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ContentsBiden: Bring back jobsProfessor works to bring pandas to Des MoinesIT draws attention to email scamsSelfless senior allows Cyclones to shineGSB fails to focus on major issuesStudents work to create sustainable life in Uganda


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Article preview View full access options BoneKEy Reports | Review Print Email Share/bookmark Finite element analysis for prediction of bone strength Philippe K Zysset, Enrico Dall'Ara, Peter Varga & Dieter H Pahr Affiliations Corresponding author BoneKEy Reports (2013) 2, Article number: 386 (2013) doi:10.1038/bonekey.2013.120 Received 03 January 2013 Accepted 25 June 2013 Published online 07 August 2013 Article tools Citation Reprints Rights & permissions Abstract Abstract• References• Author information Finite element (FE) analysis has been applied for the past 40 years to simulate the mechanical behavior of bone. Although several validation studies have been performed on specific anatomical sites and load cases, this study aims to review the predictability of human bone strength at the three major osteoporotic fracture sites quantified in recently completed in vitro studies at our former institute. Specifically, the performance of FE analysis based on clinical computer tomography (QCT) is compared with the ones of the current densitometric standards, bone mineral content, bone mineral density (BMD) and areal BMD (aBMD). Clinical fractures were produced in monotonic axial compression of the distal radii, vertebral sections and in side loading of the proximal femora. QCT-based FE models of the three bones were developed to simulate as closely as possible the boundary conditions of each experiment. For all sites, the FE methodology exhibited the lowest errors and the highest correlations in predicting the experimental bone strength. Likely due to the improved CT image resolution, the quality of the FE prediction in the peripheral skeleton using high-resolution peripheral CT was superior to that in the axial skeleton with whole-body QCT. Because of its projective and scalar nature, the performance of aBMD in predicting bone strength depended on loading mode and was significantly inferior to FE in axial compression of radial or vertebral sections but not significantly inferior to FE in side loading of the femur. Considering the cumulated evidence from the published validation studies, it is concluded that FE models provide the most reliable surrogates of bone strength at any of the three fracture sites.


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Das Spektrum internetbasierter psychologischer Behandlungsangebote bei psychischen Problemen und Erkrankungen bewegt sich zwischen webbasierten Selbsthilfeprogrammen, die das Internet als Informationsmedium verwenden, und Email-, Chat- und Video-Therapien, in welchen das Internet zu Kommunikationszwecken zwischen Hilfesuchenden und Professionellen genutzt wird. Dieser Beitrag fokussiert auf eine Beratungs- und Therapieform, die die Möglichkeiten des Internets als Informations- und Kommunikationsmedium in sogenannten geleiteten Selbsthilfeansätzen kombiniert. Internetbasierte geleitete Selbsthilfeansätze, in welchen Klienten während der Bearbeitung eines Selbsthilfeprogramms von Therapeuten via Internet (z.B. Email) unterstützt werden, wurden in den letzten Jahren intensiv erforscht. Im Bereich von Angststörungen und Depressionen liegen besonders viele Studien vor. Verschiedene Forschergruppen haben hier in der Regel große Behandlungseffekte gefunden, die mit der Wirkung von Face-to-Face-Therapien vergleichbar sind. In diesem Beitrag wird der geleitete Selbsthilfeansatz dargestellt und die empirische Evidenz diskutiert.


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Hintergrund und Ziel: Internetbasierte psychotherapeutische Interventionen wurden in den letzten Jahren intensiv erforscht. Als besonders vielversprechend haben sich therapeutengeleitete Selbsthilfeprogramme bei verschiedenen Angststörungen erwiesen. Eine neue Entwicklung sind transdiagnostische und individualisierte Ansätze, in welchen auch komorbide Probleme und Störungen, und breitere Patientengruppen angesprochen werden. Beim individualisierten Ansatz werden dem Selbsthilfeprogramm in Abhängigkeit der Probleme der Patienten unterschiedliche Inhalte zugeschaltet. Das Ziel dieser Studie ist die Evaluation einer internetbasierten, individualisierten, geleiteten Selbsthilfeintervention für verschiedene Angststörungen. Methode: In einer kontrolliert-randomisierten Studie wurde der individualisierte Ansatz mit einer standardisierten Intervention, die sich nur auf die primäre Störung der Klienten bezieht, verglichen. 132 StudienteilnehmerInnen, diagnostiziert mit einer Sozialen Angststörung, Panikstörung mit oder ohne Agoraphobie, und/ oder einer Generalisierten Angststörung wurden randomisiert einer der beiden Behandlungsbedingungen oder einer Warteliste zugeteilt. Die Selbsthilfebehandlung dauerte 8 Wochen und wurde von Therapeuten via Email unterstützt. Erhebungszeitpunkte waren Prä, Post und 6 Monate nach Ende der Behandlung. Primäre Ergebnismasse sind störungsübergreifende Masse wie das Beck Angstinventar (BAI) und Daten aus einem diagnostischen Interview. Sekundäre Ergebnismasse sind störungsspezifische Fragebogen. Ergebnisse: Beide Behandlungsgruppen zeigten gegenüber der Warteliste-Kontrollgruppe signifikante Veränderungen auf allen Ergebnismassen. Auf der Basis der Intent-to-treat-Stichprobe betrugen die über die verschiedenen Ergebnismasse gemittelten Effektstärken im Vergleich zur Warteliste-Kontrollgruppe d=.80 für die individualisierte und d=.82 für die standardisierte Behandlungsbedingung. Die Symptomreduktion wurde bis zum 6-Monats-Follow-Up aufrechterhalten. Zwischen den beiden aktiven Behandlungsbedingungen wurden keine Unterschiede gefunden. Diskussion: Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sowohl individualisierte wie auch standardisierte internetbasierte Ansätze zur Behandlung verschiedener Angststörungen vielversprechend sind


