567 resultados para Paraffin


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A proposta busca reduzir a absorção de água dos agregados reciclados de Resíduos de Construção e Demolição (RCD), através do tratamento de sua superfície com hidrofugante, de maneira que estes não aumentem o consumo de água tampouco reduzam a resistência mecânica. Os agregados reciclados de RCD foram caracterizados quanto à granulometria, morfologia, porosidade, ângulo de contato aparente, absorção de água, análise de imagem e rugosidade superficial. Em seguida, os mesmos foram tratados superficialmente com dois tipos de hidrofugante: solução de silano e parafina. Todos os tratamentos permitiram reduzir a absorção de água dos agregados reciclados de RCD. O tratamento por imersão foi aquele que permitiu obter os melhores resultados e a menor variabilidade entre as técnicas. Os tratamentos hidrofugam a superfície, apesar da parafina apresentar maior molhabilidade. O tratamento com parafina apresentou, em termos de absorção de água, resultados inferiores e menos variáveis que o silano. Os parâmetros de rugosidade constataram que, ambos os materiais perdem seu perfil topográfico original quando tratados com parafina. Os diferentes agregados reciclados com cada hidrofugante foram aplicados em materiais cimentícios analisados no estado fresco e no estado endurecido. Os tratamentos reduziram a absorção e o consumo de água de mistura, porém afetaram negativamente as propriedades mecânicas, devido nova interface gerada (no caso específica de parafina) e falta de molhabilidade nas superfícies.


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A apoptose constitui um processo fisiológico de morte celular, caracterizado por alterações morfológicas distintas e mecanismos bioquímicos e moleculares bem definidos. O seu papel de destaque em numerosos eventos biológicos e importantes processos patológicos conduziu a um crescente interesse na investigação dos mecanismos celulares que regulam o processo apoptótico. A aplicação de metodologias capazes de identificar células apoptóticas despoletou um enorme desenvolvimento de técnicas. No entanto, as propriedades demonstradas por estes ensaios nem sempre se aplicam ao estudo de amostras tecidulares, pelo que a escolha dos diferentes métodos deverá ser criteriosamente avaliada, tendo em conta a aplicação pretendida e as alterações morfológicas que se pretendem detetar. Das várias técnicas disponíveis para deteção da apoptose em tecidos, muitos investigadores recomendam o método TUNEL, o qual se baseia na marcação de produtos endonucleossómicos resultantes da fragmentação do DNA. Outros métodos histoquímicos também disponíveis incluem a deteção do citocromo c, libertado da mitocôndria ou a deteção das proteínas pró e anti-apoptóticas, Bax, Bidm e Bcl-2, envolvidas nos mecanismos intrínsecos da apoptose. Mais recentemente, a marcação de produtos específicos resultantes da clivagem de proteínas alvo pelas caspases, tem vindo a ser considerada uma abordagem promissora. Como principal objectivo deste trabalho pretendeu-se avaliar a técnica imunohistoquímica como método de deteção da apoptose a nível celular, em tecidos animais, tendo por base o método TUNEL, o qual permite a deteção de fragmentos de DNA. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que, apesar do método TUNEL possuir as suas limitações ao nível da sensibilidade e especificidade, o mesmo constitui um mecanismo imunohistoquímico útil na deteção de células apoptóticas. Contudo, segundo opinião de vários autores, adverte-se para a necessidade da aplicação de pelo menos dois métodos imunohistoquímicos como forma de validar a ocorrência do processo apoptótico, razão pela qual se optou pela deteção do citocromo c citosólico como método complementar, uma vez que a sua libertação para o espaço citosólico se encontra implicada na ativação da apoptose.


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The measurement of 28O-Mev neutron cross sections of various nuclei is described. The neutron beam used results from 340-Mev protons in the 184-in. cyclotron striking a 2-in. Be target. The neutron detector consists of a double coincidence anthracene scintillation counter telescope which counts recoil protons scattered at 15 deg from a paraffin cylinder placed in the collimated neutron beam. A 2-in. Cu absorber placed between the counters assures that only protons of energy greater than 250 Mev are counted. The cross sections for all nuclei measured from Li to Pb are smaller than the corresponding cross sections measured at 90 Mev by factors between 0.5 and 0.6.


