676 resultados para RAFT, polimeri, copolimeri, cromofori, azobenzene, micelle, NIPAM, fotoisomerizzazione
Sintesi e caratterizzazione di nuovi poliesteri alifatici per uso biomedicale.
Questo lavoro di tesi si inserisce in un contesto di ricerca molto attuale, il quale, studia nuove procedure sintetiche sostenibili per la preparazione di strutture poliuretaniche. Partendo dall’etilene carbonato e dall’esametilendiammina, due molecole che possono essere ricavate da fonti rinnovabili, sono state ottimizzate la sintesi e la purificazione di un carbammato: bis(2-idrossietil)-esan-1,6-diildicarbammato (BHEDC), senza l’impiego di solventi ed in condizioni blande. Il BHEDC è conosciuto in letteratura, ma è poco studiato e non viene attualmente utilizzato come monomero. In questo lavoro il bis(2-idrossietil)-esan-1,6-diildicarbammato è stato polimerizzato in massa con diverse percentuali di bis(2-idrossietil)-tereftalato (BHET), il quale non è ricavabile da fonti naturali ma è ottenibile dal riciclo chimico del Poli-Etilene Tereftalato (PET). Sono state successivamente analizzate la struttura chimica e le proprietà termiche nonché spettroscopiche dei nuovi composti poliuretanici, così da poterne definire le correlazioni tra la struttura e le prestazioni finali. Infine, è stata messa a punto una procedura di tipo one-pot per la preparazione dei poliuretani sopra citati; questa prevede la sintesi diretta dei polimeri senza la necessità dello stadio di purificazione del bis(2-idrossietil)-esan-1,6-diildicarbammato.
L’oggetto della presente tesi di laurea magistrale consiste nello studio di polimeri coniugati nella catena principale, per una loro applicazione come materiali fotoattivi in celle fotovoltaiche. In particolare, sono stati sintetizzati e caratterizzati politiofeni tioalchil sostituiti, funzionalizzati in posizione 3-3' con catene alchiliche di diversa lunghezza e grado di ramificazione (tra cui una chirale), al fine di studiarne l'effetto sulle proprietà ottiche ed elettriche del materiale. I polimeri ottenuti sono stati caratterizzati mediante tecniche spettroscopiche (1H-NMR, UV-PL), cromatografia a permeazione su gel (GPC), analisi termiche (DSC, TGA) e misure elettrochimiche (voltammetria ciclica). Il comportamento chiro-ottico del campione chirale è stato inoltre valutato tramite misure di dicroismo circolare. Si è infine testata l’efficienza delle celle fotovoltaiche ottenute utilizzando i polimeri sintetizzati come materiale fotoattivo.
L’utilizzo delle biomasse rappresenta oggi una delle vie più interessanti da percorrere nell’ambito di una chimica industriale maggiormente sostenibile, alternativa alla chimica tradizionale basata sulle risorse fossili. I carboidrati sono i costituenti maggioritari della biomassa e potrebbero rappresentare un’alternativa ideale al petrolio per la produzione dei building-blocks, molecole di partenza per lo sviluppo della filiera produttiva della chimica. Fra i building-blocks ottenibili dagli zuccheri vi è l’acido glucarico. I suoi usi sono molteplici ma suscita grande interesse soprattutto per la possibilità di essere utilizzato nella sintesi di diverse tipologie di polimeri. Attualmente la maggior parte dei metodi di sintesi di questa molecola prevedono l’utilizzo di ossidanti tossici o dannosi per l’ambiente come l’acido nitrico. Lo scopo di questo lavoro di tesi è stato lo studio di catalizzatori eterogenei per la sintesi di acido glucarico da D-glucosio utilizzando ossigeno puro come ossidante. Sono stati sintetizzati sistemi monometallici a base di oro e sistemi multimetallici contenenti oro ed altri metalli in lega. Tutti i catalizzatori sono stati preparati depositando i metalli sotto forma di nanoparticelle su carbone attivo. Lo studio dei catalizzatori è stato focalizzato sull’individuazione dei metalli e delle condizioni di reazione ottimali che permettano di aumentare la selettività in acido glucarico. Gli studi condotti hanno portato alla conclusione che è possibile ottenere acido glucarico a partire da D-glucosio con rese fino al 35% utilizzando catalizzatori a base di oro in presenza di ossigeno. Attualmente l’acido glucarico viene prodotto solo su piccola scala ma ulteriori sviluppi in questa direzione potrebbero aprire la strada allo sviluppo di un nuovo processo industriale per la sintesi di acido glucarico sostenibile sia da un punto di vista economico che ambientale.
