583 resultados para Praxiologia motive


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Ziel vorliegender Studie waren eine explorative Analyse der Definition des unternehmerischen Erfolgs sowie eine Überprüfung, inwieweit sich die Geschlechter in der Definition von Unternehmenserfolg unterscheiden. Weiterhin wurden die Motive für die Selbstständigkeit bei Frauen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sowohl Unternehmer als auch Unternehmerinnen unternehmerischen Erfolg relativ breit definieren. Für beide Gruppen beinhaltet er sowohl finanzielle (Unternehmensleistung und persönliche Belohnung) als auch nicht finanzielle Aspekte (Arbeitsbeziehungen, Selbstverwirklichung und sozialer Erfolg). Weiterhin wurde bestätigt, dass Frauen den unternehmerischen Erfolg überwiegend über die sogenannten sozioemotionalen Kriterien definieren, während Männer die traditionellen statusbezogenen Aspekte und Leistung hervorheben. Die Analyse der Motive für Selbstständigkeit ergab, dass Unternehmerinnen besonders nach Selbstverwirklichung und Unabhängigkeit streben und in ihrem Durchsetzungsvermögen sowie in Kooperation und Rücksichtnahme ihre Stärken sehen. Fehlende Balance zwischen Familie und Beruf erleben sie als (unternehmerinnenspezifische) Schwierigkeit.


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The aim of this thesis was to investigate anticipatory identification: newcomers’ identification with an organisation prior to entry; in particular by exploring the antecedents and consequences of the construct. Although organisational identification has been frequently investigated over the past 25 years, surprisingly little is known about what causes an individual to identify with a new organisation before entry and whether this has an impact on their relationship with the organisation after formally taking up membership. Drawing on a Social Identity approach to organisational identification, it was hypothesised that newcomers would more closely identify with an organisation prior to entry when the organisation was seen as a source of positive social identity and was situationally relevant and meaningful to the newcomer, i.e. salient, during the pre-entry period. It was also hypothesised that anticipatory identification would have post-entry consequences and would predict newcomers’ post-entry identification, turnover intentions and job satisfaction. An indirect relationship between anticipatory identification and post-entry identification through post-entry social identity judgements (termed a “feedback loop” mechanism) was additionally proposed. Finally anticipatory identification was also predicted to moderate the relationship between post-entry social identity judgements and post-entry identification (termed a “buffering” mechanism). Four studies were conducted to test these hypotheses. Study One served as a pilot study, using a retrospective self-report design with s sample of 124 university students to initially test the proposed conceptual model. Studies Two and Three adopted experimental designs. Each used a unique sample of 72 staff and students from Aston University to respectively test the hypothesised positive social identity motive and salience antecedents of anticipatory identification. Study Four explored the relationship between anticipatory identification, its antecedents and consequences longitudinally, using an organisational sample of 45 employees. Overall, these studies found support for a social identity motive antecedent of anticipatory identification, as well as more limited evidence that anticipatory identification was associated with the salience of an organisation prior to entry. Support was inconsistent for a direct relationship between anticipatory identification and post-entry identification and there was no evidence that anticipatory identification was a significant direct predictor of turnover intention and job satisfaction. Anticipatory identification was however found to act as a buffer in the relationship between post-entry social identity judgements and post-entry identification in all but one of the four samples measured. A feedback loop mechanism was observed within the experimental designs of Studies Two and Three, but not within the organisational samples of Studies One and Four. Overall the findings of these four studies highlight key ways through which anticipatory identification can develop prior to entry into an organisation. Moreover, the research observed several important post-entry consequences of anticipatory identification, indicating that an understanding of post-entry identification may be enriched by attending more closely to the extent to which newcomers identify with an organisation prior to entry.


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Methods - Ethical approval for the study was granted by both the local National Health Service (NHS) Research Ethics Committee (REC) and Aston University’s REC. Seven focus groups were conducted between October and December 2011 in medical or community settings within inner-city Birmingham (UK). Discussions were guided by a theme plan which was developed from key themes identified by a literature review and piloted via a Patient Consultation Group. Each focus group had between 3 and 7 participants. The groups were digitally recorded and subsequently transcribed verbatim. The transcriptions were then subjected to thematic analysis via constant comparison in order to identify emerging themes. Results - Participants recognised the pharmacist as an expert source of advice about prescribed medicines, a source they frequently felt a need to consult as a result of the inadequate supply of medicines information from the prescriber. However, an emerging theme was a perception that pharmacists had an oblique profit motive relating to the supply of generic medicines with frequent changes to the ‘brand’ of generic supplied being attributed to profit-seeking by pharmacists. Such changes had a negative impact on the patient’s perceived efficacy of the therapy which may make non-adherence more likely. Conclusions - Whilst pharmacists were recognised as medicines experts, trust in the pharmacist was undermined by frequent changes to generic medicines. Such changes have the potential to adversely impact adherence levels. Further, quantitative research is recommended to examine if such views are generalisable to the wider population of Birmingham and to establish if such views impact on adherence levels.


