954 resultados para Pair Linkage


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The stabilizing effect of grouping rotor blades in pairs has been assessed both, numerically and experimentally. The bending and torsion modes of a low aspect ratio high speed turbine cascade tested in the non-rotating test facility at EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) have been chosen as the case study. The controlled vibration of 20 blades in travelling wave form was performed by means of an electromagnetic excitation system, enabling the adjustement of the vibration amplitude and inter blade phase at a given frequency. Unsteady pressure transducers located along the blade mid-section were used to obtain the modulus and phase of the unsteady pressure caused by the airfoil motion. The stabilizing effect of the torsion mode was clearly observed both in the experiments and the simulations, however the effect of grouping the blades in pairs in the minimum damping at the tested frequency was marginal in the bending mode. A numerical tool was validated using the available experimental data and then used to extend the results at lower and more relevant reduced frequencies. It is shown that the stabilizing effect exists for the bending and torsion modes in the frequency range typical of low-pressure turbines. It is concluded that the stabilizing effect of this configuration is due to the shielding effect of the pressure side of the airfoil that defines the passage of the pair on the suction side of the same passage, since the relative motion between both is null. This effect is observed both in the experiments and simulations.


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Photon bursts from single diffusing donor-acceptor labeled macromolecules were used to measure intramolecular distances and identify subpopulations of freely diffusing macromolecules in a heterogeneous ensemble. By using DNA as a rigid spacer, a series of constructs with varying intramolecular donor-acceptor spacings were used to measure the mean and distribution width of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) efficiencies as a function of distance. The mean single-pair FRET efficiencies qualitatively follow the distance dependence predicted by Förster theory. Possible contributions to the widths of the FRET efficiency distributions are discussed, and potential applications in the study of biopolymer conformational dynamics are suggested. The ability to measure intramolecular (and intermolecular) distances for single molecules implies the ability to distinguish and monitor subpopulations of molecules in a mixture with different distances or conformational states. This is demonstrated by monitoring substrate and product subpopulations before and after a restriction endonuclease cleavage reaction. Distance measurements at single-molecule resolution also should facilitate the study of complex reactions such as biopolymer folding. To this end, the denaturation of a DNA hairpin was examined by using single-pair FRET.


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Linkage disequilibrium analysis can provide high resolution in the mapping of disease genes because it incorporates information on recombinations that have occurred during the entire period from the mutational event to the present. A circumstance particularly favorable for high-resolution mapping is when a single founding mutation segregates in an isolated population. We review here the population structure of Finland in which a small founder population some 100 generations ago has expanded into 5.1 million people today. Among the 30-odd autosomal recessive disorders that are more prevalent in Finland than elsewhere, several appear to have segregated for this entire period in the “panmictic” southern Finnish population. Linkage disequilibrium analysis has allowed precise mapping and determination of genetic distances at the 0.1-cM level in several of these disorders. Estimates of genetic distance have proven accurate, but previous calculations of the confidence intervals were too small because sampling variation was ignored. In the north and east of Finland the population can be viewed as having been “founded” only after 1500. Disease mutations that have undergone such a founding bottleneck only 20 or so generations ago exhibit linkage disequilibrium and haplotype sharing over long genetic distances (5–15 cM). These features have been successfully exploited in the mapping and cloning of many genes. We review the statistical issues of fine mapping by linkage disequilibrium and suggest that improved methodologies may be necessary to map diseases of complex etiology that may have arisen from multiple founding mutations.


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Synthesis of mouse metallothionein (MT)-I and MT-II is transcriptionally induced by the synthetic glucocorticoid, dexamethasone (DEX) or both in vivo as well as in numerous cell lines. However, the location(s) of a glucocorticoid response element (GRE) has not been described. The observation that a marked MT-I gene, as well as heterologous genes, when placed in the context of 17 kb of flanking sequence from the MT locus, are inducible by DEX and lipopolysaccharide in transgenic mice renewed the search for the GRE. Analysis of a series of deletion constructs from this 17-kb region in cultured cells identified a single 455-bp region that conferred DEX induction on a reporter gene. This 455-bp region contains two GREs that bind to the glucocorticoid receptor as assessed by gel mobility shift. Deletion of this fragment from the 17-kb flanking region eliminates the DEX responsiveness of reporter genes. The two GREs, which are located ≈1 kb upstream of the MT-II gene and ≈7 kb upstream of the MT-I gene, are necessary for induction of both genes and can function independently of elements within the proximal promoter region of either gene.


