993 resultados para Postpartum Depression


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An inductive qualitative approach was employed to explore women's experiences of their body and mood during pregnancy and the postpartum. In-depth interviews were conducted with 20 perinatal women (n at late pregnancy=10; n in the early postpartum period=10). While most of the sample reported adapting positively to body changes experienced during pregnancy, the postpartum period was often associated with body dissatisfaction. Women reported several events unique to pregnancy which helped them cope positively with bodily changes (e.g. increased perceived body functionality, new sense of meaning in life thus placing well-being of developing foetus above body aesthetics, perceptual experiences such as feeling baby kick, increased sense of social connectedness due to pregnancy body shape, and positive social commentary); however, these events no longer protected against body dissatisfaction post-birth. While women reported mood lability throughout the perinatal period, the postpartum was also a time of increased positive affect for most women, and overall most women did not associate body changes with their mood. Clinical implications of these findings included the need for education about normal postpartum body changes and their timing, and the development of more accurate measures of perinatal body image.


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Objectives: Unipolar and bipolar depression differ neurobiologically and in clinical presentation. Existing depression rating instruments, used in bipolar depression, fail to capture the necessary phenomenological nuances, as they are based on and skewed towards the characteristics of unipolar depression. Both clinically and in research there is a growing need for a new observer-rated scale that is specifically designed to assess bipolar depression.

: An instrument reflecting the characteristics of bipolar depression was drafted by the authors, and administered to 122 participants aged 18–65 (44 males and 78 females) with a diagnosis of DSM-IV bipolar disorder, who were currently experiencing symptoms of depression. The Bipolar Depression Rating Scale (BDRS) was administered together with the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D), Montgomery Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) and Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS).

Results: The BDRS has strong internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.917), and robust correlation coefficients with the MADRS (r = 0.906) and HAM-D (r = 0.744), and the mixed subscale correlated with the YMRS (r = 0.757). Exploratory factor analysis showed a three-factor solution gave the best account of the data. These factors corresponded to depression (somatic), depression (psychological) and mixed symptom clusters.

Conclusions: This study provides evidence for the validity of the BDRS for the measurement of depression in bipolar disorder. These results suggest good internal validity, provisional evidence of inter-rater reliability and strong correlations with other depression rating scales.


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Objective: To briefly review the clinical and biological distinctions between unipolar and bipolar depression critiquing in particular currently available depression rating scales and discuss the need for a new observer-rated scale tailored to bipolar depression.

Method: Relevant literature pertaining to the symptomatic differences between bipolar disorder and unipolar disorder as well as their measurement using existing assessment scales was identified by computerized searches and reviews of scientific journals known to the authors.

: Bipolar depression is distinct from unipolar depression in terms of phenomenology and clinical characteristics. These distinguishing features can be used to identify bipolarity in patients that present with recurrent depressive episodes. This is important because current self-report and observer-rated scales are optimized for unipolar depression, and hence limited in their ability to accurately assess bipolar depression.

: The development of a specific bipolar depression rating scale will improve the assessment of bipolar depression in both research and clinical settings and assist the development of better treatments and interventions.


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Purpose. Depression is common in people with vision impairment and further reduces levels of functioning independent of vision loss. However, depression most often remains undetected and untreated this group. Eye health  professionals (EHPs) (ophthalmic nurses, ophthalmologists, optometrists, and orthoptists) and rehabilitation workers (RWs) may be able to play a role in detecting depression. This study aimed to identify current practice and investigate factors associated with depression management strategies.
Methods. A self-administered cross-sectional survey of EHPs and RWs assessed current practice including confidence in working with depressed people with vision impairment; barriers to recognition, assessment, and management of depression; beliefs about the consequences, duration, and efficacy of treatment for depression in individuals with vision impariment.
Results. Ninety-four participants aged 23 to 69 years took part. Thirty-seven participants (39.8%) stated that they attempted to identify depression as part of patient management, with RWs significantly more likely to do so (n = 17, 60.7%) than EHPs (n = 20, 30.8%; p = 0.007). Intention to identify depression was not associated with sociodemographic factors, professional experience in eye care services, or the length and number of patient consultations, but a significant relationship was found for confidence, barriers, and beliefs about depression (p < 0.05). No consistent depression management strategy emerged and a range of barriers were highlighted.
Conclusions. Training programs are needed to provide EHPs and RWs with the skills and resources to address depression in people with vision loss under their care and to support the development of procedures by which concerns about depression can be identified objectively, documented, and included as part of a referral to appropriate services.


