966 resultados para Proverbs, Mexican.
Este texto ahonda en las geografías políticas, sociales y familiares de Aurèlia Pijoan, la primera mujer que, médico de profesión, ha accedido a un cargo de representación municipal en Lleida. Casada con Luis Pérez García-Lago –secretario general del PSUC y la UGT en la Lleida de los años trenta y posteriormente máximo responsable del partido en el exilio mejicano-, continuó su compromiso a través de la Unión de Mujeres Españolas de México de la que llegó a convertirse en secretaria general. El artículo pretende, a la vez que reflexionar sobre el diálogo que se establece entre recuerdo y olvido, hacer visible la historia de los sin historia a partir de un centro de gravedad concreto, puesto que los itinerarios personales y familiares de Aurèlia Pijoan permiten recorrer las diversas caras del universo represivo franquista: exilio,clandestinidad y prisión.
Several species of Annona (Annonaceae) are used in traditional Mexican medicine by their anti-anxiety, anticonvulsant and tranquilizing properties. It has been reported that the alkaloids isolated from some species of the Annona have affinity to serotonergic 5-HT1A receptors and modulate dopaminergic transmission, which is involved in depressive disorders. In this review it is showed the results of the antidepressant-like effect of an alkaloid extract from the aerial parts of Annona cherimola (TA) in mice. The antidepressant-like effect was evaluated in the forced swimming test. To elucidate a possible mechanism of action, experiments of synergism with antidepressant drugs, such as imipramine (IMI), clomipramine (CLIMI), and fluoxetine (FLX), were carried out. The neurotransmitter content (DA: dopamine, 5HT: serotonin and its metabolites, HVA: homovanillic acid and 5HIAA:5-hydroxyindoleacetic) in the whole brain of mice were also determined by HPLC method. The results showed that repeated treatment with TA produced antidepressant-like effects in mice. This effect was not related to an increase in locomotor activity. Administration of TA facilitated the antidepressant effect of IMI and CLIMI as well as increased the turnover of DA and 5-HT. The alkaloids: 1,2-dimethoxy-5, 6.6 to 7-tetrahydro-4H-dibenzoquinoline-3,8,9,10-tetraol, anonaine, liriodenine, and nornuciferine were the main constituents of TA.
There is great scientific and popular interest in understanding the genetic history of populations in the Americas. We wish to understand when different regions of the continent were inhabited, where settlers came from, and how current inhabitants relate genetically to earlier populations. Recent studies unraveled parts of the genetic history of the continent using genotyping arrays and uniparental markers. The 1000 Genomes Project provides a unique opportunity for improving our understanding of population genetic history by providing over a hundred sequenced low coverage genomes and exomes from Colombian (CLM), Mexican-American (MXL), and Puerto Rican (PUR) populations. Here, we explore the genomic contributions of African, European, and especially Native American ancestry to these populations. Estimated Native American ancestry is 48% in MXL, 25% in CLM, and 13% in PUR. Native American ancestry in PUR is most closely related to populations surrounding the Orinoco River basin, confirming the Southern American ancestry of the Taíno people of the Caribbean. We present new methods to estimate the allele frequencies in the Native American fraction of the populations, and model their distribution using a demographic model for three ancestral Native American populations. These ancestral populations likely split in close succession: the most likely scenario, based on a peopling of the Americas 16 thousand years ago (kya), supports that the MXL Ancestors split 12.2kya, with a subsequent split of the ancestors to CLM and PUR 11.7kya. The model also features effective populations of 62,000 in Mexico, 8,700 in Colombia, and 1,900 in Puerto Rico. Modeling Identity-by-descent (IBD) and ancestry tract length, we show that post-contact populations also differ markedly in their effective sizes and migration patterns, with Puerto Rico showing the smallest effective size and the earlier migration from Europe. Finally, we compare IBD and ancestry assignments to find evidence for relatedness among European founders to the three populations.
Hace años que me ocupo, con creciente interés, de los refranes del calendario en el ámbito de la Romania. Al cabo de un tiempo de ir advirtiendo afinidades entre paremias romances relativas al curso del año, me decidí a escribir un par de artículos (Gargallo, 1998a, 1998b) sobre las referidas al día de Santa Lucía (13 de diciembre), fecha vinculada secularmente al solsticio de invierno y a la recuperación de la luz solar. En ambos artículos contemplo esta jornada de Santa Lucía como el arranque de una serie de paremias o refranes que expresan por diversos medios el crecer de los días en jalones que recorren el mes de diciembre restante, a continuación el de enero, y pierden su rastro allá por febrero, no lejos de la igualación de días y noches, del equinoccio primaveral.
