Biomass conversion and expansion factors (BCEF) which convert tree stem volume to whole tree biomass and biomass allocation patterns in young trees were studied in order to estimate tree and stand biomass in naturally regenerated forests. European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), Sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Mattuschka) Liebl.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands were compared. Seven forest stands of each species were chosen to cover their natural distribution in Slovakia. Species specific BCEF are presented, generally showing a steep decrease in all species in the smallest trees, with the only exception in the case of branch BCEF in beech which grows with increasing tree size. The values of BCEF for all tree compartments stabilise in all species once trees reach about 60-70mm diameter at base. As they grow larger, all species increase their allocation to stem and branches, while decreasing the relative growth of roots and foliage. There are, however, clear differences between species and also between broadleaves and conifers in biomass allocation. This research shows that species specific coefficients must be used if we are to reduce uncertainties in estimates of carbon stock changes by afforestation and reforestation activities.
Roots, stems, branches and needles of 160 Norway spruce trees younger than 10 years were sampled in seven forest stands in central Slovakia in order to establish their biomassfunctions (BFs) and biomassexpansionfactors (BEFs). We tested three models for each biomass pool based on the stem base diameter, tree height and the two parameters combined. BEF values decreased for all spruce components with increasing height and diameter, which was most evident in very young trees under 1 m in height. In older trees, the values of BEFs did tend to stabilise at the height of 3–4 m. We subsequently used the BEFs to calculate dry biomass of the stands based on average stem base diameter and tree height. Total stand biomass grew with increasing age of the stands from about 1.0 Mg ha−1 at 1.5 years to 44.3 Mg ha−1 at 9.5 years. The proportion of stem and branch biomass was found to increase with age, while that of needles was fairly constant and the proportion of root biomass did decrease as the stands grew older.
Grasslands restoration is a key management tool contributing to the long-term maintenance of insect populations, providing functional connectivity and mitigating against extinction debt across landscapes. As knowledge of grassland insect communities is limited, the lag between the initiation of restoration and the ability of these new habitats to contribute to such processes is unclear. Using ten data sets, ranging from 3 to 14 years, we investigate the lag between restoration and the establishment of phytophagous beetle assemblages typical of species rich grasslands. We used traits and ecological characteristics to determine factors limiting beetle colonisation, and also considered how food-web structure changed during restoration. For sites where seed addition of host-plants occurred the success in replicating beetle assemblages increased over time following a negative exponential function. Extrapolation beyond the existing data set tentatively suggested that success would plateau after 20 years, representing a c. 60% increase in assemblage similarity to target grasslands. In the absence of seed addition, similarity to the target grasslands showed no increase over time. Where seed addition was used the connectance of plant-herbivore food webs decreased over time, approaching values typical of species rich grasslands after c. 7 years. This trend was, however, dependent on the inclusion of a single site containing data in excess of 6 years of restoration management. Beetles not capable of flight, those showing high degrees of host-plant specialisation and species feeding on nationally rare host plants take between 1 and 3 years longer to colonise. Successful grassland restoration is underpinned by the establishment of host-plants, although individual species traits compound the effects of poor host-plant establishment to slow colonisation. The use of pro-active grassland restoration to mitigate against future environmental change should account for lag periods in excess of 10 years if the value of these habitats is to be fully realised.