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Cognitive theories of depression include maladaptive thinking styles as depressive vulnerabilities. The hopelessness theory of depression (Abramson, Metalsky, & Alloy, 1989) particularly implicates stable and global attributions for negative events as influences upon depression. Positive event attributions are considered less influential, yet they have shown equal predictiveness to negative event attributions for depression-specific mood. Previous research has provided equivocal results largely because of cross-sectional design and modest psychometric properties of the measures. The present research aimed to: create a new instrument to measure optimistic and pessimistic attributions; test the relatedness of attributions for positive and negative events; and, clarify relationships of the scales with optimism and mood. Three studies were undertaken, all of which used structural equation modeling. Two cross-sectional studies, using 342 and 332 community participants respectively, developed and validated the Questionnaire of Explanatory Style (QES). A final longitudinal study with 250 community participants tested the predictive validity of the QES. Overall, six scales were developed, three of which were optimistic and three of which were negative. The scales were acceptable to community samples and had adequate psychometric properties. The optimistic scales were attributions for positive events and the negative scales were attributions for negative events rather than pessimistic scales. Cross-sectional results indicated that only one of the negative scales weakly directly predicted depression-specific mood, but all predicted general psychological distress. By contrast, the optimistic scales were more directly predictive of depression-specific mood, particularly the Positive Disposition scale. Longitudinal results indicated that two of the optimistic scales were the most important QES predictors of depression-specific mood two months later. The optimistic scale Positive Disposition appears most central to the prediction of both concurrent and subsequent depression-specific mood. The scale content represents explanations for positive events that are internal and stable characteristics. These may be construed as personal competencies to bring about positive outcomes. This scale is closely allied to measures of optimism. Findings affirm the importance of optimistic attributions to the understanding of depression-specific mood and provide a productive focus for therapeutic intervention and future research.


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The aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate relationships among women's body attitudes, physical symptoms, self-esteem, depression, and sleep quality during pregnancy. Pregnant women (N = 215) at 15–25 weeks gestation completed a questionnaire including four body image subscales assessing self-reported feeling fat, attractiveness, strength/fitness, and salience of weight and shape. Women reported on 29 pregnancy-related physical complaints, and completed the Beck Depression Inventory, Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale, and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. In regressions, controlling for retrospective reports of body image, more frequent and intense physical symptoms were related to viewing the self as less strong/fit, and to poorer sleep quality and more depressive symptoms. In a multi-factorial model extending previous research, paths were found from sleep quality to depressive symptoms to self-esteem; self-esteem was found to be a mediator associated with lower scores on feeling fat and salience of weight and shape, and on higher perceived attractiveness.


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The prevalence of depression in the Australian workforce is unknown. Epidemiological surveys (e.g., the National Health Survey and National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing) do not routinely include a depression scale and within the mental health field, few studies focus on depression and employment groups specifically. Although the inclusion of a direct measure of depression in  national surveys is preferable, the prevalence of depression may be inferred from short screening scales of general mental health. In this paper, scores on the  General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) and the Kessler psychological distress scale (K10) for a sample of employed persons were mapped onto the CES-D (Iowa) measure of depression. The results of this study indicate that the  recommended GHQ-12 cut-off point is appropriate for estimating work-related depression prevalence. However, the cut-off point on the K10 (the short-scale  currently used in Australian national surveys) may need to be substantially  reduced if scores on the K10 are to be used to identify workers at risk of  depression. The routine inclusion of a direct depression measure in national  surveys is recommended, particularly considering the number of employed persons in Australia and large proportion of the sample classified as depressed in this study.


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Purpose: Older patients waiting for joint replacement surgery in many western countries experience lengthy waits for their surgery. Although these patients suffer with mobility problems the nature of the disability associated with waiting for surgery is unclear. The purpose of this study was to determine health-related quality of life and symptoms of depression in persons waiting for their initial orthopaedic consultation following referral for total knee or total hip replacement surgery.

Methods: All patients who were waiting for an initial orthopaedic consultation for lower-limb joint replacement as at 25 August 2005 were surveyed. Participants were mailed questionnaires concerning demographic information, medical history, health-related quality of life (the Assessment of Quality of Life (AQoL) instrument), and symptoms of depression (Center for Epidemiologic Studies – Depression (CES-D) Scale).

The 84 respondents (response rate 64%) had a mean age of 68.3 (SD 11.5 years), and 60% or respondents were women. Respondents reported an average of 1.6 (SD 0.9) medical conditions, and 85% reported osteoarthritis.} The average health-related quality of life was low (mean AQoL 0.38; SD 0.27), and near death-equivalent or worse than death-equivalent health-related quality of life (AQoL<0.1 of a maximum possible 1.0) was reported by 23% of the participants.The mean depression scale score was 16.5 (SD 11.1), and symptoms of depression (CES-D>16 of a maximum possible 60) were reported by 35% of the sample. There was a strong correlation between health-related quality of life and depression (r=–0.6).

Almost a third of patients waiting to see an orthopaedic surgeon about joint replacement surgery for their hip or knee had symptoms of depression. Geriatric rehabilitation services often provide interventions to these patients. The very poor quality of life reported suggests that more than exercise and strengthening will be needed to reduce disability.


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The aim of this study was to determine population norms and determinants of anxiety and depression in a population-based sample of 731 women with breast cancer (aged 23–60 years) with the Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale (HADS). The prevalence of ‘probable’ psychological morbidity due to anxiety was 23% and due to depression was 3%. When the women identified as ‘possible’ cases were included, the respective proportions were 45 and 12%. Higher anxiety was present in younger, less educated women not born in Australia. There was no clear pattern of risk factors for depression. These population-based findings highlight the need for clinicians to be aware that age, education and country of birth may identify a particularly vulnerable subgroup. While brief scales such as the HADS are limited in their ability to accurately predict a clinical diagnosis, high scores identify those who may warrant referral for clinical evaluation.