992 resultados para Parente, Viola
As espécies Ipomoea grandifolia, I. nil e Merremia aegyptia tornaram-se importantes infestantes em diferentes sistemas de cultivo, causando problemas principalmente na colheita. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o comportamento germinativo dessas espécies em diferentes condições de temperatura (15, 20, 25, 30 e 35 ºC), luz (presença e ausência) e profundidade de semeadura (0; 0,5; 1; 5; 10; 12; 15; e 20 cm) em solos com diferentes texturas. Os resultados evidenciaram que as espécies apresentaram maior germinação na faixa de temperatura entre 20 e 25 ºC. Houve maior capacidade de germinação quando elas foram submetidas à ausência de luz. Entre as espécies estudadas, I. grandifolia apresentou maior capacidade de germinar em maiores profundidades no solo arenoso. No solo argiloso, as espécies de Ipomoea spp. avaliadas apresentaram maior germinação na superfície. M. aegyptia germinou melhor na superfície do solo arenoso comparado ao argiloso, porém apresentou melhor capacidade de germinação em maiores profundidades no solo argiloso em relação às demais espécies avaliadas.
As plantas daninhas denominadas vulgarmente como corda-de-viola, pertencentes aos gêneros Ipomoea e Merremia, estão entre as mais importantes do Brasil. A identificação das espécies em campo, bem como o conhecimento da suscetibilidade específica a herbicidas, notadamente a flumioxazin, cuja tolerância específica é variável, são informações essenciais para uma recomendação racional de manejo. Com o intuito de determinar a suscetibilidade diferencial das convolvuláceas Ipomoea purpurea, Ipomoea hederifolia, Ipomoea triloba, Merremia cissoides e Merremia aegyptia, foram construídas curvas de dose-resposta com o flumioxazin, para obtenção dos controles percentuais de 50, 80, 95 e 99. Para isso, foram conduzidos dois experimentos em casa de vegetação; para cada espécie de planta daninha, os tratamentos herbicidas foram: 0, 7,81, 15,63, 31,25, 62,5, 125, 250, e 500 g de flumioxazin ha-1, aplicados em condições de pré-emergência. A partir dos resultados, conclui-se que a suscetibilidade ao flumioxazin, em ordem decrescente, é: Merremia aegyptia < Ipomoea hederifolia < Ipomoea triloba < Ipomoea purpurea < Merremia cissoides. As doses que proporcionam 80% de controle são, respectivamente pela ordem de espécies, de 238,6; 173,1; 84,7; 43,8; e 16,8 g de flumioxazin ha-1. Merremia aegyptia não é satisfatoriamente controlada pelo flumioxazin.
Tieteellisten kirjastojen atk-yksikön 20-vuotisjuhlanumero
Luettelo Kansalliskirjastossa olevan Karl Collanin, Maria Elisabeth Collan-Beaurainin ja Agda Salmelan arkiston sisällöstä. Karl Collanin sävellyskäsikirjoitukset on luetteloitu erikseen Viola-tietokantaan (sanahaku: collan käsikirjoitukset)
Foram realizados dois experimentos em casa de vegetação com o objetivo de estudar o acúmulo e a distribuição de massa seca e macronutrientes em milho e Ipomoea hederifolia. Plantas das duas espécies foram cultivadas, separadamente, em vasos com substrato de areia e irrigação com solução nutritiva. Os tratamentos foram representados pelas épocas de amostragem, realizada a intervalos de 14 dias, iniciando 21 dias após a emergência (DAE). Uma planta de milho apresentou crescimento lento até 30 DAE, quando a alocação de massa seca foi maior em raízes e folhas (80%), e uma planta de I. hederifolia, até 50 DAE, quando a alocação de massa seca foi maior em ramos e folhas (79%). O acúmulo máximo de massa seca foi quase cinco vezes maior em milho (134 g por planta) comparado a I. hederifolia (29 g por planta). Em média, os teores de N e K foram maiores em plantas de I. hederifolia. Os acúmulos máximos de macronutrientes pelo milho foram de 1.431, 474, 1.832, 594, 340 e 143 mg por planta, e por I. hederifolia, de 727, 52, 810, 350, 148 e 65 mg por planta, para N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S, respectivamente. A taxa de acúmulo médio diário de massa seca e macronutrientes pelas plantas de milho foi crescente até 87 DAE, atingindo o máximo aos 103 DAE, enquanto para as plantas de I. hederifolia foi crescente até 121 DAE, atingindo o máximo aos 138 DAE. Assim, além da interferência na colheita, uma população de I. hederifolia também pode competir por nutrientes com a cultura do milho.