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PURPOSE To develop internationally harmonised standards for programmes of training in intensive care medicine (ICM). METHODS Standards were developed by using consensus techniques. A nine-member nominal group of European intensive care experts developed a preliminary set of standards. These were revised and refined through a modified Delphi process involving 28 European national coordinators representing national training organisations using a combination of moderated discussion meetings, email, and a Web-based tool for determining the level of agreement with each proposed standard, and whether the standard could be achieved in the respondent's country. RESULTS The nominal group developed an initial set of 52 possible standards which underwent four iterations to achieve maximal consensus. All national coordinators approved a final set of 29 standards in four domains: training centres, training programmes, selection of trainees, and trainers' profiles. Only three standards were considered immediately achievable by all countries, demonstrating a willingness to aspire to quality rather than merely setting a minimum level. Nine proposed standards which did not achieve full consensus were identified as potential candidates for future review. CONCLUSIONS This preliminary set of clearly defined and agreed standards provides a transparent framework for assuring the quality of training programmes, and a foundation for international harmonisation and quality improvement of training in ICM.


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BACKGROUND Retinal optical coherence tomography (OCT) permits quantification of retinal layer atrophy relevant to assessment of neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis (MS). Measurement artefacts may limit the use of OCT to MS research. OBJECTIVE An expert task force convened with the aim to provide guidance on the use of validated quality control (QC) criteria for the use of OCT in MS research and clinical trials. METHODS A prospective multi-centre (n = 13) study. Peripapillary ring scan QC rating of an OCT training set (n = 50) was followed by a test set (n = 50). Inter-rater agreement was calculated using kappa statistics. Results were discussed at a round table after the assessment had taken place. RESULTS The inter-rater QC agreement was substantial (kappa = 0.7). Disagreement was found highest for judging signal strength (kappa = 0.40). Future steps to resolve these issues were discussed. CONCLUSION Substantial agreement for QC assessment was achieved with aid of the OSCAR-IB criteria. The task force has developed a website for free online training and QC certification. The criteria may prove useful for future research and trials in MS using OCT as a secondary outcome measure in a multi-centre setting.


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The original version of this consensus statement on mechanical thrombectomy was approved at the European Stroke Organisation (ESO)-Karolinska Stroke Update conference in Stockholm, 16-18 November 2014. The statement has later, during 2015, been updated with new clinical trials data in accordance with a decision made at the conference. Revisions have been made at a face-to-face meeting during the ESO Winter School in Berne in February, through email exchanges and the final version has then been approved by each society. The recommendations are identical to the original version with evidence level upgraded by 20 February 2015 and confirmed by 15 May 2015. The purpose of the ESO-Karolinska Stroke Update meetings is to provide updates on recent stroke therapy research and to discuss how the results may be implemented into clinical routine. Selected topics are discussed at consensus sessions, for which a consensus statement is prepared and discussed by the participants at the meeting. The statements are advisory to the ESO guidelines committee. This consensus statement includes recommendations on mechanical thrombectomy after acute stroke. The statement is supported by ESO, European Society of Minimally Invasive Neurological Therapy (ESMINT), European Society of Neuroradiology (ESNR), and European Academy of Neurology (EAN).


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The aim of the study was to obtain the diagnostic and therapeutic approach among Swiss practitioners in cows with puerperal metritis and clinical endometritis (part 2). All members of the Association for ruminant health were contacted per email via the newsletter. The survey was completed by 128 veterinarians, partially responded by 140 veterinarians. The following main symptoms of puerperal metritis were stated by the practitioners: purulent vaginal discharge, fever and reduced appetite. A vaginal and rectal examination was performed to diagnose the disease. Usually, an intrauterine treatment with tetracycline or cefapirin was done. Parenteral administration of tetracycline or penicillin was often combined with PGF(2α), NSAIDS or cortisone. Clinical endometritis was also diagnosed by vaginal and rectal examination and the main symptom indicated was purulent vaginal discharge. The therapy consisted of the administration of PGF(2α), uterine infusions predominantly with cefapirin, and rarely with parenteral administration of antibiotics. Further diagnostic tools were not used and normally cows were not rechecked. The success of the therapy of puerperal metritis and clinical endometritis was judged to be satisfactory to excellent.


