913 resultados para Rear Drives.


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Payoff heterogeneity weakens positive feedback in binary choice models intwo ways. First, heterogeneity drives individuals to corners where theyare unaffected by strategic complementarities. Second, aggregate behaviouris smoother than individual behaviour when individuals are heterogeneous.However, this smoothing does not necessarily eliminate positive feedbackor guarantee a unique equilibrium. In games with an unbounded, continuouschoice space, heterogeneity may either weaken or strengthen positive feedback,depending on a simple convexity/concavity condition. We conclude that positivefeedback phenomena derived in representative agent models will often be robustto heterogeneity.


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In this paper, we use a unique long-run dataset of regulatory constraints on capital account openness to explain stock market correlations. Since stock returns themselves are highly volatile, any examination of what drives correlations needs to focus on long runs of data. This is particularly true since some of the short-term changes in co-movements appear to reverse themselves (Delroy Hunter 2005). We argue that changes in the co-movement of indices have not been random. Rather, they are mainly driven by greater freedom to move funds from one country to another. In related work, Geert Bekaert and Campbell Harvey (2000) show that equity correlations increase after liberalization of capital markets, using a number of case studies from emerging countries. We examine this pattern systematically for the last century, and find it to be most pronounced in the recent past. We compare the importance of capital account openness with one main alternative explanation, the growing synchronization of economic fundamentals. We conclude that greater openness has been the single most important cause of growing correlations during the last quarter of a century, though increasingly correlated economic fundamentals also matter. In the conclusion, we offer some thoughts on why the effects of greater openness appear to be so much stronger today than they were during the last era of globalization before 1914.


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We present an argument for changes in the franchise in which an elite split along economic interests use the suffrage to influence implemented policies. Through the influence of these policies on the character of industrialization, we analyze the effects of franchise changes on economic growth. We identify in the social structure of society an explanation for the connection between enfranchisement and growth: When (1) there exist an economic conflict among the elite, (2) landed classes are not politically strong, and (3) there exists a critical mass of industrial workers, we observe both growth and democratization. The lack of conditions (1) or (2) resolves in stagnant autocracies while the absence of condition (3) drives growth-deterring democratic expansions. We provide historical support for our argument by analyzing the experience of 11 countries.


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abstract: Cape Verde is a country of bilingual characteristics, where coexist two languages: the mother tongue – the Creole of Cape Verde (CCV) or the Capeverdian Language (LCV) and the Non Maternal language – the Portuguese that is the official language and, therefore, the language used in the process of education and learning. This situation generates conflicts so much to linguistic level as to cultural level. The two languages presents some lexical resemblances, what drives, many times, to misconceptions and linguistics errors that complicate children in the learning, in particular, of reading that constitute the base for the learning of others knowledge. The learning of reading, in the Non Maternal language, requires a development of the oral language in Portuguese Language, which stimulates the reasoning of the child through playful exercises and cognitivists and construtivists approaches. In this way, the competences of phonological processing in the acquisition of the competences of reading are important for the discrimination of written text and favor the learning and the development of reading. The child, through the discovery, begins to elaborate concepts in the way to obtain a relation with the written language, by functional form. Adopting a methodology of case study and through questionnaires, direct observation and collect of documentary information, this dissertation presents and analyzes connected aspects to the literacy of capeverdian children in the beginning of the schooling and to the learning of reading as basic support for the learning of Non Maternal language. The subsidies collected by the study, presented in this dissertation will contribute for the education progress of reading and, also, for implement successfully the learning of reading of the students, developing to practical of reading and the expectations in uncover the multiplicity of the dimensions of experience in that domain and contribute for a relative comprehension of written and reading modes.


