1000 resultados para Phlebotomine Sandfly population
The Common whelk, Buccinum undatum (L.) is a conspicuous benthic scavenger in Irish waters, and is a valuable fisheries resource in South East Ireland. B. undatum is fished in many parts of its range, and previous studies have shown that certain life history parameters, which vary with location, make this species vulnerable to overexploitation. This makes research into each exploited stock essential to ensure sustainable fisheries management of the species. In 2003, interest in B. undatum as a complementary species in the inshore fishery east of the Inishowen Peninsula, North West Ireland, initiated investigation into fisheries related biological and population aspects of the species in this region. The current study presents estimates of spatial variation and density of the stock, size at age and growth rates, size and age at onset of sexual maturity, and timing of reproductive events in the region of the North West Irish whelk fishery for the period of June 2003 to May 2004. Analysis of variance of the total shell length of whelk landings to the fishery was conducted over spatial scales of fishing pot, fishing string and landings to vessels. Landings varied significantly in shell length at the spatial scale at which whelks are attracted to baited pots, but did not vary significantly over larger spatial scales. Depletion estimates of stock density from fisheries derived Catch per Unit Effort data and a mark re-capture experiment estimate 0.134 - 0.227 whelks per m2. Two independent methods of age determination found similar growth logistics functions for B. undatum.Modal analysis of length frequency distribution of landings to the fishery estimated symptotic length, Leo = 151.64 mm and Brody growth coefficient, K = 0.04. Analysis of the striae in individual opercula, where each stria was found to represent annual growth, estimated Loo = 137.73 mm and K = 0.12. Common whelks in the region of the North West Irish whelk fishery grow slowly and are long-lived, with 19 opercula striae recorded in one individual. Onset of sexual maturity is late, and no sex-specific differences in size or age at maturity were determined in the present study. Males were found to achieve sexual maturity at 83.30 ± 10.77 mm, and 8.9 - 11.1 years of age, and females at 82.62 ± 10.68 mm and 8.8 to 11.1 years of age. Systematic observations of reproductive events, including histological changes to the female ovary and male testis, and changes in the size and mass of body components, suggest that breeding occurred between the autumn and winter months of October and December 2003. Biological aspects of B. undatum in the study region are compared with previous studies from other regions, and discussed in relation to sustainable management of the fishery.
Mussel populations on the Irish Atlantic coast comprise an interbreeding mixture of the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis (L.) and the Mediterranean mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lmk.). The occurrence of hybrid genotypes varies between sites but can be as high 80%. This study compares the reproductive cycle of M. edulis, M. galloprovincialis and their hybrids to determine if the extensive hybridisation observed at Irish Atlantic coast sites is linked to spawning synchrony between the two taxa. Mussels (40-45 mm size class) were collected monthly from a sheltered shore in Galway Bay from January to December 2005. Two major spawning events (March- June and September-October) were observed and gametogenesis took place throughout the year. The spawning cycles of the three taxa were largely overlapping. Small differences were observed in the timing of peak spawning which occurred in March and October in M. galloprovincialis and in May-June and September in M.edulis. Spawning of hybrid individuals was intermediate between the parental genotypes. Fecundity was slightly higher in M. galloprovincialis females compared to the other taxa (up to 30% difference, p<0.05). This apparent advantage is not shared by the sexes and is likely being offset by high numbers of hybrid genotypes releasing gametes during peak spawning of M. galloprovincialis. There was no evidence for increased mortality in hybrid males; sex ratios did not deviate from the 1:1 ratio. The results show that in this region of the hybrid zone the timing of reproduction does not present a barrier to gene flow between M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis. Nonetheless, small differences in the timing of peak spawning may increase the likelihood of conspecific fertilisation at certain times of the year. Hybrids outnumber the parental genotypes, undergo complete gametogenesis and show no evidence of depressed fitness (i.e. hybrids are reproductively competent suggesting a high degree of introgression.
