficulties in obtaining data. Thus, the use of computer simulation is an important alternative. Most previous BS simulations were based on animal heart cell models. However, due to species differences, the use of human heart cell models, especially a model with three-dimensional whole-heart anatomical structure, is needed. In this study, we developed a model of the human ventricular action potential (AP) based on refining the ten Tusscher et al (2004 Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 286 H1573 - 89) model to incorporate newly available experimental data of some major ionic currents of human ventricular myocytes. These modified channels include the L-type calcium current (ICaL), fast sodium current (I-Na), transient outward potassium current (I-to), rapidly and slowly delayed rectifier potassium currents (I-Kr and I-Ks) and inward rectifier potassium current (I-Ki). Transmural heterogeneity of APs for epicardial, endocardial and mid-myocardial (M) cells was simulated by varying the maximum conductance of IKs and Ito. The modified AP models were then used to simulate the effects of BS on cellular AP and body surface potentials using a three-dimensional dynamic heart - torso model. Our main findings are as follows. (1) BS has little effect on the AP of endocardial or mid-myocardial cells, but has a large impact on the AP of epicardial cells. (2) A likely region of BS with abnormal cell AP is near the right ventricular outflow track, and the resulting ST-segment elevation is located in the median precordium area. These simulation results are consistent with experimental findings reported in the literature. The model can reproduce a variety of electrophysiological behaviors and provides a good basis for understanding the genesis of abnormal ECG under the condition of BS disease.


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Since the 1960s, numerous studies on sugarcane plant regeneration have been reported. Essentially, successful culture and regeneration of plants from protoplasts, cells, callus, and various tissue and organs, have been achieved in this crop. Although plant regeneration from callus cultures had been reported since the 1960s, definitive proof of somatic embryo development was not available until 1983. Since then, considerable progress has been made in understanding and refining somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in sugarcane, for which development of an efficient embryogenic system was critical for the application of transgenic technology. Recent research in Australia and South Africa has led to the development of direct somatic embryogenic systems, which may improve transgenesis in sugarcane.


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Using modifications to the Rappaz-Drezet-Gremaud hot tearing model, and using empirical equations developed for grain size and dendrite arm spacing (DAS) on the addition of grain refiner for a range of cooling rates, the effect of grain refinement and cooling rate on hot tearing susceptibility has been analysed. It was found that grain refinement decreased the grain size and made the grain morphology more globular. Therefore refining the grain size of an equiaxed dendritic grain decreased the hot tearing susceptibility. However, when the alloy was grain refined such that globular grain morphologies where obtained, further grain refinement increased the hot tearing susceptibility. Increasing the cooling decreased the grain size and made the grain morphology more dendritic and therefore increased the likelihood of hot tearing. The effect was particularly strong for equiaxed dendritic grain morphologies; hence grain refinement is increasingly important at high cooling rates to obtain more globular grain morphologies to reduce the hot tearing susceptibility.


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A refinement calculus provides a method for transforming specifications to executable code, maintaining the correctness of the code with respect to its specification. In this paper we introduce modules into a logic programming refinement calculus. Modules allow data types to be grouped together with sets of procedures that manipulate the data types. By placing restrictions on the way a program uses a module, we develop a technique for refining the module so that it uses a more efficient representation of the data type.


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Two types of semantics have been given to object-oriented formal specification languages. Value semantics denote a class by a set of values representing its objects. Reference semantics denote a class by a set of references, or pointers, to values representing its objects. While adopting the former facilitates formal reasoning, adopting the latter facilitates transformation to object-oriented code. In this paper, we propose a combined approach using value semantics for abstract specification and reasoning, and then refining to a reference semantics before transforming specification to code.


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A new zirconium-rich magnesium-zirconium master alloy (designated AM-cast) has been developed by the CRC for Cast Metals Manufacturing in collaboration with Australian Magnesium Corporation for use as a grain refiner for magnesium alloys that do not contain aluminium. This work describes the microstructural characteristics of this new grain refiner and its grain refining ability when added to different magnesium alloys under various conditions (alloying temperature from 680 °C to 750 °C; weight of melt from 1 kg to 150 kg and sample thickness from 7 mm to 62 mm). Owing to its highly alloyable microstructure, AM-cast can be readily introduced into molten magnesium at any temperature when assisted by a few minutes of stirring or puddling. Little sludge has been found at the bottom of the alloying vessel in these trials due to the fine zirconium particles contained in the master alloy. The recovery of zirconium is normally in the range from 40% to 60% with respect to 1% zirconium addition as the master alloy. It is shown that this new master alloy is an excellent grain refiner for aluminium-free magnesium alloys.


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It is argued that international retail research has overlooked an essential component of the retail internationalization process, notably learning. This paper proposes an exploratory framework that enables the application of learning theory to the study of international retailing. The paper provides a meaningful starting point for developing an overarching framework which would represent one sort of re-conceptualization of the retail internationalization process, and arguably a new perspective for reinterpreting, re-evaluating and refining the existing literature on international retailing. Alongside this exploratory framework, we present a series of research propositions that might serve as an agenda for research into international retail learning. The paper concludes with a summary of the key themes and ways in which the area of international retail learning may be investigated.