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Introduction 1. Généralités : Le sport occupe une place importante dans notre société, de manière active par la pratique d'une ou de plusieurs activités sportives, ou de manière passive, au travers de la presse, de la radio et de la télévision. Le sport est ainsi un acte de participation, d'appartenance, de revendication et d'intégration à la société en général ou à un groupe. Il stimule l'imagination et permet de rêver aux héros sportifs. Enfin, non seulement il améliore la santé de ceux qui le pratique, mais il a une dimension éducative et joue un rôle social, culturel et récréatif. Toutefois, le sport est également un spectacle qui provoque des passions et engendre des émotions de la part des supporters, dont certains s'exaltent pour leur équipe fétiche. Il arrive que ce supportérisme soit à tel point exacerbé qu'il mène à des dérives pouvant aboutir à des actes de violence dans et en dehors des stades, ceci tant avant, pendant qu'après le match. A titre d'exemple tragique, les téléspectateurs garderont longtemps en mémoire les scènes auxquelles ils ont assisté le 29 mai 1985, en direct, lorsque, avant le début de la rencontre, des hooligans anglais ont attaqué des supporters italiens dans les gradins du bloc Z du stade du Heysel à Bruxelles, lors de la finale de la Coupe d'Europe des champions, opposant le FC Liverpool à la Juventus de Turin; 39 personnes en sont mortes et 600 ont été blessées. La Suisse, longtemps épargnée par le phénomène, en regard de la situation qui a prévalu dans d'autres Etats européens, ne peut échapper, depuis quelques années, au triste constat selon lequel les stades constituent désormais des environnements propices à des actions de violence, de racisme et, plus rarement, d'extrémisme. Le cas le plus révélateur a eu lieu le 13 mai 2006, lorsque des fauteurs de trouble ont envahi le terrain du Parc Saint-Jacques de Bâle après le coup de sifflet final du match de championnat opposant le FC Bâle au FC Zurich, match dont l'enjeu était la première place du classement du championnat de Super League, pour attaquer à coups de pied et à coups de poing des joueurs, des accompagnants et des personnes chargées de la sécurité. Les affrontements ont continué dans la rue jusque tard dans la soirée. Il s'en est suivi une centaine de blessés et des dégâts d'un demi million de francs. De tels débordements mettent en danger la sécurité du public, des équipes et des arbitres. Il s'agit de tout mettre en oeuvre afin que les spectateurs qui assistent à une manifestation sportive puissent prendre du plaisir aux performances des sportifs sans devoir craindre pour leur sécurité. De même, les acteurs sur le terrain doivent pouvoir exercer leur sport sans craindre un envahissement de l'aire de jeu. Ainsi, les Etats et les associations sportives ont élaboré des textes juridiques afin d'éviter des débordements ou tout autre événement qui pourraient mettre en danger des personnes ou des biens matériels lors de manifestations sportives. Sous l'angle du droit étatique helvétique, cela s'est traduit, notamment en vue du déroulement en Suisse du Championnat d'Europe de football de l'UEFA en 2008 (EURO 2008) et du Championnat du monde de hockey sur glace en 2009, par l'adoption de mesures préventives permettant de lutter contre les actes de violence lors de manifestations sportives, introduites dans la Loi fédérale du 21 mars 1997 instituant des mesures visant au maintien de la sûreté intérieure (LMSI). Elles se concrétisent par l'inscription d'individus ayant commis des actes de violence dans une banque de données nationale, ainsi que par le recours au périmètre d'exclusion, à l'interdiction de sortie du territoire, à l'obligation de s'annoncer à la police et, en dernier ressort, à la garde à vue; enfin, il est également possible de saisir, séquestrer ou confisquer du matériel de propagande5. La mise en place de telles mesures relève de l'Etat, garant de la sécurité et de l'ordre publics à l'extérieur des enceintes sportives. L'organisateur, chargé quant à lui d'assurer la sécurité à l'intérieur du stade, n'est toutefois pas en marge, puisque les fédérations et associations sportives ont édicté des règlements dont il est le destinataire. Ces textes prévoient, à sa charge, notamment les mesures suivantes: le prononcé d'interdictions de stade à l'encontre de supporters violents, la fouille accrue des spectateurs, l'engagement d'un service de sécurité privé, l'obligation de désigner un responsable de la sécurité, la séparation des différents groupes de supporters, etc.. Il appartient ainsi aux associations sportives, aux organisateurs, aux chargés de la sécurité au sein des clubs et aux forces de l'ordre public d'appliquer de la meilleure façon que ce soit les mesures proposées et de collaborer afin de combattre les débordements des spectateurs de manière effective. Prévenir et supprimer la violence dans les manifestations sportives exige ainsi la mobilisation et la collaboration de tous les protagonistes concernés.


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abstract: Cape Verde is a country of bilingual characteristics, where coexist two languages: the mother tongue – the Creole of Cape Verde (CCV) or the Capeverdian Language (LCV) and the Non Maternal language – the Portuguese that is the official language and, therefore, the language used in the process of education and learning. This situation generates conflicts so much to linguistic level as to cultural level. The two languages presents some lexical resemblances, what drives, many times, to misconceptions and linguistics errors that complicate children in the learning, in particular, of reading that constitute the base for the learning of others knowledge. The learning of reading, in the Non Maternal language, requires a development of the oral language in Portuguese Language, which stimulates the reasoning of the child through playful exercises and cognitivists and construtivists approaches. In this way, the competences of phonological processing in the acquisition of the competences of reading are important for the discrimination of written text and favor the learning and the development of reading. The child, through the discovery, begins to elaborate concepts in the way to obtain a relation with the written language, by functional form. Adopting a methodology of case study and through questionnaires, direct observation and collect of documentary information, this dissertation presents and analyzes connected aspects to the literacy of capeverdian children in the beginning of the schooling and to the learning of reading as basic support for the learning of Non Maternal language. The subsidies collected by the study, presented in this dissertation will contribute for the education progress of reading and, also, for implement successfully the learning of reading of the students, developing to practical of reading and the expectations in uncover the multiplicity of the dimensions of experience in that domain and contribute for a relative comprehension of written and reading modes.


