984 resultados para Plant seed
Introduction - Ayahuasca is obtained by infusing the pounded stems of Banisteriopsis caapi in combination with the leaves of Psychotria viridis. P. viridis is rich in the psychedelic indole N,N-dimethyltryptamine, whereas B. caapi contains substantial amounts of beta-carboline alkaloids, mainly harmine, harmaline and tetrahydroharmine, which are monoamine-oxidase inhibitors. Because of differences in composition in ayahuasca preparations, a method to measure their main active constituents is needed. Objective - To develop a gas chromatographic method for the simultaneous determination of dimethyltryptamine and the main beta-carbolines found in ayahuasca preparations. Methodology - The alkaloids were extracted by means of solid phase extraction (C(18)) and detected by gas chromatography with nitrogen/phosphorous detector. Results - The lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) was 0.02 mg/mL for all analytes. The calibration curves were linear over a concentration range of 0.02-4.0 mg/mL (r(2) > 0.99). The method was also precise (RSD < 10%). Conclusion - A simple gas chromatographic method to determine the main alkaloids found in ayahuasca was developed and validated. The method can be useful to estimate administered doses in animals and humans for further pharmacological and toxicological investigations of ayahuasca. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Ayahuasca is an Amazonian plant beverage obtained by infusing the pounded stems of Banisteriopsis caapi in combination with the leaves of Psychotria viridis. P. viridis contains the psychedelic indole N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT). This association has a wide range of use in religious rituals around the world. In the present work, an easy, fast and non-destructive method by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of proton ((1)H NMR) for quantification of DMT in ayahuasca samples was developed and validated. 2,5-Dimethoxybenzaldehyde (DMBO) was used as internal standard (IS). For this purpose, the area ratios produced by protons of DMT (N(CH(3))(2)) at 2.70 ppm, singlet, (6H) and for DMBO (Ar(OCH(3))(2)) at 3.80 and 3.89 ppm, doublet, (6H) were used for quantification. The lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) was 12.5 mu g/mL and a good intra-assay precision was also obtained (relative standard deviation < 5.1%). The present (1)H NMR method is not time consuming and can be readily applied to monitor this tryptamine in plant preparations. We believe that qNMR can be used for identification and quantification of many plant-based products and metabolites with important advantages, while comparing with other analytical techniques. (C) 2010 Phytochemical Society of Europe. Published by Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
The objective of the study was to evaluate the hygienic conditions and practices of commercial foods of plant origin in establishments and street marketed by street vendors in cities in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Forty different sales points were evaluated (establishments that prepared and sold fruit juices and street vendors that commercialized fresh coconut water, sugarcane juice and orange juice) using a questionnaire with 12 items, divided into three blocks (salesmen/handlers, operations, installations). The results indicated that the activities related to the commerce of fruit beverages in the cities of Sao Goncalo and Rio de Janeiro required the elaboration of a set of actions by the Sanitary Vigilance Agency in order to improve the hygienic and sanitary level and minimize health risk to consumers. Important requirements in the legislation relevant to this type of food are still not followed; adequate packaging and storage of the raw material, obtaining the raw material from registered suppliers, hygiene of the handlers and adequate management of wastes produced during the activities in question are amongst the main items deserving attention. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
(Morpho-anatomical studies of seeds and seedlings of wild indigo, ""anileira"", Indigofera-Leguminosae). The common name ""wild indigo"" specifies Indigofera will L., I. suffruticosa Mill. (legitimate name) and I. truxillensis Kunth (legitimate name) that are very similar due to their external morphology. This work analyzed diagnostic characteristics of seeds and seedlings of these species since such features are widely used in taxonomic approaches within Leguminosae. We studied surface features and morpho-anatomy of seeds and cotyledons with scanning electronic microscopy and light microscopy, and described seedling phases. Although seedlings are similar, seed characteristics (size, shape, surface ornamentation, shape of the hilum and embryo size) and cotyledon characteristics (shape, trichome ornamentation, organization of spongy parenchyma along central veins and metabolite distribution in the tissues) have diagnostic features for the species. I. anil differs from I. suffruticosa in its larger seeds and acuminate-margined cotyledons. I. truxillensis is recognized by its cylindrical seeds and kidney-shaped cotyledons with large oil drops. We assume that the characteristics examined, plus fruit morphology and foliar anatomy suggest that I. anil, I. suffruticosa and I. truxillensis should not be synonymized.