Tras unha presentación da Base de datos sobre refranes del calendario y meteorológicos en la Romania (BADARE) e do progresivo baleirado nela de diversos atlas lingüísticos da Romania, preséntanse tres mostras da variación diatópica deste tipo de refráns no espazo iberorromance: (1) coa implicación do arco da vella, (2) dos roibéns e (3) das imaxes de ceo ovellado e afíns. Cómpre destacar o grande interese dos materiais contidos nos atlas románicos, que se poden complementar cos doutras obras vinculadas á lingua e ao territorio: repertorios paremiográficos, monografías dialectais, achegas diversas. Aínda que non parece factible un grande atlas paremiolóxico romance nin sequera de segunda xeración, pois os refráns (meteorolóxicos o de outros tipos) son nos atlas de primeira xeración unha propina ocasional, coidamos que mediante a base de datos BADARE se poden administrar eses materiais de xeito que faciliten o estudo da paremioloxía románica ligada ao territorio.
Este artigo reúne refráns románicos que aconsellan cómo abrigarse nas diferentes estacións do ano. Distribuídos por meses (e corentenas), datas (fixas e móbiles) e outros espazos de tempo, constitúen unha mostra da cultura popular compartida no conxunto da Romania europea. Coma noutros tipos de paremias, cabe destaca-lo papel da rima e a atracción recíproca de certos tipos léxicos (coma saio e maio)
Procurador reial i nobiliari, cosmògraf, joier, lapidari, mercader i escriptor, i al capdavall, un ciutadà català honrat, en Ferrer (Vidreres, ~1445 – Blanes, 1529) va marxar de ben jove, primer, a la cort de Nàpols, al servei del rei en Ferran I, i després a la cort de Sicília, al servei de la reina na Joana de Sicília. Acabada aquesta peripècia italiana va tornar a Blanes al servei del vescomte de Cabrera i de Bas fins que va morir a la mateixa vila al 1529. Un seu criat, disset anys més tard, va editar uns papers esparsos que havia trobat a can Ferrer, les (sic) Sentèncias cathòlicas del diví poeta Dant florentí, compilades per lo prudentíssim mossèn Jaume Ferrer de Blanes, incloent-hi tres parts. La primera, Conclusions, és un sumari destinat a mostrar (sic) «Entre totas las cosas necessàries a l’home per aconseguir lo seu fi y beatitut eterna principalment són tres»; la segona, Meditació, és una reflexió a fi d’il•luminar els misteris sobre la passió i mort de Jesucrist a (sic) «lo santíssim loch de Calvari»; la tercera, Letras, és un conjunt de dotze documents, entre cartes i d’altres textos, «fetas a mossèn Jaume Ferrer, respostes e regles per ell ordenades en cosmographia y en art de navegar». En Ferrer, home de grans recursos, fa un recorregut per tots els coneixements que havia acumulat al llarg de la seva vida, de Dant Alighieri a Ptolemeu i del marquès de Santillana a Albert Gran o a Aristòtil, fent servir fragments de la Commedia, dels Proverbios, de la Bíblia i de moltes altres autoritats científiques i filosòfiques, en català, italià, espanyol, llatí i, també, set mots en arameu
Los objetivos de este trabajo son, en primer lugar, determinar si la gastronomía mexicana es considerada como producto relevante dentro de la gama del turismo cultural ofertado por México al mundo. En segundo lugar, indicar el puesto ocupado por la gastronomía mexicana en el conjunto de elementos considerados como turismo cultural ofertado por México al mundo. Y en tercer lugar, dar a conocer el grado de utilización que tienen las páginas Web de turismo de las entidades federativas de México
Background: Trichothiodistrophy (TTD) is a rare autosomal recessive condition that is characterized by a specific congenital hair shaft dysplasia caused by deficiency of sulfur associated with a wide spectrum of multisystem abnormalities. In this article, we study clinical, microscopic, and ultrastructural findings of 20 patients with TTD with the aim to add further insights regarding to this rare condition. Additionally, analyses of our results are compared with those extracted from the literature in order to enhance its comprehensibility. Materials and Methods: Twenty cases of TTD were included: 7 from Mexico and 14 from Spain. Clinical, microscopic, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies and X-ray microanalysis (XrMa) were carried out in all of them. Genetic studies were performed in all seven Mexican cases. Patients with xeroderma pigmentosum and xeroderma pigmentosum/TTD-complex were excluded. Results: Cuticular changes and longitudinal crests of the hair shaft were demonstrated. These crests were irregular, disorganized, following the hair longest axis. Hair shaft sulfur deficiency was disposed discontinuously and intermittently rather than uniformly. This severe decrease of sulfur contents was located close to the trichoschisis areas. Only five patients did not show related disturbances. Micro-dolichocephaly was observed in five cases and represented the most frequent facial dysmorphism found. It is also remarkable that all patients with urologic malformations also combined diverse neurologic disorders. Moreover, three Mexican sisters demonstrated the coexistence of scarce pubic vellus hair, developmental delay, onychodystrophy, and maxillar/mandibullar hypoplasia. Conclusions: TTD phenotype has greatly varied from very subtle forms to severe alterations such as neurologic abnormalities, blindness, lamellar ichthyosis and gonadal malformations. Herein, a multisystem study should be performed mandatorily in patients diagnosed with TTD.
