547 resultados para Papanicolaou stain


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In this dissertation we propose a Teaching Unit of Physics to teach content through environmental discussions of the greenhouse effect and global warming. This teaching unit is based on a problem-methodological intervention from the application of the method of the Arch of Charles Maguerez. The methodological foundations of the thesis are embedded in action research and this is structured in five chapters: the first chapter deals with the Physical Environment (FMA) as a subject in Degree Courses in Physics in Brazil, bringing the concern of how this discipline has been taught. We started the first chapter explaining the reasons behind the inclusion of the discipline of Physical Environment in a Physics Degree Courses. Then we did a search on the websites of Institutions of Higher Education, to know of the existence or not of this discipline on curricular. We then analyzed the menus to see what bibliographies are being adopted and what content of Physics are being worked, and how it has been done. The courses surveyed were those of Federal and Federal Institutes Universities. Thus ended the first chapter. Given the inseparability between studies in Physics Teaching and studies on competencies, skills and significant learning, wrote the second chapter. In this chapter we discuss the challenge of converting information into knowledge. Initially on initial teacher training, because even if this is not our focus, the study is a discipline on the upper reaches, therefore, offered to future teachers. Then we talked about the culture of knowledge, where we emphasize the use of a teaching approach that promotes meanings taught by content and make sense to the student. We finished the third chapter, making some considerations on skills and abilities, in order to identify what skills and competencies were developed and worked during and after the implementation of Curriculum Unit. The third chapter is the result of a literature review and study of the radioactive EarthSun interaction. The subjects researched approach from the generation of energy in the sun to topics stain solar coronal mass ejections, solar wind, black body radiation, Wien displacement law, Stefan-Boltzmann Law, greenhouse effect and global warming. This chapter deals with material support for the teacher of the aforementioned discipline. The fourth chapter talks about the arc method of Charles Maguerez; Here we explain the structure of each of the five steps of the Arc and how to use them in teaching. We also show another version of this method adapted by Bordenave. In the fifth and final chapter brought a description of how the method of Arc was used in physics classes of Environment, with students majoring in Physics IFRN Campus Santa Cruz. Here, in this chapter, a transcript of classes to show how was the application of a problem-based methodology in the teaching of content proposed for Physics Teaching Unit from the environmental discussion about the greenhouse effect and global warming phenomena


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The objective of the present thesis was to use the manipulation of oocytes enclosed in preantral follicles (MOEPF) as a tool for the female gametes rescue and optimization, from wild species of Caatinga biome. The thesis was divided into 4 experiments. At first experiment, it was performed the estimative and description of the agouti (Dasyprocta leporina) preantral follicles (PF) histologic and ultrastructural features, in which it was estimated 4419.8 ± 532.26 and 5397.52 ± 574.91 follicles for the right and left ovary, respectively, and the majority (86,63%) belonged to the primordial follicles category (P<0.05). Most of the population consists of morphologically normal follicles (70.78%), presenting a large and central nuclei and uniform cytoplasm. At ultrastructural evaluation it was verified the presence of a great number of round mitochondrias associated to lipid droplets. In the second experiment, it was performed the estimative and description of yellow-toothed cavies (Galea spixii) PF characteristics, also, the evaluation of the effect of solid surface vitrification (SSV) on the in situ PF morphology. The total of 416.0 ± 342.8 PF was estimated for the ovary pair and the presence of a large quantity of primary follicles (P<0.05) was evidenced. Most of the PF was morphologically normal (94.6%), in which the oocyte nuclei presented condensed granules of heterochromatin. Round or elongated shaped mitochondria constituted the most abundant organelles. In regard of the SSV, the protocol using the dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) 3M possibility the preservation of 69.5% of morphologically normal PF, which was evidenced by the light and transmission electronic microscopy. At third experiment, the evaluation of the SSV procedure on the morphology and viability in situ PF form collared peccaries (Pecari tajacu) was performed. No differences were observed among treatments, in which the use of DMSO, ethylene glycol (EG) and dimethylformamide (DMF) as cryoprotectants, regardless its concentration, promoted the morphology preservation of much than 70% of PF. Concerning the PF viability, the DMSO and EG promoted the best preservation. The fourth experiment aimed to evaluate the effect of α MEM+ or TCM199 associated or not to 50 ng of FSHr on the morphology, activation and growth of collared peccaries PF, in vitro cultured (IVC) during 1 or 7 days and the effect on the extracellular matrix (ECM). After 7 days of IVC only the use of TCM199/FSH maintained the proportion of intact PF, similar to day 1(63.2%), however, no differences were observed among treatments (P>0.05). Also, an improvement of the proportion of intact growing PF was verified (P>0.05). By the Ag-NOR analysis it was observed that only the treatment using TCM199/FSH promoted the maintenance of cell proliferation similar to day 1 (P>0.05). The picrosirius red stain revealed that ECM remained intact in all treatments (P>0.05). Thus, as the general conclusion, the use of MOEPF in the refereed species allowed the knowledge of aspects related to its reproductive morphology and physiology, enabling the germplasm conservation, with the possibility of germplasm bank formation, as the elucidation of mechanisms related to the PF survive and in vitro development.


