894 resultados para Poka-Yoke devices
There are several heat and mass diffusion problems which affect to the IFC chamber design. New simulation models and experiments are needed to take into account the extreme conditions due to ignition pulses and neutron flux
This work describes the electron-beam (e-beam) lithography process developed to manufacture nano interdigital transducers (IDTs) to be used in high frequency (GHz) surface acoustic wave (SAW) applications. The combination of electron-beam (e-beam) lithography and lift-off process is shown to be effective in fabricating well-defined IDT finger patterns with a line width below 100 nm with a good yield. Working with insulating piezoelectric substrates brings about e-beam deflection. It is also shown how a very thin organic anti-static layer works well in avoiding this charge accumulation during e-beam lithography on the resist layer. However, the use of this anti-static layer is not required with the insulating piezoelectric layer laying on a semiconducting substrate such as highly doped silicon. The effect of the e-beam dose on a number of different layers (of insulating, insulating on semiconducting, semiconducting, and conductive natures) is provided. Among other advantages, the use of reduced e-beam doses increases the manufacturing time. The principal aim of this work is to explain the interrelation among e-beam dose, substrate nature and IDT structure. An extensive study of the e-beam lithography of long IDT-fingers is provided, in a wide variety of electrode widths, electrode numbers and electrode pitches. It is worthy to highlight that this work shows the influence of the e-beam dose on five substrates of different conductive nature
Interaction with smart objects can be accomplished with different technologies, such as tangible interfaces or touch computing, among others. Some of them require the object to be especially designed to be 'smart', and some other are limited in the variety and complexity of the possible actions. This paper describes a user-smart object interaction model and prototype based on the well known event-condition-action (ECA) reasoning, which can work, to a degree, independently of the intelligence embedded into the smart object. It has been designed for mobile devices to act as mediators between users and smart objects and provides an intuitive means for personalization of object's behavior. When the user is close to an object, this one publishes its 'event & action' capabilities to the user's device. The user may accept the object's module offering, which will enable him to configure and control that object, but also its actions with respect to other elements of the environment or the virtual world. The modular ECA interaction model facilitates the integration of different types of objects in a smart space, giving the user full control of their capabilities and facilitating creative mash-uping to build customized functionalities that combine physical and virtual actions
The apparition of new mobile phones operating systems often leads to a flood of mobile applications rushing into the market without taking into account needs of the most vulnerable users groups: the people with disabilities. The need of accessible applications for mobile is very important especially when it comes to access basic mobile functions such as making calls through a contact manager. This paper presents the technical validation process and results of an Accessible Contact Manager for mobile phones as a part of the evaluation of accessible applications for mobile phones for people with disabilities.
The conceptual design of a pebble bed gas-cooled transmutation device is shown with the aim to evaluate its potential for its deployment in the context of the sustainable nuclear energy development, which considers high temperature reactors for their operation in cogeneration mode, producing electricity, heat and Hydrogen. As differential characteristics our device operates in subcritical mode, driven by a neutron source activated by an accelerator that adds clear safety advantages and fuel flexibility opening the possibility to reduce the nuclear stockpile producing energy from actual LWR irradiated fuel with an efficiency of 45?46%, either in the form of Hydrogen, electricity, or both.
Application of arc erosion to the patterning of metallic contacts in organic devices is presented. A home-made systems and details of the working principles are described. Advantages and drawbacks of this novel technology are discussed.
This paper presents a study on the effect of blurred images in hand biometrics. Blurred images simulates out-of-focus effects in hand image acquisition, a common consequence of unconstrained, contact-less and platform-free hand biometrics in mobile devices. The proposed biometric system presents a hand image segmentation based on multiscale aggregation, a segmentation method invariant to different changes like noise or blurriness, together with an innovative feature extraction and a template creation, oriented to obtain an invariant performance against blurring effects. The results highlight that the proposed system is invariant to some low degrees of blurriness, requiring an image quality control to detect and correct those images with a high degree of blurriness. The evaluation has considered a synthetic database created based on a publicly available database with 120 individuals. In addition, several biometric techniques could benefit from the approach proposed in this paper, since blurriness is a very common effect in biometric techniques involving image acquisition.
