579 resultados para Pre-Service Teacher Education,
In the contemporary literature on Foreign Language Teaching (LE/L2), is evidence of a trend in education given priority from the sub-focus on socio-cultural competence (HYMES, 1972), mainly with the aim of developing the intercultural competence, that is, the power to know the differences between the culture of the new language and the language in concrete situations and to develop strategies to deal comprehensively with the customs of another culture (Rozenfeld & Vianna, 2011). This process seeks to bring people to a critical analysis of their own language and culture, the concept of otherness and the similarities and differences between nations (MOTTA ROTH, 2003). Under the didactic-pedagogical approach multiculturalism, there is the need to develop new educational proposals and to include studies and researches about this subject in the curricula of teacher education courses. Politically, the proposals of the "Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs)" in Brazil emphasize as targets to be established for the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language (ELE), on average, target content and teaching strategies to develop, in addition to communicative competence, competition also "inter (multi) culture" (BRASIL, 2000). Thus, this paper analyzes the reports of pre-service teachers in the course of Teaching Practice of Spanish Language, the presence of cultural and intercultural approach, verifying didactic-pedagogical treatment that is being expressed in projects and materialized in practices of ELE classroom, in the interior of São Paulo / Brazil.
In the contemporary literature on Foreign Language Teaching (LE/L2), is evidence of a trend in education given priority from the sub-focus on socio-cultural competence (HYMES, 1972), mainly with the aim of developing the intercultural competence, that is, the power to know the differences between the culture of the new language and the language in concrete situations and to develop strategies to deal comprehensively with the customs of another culture (Rozenfeld & Vianna, 2011). This process seeks to bring people to a critical analysis of their own language and culture, the concept of otherness and the similarities and differences between nations (MOTTA ROTH, 2003). Under the didactic-pedagogical approach multiculturalism, there is the need to develop new educational proposals and to include studies and researches about this subject in the curricula of teacher education courses. Politically, the proposals of the "Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs)" in Brazil emphasize as targets to be established for the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language (ELE), on average, target content and teaching strategies to develop, in addition to communicative competence, competition also "inter (multi) culture" (BRASIL, 2000). Thus, this paper analyzes the reports of pre-service teachers in the course of Teaching Practice of Spanish Language, the presence of cultural and intercultural approach, verifying didactic-pedagogical treatment that is being expressed in projects and materialized in practices of ELE classroom, in the interior of São Paulo / Brazil.
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
This present article aims to present some results of a PhD research in which intended to answer the following investigation question: In which extent a Program of Teacher Education in service in the early years of elementary school, GESTAR, contributed to the development of positive attitudes about Geometry? The participants were twelve teachers from two schools in the State of Mato Grosso. The instruments for data collection were a range of attitudes towards Geometry (EARG) developed and experimented by Viana and Brito (2004). The results showed a meaningful change in Geometry of the data pre and post-experiment.
O objetivo da presente tese é realizar uma abordagem acerca da realidade das entidades científicas no contexto da formação de professores de física. A literatura em ensino de ciências destaca a importância do entendimento de aspectos da natureza da ciência por professores. Dentre esses aspectos, exploramos a questão da realidade das entidades inobserváveis descritas pelas teorias científicas, tratando sobretudo de critérios utilizados para a caracterização dessa realidade por licenciandos, bem como possíveis influências na constituição desses critérios. Consideramos que um professor de física, durante sua atuação profissional, precisará lidar com a questão da realidade de entidades não acessíveis aos sentidos, tendo talvez de explicar em que se baseia uma proposição sobre sua existência. No desenvolvimento do presente trabalho, trouxemos alguns elementos de uma discussão que se dá no âmbito filosófico a respeito do realismo científico e também abordamos formulações teóricas que tratam da questão da realidade em perspectivas que se referem ao campo cotidiano e ao senso comum. Como referencial mais geral, utilizamos uma abordagem sobre cultura, que aponta para a influência de diversas estruturas culturais nas formas de entendimento do mundo e permite conceber a ciência como uma dessas estruturas. Entre outras coisas, a aprendizagem da ciência envolveria a compreensão de suas formas específicas de atribuir realidade, em contraposição às formas de outras estruturas culturais. Foram desenvolvidos três estudos, com análises fundamentadas em metodologias qualitativas. No primeiro, investigamos critérios usados por licenciandos em física para definir a realidade de entidades da ciência e de entes relacionados a outros domínios; no segundo, analisamos formas pelas quais certas entidades científicas são caracterizadas e tomadas como reais em uma coleção de livros didáticos de física do ensino