939 resultados para Primal Joints
Conventional concrete is typically cured using external methods. External curing prevents drying of the surface, allows the mixture to stay warm and moist, and results in continued cement hydration (Taylor 2014). Internal curing is a relatively recent technique that has been developed to prolong cement hydration by providing internal water reservoirs in a concrete mixture that do not adversely affect the concrete mixture’s fresh or hardened physical properties. Internal curing grew out of the need for more durable structural concretes that were resistant to shrinkage cracking. Joint spacing for concrete overlays can be increased if slab warping is reduced or eliminated. One of the most promising potential benefits from using internal curing for concrete overlays, then, is the reduced number of joints due to increased joint spacing (Wei and Hansen 2008).
If adequately designed and high quality material and good construction practices are used, portland cement concrete is very durable. This is demonstrated by the oldest pavement in Iowa (second oldest in the U.S.) paved in 1904, which performed well for 70 years without resurfacing. The design thickness is an important factor in both the performance and cost of pavement. The objective of this paper is to provide a 30-year performance evaluation of a pavement constructed to determine the required design thickness for low volume secondary roadways. In 1951 Greene County and the Iowa Highway Research Board of the Iowa Department of Transportation initiated a four-mile (6.4 km) demonstration project to evaluate thicknesses ranging from 4-1/2" (11.4 cm) to 6" (15.2 cm). The project, consisting of 10 research sections, was formed pavement placed on a gravel roadbed with very little preparation except for redistribution of the loose aggregate. Eight sections were non-reinforced except for centerline tie bars and no contraction joints were used. Mesh reinforcing and contraction joints spaced at 29' 7" (9.02 m) intervals were used in two 4-1/2" (11.4 cm) thick sections. The only air entrained section was non-reinforced. The pavement performed well over its 30-year life carrying a light volume of traffic and did not require major maintenance. There was substantial cracking with average slab length varying directly with thickness. The 4-1/2" (11.4 cm) thick non-air entrained, mesh-reinforced pavement with contraction joints has performed the best.
El ligamento escafolunar es uno de los ligamentos que se halla intraarticular, entre el escafoides y el semilunar. Su función más importante es evitar que ambos huesos se separen cuando se cierra firmemente el puño, en la prono-supinación de la mano sobre el eje del antebrazo y durante la flexo-extensión de la muñeca. La indicación terapéutica para reparar la inestabilidad consiste en la cirugía de reconstrucción, mediante la transferencia de tendones, la fusión de las articulaciones o la reformación de los huesos. Actualmente existen dos métodos quirúrgicos para la reparación del ligamento.Para evitar la cirugía abierta, con el presente proyecto se pretende encontrar una solución que permita, a través de una cirugía con artroscopia, solucionar el problema mediante la implantación de una prótesis
The three miles of fibrous concrete resurfacing in Greene County, Iowa were placed in September and early October, 1973. It was recognized in advance that cracking and other performance characteristics of the fibrous concrete sections and of the central sections would be major factors in the evaluation of the project. A low level aerial survey was made of the old pavement. During construction of the resurfacing, the aerial survey was checked to insure that cracks in the old pavement were referenced to the 100 ft. station marks placed in the resurfacing. The crack survey recorded herein was made in March and April, 1974. Those cracks in the resurfacing that are reflections of cracks in the underlying slab are identified by /\ marks. Observations (not detailed crack surveys) made in June, 1974 indicate that further cracking of the resurfacing has occurred since this report was prepared. In particular, there appears to be same additional longitudinal cracking over the widening joints.
Iowa's first portland cement concrete pavement was constructed in 1904 in the City of LeMars. A portion of that pavement served traffic until 1974 at which time it was resurfaced. The first rural Iowa pee pavement (16' wide, 6" to 7" thick) was constructed under the direction of the Iowa State Highway Commission in 1913. Some of Iowa's early pavements had transverse joints at 25-foot spacings. At that time, joint spacings across the nation ranged from 24 to 100 ft. There have been many changes in joint design over the years with some pavements being constructed without transverse joints. Joint spacing on Iowa primary pavements has generally remained around 20 feet with this spacing having been adopted as an Iowa standard in 1954. Until 1978 it was common to specify a 40-foot joint spacing on secondary pavements. The performance of the pavements with joint spacings greater than 20 feet, and in some cases no contraction joints, generated a 1955 research project on joint spacing. This project was 16 miles long containing sections without contraction joints and sections with joints sawed at intervals of 20, 50 and 80 feet. Approximately half of the sawed joints were left unsealed. The results of this research supported the 20-foot spacing, but were inconclusive regarding the benefits of sealing. One of the desired characteristics of joint sealing material is that it should act as a moisture barrier and prevent the intrusion of surface water. It was generally accepted from past experience that the hot poured type joint seals did not provide this effective moisture barrier.