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Na concepção deste trabalho, que tem como tema O texto literário na aula de Português L2 – Uma proposta de didactização: Vida e Morte de João Cabafume, de Gabriel Mariano, procurámos investigar e reflectir sobre a abordagem do texto literário no 3º ciclo do ensino secundário cabo-verdiano, especificamente na aula de Português L2, nas áreas de estudos Científica e Tecnológica e Económica e Social, do 11º ano de escolaridade, seguida da apresentação, a título de exemplo, de uma proposta de didactização do texto acima mencionado, na perspectiva da utilização do texto literário como material em que o uso estético da língua potencia a dimensão plural da significação. Para a consecução dos objectivos propostos, procurámos dar visibilidade, na perspectiva da leitura do texto literário, às orientações do programa, às potenciais práticas pedagógicas no ensino de narrativa literária, incluindo os métodos de ensino, os recursos utilizados pelos professores, a forma como os alunos encaram todo o processo de leitura do texto literário em que está envolvido. No entanto, para a concepção da proposta de didactização, procurámos cruzar propostas metodológicas de modelos de leitura e métodos de ensino do texto narrativo e de línguas defendidos por vários autores do campo da didáctica da literatura e das línguas, cujos princípios assentam em bases que valorizam a interacção entre o texto e o leitor. Partindo de um conto de Gabriel Mariano, escritor cabo-verdiano, Vida e Morte de João Cabafume, tentámos propor um roteiro de leitura adequada do texto narrativo, de forma a conduzir o aluno não só na leitura do contexto narrativo, como também na compreensão da dimensão plural da língua enquanto material estético, procurando desenvolver, fundamentalmente, as suas atitudes, os valores éticos e morais e, num âmbito complementar, as suas competências da escrita e da oralidade. Palavras-chave: Texto Literário, Leitura, Escrita, Oralidade, Português L2.


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We investigate whether the gender composition of teams affect theireconomic performance. We study a large business game, played in groups ofthree, where each group takes the role of a general manager. There are twoparallel competitions, one involving undergraduates and the other involvingMBAs. Our analysis shows that teams formed by three women aresignificantly outperformed by any other gender combination, both at theundergraduate and MBA levels. Looking across the performancedistribution, we find that for undergraduates, three women teams areoutperformed throughout, but by as much as 10pp at the bottom and by only1pp at the top. For MBAs, at the top, the best performing group is two menand one woman. The differences in performance are explained bydifferences in decision-making. We observe that three women teams are lessaggressive in their pricing strategies, invest less in R&D, and invest more insocial sustainability initiatives, than any other gender combination teams.Finally, we find support for the hypothesis that it is poor work dynamicsamong the three women teams that drives the results.


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Life cycle of Tenuipalpus heveae Baker (Acari, Tenuipalpidae) on leaflets from three rubber tree clones. The biological cycle of Tenuipalpus heveae Baker, 1945 (Tenuipalpidae), a potential rubber tree pest mite, was studied by the observation of individuals reared on leaflets of the clones GT 1, PB 235 and RRIM 600, in controlled environmental conditions. Three daily observations were done of 60 eggs on leaflets from each clone in order to verify the development of immature stages and the female oviposition. The fertility life table was constructed based in the collected data. Mites reared on PB 235 had faster rate of development, requiring less time in days, to double its population in number (TD), and had the highest values for egg production, female longevity, net reproductive rate (Ro), intrinsic rate of natural increase (r m) and finite rate of increase (λ). Lower reproductive values and the longest time necessary to reach adult stage were recorded for the mites on GT 1. In all studied clones, the deutonymphal phase had the highest viability, while the larval phase had the lowest, highlighted by the survivorship curve that indicated high mortality during this life stage. The clone PB 235 allowed the most suitable conditions for the development of T. heveae, followed by RRIM 600, while GT 1 was the less suitable substratum to rear this mite species.


