999 resultados para Porter family.
Objective: To classify families of elderly with depressive symptoms regarding their functioning and to ascertain the presence of an association between these symptoms, family functioning and the characteristics of the elderly. Method: This was an observational, analytical, cross-sectional study performed with 33 teams of the Family Health Strategy in Dourados, MS. The sample consisted of 374 elderly divided into two groups (with and without depressive symptoms). The instruments for data collection were a sociodemographic instrument, the GeriatricDepression Scale (15 items) and the Family Apgar. Results: An association was observed between depressive symptoms and family dysfunction, female gender, four or more people living together, and physical inactivity. Conclusion: The functional family may represent effective support for the elderly with depressive symptoms, because it offers a comfortable environment that ensures the well-being of its members. The dysfunctional family can barely provide necessary care for the elderly, which can exacerbate depressive symptoms.
Secreted proteases constitute potential virulence factors of dermatophytes. A total of seven genes encoding putative serine proteases of the subtilisin family (SUB) were isolated in Trichophyton rubrum. Based on sequence data and intron-exon structure, a phylogenetic analysis of subtilisins from T. rubrum and other fungi revealed a presumed ancestral lineage comprising T. rubrum SUB2 and Aspergillus SUBs. All other SUBs (SUB1, SUB3-7) are dermatophyte-specific and have apparently emerged more recently, through successive gene duplication events. We showed that two subtilisins, Sub3 and Sub4, were detected in culture supernatants of T. rubrum grown in a medium containing soy protein as a sole nitrogen source. Both recombinant enzymes produced in Pichia pastoris are highly active on keratin azure suggesting that these proteases play an important role in invasion of keratinised tissues by the fungus. The set of deduced amino acid sequences of T. rubrum SUB ORFs allowed the identification of orthologous Subs secreted by other dermatophyte species using proteolysis and mass spectrometry.
Objective Evaluating the practice of nurses of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in child hearing health care. Method A normative assessment of structure and process, with 37 nurses in the Family Health Units, in the city of Recife, Pernambuco. The data collection instrument originated from the logical model of child hearing health care provided by nurses of the Family Health Strategy, and the matrix of indicators for evaluation of nursing practice. Results All the nurses identified the hearing developmental milestones. At least two risk factors were identified by 94.5% of the nurses, and 21.6% of them carried out educational activities. Conclusion The normative assessment was considered adequate despite existing limitations in the structure and process.
Objective Analyzing the conceptions of supervision of nurses in the Family Health Strategy (ESF - Estratégia Saúde da Família) in relation to community health workers (ACS – Agente Comunitário de Saúde), taking for reference the work process and the power relations. Method A qualitative study, in which 18 interviews were carried out with nurses from the ESF in the countryside of the state of Goiás. Following transcription, the data were subjected to thematic content analysis and the following categories were identified: Supervision with that sees it all and Supervision is participating and working together. Results Among the findings, it is clear the character of control and monitoring that is carried out primarily through printed instruments and home visits, which constitute vertical and impositive relations, and suffer influence of the local health management. Another finding is the supervision as acting together and with the educational perspective. Conclusion The supervision carried out does not provide the changes intended by the ESF.
A-1 Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program.
Objective To aprehend the social representations about the solvability in mental health care with users of the Family Health Strategy and professionals of family health teams and of the Center for Psychosocial Care. Method A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews for data collection, and the Alceste software for analysis. This software uses the Hierarchical Descending Classification based on the examination of lexical roots, considering the words as units and providing context in the corpus. Results The representations emerge in two opposing poles: the users require satisfaction with care and the professionals realize the need for improvement of health actions. Although the matricial support in mental health and the home visits are developed, the barriers related to investment in health, continuing education and organization of care persist. Conclusion The different representations enable improvements in customer service, solvability of care and aggregate knowledge and practices in the expanded perspective of health needs in the family, social and therapeutic context.
We analyzed prenatal care (PN) provided at a unit of the Family Health Strategy Service in São Paulo, according to the indicators of the Program for the Humanization of Prenatal and Birth (PHPB). We compared adequacy of PN in terms of sociodemographic variables, procedures, examinations and maternal and perinatal outcomes. Cross-sectional study with data from records of 308 pregnant women enrolled in 2011. We observed early initiation of PN (82.1%), conducting of a minimum of six consultations (84.1%), puerperal consultation (89.0%); to the extent that there is a sum of the actions, there is a significant drop in the proportion of adequacy. Prenatal care was adequate for 67.9%, with a significant difference between adequacy groups in relation to gestational age and birth weight. Prenatal care deficiencies exist, especially in regards to registration of procedures, exams and immunization. The difference between adequacy groups with respect to perinatal outcomes reinforces the importance of prenatal care that adheres to the parameters of the PHPB.
A-1 Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program for January 2007
Objective To assess the effectiveness of Problem-Solving Therapy (PST) on family caregivers through the use of scales to measure anxiety, depression and emotional distress; and to explore facilitating factors and obstacles for its use based on the narrative of nurses. Method A clinical trial and an exploratory focus group with the use of mixed analysis methodology. The study was conducted in a primary health care center in Tarragona, Spain, and the sample consisted of 122 family caregivers who were included in the home care service, and 10 nurses who participated in the intervention group. Family caregivers with evident symptoms of anxiety, depression and emotional distress received PST in the intervention group. The intervention group also consisted of a discussion with eight nurses, which was transcribed and submitted to content analysis. Conclusion Problem-Solving Therapy proved to be effective in reducing perceived anxiety, depression and emotional distress. We identified its strong points and obstacles as described by nurses.