Luettelo Kansalliskirjastossa olevista käsin kirjoitetuista sävelmäkokoelmista ym. nuottikirjoista (ei kattava, ks. myös Viola-tietokanta, sanahaku: arkistoaineisto nuottikirjat)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a taxa de imigração e a distância de dispersão de pólen e sementes em uma pequena população fragmentada de Copaifera langsdorffii Desf., com base no polimorfismo de oito locos microssatélites. Foram mapeadas e genotipadas todas as 47 árvores adultas e 65 subadultas existentes no fragmento. Adultos tinham um total número menor de alelos (142) do que subadultos (164), sendo 20 alelos exclusivos aos adultos e 41 aos subadultos. Adultos tinham significativamente menor diversidade genética e maior endogamia (Â = 17,75 ± 0,51; Âe = 8,97 ± 0,27; ^F = 0,191 ± 0,017) do que subadultos (Â = 20,5 ± 0,65; Âe = 10,86 ± 0,29; ^F = 0,119 ± 0,013). O poder de exclusão do primeiro parente foi alto para o conjunto de locos nos adultos (P1º Parente = 0,9994), mostrando que estes oito locos microssatélites têm alto poder de resolver testes de parentescos. Dos 65 subadultos, foi encontrado o parental materno para 12 e o materno e paterno para apenas dois indivíduos, o que indica uma taxa de imigração de sementes e pólen na população de 81% (m sementes) e 97% (m pólen), respectivamente. Estes resultados sugerem uma alta taxa de fluxo gênico no passado. A distância média de dispersão de sementes foi de 38,4 m. Os resultados evidenciam que a população apresenta altos níveis de diversidade genética, devido a uma intensa taxa de imigração de sementes e pólen.
This review covers the effect of drugs affecting anxiety using four psychological procedures for inducing experimental anxiety applied to healthy volunteers and patients with anxiety disorders. The first is aversive conditioning of the skin conductance responses to tones. The second is simulated public speaking, which consists of speaking in front of a video camera, with anxiety being measured with psychometric scales. The third is the Stroop Color-Word test, in which words naming colors are painted in the same or in a different shade, the incongruence generating a cognitive conflict. The last test is a human version of a thoroughly studied animal model of anxiety, fear-potentiated startle, in which the eye-blink reflex to a loud noise is recorded. The evidence reviewed led to the conclusion that the aversive conditioning and potentiated startle tests are based on classical conditioning of anticipatory anxiety. Their sensitivity to benzodiazepine anxiolytics suggests that these models generate an emotional state related to generalized anxiety disorder. On the other hand, the increase in anxiety determined by simulated public speaking is resistant to benzodiazepines and sensitive to drugs affecting serotonergic neurotransmission. This pharmacological profile, together with epidemiological evidence indicating its widespread prevalence, suggests that the emotional state generated by public speaking represents a species-specific response that may be related to social phobia and panic disorder. Because of scant pharmacological data, the status of the Stroop Color-Word test remains uncertain. In spite of ethical and economic constraints, human experimental anxiety constitutes a valuable tool for the study of the pathophysiology of anxiety disorders.
We describe the behavior of the snail Megalobulimus abbreviatus upon receiving thermal stimuli and the effects of pretreatment with morphine and naloxone on behavior after a thermal stimulus, in order to establish a useful model for nociceptive experiments. Snails submitted to non-functional (22ºC) and non-thermal hot-plate stress (30ºC) only displayed exploratory behavior. However, the animals submitted to a thermal stimulus (50ºC) displayed biphasic avoidance behavior. Latency was measured from the time the animal was placed on the hot plate to the time when the animal lifted the head-foot complex 1 cm from the substrate, indicating aversive thermal behavior. Other animals were pretreated with morphine (5, 10, 20 mg/kg) or naloxone (2.5, 5.0, 7.5 mg/kg) 15 min prior to receiving a thermal stimulus (50ºC; N = 9 in each group). The results (means ± SD) showed an extremely significant difference in response latency between the group treated with 20 mg/kg morphine (63.18 ± 14.47 s) and the other experimental groups (P < 0.001). With 2.5 mg/kg (16.26 ± 3.19 s), 5.0 mg/kg (11.53 ± 1.64 s) and 7.5 mg/kg naloxone (7.38 ± 1.6 s), there was a significant, not dose-dependent decrease in latency compared to the control (33.44 ± 8.53 s) and saline groups (29.1 ± 9.91 s). No statistically significant difference was found between the naloxone-treated groups. With naloxone plus morphine, there was a significant decrease in latency when compared to all other groups (minimum 64% in the saline group and maximum 83.2% decrease in the morphine group). These results provide evidence of the involvement of endogenous opioid peptides in the control of thermal withdrawal behavior in this snail, and reveal a stereotyped and reproducible avoidance behavior for this snail species, which could be studied in other pharmacological and neurophysiological studies.
The nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) family of transcription factors has been primarily identified in immune cells; however, these proteins have been recently found to be functionally active in several other non-immune cell types. NFAT proteins are activated upon different stimuli that lead to increased intracellular calcium levels. Regardless of their widely known cytokine gene expression properties, NFATs have been shown to regulate other genes related to cell cycle progression, cell differentiation and apoptosis, revealing a broader role for these proteins in normal cell physiology. Several reports have addressed the participation of NFATs in many aspects of malignant cell transformation and tumorigenic processes. In this review, we will discuss the involvement of the different NFAT family members in the regulation of cell cycling, differentiation and tumor formation, and also its implications on oncogenesis. Better understanding the mechanisms by which NFATs regulate cell cycle and tumor-related events should be relevant for the development of rational anti-cancer therapies.