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This paper describes the NMR observation of 15N—15N and 1H—15N scalar couplings across the hydrogen bonds in Watson–Crick base pairs in a DNA duplex, hJNN and hJHN. These couplings represent new parameters of interest for both structural studies of DNA and theoretical investigations into the nature of the hydrogen bonds. Two dimensional [15N,1H]-transverse relaxation-optimized spectroscopy (TROSY) with a 15N-labeled 14-mer DNA duplex was used to measure hJNN, which is in the range 6–7 Hz, and the two-dimensional hJNN-correlation-[15N,1H]-TROSY experiment was used to correlate the chemical shifts of pairs of hydrogen bond-related 15N spins and to observe, for the first time, hJHN scalar couplings, with values in the range 2–3.6 Hz. TROSY-based studies of scalar couplings across hydrogen bonds should be applicable for large molecular sizes, including protein-bound nucleic acids.


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An Fcα receptor probe of human origin was used to identify novel members of the Ig gene superfamily in mice. Paired Ig-like receptors, named PIR-A and PIR-B, are predicted from sequence analysis of the cDNAs isolated from a mouse splenic library. Both type I transmembrane proteins possess similar ectodomains with six Ig-like loops, but have different transmembrane and cytoplasmic regions. The predicted PIR-A protein has a short cytoplasmic tail and a charged Arg residue in the transmembrane region that, by analogy with the FcαR relative, suggests the potential for association with an additional transmembrane protein to form a signal transducing unit. In contrast, the PIR-B protein has an uncharged transmembrane region and a long cytoplasmic tail containing four potential immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motifs. These features are shared by the related killer inhibitory receptors. PIR-A proteins appear to be highly variable, in that predicted peptide sequences differ for seven randomly selected PIR-A clones, whereas PIR-B cDNA clones are invariant. Southern blot analysis with PIR-B and PIR-A-specific probes suggests only one PIR-B gene and multiple PIR-A genes. The PIR-A and PIR-B genes are expressed in B lymphocytes and myeloid lineage cells, wherein both are expressed simultaneously. The characteristics of the highly-conserved PIR-A and PIR-B genes and their coordinate cellular expression suggest a potential regulatory role in humoral, inflammatory, and allergic responses.


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A sample of 95 sib pairs affected with insulin-dependent diabetes and typed with their normal parents for 28 markers on chromosome 6 has been analyzed by several methods. When appropriate parameters are efficiently estimated, a parametric model is equivalent to the β model, which is superior to nonparametric alternatives both in single point tests (as found previously) and in multipoint tests. Theory is given for meta-analysis combined with allelic association, and problems that may be associated with errors of map location and/or marker typing are identified. Reducing by multipoint analysis the number of association tests in a dense map can give a 3-fold reduction in the critical lod, and therefore in the cost of positional cloning.


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We have used molecular modeling techniques to design a dissociable covalently bonded base pair that can replace a Watson-Crick base pair in a nucleic acid with minimal distortion of the structure of the double helix. We introduced this base pair into a potential precursor of a nucleic acid double helix by chemical synthesis and have demonstrated efficient nonenzymatic template-directed ligation of the free hydroxyl groups of the base pair with appropriate short oligonucleotides. The nonenzymatic ligation reactions, which are characteristic of base paired nucleic acid structures, are abolished when the covalent base pair is reduced and becomes noncoplanar. This suggests that the covalent base pair linking the two strands in the duplex is compatible with a minimally distorted nucleic acid double-helical structure.