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The aim of this study was to obtain the diagnostic and therapeutic approach among Swiss practitioners in cows with retained fetal membranes (RFM) (part 1). All members of the Association for ruminant health were contacted per email via the newsletter. The survey was completed by 128 veterinarians, partially responded by 140 veterinarians. The manual removal of the fetal membranes is practiced by 129 of the responding veterinarians. Cows with/without fever are treated usually with intrauterine antibiotics. Cows with RFM with/without fever are most commonly treated parenterally with tetracycline or penicillin. The use of cephalosporins and quinolones in cows with fever is more common than in cows without fever. With the present results of the survey veterinarians should critically question the supposed benefits of the manual removal of the placenta and the use of antibiotics in cows with RFM.


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Kognitive Interventionen haben sich bei der Behandlung von Schizophrenie als wirksam erwiesen und werden in nationalen Behandlungsleitlinien empfohlen. Viele Patienten mit Schizophrenie-Diagnose haben jedoch keinen Zugang zu ambulanten Psychotherapie-Plätzen nach stationären Klinikaufenthalten. Ein alternativer Zugangsweg zu kognitiven Interventionen sind Online- Selbsthilfe-Programme, welche sich bei anderen psychischen Störungen wie Depression und Angststörungen bereits als effektiv erwiesen haben. Im Rahmen einer Pilotstudie wird ein Symptom-orientiertes, KVT-basiertes Online-Selbsthilfe-Programm für Menschen mit Verfolgungsideen getestet. Das Programm besteht aus acht Einheiten und beinhaltet neben Psychose-bezogenen Inhalten (Störungsmodell, Rückfallprophylaxe, etc.) auch Einheiten zu Selbstwert, Umgang mit Sorgen und Schlafhygiene. Die TeilnehmerInnen werden wöchentlich von klinischen PsychologInnen per eMail kontaktiert (geleitete Selbsthilfe). Primäres Outcome-Maß ist das Ausmaß von Verfolgungswahn (Paranoia Checklist), sekundäre Outcome-Maße beinhalten Abbruchquoten, allgemeine Psychopathologie, Nebenwirkungen und Zufriedenheit. In die aktuell laufende Studie sollen insgesamt N=20 Teilnehmer eingeschlossen werden. Chancen und Einschränkungen von internet-basierter Selbsthilfe bei Psychose werden vor dem Hintergrund der vorläufigen Ergebnisse diskutiert.


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This pilot study investigates selected etiquette issues that appear to have arisen with the prevalence of hand-held electronic communications. Researchers surveyed college undergraduates, graduates, and faculty about the appropriateness of multitasking when others are present, whether they thank people with a hand-written note, by telephone, or by email, and the appropriateness of their preferred means of saying thank you. This study raises questions about etiquette issues when using electronic communications.


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We study how the democratization of the diffusion of research through the Internet could have helped non traditional fields of research. The specific case we approach is Heterodox Economics as its pre-prints are disseminated through NEP, the email alert service of RePEc. Comparing heterodox and mainstream papers, we find that heterodox ones are quite systematically more downloaded, and particularly so when considering downloads per subscriber. We conclude that the Internet definitely helps heterodox research, also because other researcher get exposed to it. But there is still room for more participation by heterodox researchers.


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Background. Providing an worksite fitness center for employees is an effective setting to increase an adult’s levels of physical activity, demonstrably reducing health care costs and elevating employee productivity. Increasing compliance and adherence among employees to consistently utilize an onsite facility remains a challenge.^ Purpose. To illustrate if two electronic behavioral journalism newsletters can increase employee participation in a free worksite wellness center.^ Design. A randomized control trial was implemented. ^ Setting. A large petroleum-producing corporation located in Houston, Texas Subjects.70 full or part time employees that had checked into visited the wellness center during September, October, and November 2009. ^ Intervention. Two behavioral journalism newsletters were created based on authentic community member role model interviews. Newsletters were distributed to intervention group participants via company email. Intervention and control group participant’s visits to the wellness center were monitored via a key card check in system at the facility for two weeks following the newsletter intervention.^ Analysis. Count variable statistics were used to identify rate differences between the intervention and control group wellness center visits. A binomial test for equality of proportions was used to identify differences between participants that had at least one visit to the wellness center compared with those with none.^ Results. Both intervention and control groups had a baseline of zero wellness center visits. The control group had a mean visit rate 0.441 and the intervention group had 0.857. A 0.416, almost one half more visits were found among the intervention group.^ Conclusion. This study indicates that behavioral journalism newsletters featuring a role model from within the worksite population can be a cost effective communication method to improve participation in an onsite wellness center. ^