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Since World War II, the United States government has made improved accessto higher education a priority. This e¤ort has substantially increasedthe number of people who complete college. We show that by reducing theeffective interest rate on borrowing for education, such policies canactually increase the gap in wages between those with a college educationand those without. The mechanism that drives our results is the signaling role of education first explored by Spence (1973). We argue that financialconstraints on education reduce the value of education as a signal. Wesolve for the reduced form relationship between the interest rate and thewage premium in the steady state of a dynamic asymmetric information model.In addition, we discuss evidence of decreases in borrowing costs for educationfinancing in the U.S.


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Résumé : Si la psychanalyse est régulièrement remise en cause pour son manque de fondement scientifique, de nombreux travaux issus des neurosciences en appellent paradoxalement à un retour aux thèses freudiennes. Cette étude se propose, dans ce contexte, de revisiter les bases neurobiologiques de la métapsychologie et de montrer comment celle-ci repose sur une conception homéostatique du vivant. On en tire plusieurs conséquences. Premièrement, contre Brentano, selon qui l'intentionnalité est la marque du psychologique, on propose que celle-ci s'avère être, plus originellement, la marque des régulations biologiques. Deuxièmement, on montre comment Freud et Damasio développent des conceptions similaires sur le fonctionnement homéostatique de la cognition. Sur le plan épistémologique, on plaide en faveur de la complémentarité de ces deux approches. Si Damasio met au jour les variables somatiques permettant de mesurer les effets de la vie psychique, la théorie pulsionnelle permet de dépasser les problèmes liés à l'ambiguïté de la notion de «représentation cérébrale ». C'est à partir de cette thèse que l'on peut, selon nous, appréhender la psychanalyse comme un double projet visant à articuler une naturalisation de l'appareil psychique à une herméneutique de ses productions. On considère cette double visée comme une réponse à la difficulté centrale que rencontrent les sciences de l'esprit quant aux conditions de possibilité d'une naturalisation de l'intentionnalité. A partir de cette problématique, il devient pertinent d'évaluer la solution freudienne à la lumière de la posture intentionnelle dennettienne et de la théorie gazzaniguienne de l'interpreter. II ne s'agit pas, selon ces dernières approches, de naturaliser directement l'intentionnalité, au risque de commettre une erreur de catégorie. Il est question, au contraire, d'utiliser les principes du fonctionnement homéostatique comme autant de «règles »interprétatives permettant, sur le plan psychologique, de construire du sens. On trouve enfin dans le modèle de l'espace global de travail un moyen de remettre au goût du jour la conception freudienne, dynamique et conflictuelle, du fonctionnement psychique. On avance enfin, à partir de ce modèle, des hypothèses sur les mécanismes cérébraux susceptibles de sous-tendre l'efficacité thérapeutique de la cure analytique. Abstract : While Psychoanalysis' scientific basis is open to question, some neuroscience works are paradoxically calling for a return to Freud. Therefore, the first aim of our study consists in revisiting metapychology's neurobiological roots and to show how it is grounded on a homeostatic theory of life. Several consequences can be drawn from this statement. Firstly, in opposition to Brentanian definition of intentionality, as the specific mark of psychology, we argue that it is more specifically the mark of biological balance. Secondly, this statement allows to show how Freud's and Damasio's theories share common views on the homeostatic functioning of cognition. From an epistemological point of view, they complete one another. If Damasio has highlighted the measurable somatic variables from which we can infer psychic life, the theory of drives allows conceptual difficulties linked to the use of the ambiguous notion of "cerebral representation" to be overcome. According to us, this thesis leads psychoanalysis to be approached as a twin project aiming to articulate psyche naturalization, to a hermeneutic of its productions. It maybe seen as a way to respond to the central issue of mind sciences, that is, to account for the naturalization of intentionality. Given this theoretical framework, it seems relevant to reconsider freudism in the light of the dennettian intentional stance and the gazzanigan theory of interpreter. Then, freudism can be seen as a way to avoid a category mistake. Its solution rejects direct intentionality naturalization in favor of a construction of sense. In this framework, interpretation is regulated by the rules abstracted from the homeostatic functioning of life. Furthermore, we show how the dynamic and conflictual Freudian psyche can be evaluated using the Global workspace model, which allows us to put forth hypotheses on the cerebral mechanisms that may underlie the efficiency of analytical cure.