Concern about premature joint sealant failures occurring in portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements gave impetus to initiating this research project. Eight sealants, including three silicone sealants, were evaluated and tested in the lab as well as incorporated in approximately 700 joints in the field and evaluated over a six-year period. The preliminary data show that among the silicone sealants, Dow Corning 888 rated the highest. However, this was rated third overall behind the W. R. Meadows cold-applied Sof Seal and Crafco #231 hot pour sealants. The W. R. Meadows and Crafco sealants cost approximately 30 percent and 50 percent less to furnish and place than the Dow Corning product. All joint sealants will continue to be evaluated.
In 1994 the Iowa Department of Transportation constructed a 7.2-mile Portland Cement Concrete overlay project in Iowa County on Iowa Highway 21. The research work was conducted in cooperation with the Department of Civil Engineering and the Federal Highway Administration under the Iowa Highway Research Board project HR-559. The project was constructed to evaluate the performance of an ultrathin concrete overlay during a 5-year period. The experiment included variables of base surface preparation, overlay depth, joint spacing, fiber reinforcement, and the sealed or non-sealed joints. The project was instrumented to measure overlay/base interface temperatures and strains. Visual distress surveys and deflection testing were also used to monitor performance. Coring and direct shear testing was accomplished 3 times during the research period. Results of the testing and monitoring are identified in the report. The experiment was very successful and the results provide an insight into construction and design needs to be considered in tailoring a portland cement concrete overlay to a performance need. The results also indicate a method to monitor bond with nondestructive methods.
A study of four major concrete pavement joint rehabilitation techniques has been conducted, including: pressure relief joints, full-depth repairs, partial-depth repairs and joint resealing. The products of this research include the following for each technique: a summary of published research, detailed documentation of the design and performance of the 36 projects, conclusions and recommendations of the state highway engineers panel, "Design and Construction Guidelines" and "Guide Specifications." The latter two products are prepared for use by state highway agencies. The results of this study are based upon a review of literature, extensive field surveys and analysis of 36 rehabilitation projects, and the experience of an expert panel of state highway engineers.
Major highway concrete pavements in Iowa have exhibited premature deterioration attributed to effects of ettringite formation, alkali-silica expansive reactions, and to frost attack, or some combination of them. These pavements were constructed in the mid- 1980s as non-reinforced, dual-lane, roads ranging in thickness between 200 mm and 300 mm, with skewed joints reinforced with dowels. Deterioration was initially recognized with a darkening of joint regions, which occurred for some pavements as soon as four years after construction. Pavement condition ranges from severe damage to none, and there appeared to be no unequivocal materials or processing variables correlated with failure. Based upon visual examinations, petrographic evaluation, and application of materials models, the deterioration of concrete highway pavements in Iowa appear related to a freeze-thaw failure of the coarse aggregate and the mortar. Crack patterns sub-parallel to the concrete surface transecting the mortar fraction and the coarse aggregate are indicative of freeze-thaw damage of both the mortar and aggregate. The entrained air void system was marginal to substandard, and filling of some of the finer-sized voids by ettringite appears to have further degraded the air void system. The formation of secondary ettringite within the entrained air voids probably reflects a relatively high degree of concrete saturation causing the smaller voids to be filled with pore solution when the concrete freezes. Alkali-silica reaction (ASR) affects some quartz and shale in the fine aggregate, but is not considered to be a significant cause of the deterioration. Delayed ettringite formation was not deemed likely as no evidence of a uniform paste expansion was observed. The lack of field-observed expansion is also evidence against the ASR and DEF modes of deterioration. The utilization of fly ash does not appear to have affected the deterioration as all pavements with or without fly ash exhibiting substantial damage also exhibit significant filling of the entrained air void system, and specimens containing fly ash from sound pavements do not have significant filling. The influence of the mixture design, mixing, and placing must be evaluated with respect to development of an adequate entrained air void system, concrete homogeneity, longterm drying shrinkage, and microcracking. A high-sand mix may have contributed to the difficult mixture characteristics noted upon placement and exacerbate concrete heterogeneity problems, difficulty in developing an adequate entrained air void system, poor consolidation potential, and increased drying shrinkage and cracking. Finally, the availability of moisture must also be considered, as the secondary precipitation of ettringite in entrained air voids indicates they were at least partially filled with pore solution at times. Water availability at the base of the slabs, in joints, and cracks may have provided a means for absorbing water to a point of critical saturation.