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This article explores the connections between migration and foreign combat, offering an improved definition of „foreign fighters,” and a general concept of foreign combatants’ behaviour as an anomalous form of migration. In contrast with the popular discourse and terrorism-related concerns about present-day Western European foreign fighters in Iraq and Syria (and their return to Europe) and Middle Eastern migrant refugees (and their arrival in Europe), the intention of this article is to offer a conceptually thorough consideration of the causal connections between movements of migration and the presence of foreign combatants in armed conflict, informed by a wide sample of cases. Such an assessment has to take place with a view to all forms of migration (including forced migration), all forms of foreign combat (not only foreign combat on the side of non-state actors as David Malet's oft-cited but overly restrictive definition would imply), and regions of the world beyond the Middle East and Islamic countries. Along these guiding lines, the article points out many comparatively rarely considered cases of foreign combat as well as the underestimated obstacles in the way of fighting abroad. Taking account of the latter allows refutation of a key implication of „new war theory” (its focus on „greed” as a motive of combatants), in light of the continued importance of cultural factors and ideological motives for participation in foreign combat.


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A major area of research in the realm of Industrial/Organizational Psychology is the exploration of specific job performance behaviors such as organizational citizenship behaviors (GCBs). However, there is a dearth of research examining how peers react to OCBs and the performers of such behaviors. Bolino noted that determining how people attribute motives to these OCBs is an important yet unanswered question in industrial/organizational psychology. The present study attempted to provide insight on what observer (or rater) traits affect the motives attributed to organizational citizenship behaviors. In particular, the effects of personality traits such as the Big Five personality factors, self-monitoring, individualism-collectivism, negative affectivity and identity factors such as cultural mistrust, ethnic orientation, and perceived similarity were examined. A within-subjects survey design was used to collect data on six hypothetical organizational citizenship behaviors from a sample of 369 participants. The gender and ethnicity of the individuals performing the hypothetical organizational citizenship behaviors were manipulated (i.e., male or female; African-American, Hispanic, or White). ^ Results indicated that both similarity (t(368) = 5.13; p .01) and personality factors (R2 = .06 for genuine motives and R2 = .05 for self-serving motives) had an effect on which motive (genuine or self-serving) was attributed to organizational citizenship behaviors. Support was found for an interaction between similarity and the observer's personality trait of conscientiousness when attributing genuine motives to organizational citizenship behaviors. Finally, specific organizational citizenship behaviors such as altruism were linked to genuine motives while OCBs like conscientiousness, sportsmanship, and civic virtue were associated with self-serving motives. ^


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A major area of research in the realm of Industrial/Organizational Psychology is the exploration of specific job performance behaviors such as organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs). However, there is a dearth of research examining how peers react to OCBs and the performers of such behaviors. Bolino noted that determining how people attribute motives to these OCBs is an important yet unanswered question in industrial/organizational psychology. The present study attempted to provide insight on what observer (or rater) traits affect the motives attributed to organizational citizenship behaviors. In particular, the effects of personality traits such as the Big Five personality factors, self-monitoring, individualism-collectivism, negative affectivity and identity factors such as cultural mistrust, ethnic orientation, and perceived similarity were examined. A within-subjects survey design was used to collect data on six hypothetical organizational citizenship behaviors from a sample of 369 participants. The gender and ethnicity of the individuals performing the hypothetical organizational citizenship behaviors were manipulated (i.e., male or female; African-American, Hispanic, or White). Results indicated that both similarity (t(368)=5.13; p .01) and personality factors (R2 =.06 for genuine motives and R2 = .05 for self-serving motives) had an effect on which motive (genuine or self-serving) was attributed to organizational citizenship behaviors. Support was found for an interaction between similarity and the observer's personality trait of conscientiousness when attributing genuine motives to organizational citizenship behaviors. Finally, specific organizational citizenship behaviors such as altruism were linked to genuine motives while OCBs like conscientiousness, sportsmanship, and civic virtue were associated with self-serving motives.


