829 resultados para Professores de ensino de primeiro grau - Formação - Brasil
This master dissertation presented to the Language Studies Post-Graduation Program of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte aims present an analysis about the initial teacher training, the knowledge about discursive genres and its usage in basic education professional classrooms. Therefore, it was analyzed, from teachers of fourth and fifth grades of elementary schools, if the initial training provides enough useful tools to be applied in Portuguese classes, i.e., if during the teacher training process concepts of discursive genres emerge, which of these concepts can be noticed and how this knowledge helps teachers in their classrooms. In order to achieve this aim, it was taken into account studies about the initial teacher training, about the knowledge diversity that is part of the teaching knowledge and also about discursive genres based on Bakhtin‟s conception, which is used in the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN). This research is qualitative of interpretative basis and has taken an opened questions questionnaire and classroom observations with audio recording data as corpus of analysis. As results of this investigation, it is possible to emphasize that the initial teacher training has left some gaps in discursive genres concepts and usage in Portuguese classes, that it is not only one kind of knowledge that compound the teacher knowledge and, because of this, working with disciplinarians knowledge, specially about discursive genres, is to emphasize one among many others.
According to the studies in Applied Linguistics, this thesis is based on an interdisciplinary perspective (Critical Discourse Analysis, Sociology towards Social Change, Cultural Studies and Systemic-Functional Linguistics). The overall objective of the research was to analyze the discourses of Elementary School teachers in the state of Sergipe, by means of the discursive representations of the social actors, the processes of subjectivity and their fragmented identities in the context of standardized evaluations before the requirements of globalized pedagogical practices, based on the result-based management. The critical analysis of such discourses was motivated by the rapid pace with which the demands of innovation become part of the classroom, aiming at reaching the target in what concerns the indexes of the rankings which characterize the globalized discourse of the national education management, like Ideb (Basic Education Development Index), which makes teachers change their discourses, become silent or keep resistant. The work was initially endorsed by the theoretical lines of the Critical Discourse Analysis (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001, 2006), and poses a proposal for such purpose: the ASCD Discourse Sociological and Communicative Approach (PEDROSA, 2012, 2013). This is an interpretative-qualitative study of the Critical Discourse Analysis (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001, 2003; RAMALHO ; RESENDE, 2011) and to carry it out, semi-structured interviews were used as instruments of data generation (BAUER; GASKELL, 2011; GILL, 2011). Its corpus is composed of thirteen accounts of teachers from the Elementary school who teach Portuguese and work in the fifteen schools which were chosen to be the universe of the research at the Regional Board of Education (02) in the state of Sergipe. Such narratives are related to their impressions, expectations and actions which favor the management of results to which they have to submit themselves. The analytical overview of sociological and discursive line comes from the pan-semiotic categories (Inclusion and Exclusion) which appear in the theory of Representation of Social Actors (VAN LEEUWEN, 1997, 2008). To present the processes of subjectivity of these teachers, this work is based on the socio-analytical proposal of the classification of the subjects, which stems from the individual s work in the Gestão Relacional de Si , which comes from the Applied Sociology (towards) Social Change (BAJOIT, 2006, 2009). The discursive analyses were guided word for word, in their majority, by having the Systemic Functional Grammar as their theoretical basis, specifically by the processes of the Transitivity System postulated by Halliday, (1985); Halliday and Mathiessen, (2004); Eggins (2004); Cunha and Souza (2011). The work makes the field of Cultural Studies emerge towards the dialogue and the presentation of the fragmented identities of the teachers in the context of late modernity (GIDDENS, 2002; HALL, 2011). The thesis promoted a reflection over the teacher s condition, who is immerse in this context of knowledge construction of the present Brazilian educational system, the standardized evaluations, the indexes of development, the targets and the rankings. The considerations and outcomes of such a research dealt with the teachers emerging social practices and the need of planned initial and continuing teacher education towards the new moment which is foreseeable
Objetivou-se com esse estudo identificar o perfil de professores de ensino regular da cidade de Marília que tinham alunos com deficiências matriculados em suas salas de aula, bem como o perfil da clientela atendida por estes professores. Participaram do estudo 68 professores da cidade de Marília - SP que tinham alunos com deficiência matriculados em suas salas. O instrumento de coleta de dados utilizado foi um questionário contendo 13 questões divididas em 2 partes: 1) identificação dos participantes e 2) identificação dos alunos com deficiência. Os dados colhidos nos questionários foram submetidos à análise da freqüência absoluta e relativa. Foram identificadas 10 categorias. de acordo com os resultados dessa pesquisa, concluiu-se que a inserção do aluno com deficiência no ensino regular ocorre com a modificação da formação que favorece ao profissional o conhecimento e a compreensão das distintas formas de aprendizagem do seu alunado, a fim de estruturar sua própria prática pedagógica para atender, com qualidade, a diversidade.