Transverse joints are placed in portland cement concrete pavements to control the development of random cracking due to stresses induced by moisture and thermal gradients and restrained slab movement. These joints are strengthened through the use of load transfer devices, typically dowel bars, designed to transfer load across the joint from one pavement slab to the next. Epoxy coated steel bars are the materials of choice at the present time, but have experienced some difficulties with resistance to corrosion from deicing salts. The research project investigated the use of alternative materials, dowel size and spacing to determine the benefits and limitations of each material. In this project two types of fiber composite materials, stainless steel solid dowels and epoxy coated dowels were tested for five years in side by side installation in a portion of U.S. 65 near Des Moines, Iowa, between 1997 and 2002. The work was directed at analyzing the load transfer characteristics of 8-in. vs. 12-in. spacing of the dowels and the alternative dowel materials, fiber composite (1.5- and 1.88-in. diameter) and stainless steel (1.5-in. diameter), compared to typical 1.5-in. diameter epoxy-coated steel dowels placed on 12-in. spacing. Data were collected biannually within each series of joints and variables in terms of load transfer in each lane (outer wheel path), visual distress, joint openings, and faulting in each wheel path. After five years of performance the following observations were made from the data collected. Each of the dowel materials is performing equally in terms of load transfer, joint movement and faulting. Stainless steel dowels are providing load transfer performance equal to or greater than epoxy-coated steel dowels at the end of five years. Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) dowels of the sizes and materials tested should be spaced no greater than 8 in. apart to achieve comparable performance to epoxy coated dowels. No evidence of deterioration due to road salts was identified on any of the products tested. The relatively high cost of stainless steel solid and FRP dowels was a limitation at the time of this study conclusion. Work is continuing with the subject materials in laboratory studies to determine the proper shape, spacing, chemical composition and testing specification to make the FRP and stainless (clad or solid) dowels a viable alternative joint load transfer material for long lasting portland cement concrete pavements.
In conventional construction practices, a longitudinal joint is sawed in a PCC (Portland Cement Concrete) pavement to control concrete shrinkage cracking between two lanes of traffic. Sawing a joint in hardened concrete is an expensive and time consuming operation. The longitudinal joint is not a working joint (in comparison to a transverse joint) as it is typically tied with a tie bar at 30 inch spacing. The open joint reservoir, left by the saw blade, typically is filled or sealed with a durable crack sealant to keep incompressibles and water from getting into the joint reservoir. An experimental joint forming knife has been developed. It is installed under the paving machine to form the longitudinal joint in the wet concrete as a part of the paving process. Through this research method, forming a very narrow longitudinal joint during the paving process, two conventional paving operations can be eliminated. Joint forming eliminates the need of the joint sawing operation in the hard concrete, and as the joint that is formed does not leave a wide-open reservoir, but only a hairline crack, it does not need the joint filling or sealing operation. Therefore, the two conventional longitudinal joint sawing and sealing operations are both being eliminated by this innovation. A laboratory scale prototype joint forming knife was built and tested, initially forming joints in small concrete beams. The results were positive so the method was proposed for field testing. Initial field tests were done in the construction season of 2001, limited to one paving contractor. A number of modifications were made to the knife throughout the field tests. About 3000 feet of longitudinal joint was formed in 2001. Additional testing was done in the 2002 construction season, working with the same contractor. About 150,000 feet of longitudinal joint was formed in 2002. Evaluations of the formed joints were done to determine longitudinal joint hairline crack development rate and appearance. Additional tests will be done in the next construction season to improve or perfect the longitudinal joint forming technique.
The members of the Iowa Concrete Paving Association, the National Concrete Pavement Technology Center Research Committee, and the Iowa Highway Research Board commissioned a study to examine alternative ways of developing transverse joints in portland cement concrete pavements. The present study investigated six separate variations of vertical metal strips placed above and below the dowels in conventional baskets. In addition, the study investigated existing patented assemblies and a new assembly developed in Spain and used in Australia. The metal assemblies were placed in a new pavement and allowed to stay in place for 30 days before the Iowa Department of Transportation staff terminated the test by directing the contractor to saw and seal the joints. This report describes the design, construction, testing, and conclusions of the project.