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This dissertation considered the development of two papers, both related to mortality in Brazil. In the first article, "The context of mortality according to the three broad groups of causes of death in Brazilian capitals, 2000 and 2010", the objective was to analyze the mortality rate according to the three major groups of causes of death in Brazilian capitals. In the second article, "Typology and characteristics of mortality from external causes in the municipalities in the Northeast of Brazil, 2000 and 2010", it was built up a typology for the Northeastern municipalities taking into account information on mortality from external causes and a set of indicators related to socioeconomic, demographic, and infrastructure aspects of such municipalities, both articles for the years 2000 and 2010. Thus, we used data from the Mortality Information System of the Ministry of Health. Furthermore, it was used information from the Demographic Census for those years. The variables relating to socioeconomic and demographic conditions used in this study were those available on the home page of the United Nations Program for Development. The variables relating to socioeconomic and demographic conditions used in this study were those available on the home page of the United Nations Program for Development. Was used in Article 1 the pro-rata distribution method to accomplish the redistribution of ill-defined causes. Moreover, made use of the technique of cluster analysis with the aim of grouping the capital that had proportions of deaths from ill-defined causes similar to each other. Already in Section 2, we used the technique of Empirical Bayesian estimation; spatial statistics technique; and finally, the Grade of Membership method to find types of municipalities from information on mortality from external causes associated with socioeconomic, demographic and infrastructure variables. As the main results, it stands out in Article 1, in relation to data quality, we observed the formation of four groups of similar capital between themselves, as the proportion of illdefined causes. Regarding the behavior of mortality, according to the three major groups of causes of death, it was noted both for 2000 and for 2010 the prevalence of deaths from noncommunicable diseases for both sexes, although the reduction was identified rates in some of the capitals. Communicable diseases stood out as the second cause of death among women. Also, we found that deaths due to external causes are responsible for the second cause of death among men, as well as presenting an increase among women. As for the Article 2, stands out, in general, not just an extension of mortality from external causes in the municipalities, as well as an enlargement of the configurator stain existence of external cause deaths for the whole area of Northeast. Regarding the typology of municipalities, three vi extreme profiles were buit: the profile 1, which comprises municipalities with high rates of mortality from external causes and the best social indicators; the profile 2, that was composed of municipalities that are characterized by having low mortality rates from external causes and the lowest social indicators; and the profile 3, that brings together municipalities with intermediate mortality rates and median values considered in relation to social indicators. Although we have not seen changes in the characteristics of the profiles, we observed an increase in the proportion of municipalities that belong to the extreme profile 3, taking into account the mixed profiles.


