971 resultados para Polímers -- Proves


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Esta tese contém dois capítulos, cada um lidando com a teoria e a história dos bancos e arranjos financeiros. No capítulo 1, busca-se extender uma economia Diamond-Dybvig com monitoramento imperfeito dos saques antecipados e realizar uma comparação do bem estar social em cada uma das alocações possíveis, como proposto em Presscott and Weinberg(2003). Esse monitoramento imperfeito é implementado a partir da comunicação indireta ( através de um meio de pagamento) entre os agentes e a máquina de depósitos e saques que é um agregado do setor produtivo e financeiro. A extensão consiste em estudar alocações onde uma fração dos agentes pode explorar o monitoramento imperfeito e fraudar a alocação contratada ao consumirem mais cedo além do limite, usando múltiplos meios de pagamento. Com a punição limitada no período de consumo tardio, essa nova alocação pode ser chamada de uma alocação separadora em contraste com as alocações agregadoras onde o agente com habilidade de fraudar é bloqueado por um meio de pagamento imune a fraude, mas custoso, ou por receber consumo futuro suficiente para tornar a fraude desinteressante. A comparação de bem estar na gama de parâmetros escolhida mostra que as alocações separadoras são ótimas para as economias com menor dotação e as agregadoras para as de nível intermediário e as ricas. O capítulo termina com um possível contexto histórico para o modelo, o qual se conecta com a narrativa histórica encontrada no capítulo 2. No capítulo 2 são exploradas as propriedade quantitativas de um sistema de previsão antecedente para crises financeiras, com as váriaveis sendo escolhidas a partir de um arcabouço de ``boom and bust'' descrito mais detalhadamente no apêndice 1. As principais variáveis são: o crescimento real nos preços de imóveis e ações, o diferencial entre os juros dos títulos governamentais de 10 anos e a taxa de 3 meses no mercado inter-bancário e o crescimento nos ativos totais do setor bancário. Essas variáveis produzem uma taxa mais elevada de sinais corretos para as crises bancárias recentes (1984-2008) do que os sistemas de indicadores antecedentes comparáveis. Levar em conta um risco de base crescente ( devido à tendência de acumulação de distorções no sistema de preços relativos em expansões anteriores) também provê informação e eleva o número de sinais corretos em países que não passaram por uma expansão creditícia e nos preços de ativos tão vigorosa.


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This paper gives a first step toward a methodology to quantify the influences of regulation on short-run earnings dynamics. It also provides evidence on the patterns of wage adjustment adopted during the recent high inflationary experience in Brazil.The large variety of official wage indexation rules adopted in Brazil during the recent years combined with the availability of monthly surveys on labor markets makes the Brazilian case a good laboratory to test how regulation affects earnings dynamics. In particular, the combination of large sample sizes with the possibility of following the same worker through short periods of time allows to estimate the cross-sectional distribution of longitudinal statistics based on observed earnings (e.g., monthly and annual rates of change).The empirical strategy adopted here is to compare the distributions of longitudinal statistics extracted from actual earnings data with simulations generated from minimum adjustment requirements imposed by the Brazilian Wage Law. The analysis provides statistics on how binding were wage regulation schemes. The visual analysis of the distribution of wage adjustments proves useful to highlight stylized facts that may guide future empirical work.


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O mercado de minério de ferro tem passado por um período de stress nos últimos meses. O arrefecimento dos investimentos chineses em infraestrutura resultou em perspectivas negativas para a demanda dessa commodity. Paralelamente, a entrada em operação de novos projetos com volume de produção relevante aumentou a oferta desse produto no mercado. Essa conjuntura de fatores resultou na queda do preço do minério de ferro no mercado mundial e em um cenário de retornos reduzidos para as mineradoras. Nesse contexto, o objetivo do presente estudo é avaliar a flexibilidade gerencial, disponível aos administradores de mineradoras operacionais, de suspender ou fechar o empreendimento dependendo do preço do minério de ferro. Essas decisões serão estudadas através da Teoria das Opções Reais, onde a opção de conversão será aplicada na situação de suspensão e reabertura da mina e a opção de abandono será aplicada na situação do seu fechamento. O processo estocástico a ser seguido pelo preço do minério de ferro será o Movimento Geométrico Browniano, implementado através de um Modelo Binomial conforme proposto por Cox, Ross e Rubinstein (1979). O resultado do trabalho comprova o valor das opções reais estudadas e indica que essas opções reais têm maior valor em cenários de stress, quando o preço do minério de ferro está desvalorizado.