The flavonoid quercetin and its derivative rutin were investigated for genotoxicity/antigenotoxicity activity in human hepatoma HepG2 cells using the comet assay. The extract cytotoxicity was evaluated using the trypan blue exclusion dye method with quercetin and rutin concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 200.0 mu g/mL of culture medium. Three minor non-cytotoxic concentrations were chosen to evaluate the genotoxicity and antigenotoxicity of the flavonoids (0.1, 1.0 and 5.0 mu g/mL) through comet assay. The cultures were treated with three different concentrations of rutin or quercetin (genotoxicity) or their association with Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) or doxorubicin (DXR) (antigenotoxicity test) in three protocols: pretreatment, simultaneous treatment and post-treatment. The cell cultures were also treated with 1% DMSO (control group), AFB1, MMS and DXR (positive-control). Statistical analyses were performed using ANOVA and Dunnett`s test (p <= 0.05). Quercetin at concentrations higher than 10.0 mu g/mL or rutin higher than 50.0 mu g/mL exhibited a cytotoxic effect on the cells, showing that quercetin is more cytotoxic than rutin. Furthermore, neither compound was able to induce genotoxicity in the concentrations evaluated. On the other hand, both flavonoids reduced DNA damage induced by AFB1, MMS and DXR in all treatment protocols. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
In this study we report the screening of the in vitro trypanocidal activity of 20 extracts obtained from 10 different plant species growing in the Brazilian Cerrado: Aspidosperma macrocarpum Mart. (Apocynaceae), Aegiphila sellowiano Cham. (Verbenaceae), Byrsonima intermedia Juss. (Malpighiaceae), Cyperus rotundus L. (Cyperaceae), Leandra lacunosa Cogn. (Melastomataceae), Miconia ligustroides (DC.) Naudin. (Melastomataceae), Miconia sellowiana Naudin.(Melastomataceae),Myrcia variabilis Mart.ex DC. (Myrtaceae), Solanum lycocarpum St. Hil. (Solanaceae), and Tibouchina stenocarpa Cogn. (Melastomataceae). The most active extracts were submitted to phytochemical analyses. High-resolution gas chromatography analysis of the n-hexane extract of T. stenocarpa (IC(50) = 23.6 mu g/mL), the most active extract amongst all the tested samples, allowed the identification of beta-amyrin, alpha-amyrin, lupeol, friedelin, beta-friedelanol, campesterol, stigmasterol, and beta-sitosterol. Oleanolic and ursolic acids were isolated from the methylene chloride extract of T stenocarpa (IC(50) = 51.5 mu g/mL), while ursolic acid was isolated from the methylene chloride extract of M. variabilis (IC(50)=38.4 mu g/mL). Solasonine and solamargine were identified as major compounds by mass spectrometry analysis in the hydroalcoholic extract of the fruits of S. lycocarpum (IC(50)=57.1 mu g/mL).The results showed that the trypanocidal activity may be related to the major compounds identified in the crude active extracts.
Crude extracts of a callus culture (two culture media) and adult plants (two collections) from Alternanthera tenella Colla (Amaranthaceae) were evaluated for their antibacterial and antifungal activity, in order to investigate the maintenance of antimicrobial activity of the extracts obtained from plants in vivo and in vitro. The antibacterial and antifungal activity was determined against thirty strains of microorganisms including Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, yeasts and dermatophytes. Ethanolic and hexanic extracts of adult plants collected during the same period of the years 1997 and 2002 [Ribeirao Preto (SP), collections 1 and 2] and obtained from plant cell callus culture in two different hormonal media (AtT43 and AtT11) inhibited the growth of bacteria, yeasts and dermatophytes with inhibition halos between 6 and 20 mm. For the crude extracts of adult plants bioassay-guided fractionation, purification, and isolation were performed by chromatographic methods, and the structures of the isolated compounds were established by analysis of chemical and spectral evidences (UV, IR, NMR and ES-MS). Steroids, saponins and flavonoids (aglycones and C-glycosides) were isolated. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the isolated compounds varied from 50 to 500 mu g/mL.
