1000 resultados para Perti, Giacomo Antonio, 1661-1756.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Ao examinar os textos de Antonio Callado publicados na Folha de S. Paulo e reunidos no livro Crônicas de fim do milênio (1997), buscamos investigar de que maneira Callado lança mão de textos literários diversos para constituir seu ponto de vista nos comentários que faz sobre os dados do jornalismo e da história. Mais que uma ilustração do conteúdo das crônicas, essas obras apresentam-se como organizadoras de sua argumentação, revelando-se como um dispositivo de descoberta do mundo, por meio do qual o autor revê a história do Brasil. Nesse contexto, este trabalho aborda a trajetória da crônica brasileira e a obra geral de Antonio Callado, as quais apresentam um ponto fundamental de convergência com as crônicas do autor: a vinculação entre o texto literário, os fatos jornalísticos e os dados históricos, aspecto que se constitui como um dos eixos centrais de nosso estudo.
Busca-se aqui investigar a conexão entre duas características definidoras da originalidade crítica de Antonio Candido: sua filiação à linhagem do marxismo ocidental e sua inserção numa tradição nacional.
Leafcutters are the highest evolved within Neotropical ants in the tribe Attini and model systems for studying caste formation, labor division and symbiosis with microorganisms. Some species of leafcutters are agricultural pests controlled by chemicals which affect other animals and accumulate in the environment. Aiming to provide genetic basis for the study of leafcutters and for the development of more specific and environmentally friendly methods for the control of pest leafcutters, we generated expressed sequence tag data from Atta laevigata, one of the pest ants with broad geographic distribution in South America. Results: The analysis of the expressed sequence tags allowed us to characterize 2,006 unique sequences in Atta laevigata. Sixteen of these genes had a high number of transcripts and are likely positively selected for high level of gene expression, being responsible for three basic biological functions: energy conservation through redox reactions in mitochondria; cytoskeleton and muscle structuring; regulation of gene expression and metabolism. Based on leafcutters lifestyle and reports of genes involved in key processes of other social insects, we identified 146 sequences potential targets for controlling pest leafcutters. The targets are responsible for antixenobiosis, development and longevity, immunity, resistance to pathogens, pheromone function, cell signaling, behavior, polysaccharide metabolism and arginine kynase activity. Conclusion: The generation and analysis of expressed sequence tags from Atta laevigata have provided important genetic basis for future studies on the biology of leaf-cutting ants and may contribute to the development of a more specific and environmentally friendly method for the control of agricultural pest leafcutters.
The aim of the present study to ascertain the mode of origin of the phrenic nerve and to provide a morphological basis for experimental studies of this nerve in the guinea pig. In sketches made of the dissections, in 10 male and 10 female guinea pigs adults, the modes of origin of the phrenic roots were demonstrated to arise from the fourth to the seventh cervical nerves. Four types of origin could be distinguished. The phrenic nerve of the guinea pig has three or four roots.
Caustic ingestion is a leading cause of esophageal stenosis in children. Herein we report four cases using mitomycin C (MMC), a drug that inhibits cell division, protein synthesis and fibroblast proliferation and has been used as an adjuvant therapy for caustic esophageal stenosis that is recalcitrant to conventional dilation techniques. A retrospective chart review was performed on four pediatric patients with severe, recurrent esophageal stricture after caustic ingestion. The patients had required six to 20 esophageal dilations over a 4-16-month period before MMC application. MMC was applied after an endoscopic dilation on saturated pledgets at a dose of 0.1 mg/mL for 2 min in the area where the strictures had been lyzed. From the four children treated with MMC, two have been asymptomatic for 16 and 20 months and two still require esophageal dilation, however, at longer intervals. All patients have shown satisfactory weight gain with food intake exclusively per oral. Although further studies are required, there is strong evidence that MMC is a safe and effective adjuvant therapy in the treatment of esophageal caustic stenosis. © 2008 The Authors.
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The aim of this study was to investigate the genetic variation, the genotype × soil interaction and the selection among and within Corymbia citriodora progenies in three different kinds of soils (Red Latossol, Quartz Sand and Purple Latossol), which occur in the Luiz Antônio Experimental Station, São Paulo State, Brazil. The progeny test was established 1983, using 56 open-pollinated families of C. citriodora. Twenty fve years after planting the following traits were measured: height, diameter at breast height (Dbh), stem form and survival. Best growth occurred in Purple Latossol. Significant differences among progenies were detected for most traits in all sites, suggesting the possibility of improvement by selection. In the analysis with sites, Significant differences among locals, progenies and genotypes × soil interaction were detected, confiming that the tested material has sufficient genetic variation to be explored by selection in all sites. The analysis of genotype × soil interaction indicates that growth traits present single interaction and the same progenies can be selected in each site. On the order hand, genotype × soil interaction for stem form and survival was complex; and specifc progenies need to be selected for each kind of soil. The population, due to its high genetic variation and strong genetic control of traits, permits to obtain considerable genetic gains by selection among and within progenies.
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