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Inaccurate diagnosis of vulvovaginitis generates inadequate treatments that cause damages women's health. Objective: evaluate the effectiveness of methods when diagnosing vulvovaginitis. Method: a cross-sectional study was performed with 200 women who complained about vaginal discharge. Vaginal smear was collected for microbiological tests, considering the gram stain method as gold standard. The efficacy of the available methods for diagnosis of vaginal discharge was assessed (sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value). Data were inserted to Graphpad Prism 6, for statistical analysis. Results: the following results were obtained: wet mount for vaginal candidiasis: sensitivity = 31%; specificity = 97%; positive predictive value (PPV) = 54%; negative predictive value (NPV) =93%; accuracy = 91%. Wet mount for bacterial vaginosis: sensitivity = 80%; specificity =95%; positive predictive value (PPV) = 80%; negative predictive value (NPV) = 95%; accuracy = 92%. Syndromic approach for bacterial vaginosis: sensitivity = 95%; specificity=43%; positive predictive value (PPV) =30%; negative predictive value (NPV) = 97%; accuracy = 54%. Syndromic approach for vaginal candidiasis: sensitivity = 75%; specificity =91%; positive predictive value (PPV) = 26%; negative predictive value (NPV) = 98%; accuracy = 90%. Pap smear for vaginal candidiasis: sensitivity = 68%, specificity = 98%; positive predictive value (PPV) = 86%; negative predictive value (NPV) =96%; accuracy = 96%. Pap smear for bacterial vaginosis: sensitivity = 75%; specificity = 100%; positive predictive value (PPV) = 100%; negative predictive value (NPV) =94%; accuracy = 95%. There was only one case of vaginal trichomoniasis reported – diagnosed by oncological cytology and wet mount – confirmed by Gram. The syndromic approach diagnosed it as bacterial vaginosis. From the data generated and with support on world literature, the Maternidade Escola Januário Cicco’s vulvovaginitis protocol was constructed. Conclusion: Pap smear and wet mount showed respectively low and very low sensitivity for vaginal candidiasis. Syndromic approach presented very low specificity and accuracy for bacterial vaginosis, which implies a large number of patients who are diagnosed or treated incorrectly.


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In this study, we carried out the study of Eriochrome black T removal using expanded perlite modified orthophenanthroline by adsorption technique. The study of the adsorption process was performed by investigating the effect of the initial dye concentration, contact time and pH range of the solution (acidic and alkaline) in the adsorption process, for a so-called synthetic effluent (aqueous solution of black eriochrome T) and a real effluent (generated from the test for determining the water hardness, by complexation titration). The materials were characterized by Thermogravimetry / Differential Thermal Analysis (TG / DTA), absorption spectroscopy in the infrared (IR), X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). By analysis of XRD observed thinking on orthophenanthroline the modified expanded perlite. And by IR analysis showed an increase in intensity and a detailed enlargement of the absorption band related to the axial deformation of the OH bond of silanol groups of perlite (Si-OH). In the equilibration time of the study, in the evaluated time range (5-230 min) was not possible to observe the existence of a balance of time, probably attributed to the type of interaction between the Eriochrome black-T and the expanded perlite modified orthophenanthroline, being an interaction of surface origin. In the study effect of the initial concentration of the adsorbate in the case 2,0x10-4 mol / L natural pH (pH 5) gave the highest removal percentage value of eriochrome T black color with 63.74 % removal in 20 minutes of contact. In evaluating the effect of varying the pH of Eriochrome black T solution in the adsorption process, it was found that the more acidic the environment, the greater the percentage stain removal, being a result of acid-base interaction between the adsorbate and the adsorbent. In T Eriochrome black removal study in real effluent we used the optimized conditions by studying with synthetic sewage. The dye removal at pH 10, natural pH of the effluent was no significant reaching the maximum amount of color removal percentage of 8.12%, obtained already at pH 3 with maximum color removal 100.00% of color, once more proving that eriochrome black T and effectively interact better with the adsorbent at acid pH values (pH 5 or 3), and most efficiently at pH 3. thus one can mention that the perlite expanded (an amorphous aluminosilicate naturally acid) modified with orthophenanthroline (one Bronsted base) consists of a master and effective removal of coloring material in the acid-type aqueous solution, the conditions expressed in this study, can be applied as an adsorbent of this dye also mums real effluent.


