998 resultados para Planar array


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This paper evaluates the shearing behavior of ball grid array (BGA) solder joints on Au/Ni/Cu pads of FR4 substrates after multiple reflow soldering. A new Pb-free solder, Sn–3Ag–0.5Cu–8In (SACI), has been compared with Sn–3Ag–0.5Cu (SAC) and Sn–37Pb (SP) solders, in terms of fracture surfaces, shearing forces and microstructures. Three failure modes, ball cut, a combination of solder shear and solder/pad bond separation, and pad lift, are assessed for the different solders and reflow cycles. It is found that the shearing forces of the SP and SAC solder joints tend to increase slightly with an increase in the number of reflow cycles due to diffusion-induced solid solution strengthening of the bulk solder and augmentation of the shearing area. However, the shearing forces of the SACI solder joints decrease slightly after four cycles of reflow, which is ascribed to the thermal degradation of both the solder/intermetallic compound (IMC) and IMC/Ni interfaces. The SACI solder joints yield the highest strengths, whereas the SP solder joints give the smallest values, irrespective of the number of reflow cycles. Thickening of the interfacial IMC layer and coarsening of the dispersing IMC particles within the bulk solders were also observed. Nevertheless, the variation of shearing forces and IMC thickness with different numbers of reflow cycles was not so significant since the Ni under layer acted as an effective diffusion barrier. In addition, the initially-formed IMC layer retarded the further extensive dissolution of the pad material and its interaction with the solder


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Ball shear test is the most common test method used to assess the reliability of bond strength for ball grid array (BGA) packages. In this work, a combined experimental and numerical study was carried out to realize of BGA solder interface strength. Solder mask defined bond pads on the BGA substrate were used for BGA ball bonding. Different bond pad metallizations and solder alloys were used. Solid state aging at 150degC up to 1000 h has been carried out to change the interfacial microstructure. Cross-sectional studies of the solder-to-bond pad interfaces was conducted by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analyzer to investigate the interfacial reaction phenomena. Ball shear tests have been carried out to obtain the mechanical strength of the solder joints and to correlate shear behaviour with the interfacial reaction products. An attempt has been taken to realize experimental findings by Finite Element Analysis (FEA). It was found that intermetallic compound (IMC) formation at the solder interface plays an important role in the BGA solder bond strength. By changing the morphology and the microchemistry of IMCs, the fracture propagation path could be changed and hence, reliability could be improved


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An Electronic Nose is being jointly developed between the University of Greenwich and the Institute of Intelligent Machines to detect the gases given off from an oil filled transformer when it begins to break down. The gas sensors being used are very simple, consisting of a layer of Tin Oxide (SnO2) which is heated to approximately 640 K and the conductivity varies with the gas concentrations. Some of the shortcomings introduced by the commercial gas sensors available are being overcome by the use of an integrated array of gas sensors and the use of artificial neural networks which can be 'taught' to recognize when the gas contains several components. At present simulated results have achieved up to a 94% success rate of recognizing two component gases and future work will investigate alternative neural network configurations to maintain this success rate with practical measurements.


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A generic architecture for implementing a QR array processor in silicon is presented. This improves on previous research by considerably simplifying the derivation of timing schedules for a QR system implemented as a folded linear array, where account has to be taken of processor cell latency and timing at the detailed circuit level. The architecture and scheduling derived have been used to create a generator for the rapid design of System-on-a-Chip (SoC) cores for QR decomposition. This is demonstrated through the design of a single-chip architecture for implementing an adaptive beamformer for radar applications. Published as IEEE Trans Circuits and Systems Part II, Analog and Digital Signal Processing, April 2003 NOT Express Briefs. Parts 1 and II of Journal reorganised since then into Regular Papers and Express briefs


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We report on a study comparing absolute K-alpha yield from Ti foils measured with a calibrated system of an X-ray CCD coupled to a curved LiF Von-Hamos crystal spectrometer to the difference in the signals measured simultaneously with two similar photodiodes fitted with two different filters. Our data indicate that a combination of photodiodes with different filters could be developed into an alternative and inexpensive diagnostic for monitoring single shot pulsed emission in a narrow band of X-ray region.


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Previous peptidomic analyses of the defensive skin secretion from the North American pickerel frog, Rana palustris, have established the presence of canonical bradykinin and multiple bradykinin-related peptides (BRPs). As a consequence of the multiplicity of peptides identified and their diverse primary structures, it was speculated that they must represent the products of expression of multiple genes. Here, we present unequivocal evidence that the majority of BRPs (11/13) identified in skin secretion by the peptidomic approach can be generated by differential site-specific protease cleavage from a single common precursor of 321 amino acid residues, named skin kininogen 1, whose primary structure was deduced from cloned skin secretion-derived cDNA. The organization of skin kininogen 1 consists of a hydrophobic signal peptide followed by eight non-identical domains each encoding a single copy of either canonical bradykinin or a BRP. Two additional splice variants, encoding precursors of 233 (skin kininogen 2) or 189 amino acid residues (skin kininogen 3), were also cloned and were found to lack BRP-encoding domains 5 and 6 or 4, 5 and 6, respectively. Thus, generation of peptidome diversity in amphibian defensive skin secretions can be achieved in part by differential protease cleavage of relatively large and multiple-encoding domain precursors reflecting a high degree of transcriptional economy.


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We report on Australia Telescope Compact Array observations of the massive star-forming region G305.2+0.2 at 1.2 cm. We detected emission in five molecules towards G305A, confirming its hot core nature. We determined a rotational temperature of 26 K for methanol. A non-local thermodynamic equilibrium excitation calculation suggests a kinematic temperature of the order of 200 K. A time-dependent chemical model is also used to model the gas-phase chemistry of the hot core associated with G305A. A comparison with the observations suggest an age of between 2 × 104 and 1.5 × 105 yr. We also report on a feature to the south-east of G305A which may show weak Class I methanol maser emission in the line at 24.933 GHz. The more evolved source G305B does not show emission in any of the line tracers, but strong Class I methanol maser emission at 24.933 GHz is found 3 arcsec to the east. Radio continuum emission at 18.496 GHz is detected towards two H ii regions. The implications of the non-detection of radio continuum emission towards G305A and G305B are also discussed.


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A planar inductively coupled radio-frequency (rf) magnetic neutral loop discharge has been designed. It provides diagnostic access to both the main plasma production region as well as a remote plane for applications. Three coaxial coils are arranged to generate a specially designed inhomogeneous magnetic field structure with vanishing field along a ring in the discharge-the so-called neutral loop (NL). The plasma is generated by applying an oscillating rf electric field along the NL, induced through a four-turn, planar antenna operated at 13.56 MHz. Electron density and temperature measurements are performed under various parameter variations. Collisionless electron heating in the NL region allows plasma operation at comparatively low pressures, down to 10(-2) Pa, with a degree of ionization in the order of several per cent. Conventional plasma operation in inductive mode without applying the magnetic field is less efficient, in particular in the low pressure regime where the plasma cannot be sustained without magnetic fields.


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A novel power-efficient systolic array architecture is proposed for full search block matching (FSBM) motion estimation, where the partial distortion elimination algorithm is used to dynamically switch off the computation of eliminated partial candidate blocks. The RTL-level simulation shows that the proposed architecture can reduce the power consumption of the computation part of the algorithm to about 60% of that of the conventional 2D systolic arrays.