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Recycling, substitution and product life extension are identified as significant factors contributing to an extension of the time to exhaustion of industrially Dnportant materials. A quantitative assessment of the significance of virtually all materials to the U.K. is made. Copper is identified as one of the most important materials deserving of further investigation into potential resource savings through increased recycling. The other factors listed above are accounted for in the modelling technique employed. United Kingdom copper flows are qualitatively and statistically described for the years 1949 - 1976. Less accurate statistics are developed for 1922 - 1948. Adaptive expectations type causal models of total, unalloyed, and alloyed copper demand are successfully constructed and are used to generate future scenarios. Evidence is demonstrated for a break in the historical link between U.K. copper demand and industrial production. Simple causal models of potential copper scrap supply are constructed and a comparison made with actual old scrap withdrawals. Accurate adaptive expectations type models of total scrap demand are developed, but no conclusion is reached about the price elasticity of scrap demand. Various scenarios of copper goods demand are forecast and their effect on copper scrap demand. The potential to recover up to an extra 100.000 tonnes/year of generally lower grade old scrap is identified. Policy options are examined and the following recommendations made: 1) A total investment of up to £67 million in secondary refining capacity by the year 2000 is needed. 2) The copper scrap content of copper bearing goods should be specified to aid recovery. 3) A U.K. copper scrap buffer stock scheme would be advantageous for the secondary copper industry. Finally the methodology used is summarised for potential application to other materials.


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Knowledge has been a subject of interest and inquiry for thousands of years since at least the time of the ancient Greeks, and no doubt even before that. “What is knowledge” continues to be an important topic of discussion in philosophy. More recently, interest in managing knowledge has grown in step with the perception that increasingly we live in a knowledge-based economy. Drucker (1969) is usually credited as being the first to popularize the knowledge-based economy concept by linking the importance of knowledge with rapid technological change in Drucker (1969). Karl Wiig coined the term knowledge management (hereafter KM) for a NATO seminar in 1986, and its popularity took off following the publication of Nonaka and Takeuchi’s book “The Knowledge Creating Company” (Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995). Knowledge creation is in fact just one of many activities involved in KM. Others include sharing, retaining, refining, and using knowledge. There are many such lists of activities (Holsapple & Joshi, 2000; Probst, Raub, & Romhardt, 1999; Skyrme, 1999; Wiig, De Hoog, & Van der Spek, 1997). Both academic and practical interest in KM has continued to increase throughout the last decade. In this article, first the different types of knowledge are outlined, then comes a discussion of various routes by which knowledge management can be implemented, advocating a process-based route. An explanation follows of how people, processes, and technology need to fit together for effective KM, and some examples of this route in use are given. Finally, there is a look towards the future.


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A review is given of general chromatographic theory, the factors affecting the performance of chromatographi c columns, and aspects of scale-up of the chromatographic process. The theory of gel permeation chromatography (g. p. c.) is received, and the results of an experimental study to optimize the performance of an analytical g.p.c. system are reported. The design and construction of a novel sequential continuous chromatographic refining unit (SCCR3), for continuous liquid-liquid chromatography applications, is described. Counter-current operation is simulated by sequencing a system of inlet and outlet port functions around a connected series of fixed, 5.1 cm internal diameter x 70 cm long, glass columns. The number of columns may be varied, and, during this research, a series of either twenty or ten columns was used. Operation of the unit for continuous fractionation of a dextran polymer (M. W. - 30,000) by g.p.c. is reported using 200-400 µm diameter porous silica beads (Spherosil XOB07S) as packing, and distilled water for the mobile phase. The effects of feed concentration, feed flow rate, and mobile and stationary phase flow rates have been investigated, by means of both product, and on-column, concentrations and molecular weight distributions. The ability to operate the unit successfully at on-column concentrations as high as 20% w/v dextran has been demonstrated, and removal of both high and low molecular weight ends of a polymer feed distribution, to produce products meeting commercial specifications, has been achieved. Equivalent throughputs have been as high as 2.8 tonnes per annum for ten columns, based on continuous operation for 8000 hours per annum. A concentration dependence of the equilibrium distribution coefficient, KD observed during continuous fractionation studies, is related to evidence in the literature and experimental results obtained on a small-scale batch column. Theoretical treatments of the counter-current chromatographic process are outlined, and a preliminary computer simulation of the SCCR3 unit t is presented.