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Isothermal-isobaric (NPT) molecular dynamics simulation has been performed to investigate the layering behavior and structure of nanoconfined quaternary alkylammoniums in organoclays. This work is focused on systems consisting of two clay layers and a number of alkylammoniums, and involves the use of modified Dreiding force field. The simulated basal spacings of organoclays agree satisfactorily with the experimental results in the literature. The atomic density profiles in the direction normal to the clay surface indicate that the alkyl chains within the interlayer space of montmorillonite exhibit an obvious layering behavior. The headgroups of long alkyl chains are distributed within two layers close to the clay surface, whereas the distributions of methyl and methylene groups are strongly dependent on the alkyl chain length and clay layer charge. Monolayer, bilayer, and pseudo-trilayer structures are found in organoclays modified with single long alkyl chains, which are identical to the structural models based on the measured basal spacings. A pseudo-quadrilayer structure, for the first time to our knowledge, is also identified in organoclays with double long alkyl chains. In the mixture structure of paraffin-type and multilayer, alkyl chains do not lie flat within a single layer but interlace, and also jump to the next layer in pseudo-trilayer as well as next nearest layer in pseudo-quadrilayer.


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Head and neck cancer (HNSCC) is one of the most distressing human cancers, causing pain and affecting the basic survival functions of breathing and swallowing. Mortality rates have not changed despite recent advances in radiotherapy and surgical treatment. We have compared the expression of over 13,000 unique genes in 7 cases of matched HNSCC and normal oral mucosa. Of the 1,260 genes that showed statistically significant differences in expression between normal and tumor tissue at the mRNA level, the three top ranking of the top 5% were selected for further analysis by immunohistochemistry on paraffin sections,. along with the tumor suppressor genes p16 and p53, in a total of 62 patients including 55 for whom >4-year clinical data was available. Using univariate and multivariate survival analysis, we identified SPARC/osteonectin as a powerful independent prognostic marker for short disease-free interval (DFI) (p < 0.002) and poor overall survival (OS) (p = 0.018) of HNSCC patients. In combination with other ECM proteins found in our analysis, PAI-1 and uPA, the association with DFI and OS became even more significant (p < 0.001). Our study represents the first instance of SPARC as an independent prognostic marker in HNSCC.


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Objectives. Gene expression profiling has provided many insights into tumor progression but translation to clinical practice has been limited. We have previously identified a list of potential markers by the differences of expression profiling of seven matched head and neck cancer (HNSCC) tumors with autologous normal oral mucosa (NOM). Alpha B-crystallin (CRYAB) was in the top 5% of genes identified with statistically significant differences in expression between tumor and NOM at the mRNA level. The objective was to confirm this in routine paraffin sections at the protein level. Study Design: The level of alpha B-crystallin was determined in tumors of 62 HNSCC patients whose prognosis was known for 5 years. Methods. Immunohistochemical detection of alpha B-crystallin expression was performed on HNSCC paraffin sections. Results. Univariate survival analysis identified lack of alpha B-crystallin staining as an independent prognostic marker for disease-free interval (P < 0.001) and overall survival (P < 0.002) of HNSCC patients over the 5-year observation period. Notably, all 13 patients (100%), including 5 patients with nodal disease whose tumors lacked alpha B-crystallin had no recurrences (P < 0.001). Nineteen of 27 node-negative patients stained positive for alpha B-crystallin and seven of the 19 (36.8%) had recurrences. Conclusion: Presence or absence of expression of alpha B-crystallin was a powerful marker for prognosis in this series of patients.