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Living microorganisms inhabit every environment of the biosphere but only in the last decades their importance governing biochemical cycles in deep sediments has been widely recognized. Most investigations have been accomplished in the marine realm whereas there is a clear paucity of comparable studies in lacustrine sediments. One of the main challenges is to define geomicrobiological proxies that can be used to identify different microbial signals in the sediments. Laguna Potrok Aike, a maar lake located in Southeastern Patagonia, has an annually not stratifying cold water column with temperatures ranging between 4 and 10 °C, and most probably an anoxic water/sediment interface. These unusual features make it a peculiar and interesting site for geomicrobiological studies. Living microbial activity within the sediments was inspected by the first time in a sedimentary core retrieved during an ICDP-sponsored drilling operation. The main goals to study this cold subsaline environment were to characterize the living microbial consortium; to detect early diagenetic signals triggered by active microbes; and to investigate plausible links between climate and microbial populations. Results from a meter long gravity core suggest that microbial activity in lacustrine sediments can be sustained deeper than previously thought due to their adaptation to both changing temperature and oxygen availability. A multi-proxy study of the same core allowed defining past water column conditions and further microbial reworking of the organic fraction within the sediments. Methane content shows a gradual increase with depth as a result of the fermentation of methylated substrates, first methanogenic pathway to take place in the shallow subsurface of freshwater and subsaline environments. Statistical analyses of DGGE microbial diversity profiles indicate four clusters for Bacteria reflecting layered communities linked to the oxidant type whereas three clusters characterize Archaea communities that can be linked to both denitrifiers and methanogens. Independent sedimentary and biological proxies suggest that organic matter production and/or preservation have been lower during the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) coinciding with a low microbial colonization of the sediments. Conversely, a reversed trend with higher organic matter content and substantial microbial activity characterizes the sediments deposited during the Little Ice Age (LIA). Thus, the initial sediments deposited during distinctive time intervals under contrasting environmental conditions have to be taken into account to understand their impact on the development of microbial communities throughout the sediments and their further imprint on early diagenetic signals.


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Bacterial tubulin homolog FtsZ assembles straight protofilaments (pfs) that form the scaffold of the cytokinetic Z ring. These pfs can adopt a curved conformation forming a miniring or spiral tube 24 nm in diameter. Tubulin pfs also have a curved conformation, forming 42 nm tubulin rings. We have previously provided evidence that FtsZ generates a constriction force by switching from straight pfs to the curved conformation, generating a bending force on the membrane. In the simplest model the membrane tether, which exits from the C terminus of the globular FtsZ, would have to be on the outside of the curved pf. However, it is well established that tubulin rings have the C terminus on the inside of the ring. Could FtsZ and tubulin rings have the opposite curvature? In the present study we explored the direction of curvature of FtsZ rings by fusing large protein tags to the N or C terminus of the FtsZ globular domain. FtsZ with a protein tag on the N terminus did not assemble tubes. This was expected if the N terminus is on the inside, because the protein tags are too big to fit in the interior of the tube. FtsZ with C-terminal tags assembled normal tubes, consistent with the C terminus on the outside. The FN extension was not visible in negative stain, but thin section EM gave definitive evidence that the C-terminal tag was on the outside of the tubes. This has interesting implications for the evolution of tubulin. It seems likely that tubulin began with the curvature of FtsZ, which would have resulted in pfs curving toward the interior of a disassembling MT. Evolution not only eliminated this undesirable curvature, but managed to reverse direction to produce the outward curving rings, which is useful for pulling chromosomes.