The problem of automatic recognition of the fish from the video sequences is discussed in this Master’s Thesis. This is a very urgent issue for many organizations engaged in fish farming in Finland and Russia because the process of automation control and counting of individual species is turning point in the industry. The difficulties and the specific features of the problem have been identified in order to find a solution and propose some recommendations for the components of the automated fish recognition system. Methods such as background subtraction, Kalman filtering and Viola-Jones method were implemented during this work for detection, tracking and estimation of fish parameters. Both the results of the experiments and the choice of the appropriate methods strongly depend on the quality and the type of a video which is used as an input data. Practical experiments have demonstrated that not all methods can produce good results for real data, whereas on synthetic data they operate satisfactorily.
Tämä kandidaatin työ käsittelee organisaatioiden ostokäyttäytymistä. Ennen kaikkea keskitytään nykypäivänä ilmenemään ostopäätökseen ottaen huomioon eri vaikuttajia, kuten brändi, asiakassuhde sekä päätöksentekoon osallistuvat henkilöt. Lisäksi työssä pohditaan projekti- ja ratkaisuliiketoiminnassa ilmenevää ostokäyttäytymistä. Työn tavoitteena on auttaa lukijaa ymmärtämään paremmin, miten organisaatio tekee ostopäätöksensä ja mitkä asiat vaikuttavat siihen.
Brazil nut has a high nutritional content and is a very important trade commodity to some Latin American countries. In order to evaluate its safety, 120 samples from different stages of the productive chain were analyzed in terms of: moisture content (mc), aflatoxigenic fungi and aflatoxin (LOQ = 1.95 μg.kg-1 total aflatoxin) using TLC. Among all samples, 4 (6.7%) from the receiving area, and 5 (16.7%), from retail presented aflatoxins above the LOQ, but the amount of aflatoxins was below the LOQ after the samples were dried in the plant. The positive samples were above the limit of total aflatoxin permitted by the European Union (4.0 μg.kg-1) and Brazil (30 μg.kg-1). The mc mean was 22.43% in the receiving area, which is higher than that in the other stages samples. All the A. flavus strains were aflatoxigenic, and there was statistic association between the presence of aflatoxin and flavus strains. The aflatoxigenic fungi strains associated to the aflatoxins levels in the samples show that an effective control is necessary for the food safety in the Brazil nut production chain.
The objectives of this study were to develop the method of isotope analysis to quantify the carbon of C3 photosynthetic cycle in pulpy whole apple juice and to measure the legal limits based on Brazilian legislation in order to identify the beverages that do not conform to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA). This beverage was produced in a laboratory according to the Brazilian law. Pulpy juices adulterated by the addition of sugarcane were also produced. The isotope analyses measured the relative isotope enrichment of the juices, their pulpy fractions (internal standard) and purified sugar. From those results, the quantity of C3 source was estimated by means of the isotope dilution equation. To determine the existence of adulteration in commercial juices, it was necessary to create a legal limit according to the Brazilian law. Three brands of commercial juices were analyzed. One was classified as adulterated. The legal limit enabled to clearly identify the juice that was not in conformity with the Brazilian law. The methodology developed proved efficient for quantifying the carbon of C3 origin in commercial pulpy apple juices.
Introduction: The treatment offered to chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients before starting hemodialysis (HD) impacts prognosis. Objective: We seek differences among incident HD patients according to the distance between home and the dialysis center. Methods: We included 179 CKD patients undergoing HD. Patients were stratified in two groups: "living near the dialysis center" (patients whose hometown was in cities up to 100 km from the dialysis center) or as "living far from the dialysis center" (patients whose hometown was more than 100 km from the dialysis center). Socioeconomic status, laboratory results, awareness of CKD before starting HD, consultation with nephrologist before the first HD session, and type of vascular access when starting HD were compared between the two groups. Comparisons of continuous and categorical variables were performed using Student's t-test and the Chi-square test, respectively. Results: Ninety (50.3%) patients were classified as "living near the dialysis center" and 89 (49.7%) as "living far from the dialysis center". Patients living near the dialysis center were more likely to know about their condition of CKD than those living far from the dialysis center, respectively 46.6% versus 28.0% (p = 0.015). Although without statistical significance, patients living near the dialysis center had more frequent previous consultation with nephrologists (55.5% versus 42.6%; p = 0.116) and first HD by fistula (30.0% versus 19.1%; p = 0.128) than those living far from the dialysis center. Conclusion: There are potential advantages of CKD awareness, referral to nephrologists and starting HD through fistula among patients living near the dialysis center.