The increasing demand of security oriented to mobile applications has raised the attention to biometrics, as a proper and suitable solution for providing secure environment to mobile devices. With this aim, this document presents a biometric system based on hand geometry oriented to mobile devices, involving a high degree of freedom in terms of illumination, hand rotation and distance to camera. The user takes a picture of their own hand in the free space, without requiring any flat surface to locate the hand, and without removals of rings, bracelets or watches. The proposed biometric system relies on an accurate segmentation procedure, able to isolate hands from any background; a feature extraction, invariant to orientation, illumination, distance to camera and background; and a user classification, based on k-Nearest Neighbor approach, able to provide an accurate results on individual identification. The proposed method has been evaluated with two own databases collected with a HTC mobile. First database contains 120 individuals, with 20 acquisitions of both hands. Second database is a synthetic database, containing 408000 images of hand samples in different backgrounds: tiles, grass, water, sand, soil and the like. The system is able to identify individuals properly with False Reject Rate of 5.78% and False Acceptance Rate of 0.089%, using 60 features (15 features per finger)
New trends in biometrics are oriented to mobile devices in order to increase the overall security in daily actions like bank account access, e-commerce or even document protection within the mobile. However, applying biometrics to mobile devices imply challenging aspects in biometric data acquisition, feature extraction or private data storage. Concretely, this paper attempts to deal with the problem of hand segmentation given a picture of the hand in an unknown background, requiring an accurate result in terms of hand isolation. For the sake of user acceptability, no restrictions are done on background, and therefore, hand images can be taken without any constraint, resulting segmentation in an exigent task. Multiscale aggregation strategies are proposed in order to solve this problem due to their accurate results in unconstrained and complicated scenarios, together with their properties in time performance. This method is evaluated with a public synthetic database with 480000 images considering different backgrounds and illumination environments. The results obtained in terms of accuracy and time performance highlight their capability of being a suitable solution for the problem of hand segmentation in contact-less environments, outperforming competitive methods in literature like Lossy Data Compression image segmentation (LDC).
This paper focuses on hand biometrics applied to images acquired from a mobile device. The system offers the possibility of identifying individuals based on features extracted from hand pictures obtained with a low-quality camera embedded on a mobile device. Furthermore, the acquisitions have been carried out regardless illumination control, orientation, distance to camera, and similar aspects. In addition, the whole system has been tested with an owned database. Finally, the results obtained (6.0% ± 0.2) and the algorithm structure are both promising in relation to a posterior mobile implementation
In this paper we study, through a concrete case, the feasibility of using a high-level, general-purpose logic language in the design and implementation of applications targeting wearable computers. The case study is a "sound spatializer" which, given real-time signáis for monaural audio and heading, generates stereo sound which appears to come from a position in space. The use of advanced compile-time transformations and optimizations made it possible to execute code written in a clear style without efñciency or architectural concerns on the target device, while meeting strict existing time and memory constraints. The final executable compares favorably with a similar implementation written in C. We believe that this case is representative of a wider class of common pervasive computing applications, and that the techniques we show here can be put to good use in a range of scenarios. This points to the possibility of applying high-level languages, with their associated flexibility, conciseness, ability to be automatically parallelized, sophisticated compile-time tools for analysis and verification, etc., to the embedded systems field without paying an unnecessary performance penalty.
In this paper we present the design and implementation of a wearable application in Prolog. The application program is a "sound spatializer." Given an audio signal and real time data from a head-mounted compass, a signal is generated for stereo headphones that will appear to come from a position in space. We describe high-level and low-level optimizations and transformations that have been applied in order to fit this application on the wearable device. The end application operates comfortably in real-time on a wearable computer, and has a memory foot print that remains constant over time enabling it to run on continuous audio streams. Comparison with a version hand-written in C shows that the C version is no more than 20-40% faster; a small price to pay for a high level description.