The Miconia genus, a plant widely used for medicine, occurs in tropical America and its extracts and isolated compounds have demonstrated antibiotic, antitumoral, analgesic and antimalarial activities. However, no study concerning its genotoxicity has been conducted and it is necessary to determine its potential mutagenic effects to develop products and chemicals from these extracts. This study assessed the cytotoxicity, mutagenicity and the protective effects of methanolic extracts from Miconia species on Chinese hamster lung fibroblast cell cultures (V79). The cytotoxicity was evaluated using a clonogenic assay. Cultures exposed to the extract of Miconia albicans up to a concentration of 30 mu g/mL, M. cabucu up to 40 mu g/mL, M. albicans up to 40 mu g/mL and M. stenostachya up to 60 mu g/mL exhibited a cytotoxic effect on the cells. The clonogenic assay used three non-cytotoxic concentrations (5, 10 and 20 mu g/mL) to evaluate mutagenicity and antimutagenicity of the extracts. Cultures were treated with these three extract concentrations (mutagenicity test) or the extract associated with doxorubicin (DXR) (antimutagenicity test) in three protocols (pre-, simultaneous and post-treatments). Distilled water and DXR were used as negative and positive controls, respectively. In the micronucleus (MN) test, a significant reduction was observed in MN frequency in cultures treated with DXR and extracts compared to those receiving only DXR; a significant reduction was also observed for the presence of mutagenicity in all treatments. This study confirmed the safe use of Miconia extracts at the concentrations tested and reinforced the therapeutic properties previously described for Miconia species by showing their protective effects on doxorubicin-induced mutagenicity. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Although the effect of salinity on plant growth has been the focus of a substantive research effort, much of this research has failed to adequately separate the various growth limiting aspects of salinity; thus the results are confounded by multiple factors. Eight perennial grass species were grown in a sand culture system dominated by NaCl (electrical conductivities (ECs) between 1.4 and 38 dS m 1), with sufficient Ca added to each treatment to ensure that Na-induced Ca deficiency did not reduce growth. Of the eight perennial grass species examined, Chloris gayana cv. Pioneer (Rhodes grass) was the most salt tolerant species, whilst in comparison, Chrysopogon zizanioides cv. Monto (vetiver) was of only moderate tolerance. However, observed salinity tolerances tended to be lower than those expected from published values based on the threshold salinity model (bent stick model). This discrepancy may be due in part to differences in the evapotranspirational demand between studies; an increase in demand accelerating the accumulation of Na in the shoots and hence decreasing apparent salinity tolerance. It was also observed that the use of a non-saline growth period to allow seed germination and establishment results in the overestimation of vegetative salinity tolerance if not taken into consideration. This is particularly true for species of low salt tolerance due to their comparatively rapid growth in the non-saline medium compared to that at full salinity.
Plant cells are characterized by low water content, so the fraction of cell volume (volume fraction) in a vessel is large compared with other cell systems, even if the cell concentrations are the same. Therefore, concentration of plant cells should preferably be expressed by the liquid volume basis rather than by the total vessel volume basis. In this paper, a new model is proposed to analyze behavior of a plant cell culture by dividing the cell suspension into the biotic- and abiotic-phases, Using this model, we analyzed the cell-growth and the alkaloid production by Catharanthus roseus, Large errors in the simulated results were observed if the phase-segregation was not considered.
Nitrogen relations of natural and disturbed tropical plant communities in northern Australia (Kakadu National Park) were studied. Plant and soil N characteristics suggested that differences in N source utilisation occur at community and species level. Leaf and xylem sap N concentrations of plants in different communities were correlated with the availability of inorganic soil N (NH4+ and NO3-). In general, rates of leaf NO3- assimilation were low. Even in communities with a higher N status, including deciduous monsoon forest, disturbed wetland, and a revegetated mine waste rock dump, levels of leaf nitrate reductase, xylem and leaf NO3 levels were considerably lower than those that have been reported for eutrophic communities. Although NO3- assimilation in escarpment and eucalypt woodlands, and wetland, was generally low, within these communities there was a suite of species that exhibited a greater capacity for NO3- assimilation. These high-NO3- species were mainly annuals, resprouting herbs or deciduous trees that had leaves with high N contents. Ficus, a high-NO3- species, was associated with soil exhibiting higher rates of net mineralisation and net nitrification. Low-NO3- species were evergreen perennials with low leaf N concentrations. A third group of plants, which assimilated NO3- (albeit at lower rates than the high-NO3- species), and had high-N leaves, were leguminous species. Acacia species, common in woodlands, had the highest leaf N contents of all woody species. Acacia species appeared to have the greatest potential to utilise the entire spectrum of available N sources. This versatility in N source utilisation may be important in relation to their high tissue N status and comparatively short life cycle. Differences in N utilisation are discussed in the context of species life strategies and mycorrhizal associations.