superior; e, por fim, o terceiro consistiu na construção e utilização de um heurístico, com o objetivo de proporcionar reflexões acerca de questões relacionadas ao conhecimento científico e a elementos de outras estruturas culturais e foram analisadas as entrevistas de quatro estudantes de licenciatura sobre o uso desse instrumento. Os resultados obtidos parecem mostrar que há influência de elementos vindos de fora da ciência nos critérios utilizados por estudantes para a definição da realidade das entidades. Além disso, mostram que esse tema não é comumente trazido à reflexão dos alunos, o que não contribui para a reelaboração dos critérios de realidade já trazidos por eles de outros campos que não o científico. O heurístico utilizado no terceiro estudo serviu para trazer à tona as bases do pensamento dos estudantes e lhes indicar certos elementos para reflexão; existiram diferenças nos tipos de reflexão suscitados pelo instrumento, o que consideramos ser uma espécie de \"contextualização cultural\" na maneira de compreender as questões trazidas por ele. O desenvolvimento dos três estudos nos permitiu compreender alguns aspectos relevantes sobre os modos de entendimento das entidades da ciência e pensar sobre suas formas de tratamento em um curso de física.
Esta investigación presenta un estudio cuyo objetivo es identificar aspectos que apoyan el desarrollo de la mirada profesional en estudiantes para profesores de matemáticas en un contexto b-learning. Analizamos las producciones de un grupo de estudiantes para profesores de matemáticas de educación secundaria (documentos escritos y participaciones en un debate on-line) cuando analizaban el razonamiento proporcional de estudiantes de educación secundaria. Los resultados indican que la interacción en el debate en línea permitió a algunos estudiantes para profesor mejorar su capacidad de identificar e interpretar aspectos relevantes del pensamiento matemático de los estudiantes de educación secundaria. Estos resultados indican que el desarrollo de “una mirada profesional” del profesor es un proceso complicado pero que la posibilidad de construir un discurso progresivo en línea es un factor importante para su desarrollo.
El objetivo de esta investigación es caracterizar grados de desarrollo de la competencia docente “mirar con sentido” el pensamiento matemático de los estudiantes en el ámbito específico de la derivada de una función en un punto. A partir de los resultados de las investigaciones previas sobre la derivada diseñamos un cuestionario formado por tres tareas a partir de las respuestas de estudiantes a 3 problemas sobre el concepto de derivada en un punto. Los resultados han permitido generar descriptores de niveles de desarrollo de la competencia docente “mirar con sentido” el pensamiento matemático de los estudiantes. Estos resultados aportan información para el diseño de intervenciones en la formación de profesores de matemáticas que tengan como uno de sus objetivos el desarrollo de la competencia docente “mirar con sentido” el pensamiento matemático de los estudiantes.
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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
This paper addresses the question of how teachers learn from experience during their pre-service course and early years of teaching. It outlines a theoretical framework that may help us better understand how teachers' professional identities emerge in practice. The framework adapts Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development, and Valsiner's Zone of Free Movement and Zone of Promoted Action, to the field of teacher education. The framework is used to analyse the pre-service and initial professional experiences of a novice secondary mathematics teacher in integrating computer and graphics calculator technologies into his classroom practice. (Contains 1 figure.) [For complete proceedings, see ED496848.]
This thesis covers two major aspects of pharmacy education; undergraduate education and pre-registration training. A cohort of pharmacy graduates were surveyed over a period of four years, on issues related to undergraduate education, pre-registration training and continuing education. These graduates were the first-ever to sit the pre-registration examination. In addition, the opinions of pre-registration tutors were obtained on pre-registration training, during the year that competence-based assessment was introduced. It was concluded that although the undergraduate course provided a broad base of knowledge suitable for graduates in all branches of pharmacy, several issues were identified which would require attention in future developments of the course. These were: 1. the strong support for the expansion of clinical, social and practice-based teaching. 2. the strong support to retain the scientific content to the same extent as in the three-year course. 3. a greater use of problem-based learning methods. The graduates supported the provision of a pre-registration continuing education course to help prepare for the examination and in areas inadequately covered in the undergraduate course. There was also support for the introduction of some form of split branch training. There was no strong evidence to suggest that the training had been an application of undergraduate education. In general, competence-based training was well regarded by tutors as an appropriate and effective method of skill assessment. However, community tutors felt it was difficult to carry out effectively due to day-to-day time constraints. The assistant tutors in hospital pharmacy were found to have a very important role in provision of training, and should be adequately trained and supported. The study recommends the introduction of uniform training and a quality assurance mechanism for all tutors and assistants undertaking this role.