La ricerca riguarda lo studio delle modifiche indotte dalla diffusione di acqua e umidità nelle pavimentazioni stradali con riferimento ai materiali bituminosi. Lo scopo è stato quello di analizzare le implicazioni che si sviluppano a livello chimico e reologico in vari bitumi. In questo progetto oltre alla fase sperimentale, è stato utilizzato un software per la simulazione agli elementi finiti. Per quanto concerne la fase di laboratorio, è stato sviluppato un nuovo protocollo di condizionamento. Tre diversi bitumi sono stati soggetti alla diffusione di acqua in forma liquida o vapore, a determinate condizioni ambientali e per svariati intervalli temporali. Grazie a l’utilizzo di due camere climatiche il condizionamento è stato realizzato in modo uniforme a precisi valori temperatura e umidità mantenuti stabili. I materiali analizzati: un bitume soft, uno hard, ed infine uno modificato con l’aggiunta di polimeri. Il dispositivo FTIR-ATR è stato utilizzato per la caratterizzazione chimica, mentre il comportamento reologico è stato analizzato tramite test eseguiti con il DSR. Le avanzate tecnologie presenti nel laboratorio della TU Delft hanno consentito di ottenere notevoli risultati. L’analisi è stata condotta con l’obiettivo di evidenziare i diversi cambiamenti indotti dalla diffusione di acqua liquida o vapore e per analizzare l’influenza della temperatura, del tipo del bitume e dell’incremento del tempo di condizionamento. Una analisi analoga è stata condotta parallelamente, con lo scopo di investigare la correlazione tra il processo di invecchiamento e la diffusione di umidità. Infine, la simulazione agli elementi finiti è stata sviluppata tramite il software CAPA-3D per analizzare il comportamento del bitume in periodi più estesi di diffusione di umidità. Inoltre, il comportamento dei bitumi è stato studiato anche in presenza di particelle di riempitivo. Particelle granitiche e calcaree sono state aggiunte ai bitumi in differenti percentuali.
The combination of advanced ultraperformance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry, chemometrics, and genetically modified mice provide an attractive raft of technologies with which to examine the metabolism of xenobiotics. Here, a reexamination of the metabolism of the food mutagen PhIP (2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine), the suspect carcinogen areca alkaloids (arecoline, arecaidine, and arecoline 1-oxide), the hormone supplement melatonin, and the metabolism of the experimental cancer therapeutic agent aminoflavone is presented. In all cases, the metabolic maps of the xenobiotics were considerably enlarged, providing new insights into their toxicology. The inclusion of transgenic mice permitted unequivocal attribution of individual and often novel metabolic pathways to particular enzymes. Last, a future perspective for xenobiotic metabolomics is discussed and its impact on the metabolome is described. The studies reviewed here are not specific to the mouse and can be adapted to study xenobiotic metabolism in any animal species, including humans. The view through the metabolometer is unique and visualizes a metabolic space that contains both established and unknown metabolites of a xenobiotic, thereby enhancing knowledge of their modes of toxic action.
Transient trapping is a new mechanism of on-line sample concentration and separation that has recently been presented. It involves the injection of a short length of micellar solution in front of the sample, making it similar to sweeping in partial-filling MEKC. Here, we examine the mechanism of transient trapping by the use of computer simulations and compare it to sweeping in MEKC for the two analytes, sulforhodamine B and 101. The simulation results confirm the mechanism for concentration and separation originally proposed. The mechanism for concentration is similar to sweeping since the analytes are picked and accumulated by the micelles that penetrate the sample zone. The mechanism for separation is however quite unique since the concentrated analytes are trapped for a few seconds on the sample/micelle boundary before they are released as the concentration of micelle is reduced as it undergoes electromigration dispersion and the analytes separate down a micelle gradient. Simulation results suggested that a significant contribution of band broadening arises from the micelle gradient, with shallower gradients resulting in broader peaks. However, this is offset by an increase in selectivity, such that resolution was enhanced even though the peaks are broader. Transient trapping analysis with similar resolution to those obtained by sweeping MEKC could be achieved in 1/10 of the time and 1/4 of the capillary length, which results in a 2-3 times increase in sensitivity.
Shine and rise! GABA(A) receptors are ligand-gated chloride ion channels that respond to γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter of the mammalian central nervous system. Azobenzene derivatives of propofol, such as compound 1 (see scheme), increase GABA-induced currents in the dark form and lose this property upon light exposure and thus function as photochromic potentiators. Compound 1 can be employed as a light-dependent general anesthetic in translucent tadpoles.