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Authigenic minerals can form in the water column and sediments of lakes, either abiotically or mediated by biological activity. Such minerals have been used as paleosalinity and paleoproductivity indicators and reflect trophic state and early diagenetic conditions. They are also considered potential indicators of past and perhaps ongoing microbial activity within sediments. Authigenic concretions, including vivianite, were described in late glacial sediments of Laguna Potrok Aike, a maar lake in southernmost Argentina. Occurrence of iron phosphate implies specific phosphorus sorption behavior and a reducing environment, with methane present. Because organic matter content in these sediments was generally low during glacial times, there must have been alternative sources of phosphorus and biogenic methane. Identifying these sources can help define past trophic state of the lake and diagenetic processes in the sediments. We used scanning electron microscopy, phosphorus speciation in bulk sediment, pore water analyses, in situ ATP measurements, microbial cell counts, and measurements of methane content and its carbon isotope composition (d13C CH4) to identify components of and processes in the sediment. The multiple approaches indicated that volcanic materials in the catchment are important suppliers of iron, sulfur and phosphorus. These elements influence primary productivity and play a role in microbial metabolism during early diagenesis. Authigenic processes led to the formation of pyrite framboids and revealed sulfate reduction. Anaerobic oxidation of methane and shifts in pore water ion concentration indicated microbial influence with depth. This study documents the presence of active microbes within the sediments and their relationship to changing environmental conditions. It also illustrates the substantial role played by microbes in the formation of Laguna Potrok Aike concretions. Thus, authigenic minerals can be used as biosignatures in these late Pleistocene maar sediments.


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INTRODUCTION: The dichotomization of non-small cell carcinoma (NSCLC) subtype into squamous (SQCC) and adenocarcinoma (ADC) has become important in recent years and is increasingly required with regard to management. The aim of this study was to determine the utility of a panel of commercially available antibodies in refining the diagnosis on small biopsies and also to determine whether cytologic material is suitable for somatic EGFR genotyping in a prospectively analyzed series of patients undergoing investigation for suspected lung cancer. METHODS: Thirty-two consecutive cases of NSCLC were first tested using a panel comprising cytokeratin 5/6, P63, thyroid transcription factor-1, 34betaE12, and a D-PAS stain for mucin, to determine their value in refining diagnosis of NSCLC. After this test phase, two further pathologists independently reviewed the cases using a refined panel that excluded 34betaE12 because of its low specificity for SQCC, and refinement of diagnosis and concordance were assessed. Ten cases of ADC, including eight derived from cytologic samples, were sent for EGFR mutation analysis. RESULTS: There was refinement of diagnosis in 65% of cases of NSCLC to either SQCC or ADC in the test phase. This included 10 of 13 cases where cell pellets had been prepared from transbronchial needle aspirates. Validation by two further pathologists with varying expertise in lung pathology confirmed increased refinement and concordance of diagnosis. All samples were adequate for analysis, and they all showed a wild-type EGFR genotype. CONCLUSION: A panel comprising cytokeratin 5/6, P63, thyroid transcription factor-1, and a D-PAS stain for mucin increases diagnostic accuracy and agreement between pathologists when faced with refining a diagnosis of NSCLC to SQCC or ADC. These small samples, even cell pellets derived from transbronchial needle aspirates, seem to be adequate for EGFR mutation analysis.