The tumour suppressor APC is the most commonly altered gene in colorectal cancer (CRC). Genetic and epigenetic alterations of APC may therefore be associated with dietary and lifestyle risk factors for CRC. Analysis of APC mutations in the extended mutation cluster region (codons 1276-1556) and APC promoter 1A methylation was performed on 185 archival CRC samples collected from participants of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer (EPIC)-Norfolk Study, with the aim of relating these to high quality seven-day dietary and lifestyle data collected prospectively. Truncating APC mutations (APC+) and promoter 1A methylation (PM+) were identified in 43% and 23% of CRCs analysed, respectively. Distal CRCs were more likely than proximal CRCs to be APC+ or PM+ (P = 0.04). APC+ CRCs were more likely to be moderately/well differentiated and microsatellite stable than APC- CRCs (P = 0.05 and 0.03). APC+ CRC cases consumed more alcohol than their counterparts (P = 0.01) and PM+ CRC cases consumed lower levels of folate and fibre (P = 0.01 and 0.004). APC+ or PM+ CRC cases consumedhigher levels of processed meat and iron from red meat and red meat products (P=0.007 and 0.006). Specifically, CRC cases harbouring GC to AT transition mutations consumed higher levels of processed meat (35 versus 24 g/day, P = 0.04) and iron from red meat and red meat products (0.8 versus 0.6 mg/day, P = 0.05). In a logistic regression model adjusted for age, sex and cigarette smoking status, each 19g/day (1SD) increment increase in processed meat consumption was associated with cases with GC to AT mutations (OR 1.68, 95% CI 1.03-2.75). In conclusion, APC+ and PM+ CRCs may be influenced by diet and GC to AT mutations in APC are associated with processed meat consumption, suggesting a mechanistic link with dietary alkylating agents, such as N-nitroso compounds.
Placing a child in out-of-home care is one of the most important decisions made by professionals in the child care system, with substantial social, psychological, educational, medical and economic consequences. This paper considers the challenges and difficulties of building statistical models of this decision by reviewing the available international evidence. Despite the large number of empirical investigations over a 50 year period, a consensus on the variables associated with this decision is hard to identify. In addition, the individual models have low explanatory and predictive power and should not be relied on to make placement decisions. A number of reasons for this poor performance are offered, and some ways forwards suggested. This paper also aims to facilitate the emergence of a coherent and integrated international literature from the disconnected and fragmented empirical studies. Rather than one placement problem, there are many slightly different problems, and therefore it is expected that a number of related sub-literatures will emerge, each concentrating on a particular definition of the placement problem.
There have been limited recent advances in understanding of what influences uptake of innovations despite the current international focus on smallholder agriculture as a means of achieving food security and rural development. This paper provides a rigorous study of factors influencing adoption by smallholders in central Mexico and builds on findings to identify a broad approach to significantly improve research on and understanding of factors influencing adoption by smallholders in developing countries. Small-scale dairy systems play an important role in providing income, employment and nutrition in the highlands of central Mexico. A wide variety of practices and technologies have been promoted by the government public services to increase milk production and economic efficiency, but there have been very low levels of uptake of most innovations, with the exception of improving grassland through introduction of grass varieties together with management practices. A detailed study was conducted with 80 farmers who are already engaged with the use of this innovation to better understand the process of adoption and identify socioeconomic and farm variables, cognitive (beliefs), and social–psychological (social norms) factors associated with farmers' use of improved grassland. The Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) was used as a theoretical framework and Spearman Rank Order correlation was conducted to analyse the data. Most farmers (92.5%) revealed strong intention to continue to use improved grassland (which requires active management and investment of resources) for the next 12 months; whereas 7.5% of farmers were undecided and showed weak intention, which was associated with farmers whose main income was from non-farm activities as well as with farmers who had only recently started using improved grassland. Despite farmers' experience of using improved grassland (mean of 18 years) farmers' intentions to continue to adopt it was influenced almost as much by salient referents (mainly male relatives) as by their own attitudes. The hitherto unnoticed longevity of the role social referents play in adoption decisions is an important finding and has implications for further research and for the design of extension approaches. The study demonstrates the value and importance of using TRA or TPB approaches to understand social cognitive (beliefs) and social–psychological (social norms) factors in the study of adoption. However, other factors influencing adoption processes need to be included to provide fuller understanding. An approach that would enable this, and the development of more generalisable findings than from location specific case studies, and contribute to broader conceptualisation, is proposed.