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From an economic standpoint, the powder metallurgy (P/M) is a technique widely used for the production of small parts. It is possible, through the P/M and prior comminution of solid waste such as ferrous chips, produce highly dense sintered parts and of interest to the automotive, electronics and aerospace industries. However, without prior comminution the chip, the production of bodies with a density equal to theoretical density by conventional sintering techniques require the use of additives or significantly higher temperatures than 1250ºC. An alternative route to the production of sintered bodies with high density compaction from ferrous chips (≤ 850 microns) and solid phase sintering is a compression technique under high pressure (HP). In this work, different compaction pressures to produce a sintered chip of SAE 1050 carbon steel were used. Specifically, the objective was to investigate them, the effect of high pressure compression in the behavior of densification of the sintered samples. Therefore, samples of the chips from the SAE 1050 carbon steel were uniaxially cold compacted at 500 and 2000 MPa, respectively. The green compacts obtained were sintered under carbon atmosphere at 1100 and 1200°C for 90 minutes. The heating rate used was 20°C/min. The starting materials and the sintered bodies were characterized by optical microscopy, SEM, XRD, density measurements (geometric: mass/volume, and pycnometry) and microhardness measurements Vickers and Rockwell hardness. The results showed that the compact produced under 2000 MPa presented relative density values between 93% and 100% of theoretical density and microhardness between 150 HV and 180 HV, respectively. In contrast, compressed under 500 MPa showed a very heterogeneous microstructure, density value below 80% of theoretical density and structural conditions of inadequate specimens for carrying out the hardness and microhardness measurements. The results indicate that use of the high pressure of ferrous chips compression is a promising route to improve the sinterability conditions of this type of material, because in addition to promoting greater compression of the starting material, the external tension acts together with surface tension, functioning as the motive power for sintering process. Additionally, extremely high pressures allow plastic deformation of the material, providing an intimate and extended contact of the particles and eliminating cracks and pores. This tends to reduce the time and / or temperature required for good sintering, avoiding excessive grain growth without the use of additives. Moreover, higher pressures lead to fracture the grains in fragile or ductile materials highly hardened, which provides a starting powder for sintering, thinner, without the risk of contamination present when previous methods are used comminution of the powder.


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The construction and maintenance of a hiking trail to Steady Brook via Massey Drive would provide an opportunity for introducing proactive strategies toward sustainability. This will form a motive for further ecotourism development as Massey Drive becomes recognized as a tourist destination. For Massey Drive to embrace hiking trail development with the intention of developing further tourism initiatives, educating the community members about sustainability in tourism is essential to provide the community with the knowledge necessary to develop tourism through a long-term vision.


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This work intent to study the motive power provided by the plane linear induction motor, in a lock condition. It uses a method of imposition of the electric current to the stator via a frequency convertor PWM driven by a refed platform. The reading of the motive power was performed by a load cell using an electronic circuit for reading and conditioning of the signal. Aiming a complete analysis of the linear motor, it was performed a computational modeling that employs all relevant parameters to the study of the locked machine. At the end it was held a theoric-experimental confrontation that evaluated the effectiveness of the proposed method.


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Cette thèse de doctorat en composition comprend deux projets de nature différente et complémentaire : (1) un projet de recherche théorique sur la communication des caractères musicaux; (2) un projet artistique s'articulant autour de la composition de trois pièces : L'homme à deux têtes - opéra de chambre, Un instant dans l'esprit de Lovecraft - pour clarinette solo, orchestre à cordes et percussions, et Balade ornithologique - pour orchestre à vents. La conception de la musique comme un moyen de communication est à l'origine de cette recherche théorique qui est motivée par un désir de compréhension des stratégies d'expressions des émotions en musique, à partir du point de vue du compositeur. Cette thèse aborde les modèles de communication, le concept de personnage virtuel et la théorie de la contagion des humeurs. Par la suite, nous détaillerons les indices acoustiques menant à la perception des caractères musicaux. Toutes ces notions sont illustrées et explorées par la composition de miniature ayant un caractère bien ciblé. Finalement, nous proposons un système d'analyse musical des caractères et des émotions qui est appliqué à l'analyse de sections des pièces composées au cours de ce projet de doctorat. Ce dernier chapitre met en lumière les stratégies utilisées pour créer un discours dramatique tout en exposant l'évocation de différents caractères musicaux.