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This study explores the potential of the simvastatin to ameliorate inflammation and infection in open infected skin wounds of rats. Methods: Fourteen Wistar rats weighing 285±12g were used. The study was done in a group whose open infected skin wounds were treated with topical application of sinvastatina microemulsion (SIM, n=7) and a second group with wounds treated with saline 0.9 % (SAL, n=7). A bacteriological exam of the wounds fluid for gram positive and gram negative bacteria, the tecidual expression of TNFá and IL-1â by imunohistochemical technique, and histological analysis by HE stain were performed. Results: The expression of TNFa could be clearly demonstrated in lower degree in skin wounds treated with simvastatin (668.6 ± 74.7 ìm2) than in saline (2120.0 ± 327.1 ìm2). In comparison, wound tissue from SIM group displayed leukocyte infiltration significantly lower than that observed in SAL group (p<0.05). Culture results of the samples taken from wound fluid on fourth post treatment day revealed wound infection in only one rat of group simvastatin (SIM), where Proteus mirabilis, Escherchia coli and Enterobacter sp were isolated. In the rats whose wounds were treated with saline (SAL), polymicrobial infection with more than 100,000 CFU/g was detected in all the wounds. Conclusion: In addition to its antiinflammatory properties, the protective effects of simvastatin in infected open skin wounds is able to reduce infection and probably has antibacterial action. The potential to treat these wounds with statins to ameliorate inflammation and infection is promising


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Two novel strains of Gram-stain-negative, rod-shaped, obligately anaerobic, non-spore-forming, non-motile bacteria were isolated from the faeces of healthy human subjects. The strains, designated as 585-1T and 668, were characterized by mesophilic fermentative metabolism, production of d-lactic acid, succinic acid and acetic acid as end products of d-glucose fermentation, prevalence of C18 : 1 ω9, C18 : 1 ω9 aldehyde, C16 : 0 and C16 : 1 ω7c fatty acids, presence of glycine, glutamic acid, lysine, alanine and aspartic acid in the petidoglycan peptide moiety and lack of respiratory quinones. Whole genome sequencing revealed the DNA G+C content was 56.4–56.6 mol%. The complete 16S rRNA gene sequences of the two strains shared 91.7/91.6 % similarity with Anaerofilum pentosovorans FaeT, 91.3/91.2 % with Gemmiger formicilis ATCC 27749T and 88.9/88.8 % with Faecalibacterium prausnitzii ATCC 27768T. On the basis of chemotaxonomic and genomic properties it was concluded that the strains represent a novel species in a new genus within the family Ruminococcaceae , for which the name Ruthenibacterium lactatiformans gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of Ruthenibacterium lactatiformans is 585-1T (=DSM 100348T=VKM B-2901T).


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There appears to be a limited but growing body of research on the sequential analysis/treatment of multiple types of evidence. The development of an integrated forensic approach is necessary to maximise evidence recovery and to ensure that a particular treatment is not detrimental to other types of evidence. This study aims to assess the effect of latent and blood mark enhancement techniques (e.g. fluorescence, ninhydrin, acid violet 17, black iron-oxide powder suspension) on the subsequent detection of saliva. Saliva detection was performed by means of a presumptive test (Phadebas®) in addition to analysis by a rapid stain identification (RSID) kit test and confirmatory DNA testing. Additional variables included a saliva depletion series and a number of different substrates with varying porosities as well as different ageing periods. Examination and photography under white light and fluorescence was carried out prior to and after chemical enhancement All enhancement techniques (except Bluestar® Forensic Magnum luminol) employed in this study resulted in an improved visualisation of the saliva stains, although the inherent fluorescence of saliva was sometimes blocked after chemical treatment. The use of protein stains was, in general, detrimental to the detection of saliva. Positive results were less pronounced after the use of black iron-oxide powder suspension, cyanoacrylate fuming followed by BY40 and ninhydrin when compared to the respective positive controls. The application of Bluestar® Forensic Magnum luminol and black magnetic powder proved to be the least detrimental, with no significant difference between the test results and the positive controls. The use of non-destructive fluorescence examination provided good visualisation; however, only the first few marks in the depletion were observed. Of the samples selected for DNA analysis only depletion 1 samples contained sufficient DNA quantity for further processing using standard methodology. The 28 day delay between sample deposition and collection resulted in a 5-fold reduction in the amount of useable DNA. When sufficient DNA quantities were recovered, enhancement techniques did not have a detrimental effect on the ability to generate DNA profiles. This study aims to contribute to a strategy for maximising evidence recovery and efficiency for the detection of latent marks and saliva. The results demonstrate that most of the enhancement techniques employed in this study were not detrimental to the subsequent detection of saliva by means of presumptive, confirmative and DNA tests.