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Nos últimos vinte anos observamos a entrada de entidades privadas com fins lucrativos no meio educacional de nível superior, motivada e induzida por decisões de políticas educacionais na busca do ideal do acesso ao ensino combinado com a inclusão social. Assim, instituições privadas estabeleceram um novo modelo “em construção” de Educação Superior focado em Mercado, criando oportunidades para que tal segmento crescesse à margem de um processo regulatório econômico. Atualmente as possibilidades de abordagens regulatórias ampliaram-se, sendo plenamente admitido regulação em setores econômicos, e sob formatos que não sejam, necessariamente, o modelo de agências autônomas, podendo existir entidades similares às agências reguladoras, órgãos ou entidades dotadas de função regulatória, como no caso do Ministério da Educação e suas entidades supervisionadas - autarquias. A chamada regulação social qualitativa - oferta de vagas e autorização de cursos - mostra-se insuficiente para ordenar e articular a ação dos atores, num ambiente regulatório crescente em complexidade social e econômica. O modelo regulatório híbrido da ES privada propõe articular/combinar os já consagrados parâmetros da regulação social com os princípios e parâmetros da regulação econômica, numa nova forma de abordagem regulatória que agregue as seguintes dimensões: fundamentos econômicos; implementação de políticas públicas setorizadas, regionalizadas e indutoras; desenho institucional que priorize novas diretrizes para a entrada e manutenção no Sistema Federal de Ensino - autorizações e credenciamentos; fiscalização e controle; prospecção, avaliação; e accountability - e, acesso das IES às Políticas Públicas Programáticas, de caráter geral, assegurando o interesse público, a efetividade, a competitividade, a qualidade e o valor social no Ensino Superior Privado.


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A partir da redemocratização, as Forças Armadas passaram a assumir de forma cada vez mais frequente atividades estranhas à sua função precípua de defesa externa. Esse estudo pretendeu analisar o caso da Marinha do Brasil, e avaliar o impacto, para a Força, da assunção de funções subsidiárias. Para isso, foram coletados dados sobre a parcela de recursos provisionados à Marinha, para o financiamento de tais atividades, e sobre o quantitativo de pessoal e meios da Força Naval reservados ao cumprimento dessas missões. Os dados orçamentários foram levantados através de consulta ao Sistema do Plano Diretor, sistema informatizado específico da Marinha do Brasil. Os dados estatísticos foram extraídos do Anuário Estatístico da Marinha 2013/2014; do Memento nº 68 do Ministério da Defesa; junto às Organizações Militares da Marinha; em pesquisas realizadas nos sites da intranet e em publicações da Força Naval. Os resultados evidenciam que houve um crescimento considerável dos recursos destinados ao financiamento das atividades subsidiárias, ao longo do período 2001-2014, mais evidente a partir do governo Luís Inácio Lula da Silva e perpassando o mandato de Dilma Rousseff. Apesar disso, eles somam apenas 2% dos valores destinados à Força Naval em 2014, fatia que revela-se modesta diante da mobilização de pessoal e meios operativos necessários ao cumprimento dessas funções. Concluiu-se que o exercício de funções domésticas gera impactos negativos no aprestamento da Força, além de comprometer a qualidade da democracia, ao incentivar a ampliação da atuação militar no universo civil.


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Reviewing the de nition and measurement of speculative bubbles in context of contagion, this paper analyses the DotCom bubble in American and European equity markets using the dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) model proposed by (Engle and Sheppard 2001) as on one hand as an econometrics explanation and on the other hand the behavioral nance as an psychological explanation. Contagion is de ned in this context as the statistical break in the computed DCCs as measured by the shifts in their means and medians. Even it is astonishing, that the contagion is lower during price bubbles, the main nding indicates the presence of contagion in the di¤erent indices among those two continents and proves the presence of structural changes during nancial crisis


