991 resultados para Public safety radio service.
A Framework for Preventing and Addressing Overweight and Obesity in NI 2012-2022 This Framework aims to “empower the population of Northern Ireland to make healthy choices, reduce the risk of overweight and obesity related diseases and improve health and wellbeing, by creating an environment that supports and promotes a physically active lifestyle and a healthy diet”. In addition, the following overarching targets have been set: Adults • To reduce the level of obesity by 4% and overweight and obesity by 3% by 2022. Children • A 3% reduction of obesity and 2% reduction of overweight and obesity by 2022åÊThe target is in two parts; the proportion that are obese and the proportion that are overweight and obese. Prevention is typically taken forward through action to address two main areas – improving diet and nutrition, and increasing participation in physical activity. Acknowledging this, two overarching objectives for the Framework have been set: to increase the percentage of people eating a healthy, nutritionally balanced diet; and to increase the percentage of the population meeting the CMO guidelines on physical activity.
Overview Report October 2012
Improving the Commisioning and Provision of Eyecare Services in Northern Ireland.
This Circular details arrangements for securing the strategic priorities of the PSS Development and Training Strategy (the Strategy) in Northern Ireland from 1 April 2012 onwards. åÊThis replaces the previous circular HSS (OSS) Training 1/2010.
Good Practice Guidance
Guidance on Being an Approved Home Childcarer - a guide for home childcarers
Guidance on Employing an Approved Home Childcarer - a guide for parents
Home Childcarer Approval Scheme Application Form HCC1
Early Years Home Childcare Approval Scheme - frequently asked questions
Advocacy Action Plan
Standards and criteria drawn from the recommendations of A Study of Approved Social Work.