651 resultados para Pat Summerall
The Steering Committee recognizes that the Departments may need to implement reviews necessary to address specific Federal requirements and that while consolidated reporting should be used when possible, the review and reporting processes should facilitate the ability to garner Federal funding. However, the analysis thus far confirms the need for change and a significant potential to reduce redundant monitoring and reporting. At the end of this Executive Summary, there is a summary presentation, including a timeline and progress indicators, that gives more details on these recommendations.
Contains annotated bibliographies and directories of health care organizations.
Project staff: Alexi Carli (Transportation, Distribution and Logistics Subcouncil); Ron Engstrom (State Liason) [and] Pat Spicer (Product Developer for Mechanical Drafting Cluster).
Mode of access: Internet.
On August 25, 2011, Governor Pat Quinn signed House Bill 1488 into law, now Public Act 97-0558 (The Act). The Act specifically directs a Management Improvement Initiative Committee (The Committee) to implement recommendations outlined in the January 2011 report to the General Assembly as required under Public Act 96-1141. The Act directs the group, formed under the auspices of Public Act 96-1141, to continue their work based on categories of recommendations. Each recommendation area has the common goal of reviewing providers from redundant monitoring, auditing, and reporting requirements. Implementing the recommendations of the Act will result in efficiency in business process for our providers, reinvestment of dollars saved from inefficient or unrealized administrative costs, and ultimately foster a network of sustainable human services providers in Illinois while increasing the level of direct service by the State agencies, contracted providers, and communities, who are all facing current economic pressures in the fiscal crisis.
Mode of access: Internet.
"Individual views" of Senator Pat McNamara.
Includes bibliography.
Image also includes children of Governor and Mrs. Williams
Front Row Stephen Pierce, Tim Fagan, Nemir Nadhir, Mark Pearson, Bill Goodill, Larry Haughn
Second Row: Rich Zboray, Mike DerGarbedian, Jeff Burk, Rob Rechsteiner, Eric Klasson, John Beljan, John Segula, Tim Berry, Kevin Hill
Back Row: Monte Wilcox, Howard Jongsma, Kirk Trost, Rickey Moore, Pat McRae, Jeff Marolt, Scott Rechsteiner, Greg Wright, Stuart Brown, Mike Gersky.
Not Pictured: Joe McFarland, Pat McKay, Luigi Milani.
Back Row: Fred Hendershot, Hepburn Ingham, Walter Nieman, Fred Rehor, James Whalen, Egmont Hildner, Cecil "Pat" Smith, Alan Boyd, James Catlett, Jarold Zeiger, James Sharpe, George Washington Bixler, Otto Pobanz,
Middle Row (seated on wall): Otto Eberwein, ? Johnson, Maurice Dunne, Harry Calvin (on steps), Karl Staatz, Hoyne Howe, Clyde Bastian
Front Row: Alvin Loucks (standing), Robert Watson (on rail), John Norton, Leland Benton, captain William Cochran, Lawrence Roehm, John Maulbetsch, ? Warner (standing)
back row: Coach Vic Heylliger, Ronald Martinson, Doug Philpott, Alex McClellan, Bert Dunn, Reg Shave, Earl Keyes, Jim Haas, Louis Paolotto, manager Pete Pickus
front row: Willard Ikola, George Chin, Pat Cooney, John McKennell, John Matchefts, Douglas Mullen, Willard Lucier
back row: assistant coach James Keough, Julian Nixon, Randall Neal, Richard Mallette, Robert Falconer, Paul Paris
middle row: Roy Bolles, coach Allan Renfrew, Pat Connelly, Gary Connelly, Peter Dunbar, Roy Ashworth, Frank Werner, Gary Kardos, W. Randall Trudeau, Dr. Girz, trainer Mike Willie, Terrance LaJeunesse
front row: Michael Jarry, Jerry LeFebvre, Robert Staub, Karl Bagnell, captain Brian Skinner, Jean-Yves Cartier, Bernard Gagnon
back row: student trainer Mike Lampe, Paul Rossi, Joe Lockwood, Tim O'Connor, Gary Lorden, Brad McCaughey, Jeff Norton, Sean Baker, Arnold Morrison, Tim Makris, Dan Goff, student manager Jeff Henchel
middle row: grad. assistant Gary Morrison, traveling secretary Howard Colby, Chris Seychel, Bruce Macnab, Tom Stiles, Pat Goff, Bill Brauer, Greg Hudas, Brad Jones, John Bjorkman, Todd Carlile, Frank Downing, equipment manager Jim Neidert, student manager Dave Marich
fromt row: head coach Red Berenson, Jon Elliott, Paul Spring, Mike Neff, Ray Price, Paul Kobylarz, Doug May, Mark Chiamp, assistant coach Mark Miller
back row: student manager Scott Kise, student manager Jim White, Paul Rossi, Myles O'Connor, Dan Capuano, Bill Campbell, Jeff Urban, Mike Cusack, Billy Powers, Todd Brost, Mike Rossi, student manager Jeff Henchel
middle row: traveling secretary Howard Colby, Tim Makris, Joe Lockwood, Bruce Macnab, Jeff Norton, Gary Lorden, Brad McCaughey, Brad Jones, Joh Bjorkman, Sean Baker, Bob Lindgren, trainer A.J. Duffy equip. manager Dave Marich
front row: graduate assistant Dave DeBol, head coach Red Berenson, Chris Seychel, Pat Goff, Frank Downing, Bill Brauer, Todd Carlile, Tom Stiles, assistant coach Mark Miller, graduate assistant Stefan Popa