Abstract Due to recent scientific and technological advances in information sys¬tems, it is now possible to perform almost every application on a mobile device. The need to make sense of such devices more intelligent opens an opportunity to design data mining algorithm that are able to autonomous execute in local devices to provide the device with knowledge. The problem behind autonomous mining deals with the proper configuration of the algorithm to produce the most appropriate results. Contextual information together with resource information of the device have a strong impact on both the feasibility of a particu¬lar execution and on the production of the proper patterns. On the other hand, performance of the algorithm expressed in terms of efficacy and efficiency highly depends on the features of the dataset to be analyzed together with values of the parameters of a particular implementation of an algorithm. However, few existing approaches deal with autonomous configuration of data mining algorithms and in any case they do not deal with contextual or resources information. Both issues are of particular significance, in particular for social net¬works application. In fact, the widespread use of social networks and consequently the amount of information shared have made the need of modeling context in social application a priority. Also the resource consumption has a crucial role in such platforms as the users are using social networks mainly on their mobile devices. This PhD thesis addresses the aforementioned open issues, focusing on i) Analyzing the behavior of algorithms, ii) mapping contextual and resources information to find the most appropriate configuration iii) applying the model for the case of a social recommender. Four main contributions are presented: - The EE-Model: is able to predict the behavior of a data mining algorithm in terms of resource consumed and accuracy of the mining model it will obtain. - The SC-Mapper: maps a situation defined by the context and resource state to a data mining configuration. - SOMAR: is a social activity (event and informal ongoings) recommender for mobile devices. - D-SOMAR: is an evolution of SOMAR which incorporates the configurator in order to provide updated recommendations. Finally, the experimental validation of the proposed contributions using synthetic and real datasets allows us to achieve the objectives and answer the research questions proposed for this dissertation.
Archaeopteryx has played a central role in the debates on the origins of avian (and dinosaurian) flight, even though as a flier it probably represents a relatively late stage in the beginnings of fl ight. We report on aerodynamic tests using a life-sized model of Archaeopteryx performing in a low turbulence wind tunnel. Our results indicate that tail deflection significantly decreased take-off velocity and power consumption, and that the first manual digit could have functioned as the structural precursor of the alula. Such results demonstrate that Archaeopteryx had already evolved high-lift devices, which are functional analogues of those present in today's birds.
Durante los últimos años el flujo de datos en la transmisión que tiene lugar en los sistemas de comunicación ha aumentado considerablemente de forma que día a día se requieren más aplicaciones trabajando en un rango de frecuencias muy alto (3-30 GHz). Muchos de estos sistemas de comunicación incluyen dispositivos de onda acústica superficial (SAW) y por tanto se hace necesario el aumento de frecuencia a la que éstos trabajan. Pero este incremento de frecuencia de los dispositivos SAW no sólo es utilizado en los sistemas de comunicación, varios tipos de sensores, por ejemplo, aumentan su sensibilidad cuando la frecuencia a la que trabajan también lo hace. Tradicionalmente los dispositivos SAW se han fabricado sobre cuarzo, LiNbO3 y LiTaO3 principalmente. Sin embargo la principal limitación de estos materiales es su velocidad SAW. Además, debido a la alta temperatura a la que se depositan no pueden ser integrados en la tecnología de fabricación CMOS. El uso de la tecnología de capa delgada, en la que un material piezoeléctrico es depositado sobre un substrato, se está utilizando en las últimas décadas para incrementar la velocidad SAW de la estructura y poder obtener dispositivos trabajando en el rango de frecuencias requerido en la actualidad. Por otra parte, esta tecnología podría ser integrada en el proceso de fabricación CMOS. Durante esta tesis nos hemos centrado en la fabricación de dispositivos SAW