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Although formal methods can dramatically increase the quality of software systems, they have not widely been adopted in software industry. Many software companies have the perception that formal methods are not cost-effective cause they are plenty of mathematical symbols that are difficult for non-experts to assimilate. The Java Modelling Language (short for JML) Section 3.3 is an academic initiative towards the development of a common formal specification language for Java programs, and the implementation of tools to check program correctness. This master thesis work shows how JML based formal methods can be used to formally develop a privacy sensitive Java application. This is a smart card application for managing medical appointments. The application is named HealthCard. We follow the software development strategy introduced by João Pestana, presented in Section 3.4. Our work influenced the development of this strategy by providing hands-on insight on challenges related to development of a privacy sensitive application in Java. Pestana’s strategy is based on a three-step evolution strategy of software specifications, from informal ones, through semiformal ones, to JML formal specifications. We further prove that this strategy can be automated by implementing a tool that generates JML formal specifications from a welldefined subset of informal software specifications. Hence, our work proves that JML-based formal methods techniques are cost-effective, and that they can be made popular in software industry. Although formal methods are not popular in many software development companies, we endeavour to integrate formal methods to general software practices. We hope our work can contribute to a better acceptance of mathematical based formalisms and tools used by software engineers. The structure of this document is as follows. In Section 2, we describe the preliminaries of this thesis work. We make an introduction to the application for managing medical applications we have implemented. We also describe the technologies used in the development of the application. This section further illustrates the Java Card Remote Method Invocation communication model used in the medical application for the client and server applications. Section 3 introduces software correctness, including the design by contract and the concept of contract in JML. Section 4 presents the design structure of the application. Section 5 shows the implementation of the HealthCard. Section 6 describes how the HealthCard is verified and validated using JML formal methods tools. Section 7 includes some metrics of the HealthCard implementation and specification. Section 8 presents a short example of how a client-side of a smart card application can be implemented while respecting formal specifications. Section 9 describes a prototype tools to generate JML formal specifications from informal specifications automatically. Section 10 describes some challenges and main ideas came acrorss during the development of the HealthCard. The full formal specification and implementation of the HealthCard smart card application presented in this document can be reached at https://sourceforge.net/projects/healthcard/.


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A control system was designed to allow humans to manually drive an, usually automatic, two wheeled hovercraft. The size, the mass and the way of driving this vehicle proves to be an issue for the everyday, untrained person to achieve. During this thesis several control layouts were designed with the objective of creating an intuitive and easy way of driving such a vehicle. At the end two where usertested using a simulation (also developed during this thesis) of the said hovercraft set against obstacles similar to those expected to be encountered on its real environment. The two layouts are just slightly apart in performance but numerous issues were found that can be used to redesign a better control layout. This means that no definitive winner was found but a foundation for a better design was indeed found.


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A novel analytical approach, based on a miniaturized extraction technique, the microextraction by packed sorbent (MEPS), followed by ultrahigh pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) separation combined with a photodiode array (PDA) detection, has been developed and validated for the quantitative determination of sixteen biologically active phenolic constituents of wine. In addition to performing routine experiments to establish the validity of the assay to internationally accepted criteria (linearity, sensitivity, selectivity, precision, accuracy), experiments are included to assess the effect of the important experimental parameters on the MEPS performance such as the type of sorbent material (C2, C8, C18, SIL, and M1), number of extraction cycles (extract-discard), elution volume, sample volume, and ethanol content, were studied. The optimal conditions of MEPS extraction were obtained using C8 sorbent and small sample volumes (250 μL) in five extraction cycle and in a short time period (about 5 min for the entire sample preparation step). The wine bioactive phenolics were eluted by 250 μL of the mixture containing 95% methanol and 5% water, and the separation was carried out on a HSS T3 analytical column (100 mm × 2.1 mm, 1.8 μm particle size) using a binary mobile phase composed of aqueous 0.1% formic acid (eluent A) and methanol (eluent B) in the gradient elution mode (10 min of total analysis). The method gave satisfactory results in terms of linearity with r2-values > 0.9986 within the established concentration range. The LOD varied from 85 ng mL−1 (ferulic acid) to 0.32 μg mL−1 ((+)-catechin), whereas the LOQ values from 0.028 μg mL−1 (ferulic acid) to 1.08 μg mL−1 ((+)-catechin). Typical recoveries ranged between 81.1 and 99.6% for red wines and between 77.1 and 99.3% for white wines, with relative standard deviations (RSD) no larger than 10%. The extraction yields of the MEPSC8/UHPLC–PDA methodology were found between 78.1 (syringic acid) and 99.6% (o-coumaric acid) for red wines and between 76.2 and 99.1% for white wines. The inter-day precision, expressed as the relative standard deviation (RSD%), varied between 0.2% (p-coumaric and o-coumaric acids) and 7.5% (gentisic acid) while the intra-day precision between 0.2% (o-coumaric and cinnamic acids) and 4.7% (gallic acid and (−)-epicatechin). On the basis of analytical validation, it is shown that the MEPSC8/UHPLC–PDA methodology proves to be an improved, reliable, and ultra-fast approach for wine bioactive phenolics analysis, because of its capability for determining simultaneously in a single chromatographic run several bioactive metabolites with high sensitivity, selectivity and resolving power within only 10 min. Preliminary studies have been carried out on 34 real whole wine samples, in order to assess the performance of the described procedure. The new approach offers decreased sample preparation and analysis time, and moreover is cheaper, more environmentally friendly and easier to perform as compared to traditional methodologies.