The work described herein is aimed at understanding primary and secondary aggregation of bile salt micelles and how micelles can perform chiral recognition of binapthyl analytes. Previous work with cholate and deoxycholate using micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has provided insightinto cholate and deoxycholate micelle formation, especially with respect to the critical micelle concentration (CMC). Chiral separations of the model analyte, 1,1â??-binaphthyl-2,2â??-diyl hydrogen phosphate (BNDHP), via cholate (C) and deoxycholate (DC) mediated MEKC separataions previously have shown the DC CMC to be 7-10 mM andthe cholate CMC at 14 mM at ph 12. A second model analyte,1,1â??-binaphthol (BN), was also previously investigated to probe micellar structure, but the MEKC data for this analyte implied a higher CMC, which may be interpreted as secondary aggregation. Thiswork extends the investigation of bile salts to include pulsed field gradient spin echo (PFGSE) NMR experiments being used to gain information about the size and degree of polydispersity of cholate and deoxycholate micelles. Concentrations of cholate below 10mM show a large variation in effective radius likely due to the existence of transient preliminary aggregates. The onset of the primary micelle shows a dramatic increase in effective radius of the micelle in cholate and deoxycholate. In the region of expectedsecondary aggregation a gradual increase of effective radius was observed with cholate; deoxycholate showed a persistent aggregate size in the secondary micelle region that is modulated by the presence of an analyte molecule. Effective radii of cholate anddeoxycholate (individually) were compared with and without R- and S-BNDHP in order to observe the effective radius difference of micelles with and without analyte present. The presence of S-BNDHP consistently resulted in a larger effective aggregate radius incholate and deoxycholate, confirming previous data of the S-BNDHP interacting more with the micelle than R-BNDHP. In total, various NMR techniques, like diffusion NMR can be used to gain a greater understanding of the bile salt micellization process and chiral resolution.
Micelle-forming bile salts have previously been shown to be effective pseudo-stationary phases for separating the chiral isomers of binaphthyl compounds with micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography (MEKC). Here, cholate micelles are systematically investigated via electrophoretic separations and NMR using R, S-1, 1¿- binaphthyl- 2, 2¿-diylhydrogenphosphate (BNDHP) as a model chiral analyte. The pH, temperature, and concentration of BNDHP were systematically varied while monitoring the chiral resolution obtained with MEKC and the chemical shift of various protons in NMR. NMR data for each proton on BNDHP is monitored as a function of cholate concentration: as cholate monomers begin to aggregate and the analyte molecules begin to sample the micelle aggregate we observe changes in the cholate methyl and S-BNDHP proton chemical shifts. From such NMR data, the apparent CMC of cholate at pH 12 is found to be about 13-14 mM, but this value decreases at higher pH, suggesting that more extreme pHs may give rise to more effective separations. In general, CMCs increase with temperature indicating that one may be able to obtain better separations at lower temperatures. S-BNDHP concentrations ranging from 50 ¿M to 400 ¿M (pH 12.8) gave rise to apparent cholate CMC values from 10 mM to 8 mM, respectively, indicating that S-BNDHP, the chiral analyte molecule, may play an active role in stabilizing cholate aggregates. In all, these data show that NMR can be used to systematically investigate a complex multi-variable landscape of potential optimizations of chiral separations.
The spatial segregation of the plasma membrane plays a prominent role in distinguishing and sorting a large number of signals a cell receives simultaneously. The plasma membrane comprises regions known as lipid rafts, which serve as signal-transduction hubs and platforms for sorting membrane-associated proteins. Ca(2+)-binding proteins of the annexin family have been ascribed a role in the regulation of raft dynamics. Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored 5'-nucleotidase is an extracellular, raft-associated enzyme responsible for conversion of extracellular ATP into adenosine. Our results point to a regulation of ecto-5'-nucleotidase activity by Ca(2+)-dependent, annexin-mediated stabilization of membrane rafts.
Lateral segregation of cholesterol- and sphingomyelin-rich rafts and glycerophospholipid-containing non-raft microdomains has been proposed to play a role in a variety of biological processes. The most compelling evidence for membrane segregation is based on the observation that extraction with non-ionic detergents leads to solubilization of a subset of membrane components only. However, one decade later, a large body of inconsistent detergent-extraction data is threatening the very concept of membrane segregation. We have assessed the validity of the existing paradigms and we show the following. (i) The localization of a membrane component within a particular fraction of a sucrose gradient cannot be taken as a yardstick for its solubility: a variable localization of the DRMs (detergent-resistant membranes) in sucrose gradients is the result of complex associations between the membrane skeleton and the lipid bilayer. (ii) DRMs of variable composition can be generated by using a single detergent, the increasing concentration of which gradually extracts one protein/lipid after another. Therefore any extraction pattern obtained by a single concentration experiment is bound to be 'investigator-specific'. It follows that comparison of DRMs obtained by different detergents in a single concentration experiment is prone to misinterpretations. (iii) Depletion of cholesterol has a graded effect on membrane solubility. (iv) Differences in detergent solubility of the members of the annexin protein family arise from their association with chemically different membrane compartments; however, these cannot be attributed to the 'brick-like' raft-building blocks of fixed size and chemical composition. Our findings demonstrate a need for critical re-evaluation of the accumulated detergent-extraction data.