The age, growth, maturity and population dynamics of lemon sole (Microstomus kitt), captured off the west coast of Ireland (ICES division Vllb), were determined for the period November 2000 to February 2002. The maximum age recorded was 14 years. Males of the population were dominated by 4 year olds, while females were dominated by 5 year olds. Females dominated the sex ratio in the overall sample, each month sampled, at each age and from 22cm in total length onwards (when N > 20). Possible reasons for the dominance of females in the sex ratio are discussed. Three models were used to obtain the parameters of the von Bertalanfly growth equation. These were the Ford-Walford plot (Beverton and Holt 1957), the Gulland and Holt plot (1959) and the Rafail (1973) method. Results of the fitted von Bertalanffy growth curves showed that female lemon sole o f f the west coast of Ireland grew faster than males and attained a greater size. Male and female lemon sole mature from 2 years of age onwards. There is evidence in the population o f a smaller asymptotic length (L«, = 34.47cm), faster growth rate (K = 0.1955) and younger age at first maturity, all of which are indicative o f a decrease in population size, when present results are compared to data collected in the same area 22 years earlier. Results of the yield per recruit curve indicate that lemon sole are currently being over-fished o f f the west coast of Ireland. Problems of selectivity within the sampling method, particularly at the discarding stage, may have influenced the outcome of results of the models used in the assessment of this stock. Therefore, additional/future work on this species should include catch data which incorporates discards and not landings data alone.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Mathematik, Diss., 2011
Background: The equations predicting maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max or peak) presently in use in cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) softwares in Brazil have not been adequately validated. These equations are very important for the diagnostic capacity of this method. Objective: Build and validate a Brazilian Equation (BE) for prediction of VO2peak in comparison to the equation cited by Jones (JE) and the Wasserman algorithm (WA). Methods: Treadmill evaluation was performed on 3119 individuals with CPET (breath by breath). The construction group (CG) of the equation consisted of 2495 healthy participants. The other 624 individuals were allocated to the external validation group (EVG). At the BE (derived from a multivariate regression model), age, gender, body mass index (BMI) and physical activity level were considered. The same equation was also tested in the EVG. Dispersion graphs and Bland-Altman analyses were built. Results: In the CG, the mean age was 42.6 years, 51.5% were male, the average BMI was 27.2, and the physical activity distribution level was: 51.3% sedentary, 44.4% active and 4.3% athletes. An optimal correlation between the BE and the CPET measured VO2peak was observed (0.807). On the other hand, difference came up between the average VO2peak expected by the JE and WA and the CPET measured VO2peak, as well as the one gotten from the BE (p = 0.001). Conclusion: BE presents VO2peak values close to those directly measured by CPET, while Jones and Wasserman differ significantly from the real VO2peak.
experimental design, mixed model, random coefficient regression model, population pharmacokinetics, approximate design
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Mathematik, Diss., 2006
Background:Evidences suggest that paraoxonase 1 (PON1) confers important antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties when associated with high-density lipoprotein (HDL).Objective:To investigate the relationships between p.Q192R SNP ofPON1, biochemical parameters and carotid atherosclerosis in an asymptomatic, normolipidemic Brazilian population sample.Methods:We studied 584 volunteers (females n = 326, males n = 258; 19-75 years of age). Total genomic DNA was extracted and SNP was detected in the TaqMan® SNP OpenArray® genotyping platform (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). Plasma lipoproteins and apolipoproteins were determined and PON1 activity was measured using paraoxon as a substrate. High-resolution β-mode ultrasonography was used to measure cIMT and the presence of carotid atherosclerotic plaques in a subgroup of individuals (n = 317).Results:The presence of p.192Q was associated with a significant increase in PON1 activity (RR = 12.30 (11.38); RQ = 46.96 (22.35); QQ = 85.35 (24.83) μmol/min; p < 0.0001), HDL-C (RR= 45 (37); RQ = 62 (39); QQ = 69 (29) mg/dL; p < 0.001) and apo A-I (RR = 140.76 ± 36.39; RQ = 147.62 ± 36.92; QQ = 147.49 ± 36.65 mg/dL; p = 0.019). Stepwise regression analysis revealed that heterozygous and p.192Q carriers influenced by 58% PON1 activity towards paraoxon. The univariate linear regression analysis demonstrated that p.Q192R SNP was not associated with mean cIMT; as a result, in the multiple regression analysis, no variables were selected with 5% significance. In logistic regression analysis, the studied parameters were not associated with the presence of carotid plaques.Conclusion:In low-risk individuals, the presence of the p.192Q variant ofPON1 is associated with a beneficial plasma lipid profile but not with carotid atherosclerosis.
