660 resultados para RESERVATÓRIOS


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O Ácido Kójico (AK) é uma substancia produzida por cepas de Aspergillus sp. Foi isolado pela primeira vez em 1907, através do estudo feito a partir do crescimento desse fungo em arroz cozido a vapor. É usado na cosmetologia como antioxidante e despigmentante para uso tópico. Atua como um potente antioxidante quelando íons de ferro e os íons de cobre presentes no seu sítio ativo da tirosinase impedindo a formação de melanina. O isononanoato de cetoestearila, utilizado na formulação, tem ampla utilização em cosméticos como cremes protetores de epiderme, cremes de maquiagens, cremes de proteção solar, loções e desodorantes por ser emoliente, não possuir cheiro e toque seco. Os sistemas nanoestruturados, como por exemplo, os sistemas líquidocristalinos aumentam a solubilidade dos princípios ativos incorporados ao sistema e aumentam a solubilidade dos princípios ativos incorporados ao sistema e aumentam a estabilidade e diminuem a toxidade, pois agem como reservatórios e dependendo da interação fármaco-sistema, altera a biodisponibilidade. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver e caracterizar um sistema líquido cristalino constituído por água e isononanoato de cetoestearila (óleo), e estabilizado com o tensoativo álcool cetílico etoxilado e propoxilado contendo ácido kójico avaliando sua estabilidade através de estudos de termoanálises


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Pós-graduação em Geologia Regional - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We collected 50 samples of curasow feces from the Scientific and Cultural Breeding Center in the city of Poços de Caldas. The samples were enriched in broth medium Tetrationato and Cystine-selenite and plated on Salmonella Shigella (SS), Mac Conkey (MC), endo-C (EC), Brilliant Green (VB) and Eosyn Methilen Blue EMB, remaining at 37 °C for 24h. Colonies suspected of Salmonella were inoculated in tubes containing Agar Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) and again incubated at 37 ºC for 24h. Tubes with characteristic growth were submitted to slide agglutination test with polyvalent somatic and flagellar serum. The medium SS, MC and VB were the most efficient for growing, and 36% of samples were positive for Salmonella spp. As birds are important reservoirs of Salmonella spp and it may represent a high risk to human health, there is a need to implement a cleaning routine in enclosures avoiding contamination between the enclosures and the consequent entrainment of these micro-organisms, by the keepers until their homes or other venues. The presence of Salmonella in breeding centers may be responsible for lower hatchability of eggs, undermining the purpose of the entity, which is to study and maintain the various birds species.


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Co-infections by Leishmania (L.) chagasi, Trypanosoma evansi, Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in dogs were investigated. Amastigotes forms of Leishmania spp. were detected by cytopathological analysis of lymph nodes in 46,42% (39/84) of dogs. In a male dog, adult, without defined breed, from rural area and positive for Leishmania, were observed flagellated forms of T. evansi in blood smear. By immunofluorescence antibody test, 5,95% (5/84) of dogs were considered reactive to T. gondii, with titer equal to or higher than 1:64, while 3,57% (3/84) were reactive to N. caninum, with titer ≥1:50. Among the animals with visceral leishmaniasis, one showed positive serological response to T. gondii and two for N. caninum. All dogs reactive to N. caninum were from rural area and the predominance of infection by T. gondii was in dogs from urban area. A young male dog from the rural area and seropositive for T. gondii showed Ehrlichia spp. morulae in the cytology and positive reaction for canine distemper virus. Thus, further studies are needed to assess the epidemiology of these infections in canine population, especially with respect to the reservoirs of Trypanosoma spp. in rural areas.


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Leishmania is a protozoan belonging to the family Trypanosomatidae, obligate intracellular parasite cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system. In the New and Old World several orders of wild mammals (natural reservoirs) and various species of sandflies (vectors) are involved in the transmission of leishmaniasis. The new settlements in rural areas, changes in the environment and unplanned urbanization increased human contact with vector and interaction with the animal reservoir. A simple prophylactic measure seems to be the vector control as well as disease reservoir. With the goal of raising the prophylactic measures that are being used in vector control, the reservoir of the disease and what the infrastructure accordingly. We conducted a literature review in July 2011 in the electronic databases of Bireme, Medline, CancerLit, Portal Capes, SciELO, PubMed and Medscape, the main texts on the subject. Thus, the development of a vaccine that is effective against various forms of leishmaniasis in the old and new world, it is necessary and has been recommended by WHO as a possible tool for effective eradication of the disease.