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The objective was to compare testis characteristics of Zebu bulls treated with the GnRH agonist, deslorelin, at different times and for different durations during their development. An additional objective was to determine the usefulness of a stain for the transcription factor GATA-binding protein 4 (GATA-4) as a specific marker for Sertoli cell nuclei in cattle. Bulls (54) were allocated to nine groups (n = 6) and received s.c. deslorelin implants as follows: G1 = from birth to 3 mo of age; G2 = from 3 to 6 mo; G3 = from 6 to 9 mo; G4 = from 9 to 12 mo; G5 = from birth to 15 mo; G6 = from 3 to 15 mo; G7 = from 6 to 15 mo; G8 = from 12 to 15 mo; and G9 (control) = no implant. Bulls were castrated at 19 mo of age. Paraffin sections (10 mu m) were subjected to quantitative morphometry and GATA-4 immunohistochemistry. At castration, all bulls in the control group (6/6) had attained puberty (scrotal circumference ! 28 cm), whereas a smaller proportion (P < 0.05) had reached puberty in G2 (2/5) and G6 (1/ 6). Bulls in G2 and G6 also had a lesser (P < 0.05) testis weight compared with the control group. Total volume of seminiferous epithelium and total daily sperm production in G2 and G6 were only half that observed in the control group. Spermatids were observed in less than 50% of seminiferous tubules in G2, G6, and G7 compared with 82% in the control group (P < 0.05). Staining for GATA-4 was specific for and abundant in the Sertoli cell nucleus in both pre- and postpubertal bulls, and no other cell nucleus inside the seminiferous tubule was positive for GATA-4. Total number of Sertoli cells was not affected by treatment (P = 0.45), but nuclear volume was smaller in G2 and G6 (P < 0.05) compared with the control group. In conclusion, treatment of Zebu bulls with deslorelin had no apparent beneficial effect on testis development and delayed puberty when treatment was initiated at 3 mo of age. Staining for GATA-4 was a useful method for identifying and quantifying Sertoli cell nuclei in both pre- and postpubertal bulls.


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Chromogenic (CISH) and fluorescent ( FISH) in situ hybridization have emerged as reliable techniques to identify amplifications and chromosomal translocations. CISH provides a spatial distribution of gene copy number changes in tumour tissue and allows a direct correlation between copy number changes and the morphological features of neoplastic cells. However, the limited number of commercially available gene probes has hindered the use of this technique. We have devised a protocol to generate probes for CISH that can be applied to formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections (FFPETS). Bacterial artificial chromosomes ( BACs) containing fragments of human DNA which map to specific genomic regions of interest are amplified with phi 29 polymerase and random primer labelled with biotin. The genomic location of these can be readily confirmed by BAC end pair sequencing and FISH mapping on normal lymphocyte metaphase spreads. To demonstrate the reliability of the probes generated with this protocol, four strategies were employed: (i) probes mapping to cyclin D1 (CCND1) were generated and their performance was compared with that of a commercially available probe for the same gene in a series of 10 FFPETS of breast cancer samples of which five harboured CCND1 amplification; (ii) probes targeting cyclin-dependent kinase 4 were used to validate an amplification identified by microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) in a pleomorphic adenoma; (iii) probes targeting fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 and CCND1 were used to validate amplifications mapping to these regions, as defined by aCGH, in an invasive lobular breast carcinoma with FISH and CISH; and (iv) gene-specific probes for ETV6 and NTRK3 were used to demonstrate the presence of t(12; 15)(p12; q25) translocation in a case of breast secretory carcinoma with dual colour FISH. In summary, this protocol enables the generation of probes mapping to any gene of interest that can be applied to FFPETS, allowing correlation of morphological features with gene copy number.