Infection with bacteria such as Chlamydia pneumonia, Helicobacter pylori or Porphyromonas gingivalis may be triggering the secretion of inflammatory cytokines that leads to atherogenesis. The mechanisms by which the innate immune recognition of these pathogens could lead to atherosclerosis remain unclear. In this study, using human vascular endothelial cells or HEK-293 cells engineered to express pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs), we set out to determine Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and functionally associated PRRs involved in the innate recognition of and response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from H. pylori or P. gingivalis. Using siRNA interference or recombinant expression of cooperating PRRs, we show that H. pylori and P. gingivalis LPS-induced cell activation is mediated through TLR2. Human vascular endothelial cell activation was found to be lipid raft-dependent and to require the formation of heterotypic receptor complexes comprising of TLR2, TLR1, CD36 and CD11b/CD18. In addition, we report that LPS from these bacterial strains are able to antagonize TLR4. This antagonistic activity of H. pylori or P. gingivalis LPS, as well as their TLR2 activation capability may be associated with their ability to contribute to atherosclerosis.
Thermo-responsive materials have been of interest for many years, and have been studied mostly as thermally stimulated drug delivery vehicles. Recently acrylate and methacrylates with pendant ethylene glycol methyl ethers been studied as thermo responsive materials. This work explores thermo response properties of hybrid nanoparticles of one of these methacrylates (DEGMA) and a block copolymer with one of the acrylates (OEGA), with gold nanoparticle cores of different sizes. We were interested in the effects of gold core size, number and type of end groups that anchored the chains to the gold cores, and location of bonding sites on the thermo-response of the polymer. To control the number and location of anchoring groups we using a type of controlled radical polymerization called Reversible Addition Fragmentation Transfer (RAFT) Polymerization. Smaller gold cores did not show the thermo responsive behavior of the polymer but the gold cores did seem to self-assemble. Polymer anchored to larger gold cores did show thermo responsivity. The anchoring end group did not alter the thermoresponsivity but thiol-modified polymers stabilized gold cores less well than chains anchored by dithioester groups, allowing gold cores to grow larger. Use of multiple bonding groups stabilized the gold core. Using block copolymers we tested the effects of number of thiol groups and the distance between them. We observed that the use of multiple anchoring groups on the block copolymer with a sufficiently large gold core did not prevent thermo responsive behavior of the polymer to be detected which allows a new type of thermo-responsive hybrid nanoparticle to be used and studied for new applications.
Nanoparticles are fascinating where physical and optical properties are related to size. Highly controllable synthesis methods and nanoparticle assembly are essential [6] for highly innovative technological applications. Among nanoparticles, nonhomogeneous core-shell nanoparticles (CSnp) have new properties that arise when varying the relative dimensions of the core and the shell. This CSnp structure enables various optical resonances, and engineered energy barriers, in addition to the high charge to surface ratio. Assembly of homogeneous nanoparticles into functional structures has become ubiquitous in biosensors (i.e. optical labeling) [7, 8], nanocoatings [9-13], and electrical circuits [14, 15]. Limited nonhomogenous nanoparticle assembly has only been explored. Many conventional nanoparticle assembly methods exist, but this work explores dielectrophoresis (DEP) as a new method. DEP is particle polarization via non-uniform electric fields while suspended in conductive fluids. Most prior DEP efforts involve microscale particles. Prior work on core-shell nanoparticle assemblies and separately, nanoparticle characterizations with dielectrophoresis and electrorotation [2-5], did not systematically explore particle size, dielectric properties (permittivity and electrical conductivity), shell thickness, particle concentration, medium conductivity, and frequency. This work is the first, to the best of our knowledge, to systematically examine these dielectrophoretic properties for core-shell nanoparticles. Further, we conduct a parametric fitting to traditional core-shell models. These biocompatible core-shell nanoparticles were studied to fill a knowledge gap in the DEP field. Experimental results (chapter 5) first examine medium conductivity, size and shell material dependencies of dielectrophoretic behaviors of spherical CSnp into 2D and 3D particle-assemblies. Chitosan (amino sugar) and poly-L-lysine (amino acid, PLL) CSnp shell materials were custom synthesized around a hollow (gas) core by utilizing a phospholipid micelle around a volatile fluid templating for the shell material; this approach proves to be novel and distinct from conventional core-shell models wherein a conductive core is coated with an insulative shell. Experiments were conducted within a 100 nl chamber housing 100 um wide Ti/Au quadrapole electrodes spaced 25 um apart. Frequencies from 100kHz to 80MHz at fixed local field of 5Vpp were tested with 10-5 and 10-3 S/m medium conductivities for 25 seconds. Dielectrophoretic responses of ~220 and 340(or ~400) nm chitosan or PLL CSnp were compiled as a function of medium conductivity, size and shell material.