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The 67-amino acid cytoplasmic tail of the cation-dependent mannose 6-phosphate receptor (CD-MPR) contains a signal(s) that prevents the receptor from entering lysosomes where it would be degraded. To identify the key residues required for proper endosomal sorting, we analyzed the intracellular distribution of mutant forms of the receptor by Percoll density gradients. A receptor with a Trp19 → Ala substitution in the cytoplasmic tail was highly missorted to lysosomes whereas receptors with either Phe18 → Ala or Phe13 → Ala mutations were partially defective in avoiding transport to lysosomes. Analysis of double and triple mutants confirmed the key role of Trp19 for sorting of the CD-MPR in endosomes, with Phe18, Phe13, and several neighboring residues contributing to this function. The addition of the Phe18-Trp19 motif of the CD-MPR to the cytoplasmic tail of the lysosomal membrane protein Lamp1 was sufficient to partially impair its delivery to lysosomes. Replacing Phe18 and Trp19 with other aromatic amino acids did not impair endosomal sorting of the CD-MPR, indicating that two aromatic residues located at these positions are sufficient to prevent the receptor from trafficking to lysosomes. However, alterations in the spacing of the diaromatic amino acid sequence relative to the transmembrane domain resulted in receptor accumulation in lysosomes. These findings indicate that the endosomal sorting of the CD-MPR depends on the correct presentation of a diaromatic amino acid-containing motif in its cytoplasmic tail. Because a diaromatic amino acid sequence is also present in the cytoplasmic tail of other receptors known to be internalized from the plasma membrane, this feature may prove to be a general determinant for endosomal sorting.


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We are conducting a genome scan at an average resolution of 10 centimorgans (cM) for type 2 diabetes susceptibility genes in 716 affected sib pairs from 477 Finnish families. To date, our best evidence for linkage is on chromosome 20 with potentially separable peaks located on both the long and short arms. The unweighted multipoint maximum logarithm of odds score (MLS) was 3.08 on 20p (location, x̂ = 19.5 cM) under an additive model, whereas the weighted MLS was 2.06 on 20q (x̂ = 57 cM, recurrence risk, λ̂s = 1.25, P = 0.009). Weighted logarithm of odds scores of 2.00 (x̂ = 69.5 cM, P = 0.010) and 1.92 (x̂ = 18.5 cM, P = 0.013) were also observed. Ordered subset analyses based on sibships with extreme mean values of diabetes-related quantitative traits yielded sets of families who contributed disproportionately to the peaks. Two-hour glucose levels in offspring of diabetic individuals gave a MLS of 2.12 (P = 0.0018) at 9.5 cM. Evidence from this and other studies suggests at least two diabetes-susceptibility genes on chromosome 20. We have also screened the gene for maturity-onset diabetes of the young 1, hepatic nuclear factor 4-a (HNF-4α) in 64 affected sibships with evidence for high chromosomal sharing at its location on chromosome 20q. We found no evidence that sequence changes in this gene accounted for the linkage results we observed.


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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the most common autoimmune disease, is associated in families with other autoimmune diseases, including insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). Its genetic component has been suggested by familial aggregation (λs = 5), twin studies, and segregation analysis. HLA, which is the only susceptibility locus known, has been estimated to account for one-third of this component. The aim of this paper was to identify new RA loci. A genome scan was performed with 114 European Caucasian RA sib pairs from 97 nuclear families. Linkage was significant only for HLA (P < 2.5⋅10−5) and nominal for 19 markers in 14 other regions (P < 0.05). Four of the loci implicated in IDDM potentially overlap with these regions: the putative IDDM6, IDDM9, IDDM13, and DXS998 loci. The first two of these candidate regions, defined in the RA genome scan by the markers D18S68-D18S61-D18S469 (18q22–23) and D3S1267 (3q13), respectively, were studied in 194 additional RA sib pairs from 164 nuclear families. Support for linkage to chromosome 3 only was extended significantly (P = 0.002). The analysis of all 261 families provided a linkage evidence of P = 0.001 and suggested an interaction between this putative RA locus and HLA. This locus could account for 16% of the genetic component of RA. Candidate genes include those coding for CD80 and CD86, molecules involved in antigen-specific T cell recognition. In conclusion, this first genome scan in RA Caucasian families revealed 14 candidate regions, one of which was supported further by the study of a second set of families.