Cross-sectional study that used the Social Network Index and the genogram to assess the social network of 110 family caregivers of dependent patients attended by a Home Care Service in São Paulo, Brazil. Data were analyzed using the test U of Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis and Spearman correlation. Results were considered statistically significant when p<0,05. Few caregivers participated in activities outside the home and the average number of people they had a bond was 4,4 relatives and 3,6 friends. Caregivers who reported pain and those who had a partner had higher average number of relatives who to trust. The average number of friends was higher in the group that reported use of medication for depression. Total and per capita incomes correlated with the social network. It was found that family members are the primary caregiver’s social network.
Inorganic phosphate (Pi) is one of the main nutrients limiting plant growth anddevelopment in many agro-ecosystems. In plants, phosphate is acquired from the soil by theroots, and is then transferred to the shoot via the xylem. In the model plant Arabidopsisthaliana, PHO1 was previously identified as being involved in loading Pi into the xylem ofroots. AtPHO1, belongs to a multigenic family composed of 10 additional members, namelyAtPHO1;H1 to AtPHO1;10. In this study, we aimed at further investigating the role of thePHO1 gene family in Pi homeostasis in plants, and to this end we isolated and characterizedthe PHO1 members of two main model plants, the moss Physcomitrella patens and the riceOryza sativa.In the bryophyte P. patens, bioinformatic analyses revealed the presence of seven AtPHO1homologues, highly similar to AtPHO1. The seven moss PHO1 genes, namely PpPHO1;1 toPpPHO1;7 appeared to be differentially regulated, both at the tissue level and in response toPi status. However only PpPHO1;1 and PpPHO1;7 were specifically up-regulated upon Pistarvation, suggesting a potential role in Pi homeostasis. We also characterized the responseof P. patens to Pi starvation, showing that higher and lower plants share some commonstrategies to adapt to Pi-deficiency.In the second part, focusing on the monocotyledon rice, we showed the existence of threePHO1 homologues OsPHO1;1 to OsPHO1;3, with the unique particularity of each havingNatural Antisense Transcripts (NATs). Molecular analyses revealed that both the sense andthe antisense OsPHO1;2 transcripts were by far the most abundantly expressed transcripts ofthe family, preferentially expressed in the roots. The stable expression of OsPHO1;2 in allconditions tested, in opposition with the highly induced antisense transcript upon Pistarvation, suggest a putative role for the antisense in regulating the sense transcript.Moreover, mutant analyses revealed that OsPHO1;2 plays a key role in Pi homeostasis, intransferring Pi from the root to the shoot. Finally, complementing the pho1 mutant inArabidopsis, characterized by low Pi in the shoot and reduced growth, with the riceOsPHO1;2 gene revealed a new role for PHO1 in Pi signaling. Indeed, the complementedplants showed normal growth, with however low Pi content.
Aim of this study was to identify knowing-doing actions constituted the practice of Family Health (FH), in view of nurses in relation to the person and family care in mental distress in terms of professional knowledge of Le Boterf. Method: Descriptive exploratory qualitative study, to deepen contruction of nurse in FH. The survey was conducted in 3 Units FH. Result: Doing a thematic analysis, came to the following categories: “Knowing how to act and react with relevance”; “Knowing how to combine resources and mobilize them in a professional context”; “Knowing how to interact with multiple knowledges”; “Knowing how to transpose”; “Knowing how to learn and knowing how to learn to learn”; “Knowing how to engage”. Final considerations: the greatest difficulty was "be able to transpose," and that the daily demand of the FH teams requires a lot of this knowledge. Little transposition of knowing-doing in real situations has been verified.
There is a lack of knowledge about the effective value of the experience gained by medical students who participate in the Family Health Strategy (Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF)) during the early stages of their medical training. This teaching strategy is based on learning by experiencing the problems that exist in real life. This study proposed to understand the value of this teaching strategy from the viewpoint of the students who had participated, after their graduation. The method adopted was a qualitative study conducted through interviews with students who graduated in the years 2009, 2010 and 2011. The data analysis used the hermeneutic dialectic technique as its model. The graduates considered that this experience enabled them to understand the organization and functioning of the health service and the context of the daily life of the users. This experience facilitated the doctor patient relationship, the development of clinical reasoning and the bond with the user. However the students emphasized that a lack of maturity prevented them gaining a higher level of benefit from the experience. Therefore, although the structure of the course is permeated by advances and challenges, it was concluded that this experience contributed to the student's learning of certain essential elements of medical training.
Using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) we have analyzed the segregation of alleles of the different vitellogenin genes of Xenopus laevis. The results demonstrate that the four genes whose expression is controlled by oestrogen, form two linkage groups. The genes A1, A2 and B1 are linked genetically whereas the fourth gene, the gene B2, segregates independently. The possible origin of this unexpected arrangement is discussed.
A-1 Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program - February 2007