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This study provides a versatile validated method to determine the total vitamin C content, as the sum of the contents of L-ascorbic acid (L-AA) and dehydroascorbic acid (DHAA), in several fruits and vegetables and its degradability with storage time. Seven horticultural crops from two different origins were analyzed using an ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatographic–photodiode array (UHPLC-PDA) system, equipped with a new trifunctional high strength silica (100% silica particle) analytical column (100 mm×2.1 mm, 1.7 μm particle size) using 0.1% (v/v) formic acid as mobile phase, in isocratic mode. This new stationary phase, specially designed for polar compounds, overcomes the problems normally encountered in HPLC and is suitable for the analysis of large batches of samples without L-AA degradation. In addition, it proves to be an excellent alternative to conventional C18 columns for the determination of L-AA in fruits and vegetables. The method was fully validated in terms of linearity, detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) limits, accuracy, and inter/intraday precision. Validation experiments revealed very good recovery rate of 96.6±4.4% for L-AA and 103.1±4.8 % for total vitamin C, good linearity with r2-values >0.999 within the established concentration range, excellent repeatability (0.5%), and reproducibility (1.6%) values. The LOD of the method was 22 ng/mL whereas the LOQ was 67 ng/mL. It was possible to demonstrate that L-AA and DHAA concentrations in the different horticulture products varied oppositely with time of storage not always affecting the total amount of vitamin C during shelf-life. Locally produced fruits have higher concentrations of vitamin C, compared with imported ones, but vegetables showed the opposite trend. Moreover, this UHPLC-PDA methodology proves to be an improved, simple, and fast approach for determining the total content of vitamin C in various food commodities, with high sensitivity, selectivity, and resolving power within 3 min of run analysis.


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This work was originated through the results of the analysis of the services for the needs of people with disabilities that were permitted by the physical space of two schools of the municipality of Natal/RN. The general objective/goal was to subsidize the elaboration of alternatives for the planning of environments that could be used by any person. The study used the empirical research through the adoption of a multimethod approach including: (i) technical visits oriented by the NBR 9050, (ii) contact with users that have reduced mobility (visually impaired and wheelchair or crutch users) through escorted travels and interviews, and (iii) interview with school managers. The evidence from the research, even though with significant development of laws that guarantee people with disabilities their right to citizenship, the physical environment of our schools still present with many obstacles that prevent the mobility of people with disabilities which proves their lack of readiness to accommodate them. Therefore, the actions taken to address the accessibility has been the adoption of temporary solutions that makes the adaptation more difficult, adds obstacles and reinforces the undesirable segregation, however still very present in our society. Finally, there is the indication that in order to achieve the spatial configuration that promotes social contact and integration in between the persons with different physical status, it is necessary to completely comprehend the activities developed in each space, from the conception of the equipment to the individual learning needs, having in mind creating environments that stimulates the execution of the tasks in an independent manner without the assistance of others. The inclusion regarding attention to accessibility in the decision making process, directed to the arquitectural and urban project, would decrease the constant need to redevelop and adapt spaces, and should be definitely incorporated as an important component in the production of space