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In many insect societies, workers can manipulate the reproductive output of their colony by killing kin of lesser value to them. For instance, workers of the mound-building For mica exsecta eliminate male brood in colonies headed by a single-mated queen. By combining an inclusive fitness model and empirical data, we investigated the selective causes underlying these fratricides. Our model examines until which threshold stage in male brood development do the workers benefit from eliminating males to rear extra females instead. We then determined the minimal developmental stage reached by male larvae before elimination in F. exsecta field colonies. Surprisingly, many male larvae were kept until they were close to pupation, and only then eliminated. According to our model, part of the eliminated males were so large that workers would not benefit from replacing them with new females. Moreover, males were eliminated late in the season, so that new females could no longer be initiated, because matings take place synchronously during a short period. Together, these results indicate that workers did not replace male brood with new females, but rather reduced total brood size during late larval development. Male destruction was probably triggered by resource limitation, and the timing of brood elimination suggests that males may have been fed to females when these start to grow exponentially during the final larval stage. Hence, the evolution of fratricides in ants is best explained by a combination of ecological, demographic and genetic parameters.


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In Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), a persistently altered and reorganizing extracellular matrix (ECM) within inflamed muscle promotes damage and dysfunction. However, the molecular determinants of the ECM that mediate inflammatory changes and faulty tissue reorganization remain poorly defined. Here, we show that fibrin deposition is a conspicuous consequence of muscle-vascular damage in dystrophic muscles of DMD patients and mdx mice and that elimination of fibrin(ogen) attenuated dystrophy progression in mdx mice. These benefits appear to be tied to: (i) a decrease in leukocyte integrin α(M)β(2)-mediated proinflammatory programs, thereby attenuating counterproductive inflammation and muscle degeneration; and (ii) a release of satellite cells from persistent inhibitory signals, thereby promoting regeneration. Remarkably, Fib-gamma(390-396A) (Fibγ(390-396A)) mice expressing a mutant form of fibrinogen with normal clotting function, but lacking the α(M)β(2) binding motif, ameliorated dystrophic pathology. Delivery of a fibrinogen/α(M)β(2) blocking peptide was similarly beneficial. Conversely, intramuscular fibrinogen delivery sufficed to induce inflammation and degeneration in fibrinogen-null mice. Thus, local fibrin(ogen) deposition drives dystrophic muscle inflammation and dysfunction, and disruption of fibrin(ogen)-α(M)β(2) interactions may provide a novel strategy for DMD treatment.


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Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) is known as a "death ligand"-a member of the TNF superfamily that binds to receptors bearing death domains. As well as causing apoptosis of certain types of tumor cells, TRAIL can activate both NF-kappaB and JNK signalling pathways. To determine the role of TGF-beta-Activated Kinase-1 (TAK1) in TRAIL signalling, we analyzed the effects of adding TRAIL to mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) derived from TAK1 conditional knockout mice. TAK1-/- MEFs were significantly more sensitive to killing by TRAIL than wild-type MEFs, and failed to activate NF-kappaB or JNK. Overexpression of IKK2-EE, a constitutive activator of NF-kappaB, protected TAK1-/- MEFs against TRAIL killing, suggesting that TAK1 activation of NF-kappaB is critical for the viability of cells treated with TRAIL. Consistent with this model, TRAIL failed to induce the survival genes cIAP2 and cFlipL in the absence of TAK1, whereas activation of NF-kappaB by IKK2-EE restored the levels of both proteins. Moreover, ectopic expression of cFlipL, but not cIAP2, in TAK1-/- MEFs strongly inhibited TRAIL-induced cell death. These results indicate that cells that survive TRAIL treatment may do so by activation of a TAK1-NF-kappaB pathway that drives expression of cFlipL, and suggest that TAK1 may be a good target for overcoming TRAIL resistance.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Les 23 et 24 novembre 1996, s'est déroulé à la Faculté de théologie de Toulouse, à l'occasion de la remise d'un volume d'hommages à Simon Légasse, un colloque intitulé « Procès de Jésus, procès des Juifs ? » Le titre du colloque mérite une explication. Le point d'interrogation exprime tout à la fois le questionnement et l'incrédulité devant la possibilité de s'appuyer sur les récits rapportant le procès de Jésus pour mettre en accusation les Juifs. L'association des deux expressions rappelle que l'histoire des chrétiens n'a que trop souvent démontré que le procès de Jésus pouvait servir à justifier des pratiques antijudaïques et antisémites. Au terme du colloque, deux enseignements se dégagent avec force : d'abord que l'ignorance est toujours coupable. Les chrétiens doivent connaître leur dette envers le peuple juif et cesser de caricaturer leur interprétation de la Bible ou de faire comme si le judaïsme s'était éteint à l'avènement du christianisme. Ensuite, que la médiation de la critique historique est essentielle, car les Écritures, Parole de Dieu, sont aussi parole humaine et l'on s'expose à de dangereuses dérives si l'on oublie de tenir compte de leur historicité.