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Aim: To compare cell phenotypes displayed by cholangiocarcinomas and adjacent bile duct lesions in patients from an area endemic in liver-fluke infestation and those with sporadic cholangiocarcinoma. Methods: 65 fluke-associated and 47 sporadic cholangiocarcinomas and 6 normal livers were studied. Serial paraffin-wax sections were stained immunohistochemically with monoclonal antibodies characterising a Brunner or pyloric gland metaplasia cell phenotype (antigens D10 and 1F6), intestinal goblet cells (antigen 17NM), gastric foveolar apomucin (MUC5AC), a gastrointestinal epithelium cytokeratin (CK20) and the p53 protein. Results: 60% of the 112 cholangiocarcinomas expressed antigen D10, 68% MUC5AC, 33% antigen 17NM and 20% CK20; 37% showed overexpression of p53. When present together in a cholangiocarcinoma, cancer cells expressing D10 were distinct from those displaying 17NM or MUC5AC. Many more fluke-associated cholangiocarcinomas than sporadic cholangiocarcinomas displayed 17NM and p53 expression. Most cases of hyperplastic and dysplastic biliary epithelium expressed D10 strongly. Pyloric gland metaplasia and peribiliary glands displayed D10 and 1F6, with peribiliary gland hyperplasia more evident in the livers with fluke-associated cholangiocarcinoma; goblet cells in intestinal metaplasia stained for 17NM. No notable association of expression between any two antigens (including p53) was found in the cancers. Conclusions: Most cases of dysplastic biliary epithelium and cholangiocarcinoma display a Brunner or pyloric gland cell phenotype and a gastric foveolar cell phenotype. The expression of D10 in hyperplastic and dysplastic epithelium and in cholangiocarcinoma is consistent with a dysplasia-carcinoma sequence. Many more fluke-associated cholangiocarcinomas than sporadic cholangiocarcinoma display an intestinal goblet cell phenotype and overexpress p53, indicating differences in the aetiopathology of the cancers in the two groups of patients.


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Introduction: The vasoconstricting peptide Endothelin-1 (ET-1) has been associated with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, AAA, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. It is known to stimulate quiescent vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) into the growth cycle and has been linked to intimal thickening following endothelial injury and is associated with vessel wall remodelling in salt-sensitive hypertension models. Enhanced ET-1 expression has been reported in the internal mammary artery (IMA) and was markedly higher in patients undergoing cardiac bypass surgery who were diabetic and /or hypercholesterolemic. Aims: To firstly review the histopathology of the IMA and secondly, determine the relationship between ET-1 expression in this vessel and mitogenic activity in the medial VSMC. Methods: Vessel tissue collected at the time of CABG surgery was formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded for histological investigation. Cross sections of the left distal IMAwere stained with Alcian Blue/Verhoeff’s van Gieson to assess medial degeneration and identify the elastic lamellae and picrosirius red to determine the collagen content (specifically type I and type III). Immunohistochemistry staining was used to assess VSMC growth (PCNA label), tissue ET-1 expression, VSMC (SMCa-actin) area and macrophage/monocyte (anti-CD68) infiltration. Quantitative analysis was performed to measure the VSMC area in relation to ET-1 staining. Results: Fifty-five IMA specimens from the CABG patients (10F; 45M; mean age 65 years) were collected for this study. Fourteen donor IMAspecimens were used as controls (7F; 7M; mean age 45 years). Significant medial hypertrophy, VSMC disorganisation and elastic lamellae destruction was detected in the CABG IMA. The amount of Alcian blue staining in the CABG IMA was almost double that of the control (31.85+/14.52% Vs 17.10+/9.96%, P= .0006). Total collagen and type I collagen content was significantly increased compared with controls (65.8+/18.3% Vs 33.7 + / 13.7%, P= .07), (14.2 + /10.0% Vs 4.8 + /2.8%, P= .01), respectively. Tissue ET-1 and PCNA labelling were also significantly elevated the CABG IMA specimens relative to the controls (69.99 + /18.74%Vs 23.33 + /20.53%, P= .0001, and 37.29 + /12.88% Vs 11.06 + /8.18, P= .0001), respectively. There was mild presence of macrophages and monocytes in both CABG and control tissue. Conclusions: The IMA from CABG patients has elevated levels of type I collagen in the extracellular matrix indicative of fibrosis and was coupled with deleterious structural remodelling. Abnormally high levels of ET-1 were measured in the medial SMC layer and was associated with VSMC growth but not related to any chronic inflammatory response within the vessel wall.