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The use of medicinal plants to cure and treat various diseases is a common practice in the world and in Brazil. In several regions of the Brazil´s Northeast, the cactus Cereus jamacaru, known as mandacaru, is used popularly as a treatment to many diseases, including those related to heart respiratory diseases, gastric ulcers, scurvy, and kidney diseases. However, there is a scarcity in the scientific literature that proves scientifically the popular application of this cactus. Like other plants, Cereus jamacaru synthesizes several potentially bioactive molecules, like as polysaccharides. In this work, three polysaccharides-rich aqueous extracts, MCA80, MPM and MCP60, were obtained from this plant and analyzed chemically, as well as their cytotoxic and antioxidant potential. The data showed that all extracts consist mainly of polysaccharides (89.42 to 95.76%), but also protein (> 2%) and phenolic (3 to 8.87%) contaminants were detected. All extracts are rich in galactose, glucose and mannose. In addition, glucuronic acid was found in MCA80 and MCP60. The extracts showed total antioxidant capacity ranged from 55.21 to 68.13 of ascorbic acid equivalents (AAE). Besides, they exhibited reducer power and cupric chelation in a dose-dependent manner. None of the extracts inhibited the MTT reduction in the presence of prostate tumor cells (PC-3). However, MCP60 was the most effective extract by preventing the reduction of MTT by about 80% in the presence of cells 786. Nuclear fragmentation tests showed that this extract induces cell death. The data indicated that mandacaru synthesizes bioactive polysaccharides with potential as antioxidant and antitumor agents. For future studies, it is intended to purify and characterize these polysaccharides and its antioxidant and antitumor mechanisms


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In a hospital environment, these bacteria can be spread by insects such as ants, which are characterized by high adaptability to the urban environment. Staphylococcus is a leading cause of hospital infection. In Europe, Latin America, USA and Canada, the group of coagulase negative staphylococci (CoNS) is the second leading cause of these infections, according to SENTRY (antimicrobial surveillance program- EUA). In this study, we investigated the potential of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as vehicle mechanics of Staphylococcus bacteria in a public hospital, in Natal-RN. The ants were collected, day and night, from June 2007 to may 2008, in the following sectors: hospitals, laundry, kitchen, blood bank. The ants were identified according to the identification key of Bolton, 1997. For the analysis of staphylococci, the ants were incubated in broth Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) for 24 hours at 35 º C and then incubated on Mannitol Salt Agar. The typical colonies of staphylococci incubated for 24 hours at 35 ° C in Tryptic Soy Agar for the characterization tests (Gram stain, catalase, susceptibility to bacitracin and free coagulase). The identification of CoNS was performed through biochemical tests: susceptibility to novobiocin, growth under anaerobic conditions, presence of urease, the ornithine decarboxylation and acid production from the sugars mannose, maltose, trehalose, mannitol and xylose. The antimicrobial susceptibility examined by disk-diffusion technique. The technique of Polymerase Chain Reaction was used to confirm the presence of mecA gene and the ability to produce biofilm was verified by testing in vitro using polystyrene inert surface, in samples of resistant staphylococci. Among 440 ants, 85 (19.1%) were carrying coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) of the species Staphylococcus saprophyticus (17), Staphylococcus epidermidis (15), Staphylococcus xylosus (13), Staphylococcus hominis hominis (10), Staphylococcus lugdunensis (10), Staphylococcus warneri (6), Staphylococcus cohnii urealyticum (5), Staphylococcus haemolyticus (3), Staphylococcus simulans (3), Staphylococcus cohnii cohnii (2), and Staphylococcus capitis (1). No Staphylococcus aureus was found. Among the isolates, 30.58% showed resistance to erythromycin. Two samples of CoNS (2.35%), obtained from the ant Tapinoma melanocephalum collected in the post-surgical female ward, S. Hominis hominis and S. lugdunensis harbored the mecA gene and were resistant to multiple antibiotics, and the specie S. hominis hominis even showed to be a biofilm producer. This study proves that ants act as carriers of multidrug-resistant coagulase-negative Staphylococci and biofilm producers and points to the risk of the spreading of pathogenic microorganisms by this insect in the hospital environment