O presente projeto tem como objeto de investigação as experiências do movimento como referências para a formação do professor de dança. Compreende-se a experiência a partir da fenomenologia de Merleau-Ponty, como modo de ser no mundo e delimitam-se para a investigação as experiências relacionadas à cultura de movimento, em geral, e a dança, em particular. Interessa questionar como o movimento mobiliza o sujeito e interfere em sua formação como professor de dança. Do ponto de vista metodológico a pesquisa orienta-se pela Fenomenologia, com enfoque na produção de narrativas escritas do próprio pesquisador e outros professores artistas da cidade de Natal-RN-Brasil. Nesse sentido, espera-se que a investigação seja capaz de apontar perspectivas para a formação do professor de dança que parta primeiramente de sua própria experiência como ser dançante, dinâmica essa necessária à vinculação do professor a área de conhecimento que exerce a docência
This paper concern the general subject of teacher career construction, since the period of the initial formation in the teaching course of pedagogy crossing the first effectives experiences of professional performance, until the reflections about the results of the continuous formation propositions. The specifics subject is the formative quotidian in the teacher s life beyond of the traditional stereotypes about individuals and institutions bring up for discussion a micro sociological approach about the professionals uncertainty and the personal hopes, the teacher displeasures and the pedagogical satisfactions. The epistemological reflection about the different formatives experiences, taking as example the Programa de Formação de Alfabetizadores PROFA (Alphabetizers Formation Program) developed by the Secretaria Municipal de Educação of Natal City, consider the ambiguous tension between the knowledge that the teachers acquire in their formation and the concrete teachers practical since those experiences. The study methodology is based in the qualitative comprehensive research, sustained by observations, impressive reflective accounts, and also in the theoretic analyses with contemporary references to the critical pedagogical through and education sociology. I used the autobiographic reflective account by the writer-researcher in her owner academic and professional way. I propose an image of a teacher s factory in such a way for its conformist aspects to the continuity stands as much the internal contradictions of the system. Gears, pieces and manual instructions are the educational components of this factory as ideological, institutional and technical structures to aim at to limit the critics and the changes. However the teachers thinking and acting with their owner creativity to adapted uncontexted professional knowledge s to their pedagogical lives. Under those analogies I propose the problem of this research the teacher s formation and theirs pedagogical practices- and also examine briefly its theoretic-philosophical and methodological basis. From the analysis and interpretation of my owner experiential life as teacher s educator I put the necessity of re-thinking the teacher s formation in terms to rebound more meaningfully in their pedagogical actuation. I believe an important part of the teacher s formation process is the personal wish to learn more about the office, explicitly connected to human convictions and values such as to a positive professional identity. Thus, the teacher able to reflect about your owner educator life can find the best way to help the students to think critically about their culture and history, valorizing creative exits by themselves to face the conformist social stands connected with school education
Among several theorems which are taught in basic education some of them can be proved in the classroom and others do not, because the degree of difficulty of its formal proof. A classic example is the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra which is not proved, it is necessary higher-level knowledge in mathematics. In this paper, we justify the validity of this theorem intuitively using the software Geogebra. And, based on [2] we will present a clear formal proof of this theorem that is addressed to school teachers and undergraduate students in mathematics
Having as reference the curricular proposals that composed the new directives for Formation of Professors for the Basic Education, Full Licence in Brazil, it was aimed to analyze in the pedagogic project of a Physical Education Licence course, the professional profile proposed, the conceptual orientation adopted (curriculum model) as well the evaluation proposed in the curriculum. These results obtained from the descriptive study have contemplated documental source and content analysis approach, utilizing as basis for discussion of the results the formation theory. Among the most significant data it was established that, the presented professor profile must consider an Academic, Technological, Practical and Socio-Reconstructionist orientation, detaching during the evaluation process a high skill level in Academic Orientation, as well remarking that the evaluation is presented as a great gap in the pedagogic project.
A preocupação sobre as práticas inclusivas nas escolas públicas no Brasil começou após a Declaração de Salamanca, com desafios e dúvidas. Ainda hoje, passados cerca de 15 anos, os professores do ensino regular se queixam dizendo que não têm conhecimento suficiente ou preparo formal para lidar com crianças com necessidades educacionais especiais, especialmente quando estas apresentam disfunções graves, como paralisia cerebral, deficiência intelectual e comportamentos desafiadores. A colaboração entre profissionais da Educação Especial e Regular pode ser uma alternativa para enfrentar tais desafios. O objetivo deste relato foi o de apresentar um breve histórico de um programa de pesquisa, ensino e extensão que busca aproximar a Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) dos professores do ensino comum que têm alunos com necessidades especiais em suas salas de aula. Iniciado em 2004, este programa está na atualidade em seu sétimo ano de execução e envolve professores da universidade, estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação e professores do ensino comum. Os resultados parecem apontar essa via de colaboração entre Educação Especial e Regular como um caminho promissor para a construção de escolas mais inclusivas.
As concepções dos professores podem determinar as atitudes sociais em relação à inclusão do aluno com deficiência na sala de aula. Dentre dessa temática, pode-se questionar: a concepção de inclusão do professor do ensino regular muda no decorrer do ano letivo após a entrada de alunos com deficiência? Assim, objetivou-se identificar a existência de mudanças de concepções do professor do ensino regular em relação à inclusão. Participaram do estudo cinco professores do ensino regular que atuavam em sala de aula com pelo menos um aluno com deficiência, em três escolas de Município do interior Paulista. Os dados foram coletados durante um ano letivo por meio de três procedimentos: entrevista não-estruturada; segmento bimestral das informações por meio de cadernos de conteúdo e entrevista semi-estruturada, ao final do ano. Os dados foram tratados por meio da técnica designada como análise da enunciação. Dessa análise, foram estabelecidas classes e subclasses, aferidas por juízes para verificar o grau de concordância da análise. Os resultados mostraram mudanças de concepções nas subclasses: expectativa em relação à inclusão do aluno com deficiência no ensino regular, experiência em relação à inclusão, perfil do aluno para ser matriculado no ensino regular; ritmo de aprendizagem do aluno com deficiência na sala de aula regular, avaliação da aprendizagem do aluno com deficiência, dificuldades em lidar com a diversidade, dificuldade em lidar com a disciplina/comportamento do aluno com deficiência e dificuldade para ensinar o aluno com deficiência. Conclui-se que a entrada, por si só, do aluno com deficiência no ensino regular não garantiu a mudança de concepção dos professores.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)