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A study has been undertaken of the vapor-phase adsorptive separation of n-alkanes from Kuwait kerosene (Kuwait National Petroleum Company, heavy kerosene) using zeolite molecular sieves. Due to the shortage of information on the adsorption of multicomponent systems in the open literature, the present investigation was initiated to study the effect of feed flowrate, temperature, and zeolite particle size on the height of mass transfer zone (MTZ) and the dynamic capacity of the adsorbent for multicomponent n-alkanes adsorption on a fixed-bed of zeolite type-5A. The optimum operating conditions for separation of the n-alkanes has been identified so that the effluent would also be of marketable quality. The effect of multicycle adsorption-desorption stages on the dynamic behaviour of zeolite using steam as a desorbing agent has been studied and compared with n-pentane and n-hexane as desorbing agents. The separation process comprised one cycle of adsorption using a fixed-bed of zeolite type-5A. The bed was fed with vaporized kerosene until saturation had been achieved whereby the n-alkanes were adsorbed and the denormalized material eluted. The process of adsorption-desorption was carried out isobarically at one atmosphere. A mathematical model has been developed to predict the breakthrough time using the method of characteristics. The results were in a reasonable agreement with the experimental values. This model has also been utilized to develop the equilibrium isotherm. Optimum operating conditions were achieved at a feed flowrate of 33.33 x 10-9 m3/s, a temperature of 643 K, and a particle size of (1.0 - 2.0) x 10-3 m. This yielded an HMTZ value and a dynamic capacity of 0.206 m and 9.6S3 x 10-2 kg n-alkanes/kg of zeolite respectively. These data will serve as a basis for design of a commercial plant. The purity of liquid-paraffin product desorbed using steam was 83.24 wt%. The dynamic capacity was noticed to decrease sharply with the cycle number, without intermediate reactivation of zeolite, while it was kept unchanged by intermediate reactivation. Normal hexane was found to be the best desorbing agent, the efficiency of which was mounted to 88.2%.


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As a basis for the commercial separation of normal paraffins a detailed study has been made of factors affecting the adsorption of binary liquid mixtures of high molecular weight normal paraffins (C12, C16, and C20) from isooctane on type 5A molecular sieves. The literature relating to molecular sieve properties and applications, and to liquid-phase adsorption of high molecular weight normal paraffin compounds by zeolites, was reviewed. Equilibrium isotherms were determined experimentally for the normal paraffins under investigation at temperatures of 303oK, 323oK and 343oK and showed a non-linear, favourable- type of isotherm. A higher equilibrium amount was adsorbed with lower molecular weight normal paraffins. An increase in adsorption temperature resulted in a decrease in the adsorption value. Kinetics of adsorption were investigated for the three normal paraffins at different temperatures. The effective diffusivity and the rate of adsorption of each normal paraffin increased with an increase in temperature in the range 303 to 343oK. The value of activation energy was between 2 and 4 kcal/mole. The dynamic properties of the three systems were investigated over a range of operating conditions (i.e. temperature, flow rate, feed concentration, and molecular sieve size in the range 0.032 x 10-3 to 2 x 10-3m) with a packed column. The heights of adsorption zones calculated by two independent equations (one based on a constant width, constant velocity and adsorption zone and the second on a solute material balance within the adsorption zone) agreed within 3% which confirmed the validity of using the mass transfer zone concept to provide a simple design procedure for the systems under study. The dynamic capacity of type 5A sieves for n-eicosane was lower than for n-hexadecane and n-dodecane corresponding to a lower equilibrium loading capacity and lower overall mass transfer coefficient. The values of individual external, internal, theoretical and experimental overall mass transfer coefficient were determined. The internal resistance was in all cases rate-controlling. A mathematical model for the prediction of dynamic breakthrough curves was developed analytically and solved from the equilibrium isotherm and the mass transfer rate equation. The experimental breakthrough curves were tested against both the proposed model and a graphical method developed by Treybal. The model produced the best fit with mean relative percent deviations of 26, 22, and 13% for the n-dodecane, n-hexadecane, and n-eicosane systems respectively.