MiAMP1 is a low-molecular-weight, cysteine-rich, antimicrobial peptide isolated from the nut kernel of Macadamia integrifolia. A DNA sequence encoding MiAMP1 with an additional ATG: start codon was cloned into a modified pET vector under the control of the T7 RNA polymerase promoter. The pET vector was cotransformed together with the vector pSB161, which expresses a rare arginine tRNA. The peptide was readily isolated in high yield from the insoluble fraction of the Escherichia coil extract. The purified peptide was shown to have an identical molecular weight to the native peptide by mass spectroscopy indicating that the N-terminal methionine had been cleaved. Analysis by NMR spectroscopy indicated that the refolded recombinant peptide had a similar overall three-dimensional structure to that of the native peptide. The peptide inhibited the growth of phytopathogenic fungi in vitro in a similar manner to the native peptide. To our knowledge, MiAMP1 is the first antimicrobial peptide from plants to be functionally expressed in E. coil. This will permit a detailed structure-function analysis of the peptide and studies of its mode of action on phytopathogens. (C) 1999 Academic Press.
Four different promoters (35S and enhanced 35S of the cauliflower mosaic virus, polyubiquitin of maize and actin1 of rice) were compared in a transient assay using maize leaves and particle bombardment. A gene encoding the jellyfish green fluorescent protein (GFP) driven by the 358 promoter was used as an internal standard to monitor the effectiveness of each bombardment. Normalisation of the transient expression assay using the GFP reference significantly reduced the variability between separate bombardments and allowed for a rapid and accurate evaluation of different promoters in microprojectile-bombarded leaves.
Soluble organic nitrogen, including protein and amino acids, was found to be a ubiquitous form of soil N in diverse Australian environments. Fine roots of species representative of these environments were found to be active in the metabolism of glycine. The ability to incorporate [N-15]glycine was widespread among plant species from subantarctic to tropical communities. In species from subantarctic herbfield, subtropical coral cay, subtropical rainforest and wet heathland, [N-15]glycine incorporation ranged from 26 to 45% of (NH4+)-N-15 incorporation and was 2- to 3-fold greater than (NO3-)-N-15 incorporation. Most semiarid mulga and tropical savanna woodland species incorporated [N-15]glycine and (NO3-)-N-15 in similar amounts, 18-26% of (NH4+)-N-15 incorporation. We conclude that the potential to utilise amino acids as N sources is of widespread occurrence in plant communities and is not restricted to those from low temperature regimes or where N mineralisation is limited. Seedlings of Hakea (Proteaceae) were shown to metabolise glycine, with a rapid transfer of N-15 from glycine to serine and other amino compounds. The ability to take up and metabolise glycine was unaffected by the presence of equimolar concentrations of NO3- and NH4+. Isonicotinic acid hydrazide (INH) did not inhibit the transfer of N-15-label from glycine to serine indicating that serine hydroxymethyltransferase was not active in glycine catabolism. In contrast aminooxyacetate (AOA) strongly inhibited transfer of N-15 from glycine to serine and labelling of other amino compounds, suggesting that glycine is metabolised in roots and cluster roots of Hakea via an aminotransferase.
First-instar larvae of the monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus, a milkweed specialist, generally grew faster and survived better on leaves when latex flow was reduced by partial severance of the leaf petiole. The outcome depended on milkweed species and was related to the amount of latex produced. The outcome also may be related to the amount of cardenolide produced by the plants as a potential chemical defense against herbivory. Growth was more rapid, but survival was similar on partially severed compared with intact leaves of the high-latex/low-cardenolide milkweed, Asclepias syriaca, whereas both growth and survival were unaffected on the low-latex/low-cardenolide milkweed A. incarnata. On the low-latex/low-cardenolide milkweed A. tuberosa, both growth and survival of larvae were only marginally affected. These results contrast sharply to previous results with the milkweed, A. humistrata, in Florida, which has both high latex and high cardenolide. Larval growth and survival on A. humistrata were both increased by partially severing leaf petioles. Larval growth rates among all four milkweed species on leaves with partially severed petioles were identical, suggesting that latex and possibly the included cardenolides are important in first-instar monarch larval growth, development, and survivorship.