890 resultados para Pre-Mesozoic basement of Iberia


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The Middle Valley segment at the northern end of the Juan de Fuca Ridge is a deep extensional rift blanketed with 200-500 m of Pleistocene turbiditic sediment. Sites 857 and 858 were drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 139 to determine whether these two sites were hydrologically linked end members of an active hydrothermal circulation system. Site 858 was placed in an area of active hydrothermal discharge with fluids up to 270°C venting through anhydrite-bearing mounds on top of altered sediment. The shallow basement of fine-grained basalt that underlies the vents at Site 858 is interpreted as a seamount that was subsequently buried by turbidites. Site 857 was placed 1.6 km south of the Site 858 vents in a zone of high heat flow and numerous seismically imaged ridge-parallel faults. Drilling at Site 857 encountered sediments that are increasingly altered with depth and that overlie a series of mafic sills at depths of 460-940 m below sea floor. Sill margins and adjacent baked sediment are highly altered to magnesian chlorite and crosscut with veins filled with quartz, chlorite, sulfides, epidote, and wairakite. The sill interiors vary from slightly altered, with unaltered plagioclase and clinopyroxene in a mesostasis replaced by chlorite, to local zones of intense alteration and brecciation. In these latter zones, the sill interiors are pervasively replaced by chlorite, epidote, quartz, pyrite, titanite, and rare actinolite. The most complete replacement is associated with brecciated horizons with low recovery and slickensides on fracture surfaces, which we interpret as intersections between faults and the sills. Geochemically, the alteration of the sill complex is reflected in significant whole-rock depletions in Ca, Sr, and Na with corresponding enrichments in Mg, Al, and most metals. The latter results from the formation of conspicuous sulfide poikiloblasts. In contrast, metamorphism of the Site 858 seamount includes incomplete albitization of plagioclase phenocrysts and replacement of sparse mafic phenocrysts. Much of the basement alteration at Site 858 is confined to crosscutting veins except for a highly altered and veined horizon at the contact between basaltic basement and the overlying sediment. The sill complex at Site 857 is more highly depleted in 18O (d18O = 2.4 per mil - 4.7 per mil) and more pervasively replaced by secondary minerals relative to the extrusives at Site 858 (d18O = 4.5 per mil - 5.5 per mil). There is no evidence of significant albitization of the plagioclase at Site 857, suggesting high Ca/Na in the pore fluids. Fluid-inclusion data from hydrothermal minerals in altered mafic rocks and veins at Sites 857 and 858 show a consistency of homogenization temperatures, varying from 245 to 270°C, which is within the range of temperatures observed for the fluids venting at Site 858. The consistency of the fluid inclusion temperatures, the lack of albitization within the Site 857 sills, and the apparently low water/rock ratio collectively suggest that the sill complex at Site 857 is in thermal equilibrium and being altered by a highly evolved Ca-rich fluid similar to the fluids now venting at Site 858. The alteration evident in these two deep crustal drillsites is a result of the ongoing hydrothermal circulation and is consistent with downhole logging results, instrumented borehole results, and hydrothermal fluid chemistry. The pervasive alteration of the laterally extensive sill-sediment complex at Site 857 determines the chemistry of the fluids that are venting at Site 858. The limited alteration of the Site 858 lavas suggests that this basement edifice acts as a penetrator or ventilator for the regional hydrothermal reservoir with much of the flow focussed at the highly altered and veined sediment-basalt contact.


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Measurements of natural remanent magnetization (NRM), initial susceptibility (K), anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, frequency dependent susceptibility (Xfd), and viscous remanent magnetization (VRM) are reported from volcanic rocks recovered during ODP Leg 127 in the Japan Sea. The results indicate a significant difference between the basalts drilled in the Yamato Basin (Site 794 and 797) and in the Japan Basin (Site 795). The Koenigsberger ratios (Q) show very low values in the Yamato Basin attesting that the remanence is not dominant over the induced magnetization. This evidence could explain why no magnetic anomaly pattern has been recognized in this basin. Experiments of VRM acquisition and decay show that both the processes are multistage with the acquisition process proceeding more rapidly and deviates more from a log (t) law than the corresponding decay. The sediments interlayered with the basalts in the acoustic basement of the Yamato Basin show processes of remagnetization related to the emplacement of the dikes. Temperatures of heating between 200° and 250°C were estimated from the different unblocking temperatures of the two components of magnetization.