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This thesis analyzes the Chow motives of 3 types of smooth projective varieties: the desingularized elliptic self fiber product, the Fano surface of lines on a cubic threefold and an ample hypersurface of an Abelian variety. For the desingularized elliptic self fiber product, we use an isotypic decomposition of the motive to deduce the Murre conjectures. We also prove a result about the intersection product. For the Fano surface of lines, we prove the finite-dimensionality of the Chow motive. Finally, we prove that an ample hypersurface on an Abelian variety possesses a Chow-Kunneth decomposition for which a motivic version of the Lefschetz hyperplane theorem holds.


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Esse projeto de pesquisa traz como objetivo analisar o conhecimento dos alunos do Colégio Técnico Industrial de Santa Maria em relaçao aos seis momentos do jogo de Voleibol, de forma a comparar este entendimento entre os alunos inseridos na aula de Educaçao Física com os da equipe de Voleibol do Colégio. Recorreu-se a elaboraçao de um questionário sobre a referida temática a ser aplicado aos alunos da escola, das quais as primeiras sao questoes fechadas e as demais abertas. Pretende-se com os possíveis e futuros resultados demonstrar a relevância e a importância dessas interaçoes de cooperaçao e oposiçao acerca dos momentos do jogo de Voleibol, para os autores consultados e para os alunos do CTISM de forma a comparar os devidos questionários com seus respectivos conhecimentos acerca do assunto; salientar a importância da Praxiologia Motriz e a contribuiçao da mesma para o Voleibol como Jogo Esportivo Coletivo, auxiliando no processo de ensino- aprendizagem do mesmo e servindo como uma ferramenta que norteie e dê base ao treinamento de Voleibol desenvolvido pelo CTISM


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Esse projeto de pesquisa traz como objetivo discutir, a partir da literatura da área, como as interaçoes entre os participantes dos jogos esportivos coletivos influenciam na dimensao afetiva da conduta motriz dos mesmos, para que dessa forma seja possível identificar essas diferentes interaçoes entre os participantes e os fatores influentes nas condutas motrizes, trazendo explicaçoes mais claras sobre os jogos esportivos coletivos, as dimensoes das condutas motrizes e suas respectivas relaçoes. A referida pesquisa terá um caráter bibliográfico, para que seja possível investigar sobre o referido assunto de maneira mais ampla. Pretende-se com os possíveis resultados salientar e ressaltar a devida importância da Praxiologia Motriz e a contribuiçao da mesma para com os jogos esportivos coletivos e a conduta motriz em sua dimensao afetiva, analisando o jogo em si e suas relaçoes de cooperaçao e oposiçao, para que de certa forma auxilie no processo de ensino-aprendizagem e no ensino dos esportes como um caminho didático e pedagógico


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O seguinte trabalho busca discutir as relaçoes estabelecidas entre o saque e a recepçao dentro do Voleibol, buscando compreender a forma como esses dois momentos do jogo influenciam no decorrer de uma partida, tendo como base os conceitos da Praxiologia Motriz. A partir da pesquisa bibliográfica, caracterizamos as interaçoes já descritas na literatura atual, com o intuito de evidenciá-las como aspectos relevantes para as diversas tomadas de decisao necessárias durante o saque e a recepçao. Ainda, propomos outras possíveis interaçoes que podem surgir entre esses dois momentos, corroborando que as relaçoes entre companheiros e adversários sao de suma relevância para qualquer açao motriz dentro do jogo. Dessa forma, entendemos que os momentos do jogo de Voleibol precisam ser entendidos em sua totalidade, nao os reduzindo apenas a sua finalidade imediata, compreendendo a influência da cada um deles na lógica interna do jogo


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El presente artículo se propone comparar dos novelas cuyo común denominador es el compromiso antitotalitario con motivo de la quema de libros considerada como el culmen de la barbarie anticultural, a saber Los libros arden mal (2006) de Manuel Rivas y Fahrenheit 451 (1953) de Ray Bradbury. Partiendo de las reflexiones de Fernando Rodríguez de la Flor en torno al biblioclasmo (2004), el paralelo se centra en los siguientes aspectos: la descripción zoo- y antropomorfizada de los libros en llamas; el biblioclasmo como expresión del totalitarismo, denotando asimismo una relación ambivalente y dialéctica entre cultura y barbarie; los movimientos subversivos dedicados a mantener el culto al libro y la tradición filosófico-literaria; la intertextualidad y el papel destacado de la Biblia en cuanto Libro de los libros. En conclusión se podrá constatar que, a pesar de numerosos puntos en común, en particular su compromiso antitotalitario, ambos autores se distinguen en concreto por su orientación política y el enfoque de su crítica cultural.