This work focuses on the modeling and numerical approximations of population balance equations (PBEs) for the simulation of different phenomena occurring in process engineering. The population balance equation (PBE) is considered to be a statement of continuity. It tracks the change in particle size distribution as particles are born, die, grow or leave a given control volume. In the population balance models the one independent variable represents the time, the other(s) are property coordinate(s), e.g., the particle volume (size) in the present case. They typically describe the temporal evolution of the number density functions and have been used to model various processes such as granulation, crystallization, polymerization, emulsion and cell dynamics. The semi-discrete high resolution schemes are proposed for solving PBEs modeling one and two-dimensional batch crystallization models. The schemes are discrete in property coordinates but continuous in time. The resulting ordinary differential equations can be solved by any standard ODE solver. To improve the numerical accuracy of the schemes a moving mesh technique is introduced in both one and two-dimensional cases ...
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Mathematik, Diss., 2009
Abstract Background: Most international studies on epidemiology of transient loss of consciousness (TLC) were performed many years ago. There are no data about the lifetime prevalence of TLC in Russia. Objective: To identify the lifetime prevalence and presumed mechanisms of TLC in an urban Russian population. Methods: 1796 individuals (540 males [30.1%] and 1256 females [69.9%]) aged 20 to 69 years (mean age 45.8 ± 11.9 years) were randomly selected and interviewed within the framework of multicentre randomised observational trial. Results: The overall prevalence of TLC in the studied population was 23.3% (418/1796), with the highest proportion (28%) seen in 40-49 year age group. TLC was significantly more common in women than in men (27.5% vs 13.5%). The mean age of patients at the time of the first event was 16 (11; 23) years, with 333 (85%) individuals experiencing the first episode of TLC under 30 years. The average time after the first episode of TLC was 27 (12; 47) years. The following mechanisms of TLC were determined using the questionnaire: neurally-mediated syncope (56.5%), arrhythmogenic onset of syncope (6.0%), nonsyncopal origin of TLC (1.4%), single episode during lifetime (2.1%). Reasons for TLC remained unidentified in 34% cases. 27 persons (6.5%) reported a family history of sudden death, mainly patients with presumably arrhythmogenic origin (24%). Conclusion: Our findings suggest that the overall prevalence of TLC in individuals aged 20-69 years is high. The most common cause of TLC is neurally-mediated syncope. These data about the epidemiology can help to develop cost-effective management approaches to TLC.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Mathematik, Diss., 2011
Population balance modeling of influenza A virus replication in MDCK cells during vaccine production
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Diss., 2015
An experiment was carried out to study the effects of the following population densities cauliflowers (plants per ha): 20,833 (0.60 m x 0.80 m), 25,641 (0.60 m x 0.65 m), ....37.037 (0.60 m x 0.45 m) , 55.555 (.0.60 m x 0.30 m), and 111,111 (0,60 m x 0,15 m) ; variety Snow ball. It was concluded that the effects of plant population density are greater on curd quality (weight and size) than on production per ha. The best plant population density to produce cauliflowers curd for Brazil market is from 20,000 to 25,000 plants/ha while for mini-curd is above 55,000 plants/ha.
n.s. no.50(1988)