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Geological and geophysical investigations carried out within the Hokkaido Rise showed that intrusives composing outcrops of the crystalline basement on the ocean floor form a continuous series from monzonites and diorite-monzonites to granites with prevalence of granodiorites with stable mineralogical association: biotite - hornblende - K-feldspar. Acidic volcanic rocks are characterized by a similar mineralogical association with almost complete absence of plagioclase-pyroxene species. It seems that the Hokkaido Rise, as well as the marginal oceanic Zenkevich swell as a whole are not primary oceanic structural formations and have undergone a complex and long history of geological development with intense orogenic movements that occurred in Middle Cretaceous and preceded subalkaline basalt outpouring during postorogenic subsidence of the Earth crust.


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The geological overview map was compiled from 15 geological maps (1 : 25,000) and is based on Jacobs et al. 1996. The topographic basemaps were adapted from unpublished 1:250,000 provisional topographic maps, Institut f. Angewandte Geodäsie, Frankfurt, 1983. Part of the contour lines are from Radarsat (Liu et al. 2001).


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Phyric basalts recovered from DSDP Legs 45 and 46 contain abundant plagioclase phenocrysts which occur as either discrete single grains (megacrysts) or aggregates (glomerocrysts) and which are too abundant and too anorthitic to have crystallized from a liquid with the observed bulk rock composition. Almost all the plagioclase crystals are complexly zoned. In most cases two abrupt and relatively large compositional changes associated with continuous internal morphologic boundaries divide the plagioclase crystals into three parts: core, mantle and rim. The cores exhibit two major types of morphology: tabular, with a euhedral to slightly rounded outline; or a skeletal inner core wrapped by a slightly rounded homogeneous outer core. The mantle region is characterized by a zoning pattern composed of one to several spikes/plateaus superimposed on a gently zoned base line, with one large plateau always at the outside of the mantle, and by, in most cases, a rounded internal morphology. The inner rim is typically oscillatory zoned. The width of the outer rim can be correlated with the position of the individual crystal in the basalt pillow. The presence of a skeletal inner core and the concentration of glass inclusions in low-An zones in the mantle region suggest that the liquid in which these parts of the crystals were growing was undercooled some amount. The resorption features at the outer margins of low-An zones indicate superheating of the liquid with respect to the crystal. It is proposed that the plagioclase cores formed during injection of primitive magma into a previously existing magma chamber, that the mantle formed during mixing of a partially mixed magma and the remaining magma already in the chamber, and that the inner rim formed when the mixed magma was in a sheeted dike system. The large plateau at the outside of the mantle may have formed during the injection of the next batch of primitive magma into the main chamber, which may trigger an eruption. This model is consistent with fluid dynamic calculations and geochemically based magma mixing models, and is suggested to be the major mechanism for generating the disequilibrium conditions in the magma.


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We have measured the 3He/4He and 4He/20Ne ratios and chemical compositions of gases exsolved from deep-sea sediments at two sites (798 and 799) in the Japan Sea. The 3He/4He and 4He/20Ne ratios vary from 0.642 Ratm (where Ratm is the atmospheric 3He/4He ratio of 1.393*10**-6) to 0.840 Ratm, and from 0.41 to 4.5, respectively. Helium in the samples can be explained by the mixing between atmospheric helium dissolved in bottom water of the Japan Sea and crustal helium in the sediment. The sedimentary helium is enriched in mantle-derived 3He compared with those from the Japan Trench and the Nankai Trough. This suggests that the basement of the Japan Sea has relatively large remnants of mantle-derived helium compared with that of the Pacific. Major chemical compositions of the samples are methane and nitrogen. There is a positive correlation between methane content and helium content corrected for air component. Based on the 3He/4He-Sum C/3He diagram, the major part of methane can be attributed to crustal and/or organic origin.


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For full contents note see NUC pre-1956 cited above.


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"Issued: Aug.,1963"--Cover : "May 15, 1963"--Title page.


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Disbound Original Held in Oak Street Library Facility.


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Original in the Princeton Theological Seminary.