In September 2002, the State of Florida implemented a new retirement structure for those employed in the Florida Public School System. Teachers were given the option to maintain their existing defined benefit plan or choose the newly offered defined contribution plan. The variables that affect planning for retirement are innumerable. Identifying the most significant variables is essential to understanding how one plans for retirement. ^ This study examined the relationship between hypothesized psychosocial and demographic factors and an individual's level of pre-retirement planning. The criterion variable, the level of pre-retirement planning, comprised two concepts. First, the time spent thinking about retirement was determined by the score an individual received on a pre-retirement planning scale. This scale included the concepts of information gathering, goals, anticipated resources, and long-range planning. Second, implementation of retirement plan procedures was determined by the percentage an individual annually deferred to retirement. ^ The survey used for data collection contained 50 close-ended items. It was distributed to all full-time teachers in nine randomly selected elementary, middle, and senior high schools throughout Miami-Dade County Public Schools. Multiple regression and crosstabulation indicated that math anxiety, general risk, years of service, and total family income were significant predictors of the level of pre-retirement planning, as measured by the pre-retirement planning scale. In addition, the statistical analysis indicated that math anxiety, internal locus of control, years of service, and total family income were significant predictors of the level pre-retirement planning, as measured by the amount deferred to retirement. An individual's level of math anxiety and family income were the two factors that were the most significant predictors for both concepts on the level of pre-retirement planning. ^ Based on the findings of the study, recommendations focused on assessing an individual's level of math anxiety and educating teachers, particularly pre-service candidates, about the factors that affect pre-retirement planning. Further research should investigate the benefit of such educational programs. ^
The purpose of the study was to measure gains in the development of elementary education teachers’ reading expertise, to determine if there was a differential gain in reading expertise, and last, to examine their perceptions of acquiring reading expertise. This research is needed in the field of teacher education, specifically in the field of reading. A quasi-experimental design with a comparison group using pretest-posttest mixed-method, repeated measures was utilized. Quantitative data analysis measured the development of reading expertise of elementary preservice teachers compared to early childhood preservice teachers; and, was used to examine the differential gains in reading expertise. A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was conducted on pre- and posttest responses on a Protocol of Questions. Further analysis was conducted on five variables (miscue analysis, fluency analysis, data analysis, inquiry orientation and intelligent action) using a univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA). A one-way ANOVA was carried out on gain scores of the low and middle groups of elementary education preservice teachers. Qualitative data analysis suggested by Merriam (1989) and Miles and Huberman (1994) was used to determine if the elementary education preservice teachers perceived they had acquired the expertise to teach reading. Elementary education preservice teachers who participated in a supervised clinical practicum made significant gains in their development of reading expertise as compared to early childhood preservice teachers who did not make significant gains. Elementary education preservice teachers who were in the low and middle third levels of expertise at pretest demonstrated significant gains in reading expertise. Last, elementary education preservice teachers perceived they had acquired the expertise to teach reading. The study concluded that reading expertise can be developed in elementary education preservice teachers through participation in a supervised clinical practicum. The findings support the idea that preservice teachers who will be teaching reading to elementary students would benefit from a supervised clinical practicum.