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We study the health care focused on care in an intercessor and dialogical relationship with the User, which involves the construction of therapeutic projects essential to the quality of the treatment of the user in health services, and it is necessary individual and collective actions. It is intended to acknowledge and analyze the perception of social subjects, users and professionals on the treatment given to a user of a Specialized Outpatient Service (Serviço Ambulatorial Especializado SAE) in STD/HIV/AIDS state reference in Natal, RN. The study is structured in a transdisciplinary vision of science and knowledge, theoretical and methodological principles that give meaning to the expression of the institutional features of care and health care reconnecting them to the social context. As a research strategy we seek the expressions of 56 subjects of social research, which agreed to participate in the sample, from a symbolic map of the attention, coupled with the techniques of observation and semi-structured interview. For the analysis of the results, five categories of analysis were established: the meaning of the service, care perception, process of communication and interaction, treatment perception and organization and evaluation of the service. It is argued that the attention and care are developed in a technical health care assistance to the disease, focusing on attention based on treatment, on diagnostic and drug therapy of antiretroviral drugs, reflecting the traditional biomedical paradigm of attention to the disease. This is also the mode of organization of practical actions in daily SAE: the therapy proves to be fragmented in several specialties, vertical and feeds the same model, generating tension and overload for professionals; showing impersonal care focused on structured and informative technology, unrelated to an interactive dialogic. From the speech of the subjects, the SAE is understood as the place of confrontation with the disease, but also enables greater elaboration of the illness by meeting their peers. Living with HIV and AIDS is living with concern, apprehension and fear, but mainly with the stigma, prejudice and exclusion, which require that the disease is kept in secret. There is a movement of forces and power, expressed in the knowledge-power of those who dominate the technical and administrative capabilities, devices that concentrate the maintenance of the medicalization of care, rapid consultations and with little attention, making it difficult to interact with and listen to, combined with structural failures, organizational and inadequate management of the service. We conclude that there are dimensions that are not considered in the internal dynamics of the care service multiple forms, characterized by care conflicting models, marked by individual interventions related to the disease. The subject is not considered together with his speech as technical discourse is imposed and care production based on material technology is observed


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The right against self-incrimination is a fundamental right that works in the criminal prosecution, and therefore deserves a study supported by the general theory of criminal procedure. The right has a vague origin, and despite the various historical accounts only arises when there is a criminal procedure structured that aims to limit the State´s duty-power to punish. The only system of criminal procedure experienced that reconciles with seal self-incrimination is the accusatory model. The inquisitorial model is based on the construction of a truth and obtaining the confession at any cost, and is therefore incompatible with the right in study. The consecration of the right arises with the importance that fundamental rights have come to occupy in the Democratic Constitutional States. In the Brazilian experience before 1988 was only possible to recognize that self-incrimination represented a procedural burden for accused persons. Despite thorough debate in the Constituent Assembly, the right remains consecrated in a textual formula that´s closer to the implementation made by the Supreme Court of the United States, known as "Miranda warnings", than the text of the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that established originally the right against self-incrimination with a constitutional status. However, the imprecise text does not prevent the consecration of the principle as a fundamental right in Brazilian law. The right against self-incrimination is a right that should be observed in the Criminal Procedure and relates to several of his canons, such as the the presumption of not guilty, the accusatory model, the distribution of the burden of proof, and especially the right of defense. Because it a fundamental right, the prohibition of self-incrimination deserves a proper study to her constitutional nature. For the definition of protected persons is important to build a material concept of accused, which is different of the formal concept over who is denounced on the prosecution. In the objective area of protection, there are two objects of protection of the norm: the instinct of self-preservation of the subject and the ability to self-determination. Configuring essentially a evidence rule in criminal procedure, the analysis of the case should be based on standards set previously to indicate respect for the right. These standard include the right to information of the accused, the right to counsel and respect the voluntary participation. The study of violations cases, concentrated on the element of voluntariness, starting from the definition of what is or is not a coercion violative of self-determination. The right faces new challenges that deserve attention, especially the fight against terrorism and organized crime that force the development of tools, resources and technologies about proves, methods increasingly invasive and hidden, and allow the use of information not only for criminal prosecution, but also for the establishment of an intelligence strategy in the development of national and public security