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Similar a outras lesões de pele, têm sido identificadas lesões precursoras de carcinoma de células escamosas na mucosa da cavidade oral. Na boca, apresenta-se frequentemente em forma de placa branca, denominada leucoplasia. Na conferência de 2005, a leucoplasia foi definida pela OMS como “uma placa ou mancha branca que não pode ser caracterizada clínica ou patologicamente como qualquer outra doença.” Leucoplasia é, portanto, um diagnóstico clínico de exclusão. A frequência de apresentar displasia epitelial, carcinoma in situ, carcinoma verrucoso ou carcinoma de células de escomosas invasivo na leucoplasia oral varia de 8,6% a 60%. A transformação maligna anual de leucoplasia é de 1% a 5 %. Sendo assim, é de fundamental importância, por parte dos profissionais na saúde e principalmente dos médicos dentistas terem conhecimento da leucoplasia oral para que possam suspeitar, fazer o diagnóstico ou encaminhar a profissionais competentes precocemente para o manejamento dessas lesões.


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This study explores the potential of the simvastatin to ameliorate inflammation and infection in open infected skin wounds of rats. Methods: Fourteen Wistar rats weighing 285±12g were used. The study was done in a group whose open infected skin wounds were treated with topical application of sinvastatina microemulsion (SIM, n=7) and a second group with wounds treated with saline 0.9 % (SAL, n=7). A bacteriological exam of the wounds fluid for gram positive and gram negative bacteria, the tecidual expression of TNFá and IL-1â by imunohistochemical technique, and histological analysis by HE stain were performed. Results: The expression of TNFa could be clearly demonstrated in lower degree in skin wounds treated with simvastatin (668.6 ± 74.7 ìm2) than in saline (2120.0 ± 327.1 ìm2). In comparison, wound tissue from SIM group displayed leukocyte infiltration significantly lower than that observed in SAL group (p<0.05). Culture results of the samples taken from wound fluid on fourth post treatment day revealed wound infection in only one rat of group simvastatin (SIM), where Proteus mirabilis, Escherchia coli and Enterobacter sp were isolated. In the rats whose wounds were treated with saline (SAL), polymicrobial infection with more than 100,000 CFU/g was detected in all the wounds. Conclusion: In addition to its antiinflammatory properties, the protective effects of simvastatin in infected open skin wounds is able to reduce infection and probably has antibacterial action. The potential to treat these wounds with statins to ameliorate inflammation and infection is promising


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Objetivo: Analisar o conhecimento das mulheres em relação à prevenção do câncer de colo de útero e os fatores dificultadores acerca da realização da prática do exame preventivo. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo do tipo observacional, de corte transversal e descritivo, com 110 mulheres entre 25 e 64 anos, atendidas em uma unidade de saúde, entre os meses de janeiro e março de 2014. Coletaram-se dados sociodemográficos e econômicos, aspectos ginecológicos e comportamento sobre o exame. Analisaram-se os dados através da estatística descritiva, apresentando valores absolutos e relativos. Resultados: Dados referentes ao significado do câncer uterino mostraram que 65 (59,1%) desconheciam seu significado, 69 (62,7%) sabiam como preveni-lo, 104 (94,5%) já realizaram o Papanicolau, 59 (53,6%) realizaram o Papanicolau há 1 ano, 62 (56,4%) realizam o exame preventivo anualmente e 88 (80%) sabiam a importância dessa realização. Quanto aos fatores encontrados referentes à dificuldade na realização do exame preventivo, 49 (44,5%) relataram ser a vergonha o fator mais impactante. Conclusão: Apesar de a maioria das mulheres realizar o exame periodicamente, muitas desconhecem a sua verdadeira finalidade, sentindo-se envergonhadas e constrangidas durante a realização do exame.