In the discussion - Industry Education: The Merger Continues - by Rob Heiman Assistant Professor Hospitality Food Service Management at Kent State University, the author originally declares, “Integrating the process of an on-going catering and banquet function with that of selected behavioral academic objectives leads to an effective, practical course of instruction in catering and banquet management. Through an illustrated model, this article highlights such a merger while addressing a variety of related problems and concerns to the discipline of hospitality food service management education.” The article stresses the importance of blending the theoretical; curriculum based learning process with that of a hands-on approach, in essence combining an in-reality working program, with academics, to develop a well rounded hospitality student. “How many programs are enjoying the luxury of excessive demand for students from industry [?],” the author asks in proxy for, and to highlight the immense need for qualified personnel in the hospitality industry. As the author describes it, “An ideal education program concerns itself with the integration of theory and simulation with hands-on experience to teach the cognitive as well as the technical skills required to achieve the pre-determined hospitality education objectives.” In food service one way to achieve this integrated learning curve is to have the students prepare foods and then consume them. Heiman suggests this will quickly illustrate to students the rights and wrongs of food preparation. Another way is to have students integrating the academic program with feeding the university population. Your author offers more illustrations on similar principles. Heiman takes special care in characterizing the banquet and catering portions of the food service industry, and he offers empirical data to support the descriptions. It is in these areas, banquet and catering, that Heiman says special attention is needed to produce qualified students to those fields. This is the real focus of the discussion, and it is in this venue that the remainder of the article is devoted. “Based on the perception that quality education is aided by implementing project assignments through the course of study in food service education, a model description can be implemented for a course in Catering and Banquet Management and Operations. This project model first considers the prioritized objectives of education and industry and then illustrates the successful merging of resources for mutual benefits,” Heiman sketches. The model referred to above is also the one aforementioned in the thesis statement at the beginning of the article. This model is divided into six major components; Heiman lists and details them. “The model has been tested through two semesters involving 29 students,” says Heiman. “Reaction by all participants has been extremely positive. Recent graduates of this type of program have received a sound theoretical framework and demonstrated their creative interpretation of this theory in practical application,” Heiman says in summation.
A review of the literature reveals few research has attempted to demonstrate if a relationship exists between the type of teacher training a science teacher has received and the perceived attitudes of his/her students. Considering that a great deal of time and energy has been devoted by university colleges, school districts, and educators towards refining the teacher education process, it would be more efficient for all parties involved, if research were available that could discern if certain pathways in achieving that education, would promote the tendency towards certain teacher behaviors occurring in the classroom, while other pathways would lead towards different behaviors. Some of the teacher preparation factors examined in this study include the college major chosen by the science teacher, the highest degree earned, the number of years of teaching experience, the type of science course taught, and the grade level taught by the teacher. This study examined how the various factors mentioned, could influence the behaviors which are characteristic of the teacher, and how these behaviors could be reflective in the classroom environment experienced by the students. The instrument used in the study was the Classroom Environment Scale (CES), Real Form. The measured classroom environment was broken down into three separate dimensions, with three components within each dimension in the CES. Multiple Regression statistical analyses examined how components of the teachers' education influenced the perceived dimensions of the classroom environment from the students. The study occurred in Miami-Dade County Florida, with a predominantly urban high school student population. There were 40 secondary science teachers involved, each with an average of 30 students. The total number of students sampled in the study was 1200. The teachers who participated in the study taught the entire range of secondary science courses offered at this large school district. All teachers were selected by the researcher so that a balance would occur in the sample between teachers who were education major versus science major. Additionally, the researcher selected teachers so that a balance occurred in regards to the different levels of college degrees earned among those involved in the study. Several research questions sought to determine if there was significant difference between the type of the educational background obtained by secondary science teachers and the students' perception of the classroom environment. Other research questions sought to determine if there were significant differences in the students' perceptions of the classroom environment for secondary science teachers who taught biological content, or non-biological content sciences. An additional research question sought to evaluate if the grade level taught would affect the students' perception of the classroom environment. Analysis of the multiple regression were run for each of four scores from the CES, Real Form. For score 1, involvement of students, the results showed that teachers with the highest number of years of experience, with masters or masters plus degrees, who were education majors, and who taught twelfth grade students, had greater amounts of students being attentive and interested in class activities, participating in discussions, and doing additional work on their own, as compared with teachers who had lower experience, a bachelors degree, were science majors, and who taught a grade lower than twelfth. For score 2, task orientation, which emphasized completing the required activities and staying on-task, the results showed that teachers with the highest and intermediate experience, a science major, and with the highest college degree, showed higher scores as compared with the teachers indicating lower experiences, education major and a bachelors degree. For Score 3, competition, which indicated how difficult it was to achieve high grades in the class, the results showed that teachers who taught non-biology content subjects had the greatest effect on the regression. Teachers with a masters degree, low levels of experience, and who taught twelfth grade students were also factored into the regression equation. For Score 4, innovation, which indicated the extent in which the teachers used new and innovative techniques to encourage diverse and creative thinking included teachers with an education major as the first entry into the regression equation. Teachers with the least experience (0 to 3 years), and teachers who taught twelfth and eleventh grade students were also included into the regression equation.