trabajando a muy alta frecuencia. Para ello, utilizando la tecnología de capa delgada, hemos utilizado la estructura nitruro de aluminio (AlN) sobre diamante que permite conseguir velocidades SAW del sustrato que no se pueden alcanzar con otros materiales. El depósito de AlN se realizó mediante sputtering reactivo. Durante esta tesis se han realizado diferentes experimentos para optimizar dicho depósito de forma que se han obtenido los parámetros óptimos para los cuales se pueden obtener capas de AlN de alta calidad sobre cualquier tipo de sustrato. Además todo el proceso se realizó a baja temperatura para que el procesado de estos dispositivos pueda ser compatible con la tecnología CMOS. Una vez optimizada la estructura AlN/diamante, mediante litografía por haz de electrones se fabricaron resonadores SAW de tamaño nanométrico que sumado a la alta velocidad resultante de la combinación AlN/diamante nos ha permitido obtener dispositivos trabajando en el rango de 10-28 GHz con un alto factor de calidad y rechazo fuera de la banda. Estás frecuencias y prestaciones no han sido alcanzadas por el momento en resonadores de este tipo. Por otra parte, se han utilizado estos dispositivos para fabricar sensores de presión de alta sensibilidad. Estos dispositivos son afectados altamente por los cambios de temperatura. Se realizó también un exhaustivo estudio de cómo se comportan en temperatura estos resonadores, entre -250ºC y 250ºC (rango de temperaturas no estudiado hasta el momento) diferenciándose dos regiones una a muy baja temperatura en la que el dispositivo muestra un coeficiente de retraso en frecuencia (TCF) relativamente bajo y otra a partir de los -100ºC en la que el TCF es similar al observado en la bibliografía. Por tanto, durante esta tesis se ha optimizado el depósito de AlN sobre diamante para que sea compatible con la tecnología CMOS y permita el procesado de dispositivos trabajando a muy alta frecuencia con altas prestaciones para comunicaciones y sensores. ABSTRACT The increasing volume of information in data transmission systems results in a growing demand of applications working in the super-high-frequency band (3–30 GHz). Most of these systems work with surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices and thus there is a necessity of increasing their resonance frequency. Moreover, sensor application includes this kind of devices. The sensitivity of them is proportional with its frequency. Traditionally, quartz, LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 have been used in the fabrication of SAW devices. These materials suffer from a variety of limitations and in particular they have low SAW velocity as well as being incompatible with the CMOS technology. In order to overcome these problems, thin film technology, where a piezoelectric material is deposited on top of a substrate, has been used during the last decades. The piezoelectric/substrate structure allows to reach the frequencies required nowadays and could be compatible with the mass electronic production CMOS technology. This thesis work focuses on the fabrication of SAW devices working in the super-high-frequency range. Thin film technology has been used in order to get it, especially aluminum nitride (AlN) deposited by reactive sputtering on diamond has been used to increase the SAW velocity. Different experiments were carried out to optimize the parameters for the deposit of high quality AlN on any kind of substrates. In addition, the system was optimized under low temperature and thus this process is CMOS compatible. Once the AlN/diamond was optimized, thanks to the used e-beam lithography, nanometric SAW resonators were fabricated. The combination of the structure and the size of the devices allow the fabrication of devices working in the range of 10-28 GHz with a high quality factor and out of band rejection. These high performances and frequencies have not been reached so far for this kind of devices. Moreover, these devices have been used as high sensitivity pressure sensors. They are affected by temperature changes and thus a wide temperature range (-250ºC to 250ºC) study was done. From this study two regions were observed. At very low temperature, the temperature coefficient of frequency (TCF) is low. From -100ºC upwards the TCF is similar to the one appearing in the literature. Therefore, during this thesis work, the sputtering of AlN on diamond substrates was optimized for the CMOS compatible fabrication of high frequency and high performance SAW devices for communication and sensor application.