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There is considerable concern over the increased effect of fossil fuel usage on the environment and this concern has resulted in an effort to find alternative, environmentally friendly energy sources. Biomass is an available alternative resource which may be converted by flash pyrolysis to produce a crude liquid product that can be used directly to substitute for conventional fossil fuels or upgraded to a higher quality fuel. Both the crude and upgraded products may be utilised for power generation. A computer program, BLUNT, has been developed to model the flash pyrolysis of biomass with subsequent upgrading, refining or power production. The program assesses and compares the economic and technical opportunities for biomass thermochemical conversion on the same basis. BLUNT works by building up a selected processing route from a number of process steps through which the material passes sequentially. Each process step has a step model that calculates the mass and energy balances, the utilities usage and the capital cost for that step of the process. The results of the step models are combined to determine the performance of the whole conversion route. Sample results from the modelling are presented in this thesis. Due to the large number of possible combinations of feeds, conversion processes, products and sensitivity analyses a complete set of results is impractical to present in a single publication. Variation of the production costs for the available products have been illustrated based on the cost of a wood feedstock. The effect of selected macroeconomic factors on the production costs of bio-diesel and gasoline are also given.


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Today, speciality use organoclays are being developed for an increasingly large number of specific applications. Many of these, including use in cosmetics, polishes, greases and paints, require that the material be free from abrasive impurities so that the product retains a smooth `feel'. The traditional `wet' method preparation of organoclays inherently removes abrasives naturally present in the parent mineral clay, but it is time-consuming and expensive. The primary objective of this thesis was to explore the alternative `dry' method (which is both quicker and cheaper but which provides no refining of the parent clay) as a process, and to examine the nature of the organoclays produced, for the production of a wide range of commercially usable organophilic clays in a facile way. Natural Wyoming bentonite contains two quite different types of silicate surface (that of the clay mineral montmorillonite and that of a quartz impurity) that may interact with the cationic surfactant added in the `dry' process production of organoclays. However, it is oil shale, and not the quartz, that is chiefly responsible for the abrasive nature of the material, although air refinement in combination with the controlled milling of the bentonite as a pretreatment may offer a route to its removal. Ion exchange of Wyoming bentonite with a long chain quaternary ammonium salt using the `dry' process affords a partially exchanged, 69-78%, organoclay, with a monolayer formation of ammonium ions in the interlayer. Excess ion pairs are sorbed on the silicate surfaces of both the clay mineral and the quartz impurity phases. Such surface sorption is enhanced by the presence of very finely divided, super paramagnetic, Fe2O3 or Fe(O)(OH) contaminating the surfaces of the major mineral components. The sorbed material is labile to washing, and induces a measurable shielding of the 29Si nuclei in both clay and quartz phases in the MAS NMR experiment, due to an anisotropic magnetic susceptibility effect. XRD data for humidified samples reveal the interlamellar regions to be strongly hydrophobic, with the by-product sodium chloride being expelled to the external surfaces. Many organic cations will exchange onto a clay. The tetracationic cyclophane, and multipurpose receptor, cyclobis(paraquat-p-phenylene) undergoes ion exchange onto Wyoming bentonite to form a pillared clay with a very regular gallery height. The major plane of the cyclophane is normal to the silicate surfaces, thus allowing the cavity to remain available for complexation. A series of group VI substituted o-dimethoxybenzenes were introduced, and shown to participate in host/guest interactions with the cyclophane. Evidence is given which suggests that the binding of the host structure to a clay substrate offers advantages, not only of transportability and usability but of stability, to the charge-transfer complex which may prove useful in a variety of commercial applications. The fundamental relationship between particle size, cation exchange capacity and chemical composition of clays was also examined. For Wyoming bentonite the extent of isomorphous substitution increases with decreasing particle size, causing the CEC to similarly increase, although the isomorphous substitution site: edge site ratio remains invarient throughout the particle size range studied.


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The research examines the deposition of airborne particles which contain heavy metals and investigates the methods that can be used to identify their sources. The research focuses on lead and cadmium because these two metals are of growing public and scientific concern on environmental health grounds. The research consists of three distinct parts. The first is the development and evaluation of a new deposition measurement instrument - the deposit cannister - designed specifically for large-scale surveys in urban areas. The deposit cannister is specifically designed to be cheap, robust, and versatile and therefore to permit comprehensive high-density urban surveys. The siting policy reduces contamination from locally resuspended surface-dust. The second part of the research has involved detailed surveys of heavy metal deposition in Walsall, West Midlands, using the new high-density measurement method. The main survey, conducted over a six-week period in November - December 1982, provided 30-day samples of deposition at 250 different sites. The results have been used to examine the magnitude and spatial variability of deposition rates in the case-study area, and to evaluate the performance of the measurement method. The third part of the research has been to conduct a 'source-identification' exercise. The methods used have been Receptor Models - Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis - and a predictive source-based deposition model. The results indicate that there are six main source processes contributing to deposition of metals in the Walsall area: coal combustion, vehicle emissions, ironfounding, copper refining and two general industrial/urban processes. |A source-based deposition model has been calibrated using facctorscores for one source factor as the dependent variable, rather than metal deposition rates, thus avoiding problems traditionally encountered in calibrating models in complex multi-source areas. Empirical evidence supports the hypothesised associatlon of this factor with emissions of metals from the ironfoundry industry.