Background: Trichothiodistrophy (TTD) is a rare autosomal recessive condition that is characterized by a specific congenital hair shaft dysplasia caused by deficiency of sulfur associated with a wide spectrum of multisystem abnormalities. In this article, we study clinical, microscopic, and ultrastructural findings of 20 patients with TTD with the aim to add further insights regarding to this rare condition. Additionally, analyses of our results are compared with those extracted from the literature in order to enhance its comprehensibility. Materials and Methods: Twenty cases of TTD were included: 7 from Mexico and 14 from Spain. Clinical, microscopic, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies and X-ray microanalysis (XrMa) were carried out in all of them. Genetic studies were performed in all seven Mexican cases. Patients with xeroderma pigmentosum and xeroderma pigmentosum/TTD-complex were excluded. Results: Cuticular changes and longitudinal crests of the hair shaft were demonstrated. These crests were irregular, disorganized, following the hair longest axis. Hair shaft sulfur deficiency was disposed discontinuously and intermittently rather than uniformly. This severe decrease of sulfur contents was located close to the trichoschisis areas. Only five patients did not show related disturbances. Micro-dolichocephaly was observed in five cases and represented the most frequent facial dysmorphism found. It is also remarkable that all patients with urologic malformations also combined diverse neurologic disorders. Moreover, three Mexican sisters demonstrated the coexistence of scarce pubic vellus hair, developmental delay, onychodystrophy, and maxillar/mandibullar hypoplasia. Conclusions: TTD phenotype has greatly varied from very subtle forms to severe alterations such as neurologic abnormalities, blindness, lamellar ichthyosis and gonadal malformations. Herein, a multisystem study should be performed mandatorily in patients diagnosed with TTD.
Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) isolates from 35 grapefruit accessions belonging to Citrus Active Germplasm Bank of the "Instituto Agronômico de Campinas" located at the "Centro APTA Citros Sylvio Moreira", Cordeirópolis, São Paulo state, Brazil, were characterized and evaluated through symptoms in the trees, biological indexing, immunological diagnosis with different monoclonal antibodies and SSCP analysis (single-strand conformation polymorphism) of the coat protein gene. Symptomatology indicated that, in general, the group of plants with smaller canopy volume and severe stem pitting differed significantly from the group that presented greater vegetative development and mild to moderate stem pitting. However, the isolates from most of the accessions induced mild reaction on Mexican lime. The serological evaluation through the DAS-ELISA using monoclonal antibodies did not reveal any association between virus titer in the plant tissue and symptoms. The reaction with different monoclonal antibodies and the distinct electrophoresis patterns obtained through SSCP showed that there is a high degree of diversity among the isolates that infect these grapefruit accessions. High complexity within the same isolate was also observed in the SSCP profiles. This finding indicates that the CTV isolates from these plants are a complex mixture of CTV haplotypes. Similar SSCP banding patterns were observed among some plants with strong stem pitting symptoms, and among some plants with weak or moderate stem pitting symptoms.
During the taxonomic revision of the Neotropical Bulbophyllum (Orchidaceae) species, a new species was discovered from Bom Sucesso, Minas Gerais State, described and illustrated here as B. hatschbachianum E. C. Smidt & Borba. This species belongs to the Neotropical section Xiphizusa (Rchb. f.) Cogn. and posses a lip epichile completely different from the related species. It is closely to B. plumosum (Barb. Rodr.) Cogn. due to its vegetative morphology, but has different flower size, color and lip epichile. In B. plumosum the epichile is thin, longer and wider than the hipochile. In B. hatschbachianum the epichile is fleshy, shortest than the hipochile, thin, and sharply narrower than the hipochile. The flowers of this new species is similar to the Mexican B. solteroi R. González, but the general morphology of the lip, trichome size and the geographical distribution clearly distinguishes apart the two species.
The purpose of the present study was to explore the usefulness of the Mexican sequential organ failure assessment (MEXSOFA) score for assessing the risk of mortality for critically ill patients in the ICU. A total of 232 consecutive patients admitted to an ICU were included in the study. The MEXSOFA was calculated using the original SOFA scoring system with two modifications: the PaO2/FiO2 ratio was replaced with the SpO2/FiO2 ratio, and the evaluation of neurologic dysfunction was excluded. The ICU mortality rate was 20.2%. Patients with an initial MEXSOFA score of 9 points or less calculated during the first 24 h after admission to the ICU had a mortality rate of 14.8%, while those with an initial MEXSOFA score of 10 points or more had a mortality rate of 40%. The MEXSOFA score at 48 h was also associated with mortality: patients with a score of 9 points or less had a mortality rate of 14.1%, while those with a score of 10 points or more had a mortality rate of 50%. In a multivariate analysis, only the MEXSOFA score at 48 h was an independent predictor for in-ICU death with an OR = 1.35 (95%CI = 1.14-1.59, P < 0.001). The SOFA and MEXSOFA scores calculated 24 h after admission to the ICU demonstrated a good level of discrimination for predicting the in-ICU mortality risk in critically ill patients. The MEXSOFA score at 48 h was an independent predictor of death; with each 1-point increase, the odds of death increased by 35%.