As truck traffic on Iowa secondary roads has increased, engineers have moved to concrete pavements of greater depths. Early designs included thickened edge pavements and depths of seven inches or greater. The designs typically did not have load transfer devices installed in the transverse joints and relied on aggregate interlock for this purpose. In some cases, aggregate interlock was not adequate to deal with the soils and traffic conditions and faulting of the joints has begun to appear. Engineers are now faced with the need to install or retrofit load transfer in the joints to preserve the pavements. Questions associated with this decision range from the type of dowel material to dowel diameter, spacing, number of bars, placement method, and construction techniques to be used to assure reduction or elimination of faulting. Buena Vista County constructed a dowel bar retrofit project on one mile of road. The plan called for addition of the dowels (2, 3, or 4) in the outer wheel path only and surface grinding in lieu of asphalt overlay. The project included the application of elliptical- and round-shaped dowels in a rehabilitation project. Dowel material types included conventional epoxy-coated steel and fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP). This work involved the determination of relative costs in materials to be used in this type of work and performance of FRP and elliptical-shaped steel dowels in the retrofit work. The results indicate good performance from each of the bar configurations and use the results of ride and deflection testing over the research period to project the benefits that can be gained from each configuration vs. the anticipated construction costs. The reader is cautioned that this project could not relate the number of dowels required to the level of anticipated truck traffic for other roads that might be considered.
Early entry sawing applies sawing earlier and more shallowly than conventional sawing and is believed to increase sawing productivity and reduce the cost of the joint sawing operations. However, some early entry sawing joints (transverse joints) in Iowa were found to experience delayed cracking, sometimes up to 30 days. A concern is whether early entry sawing can lead to late-age random cracking. The present study investigated the effects of different sawing methods on random cracking in portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements. The approach was to assess the cracking potential at sawing joints by measuring the strain development of the concrete at the joints using concrete embedment strain gages. Ten joints were made with the early entry sawing method to a depth of 1.5 in., and two strain gages were installed in each of the joints. Another ten joints were made with the conventional sawing method, five of which were sawed to a depth of one-third of the pavement thickness (3.3 in.), and the other five of which were sawed to a depth of one-quarter of the pavement thickness (2.5 in.). One strain gage was installed in each joint made using conventional sawing. In total, 30 strain gages were installed in 20 joints. The results from the present study indicate that all 30 joints cracked within 25 days after paving, though most joints made using early entry sawing cracked later than the joints made using conventional sawing. No random cracking was observed in the early entry sawing test sections two months after construction. Additionally, it was found that the strain gages used were capable of monitoring the deformations at the joints. The joint crack times (or crack initiation time) measured by the strain gages were generally consistent with the visual observations.
The ends of prestressed concrete beams under expansion joints are often exposed to moisture and chlorides. Left unprotected, the moisture and chlorides come in contact with the ends of the prestressing strands and/or the mild reinforcing, resulting in corrosion. Once deterioration begins, it progresses unless some process is employed to address it. Deterioration can lead to loss of bearing area and therefore a reduction in bridge capacity. Previous research has looked into the use of concrete coatings (silanes, epoxies, fiber-reinforced polymers, etc.) for protecting prestressed concrete beam ends but found that little to no laboratory research has been done related to the performance of these coatings in this specific type of application. The Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) currently specifies coating the ends of exposed prestressed concrete beams with Sikagard 62 (a high-build, protective, solvent-free, epoxy coating) at the precast plant prior to installation on the bridge. However, no physical testing of Sikagard 62 in this application has been completed. In addition, the Iowa DOT continues to see deterioration in the prestressed concrete beam ends, even those treated with Sikagard 62. The goals of this project were to evaluate the performance of the Iowa DOT-specified beam-end coating as well as other concrete coating alternatives based on the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) T259-80 chloride ion penetration test and to test their performance on in-service bridges throughout the duration of the project. In addition, alternative beam-end forming details were developed and evaluated for their potential to mitigate and/or eliminate the deterioration caused by corrosion of the prestressing strands on prestressed concrete beam ends used in bridges with expansion joints. The alternative beam-end details consisted of individual strand blockouts, an individual blockout for a cluster of strands, dual blockouts for two clusters of strands, and drilling out the strands after they are flush cut. The goal of all of the forming alternatives was to offset the ends of the prestressing strands from the end face of the beam and then cover them with a grout/concrete layer, thereby limiting or eliminating their exposure to moisture and chlorides.