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Child overweight and obesity reaches across ethnic, cultural, socioeconomic and regional barriers. It must be assessed, diagnosed and treated to help families make sustainable behavior changes. Treatment recommendations have been made to address pediatric overweight and obesity. They include screening for risk factors, monitoring BMI trends and educating patients and families to make small sustainable changes. Health insurance companies can play a meaningful role in supporting and facilitating provider education and behavior change to diagnose, treat and prevent pediatric overweight and obesity.^ The aims of this thesis were: (1) Describe a disease management program that uses evidence-based practices to create provider behavior change related to pediatric obesity screening, diagnosis and treatment. (2) Identify ways to improve the implementation of the program based on the perceptions of participating clinicians.^ A literature review was completed to evaluate current recommendations for screening and treating pediatric obesity using the Ovid data base. The evidenced-based recommendations were compared against the practices of the Healthy Lifestyles Program (HeLP). The literature confirmed that HeLP is following evidence-based recommendations for assessment, diagnosis and treatment of pediatric obesity.^ A Children’s Mercy Family Health Partners focus group was convened to create a provider survey. The goals of the survey were to assess providers’ perception of the Healthy Lifestyles Program (HeLP). The survey was sent out through email using Survey Monkey. All survey responses were anonymous. The survey was sent to a total of 80 providers who had completed HeLP. Twenty-five percent responded. The survey results were evaluated to make recommendations for HeLP.^ Results of the survey included motivating factors for participation in HeLP. Concern about the increasing prevalence of pediatric obesity was a frequent motivator for participation. Provider barriers to obesity diagnosis were evaluated. Lack of time during clinic visits a frequent barrier to obesity diagnosis. ^ In conclusion several recommendations for the HeLP were made based on survey results. It is recommended that the program evaluate methods and tools for facilitating effective weight management follow up visits. Promotional materials should highlight the increasing prevalence of pediatric obesity when advertising HeLP. These recommendations will be used to refine the current Healthy Lifestyles Program.^


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To address concerns expressed about the possible effect of drilling mud discharges on shallow, low-energy estuarine ecosystems, a 12 month study was designed to detect alterations in water quality and sediment geochemistry. Each drilling mud used in the study and sediments from the study site were analyzed in the laboratory for chemical and physical characteristics. Potential water quality impacts were simulated by the EPA-COE elutriation test procedure. Mud toxicity was measured by acute and chronic bioassays with Mysidopsis bahia, Mercenaria mercenaria, and Nereis virens.^ For the field study, a relatively pristine, shallow (1.2 m) estuary (Christmas Bay, TX) without any drilling activity for the last 30 years was chosen for the study site. After a three month baseline study, three stations were selected. Station 1 was an external control. At each treatment station (2, 3), mesocosms were constructed to enclose a 3.5 m$\sp3$ water column. Each treatment station included an internal control site also. Each in situ mesocosm, except the controls, was successively dosed at a mesocosm-specific dose (1:100; 1:1,000; or 1:10,000 v/v) with 4 field collected drilling muds (spud, nondispersed, lightly-treated, and heavily-treated lignosulfonate) in sequential order over 1.5 months. Twenty-four hours after each dose, water exchange was allowed until the next treatment. Station 3 was destroyed by a winter storm. After the last treatment, the enclosures were removed and the remaining sites monitored for 6 months. One additional site was similarly dosed (1:100 v/v) with clean dredged sediment from Christmas Bay for comparison between dredged sediments and drilling muds.^ Results of the analysis of the water samples and field measurements showed that water quality was impacted during the discharges, primarily at the highest dose (1:100 v/v), but that elevated levels of C, Cr (T,F), Cr$\sp{+3}$ (T, F), N, Pb, and Zn returned to ambient levels before the end of the 24 hour exposure period or immediately after water exchange was allowed (Al, Ba(T), Chlorophyll ABC, SS, %T). Barium, from the barite, was used as a geochemical tracer in the sediments to confirm estimated doses by mass balance calculations. Barium reached a maximum of 166x background levels at the high dose mesocosm. Barium levels returned to ambient or only slightly elevated levels at the end of the 6 month monitoring period due to sediment deposition, resuspension, and bioturbation. QA/QC results using blind samples consisting of lab standards and spiked samples for both water and sediment matrices were within acceptable coefficients of variation.^ In order to avoid impacts on water quality and sediment geochemistry in a shallow estuarine ecosystem, this study concluded that a minimal dilution of 1:1,000 (v/v) would be required in addition to existing regulatory constraints. ^