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Although generally regarded as a neurotransmitter, dopamine is also known to be secreted by the kidney whereby it promotes sodium excretion in its role as a natriuretic honnone. Peripheral dopamine may be formed by two alternative pathways; the decarboxylation of circulating L-Dopa by L-aromatic amino acid decarboxylase (LAAAD), and the desulphation of dopamine sulphate by arylsulphatase A (ASA), the latter being poorly represented in the literature. In many conditions and diseases with which sodium retention is associated, a reduced urinary excretion of dopamine has been noted implicating the involvement of dopamine in the maintenance of sodium homeostasis.This study investigates renal dopamine production via the desulphation of dopamine sulphate in a sample cohort during normal unregulated dietary sodium intake and following a low sodium regimen. After dietary salt restriction urinary dopamine sulphate levels were significantly increased, indicating that dopamine sulphate is indeed a physiological reservoir of active free dopamine, the necessity for which is reduced during self depletion. This confirmed the dopamine/dopamine sulphate pathway as one which may be relevant to the maintenance of sodium homeostasis. The activity of urinary ASA was investigated in diabetes mellitus as an example of a sodium-retaining state, and compared with that in a matched normal control group. A decreased ASA activity was anticipated, given the blunted dopamine excretion observed in many sodium-retaining states, however an unexpected increase in activity in the diabetic group was observed. Enzyme kinetic analysis of ASA showed that this was not due to the existence of an isoform having an altered affinity for dopamine sulphate. This rather paradoxical situation, that urinary-dopamine is decreased while ASA activity is increased, may be explained by the sequestering of free dopamine by autoxidation to 6-hydroxydopamine as has been hypothesised recently to occur in diabetes mellitus. To confirm the homogeneity of ASA in the normal and diabetic groups, four amplicons spanning the 3637bp intronic and exonic regions of the gene were generated by PCR. These were sequence utilising a fluorescent-dye terminator reaction using the forward PCR primer as sequencing primer. Although single nucleotide polymorphisms were observed between the two groups these occurred either in intronic regions or, when exonic, generated silent mutations, supporting the enzyme kinetic data. The expression of ASA was investigated to determine the basis of the increased activity observed in diabetes mellitus. Although a validated comparative RT-PCR assay was developed for amplification of arsa transcripts from fresh blood samples, expression analysis from archived paraffin-embedded renal tissue was complicated by the low yield and degradation of unprotected mRNA. Suggestions for the development of this work using renal cell-culture are discussed.


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The production and uses of coal tar are reviewed as are the uses of steroids and cytotoxic agents in the treatment of psoriasis with a review of the condition also. An attempt was made to improve the efficaciousness and cosmetic acceptability of a low temperature tar, by screening fractions of this tar, derived from a variety of separation procedures. The most efficacious fraction was the highest boiling acid fraction, which is believed to consist mainly of mono- and di-hydric phenols. A time and concentration study showed that the optimum regime was the application of a 10% concentration in 5% wool fat in soft, yellow paraffin daily for 21 days. The mouse tail skin was selected as an experimental model, to ascertain the efficaciousness of fractions, because of the similarities between this skin and the psoriatic lesion. The activity of a fraction was monitored by the inducement of a granular layer in the mouse tail epidermis. Because coal tar is not an easy medium to work with, and the active fractions showed no increase in cosmetic acceptability over the parent coal tar, likely coal tar constituents were selected for screening on the basis of phenolic character, and the molecular weight range elucidated by mass spectroscopy. 32 potential anti-psoriatic agents were screened on mouse tail. Two catechols, 3,5-di-t-butyl and 4-t-butyl catechols were active. Other structures showed little or no activity. 24 catechols were screened and two extremely active catechols were discovered, 3-methyl-5-t-octyl and 5-methyl-3-t-octyl catechols. The screening of catechol-rich coal tar fractions and a coal tar fraction which had had the catechols removed by oxidation, showed that some anti-psoriatic activity was contained in the catechol fraction of coal tar. Attempts to elucidate the mode of action of these two compounds met with little success, but two modes of action are suggested.