The evolution of stratospheric ozone from 1960 to 2100 is examined in simulations from 14 chemistry‐climate models, driven by prescribed levels of halogens and greenhouse gases. There is general agreement among the models that total column ozone reached a minimum around year 2000 at all latitudes, projected to be followed by an increase over the first half of the 21st century. In the second half of the 21st century, ozone is projected to continue increasing, level off, or even decrease depending on the latitude. Separation into partial columns above and below 20 hPa reveals that these latitudinal differences are almost completely caused by differences in the model projections of ozone in the lower stratosphere. At all latitudes, upper stratospheric ozone increases throughout the 21st century and is projected to return to 1960 levels well before the end of the century, although there is a spread among models in the dates that ozone returns to specific historical values. We find decreasing halogens and declining upper atmospheric temperatures, driven by increasing greenhouse gases, contribute almost equally to increases in upper stratospheric ozone. In the tropical lower stratosphere, an increase in upwelling causes a steady decrease in ozone through the 21st century, and total column ozone does not return to 1960 levels in most of the models. In contrast, lower stratospheric and total column ozone in middle and high latitudes increases during the 21st century, returning to 1960 levels well before the end of the century in most models.
The occurrence of extreme cyclones is analysed in terms of their relationship to the NAO phase and the dominating environmental variables controlling their intensification. These are latent energy (equivalent potential temperature 850 hPa is used as an indicator), upper-air baroclinicity, horizontal divergence and jet stream strength. Cyclones over the North Atlantic are identified and tracked using a numerical algorithm, permitting a detailed analysis of their life cycles. Extreme cyclones are selected as the 10% most severe in terms of intensity. Investigations focus on the main strengthening phase of each cyclone. The environmental factors are related to the NAO, which affects the location and orientation of the cyclone tracks, thus explaining why extreme cyclones occur more (less) frequently during strong positive (negative) NAO phases. The enhanced number of extreme cyclones in positive NAO phases can be explained by the larger area with suitable growth conditions, which is better aligned with the cyclone tracks and is associated with increased cyclone life time and intensity. Moreover, strong intensification of cyclones is frequently linked to the occurrence of extreme values of growth factors in the immediate vicinity of the cyclone centre. Similar results are found for ECHAM5/OM1 for present day conditions, demonstrating that relationships between the environment factors and cyclones are also valid in the GCM. For future climate conditions (following the SRES A1B scenario), the results are similar, but a small increase of the frequency of extreme values is detected near the cyclone cores. On the other hand, total cyclone numbers decrease by 10% over the North Atlantic. An exception is the region near the British Isles, which features increased track density and intensity of extreme cyclones irrespective of the NAO phase. These changes are associated with an intensified jet stream close to Europe. Moreover, an enhanced frequency of explosive developments over the British Isles is found, leading to more frequent windstorms affecting Europe.
Explanations of the marked individual differences in elementary school mathematical achievement and mathematical learning disability (MLD or dyscalculia) have involved domain-general factors (working memory, reasoning, processing speed and oral language) and numerical factors that include single-digit processing efficiency and multi-digit skills such as number system knowledge and estimation. This study of third graders (N = 258) finds both domain-general and numerical factors contribute independently to explaining variation in three significant arithmetic skills: basic calculation fluency, written multi-digit computation, and arithmetic word problems. Estimation accuracy and number system knowledge show the strongest associations with every skill and their contributions are both independent of each other and other factors. Different domain-general factors independently account for variation in each skill. Numeral comparison, a single digit processing skill, uniquely accounts for variation in basic calculation. Subsamples of children with MLD (at or below 10th percentile, n = 29) are compared with low achievement (LA, 11th to 25th percentiles, n = 42) and typical achievement (above 25th percentile, n = 187). Examination of these and subsets with persistent difficulties supports a multiple deficits view of number difficulties: most children with number difficulties exhibit deficits in both domain-general and numerical factors. The only factor deficit common to all persistent MLD children is in multi-digit skills. These findings indicate that many factors matter but multi-digit skills matter most in third grade mathematical achievement.
As the fidelity of virtual environments (VE) continues to increase, the possibility of using them as training platforms is becoming increasingly realistic for a variety of application domains, including military and emergency personnel training. In the past, there was much debate on whether the acquisition and subsequent transfer of spatial knowledge from VEs to the real world is possible, or whether the differences in medium during training would essentially be an obstacle to truly learning geometric space. In this paper, the authors present various cognitive and environmental factors that not only contribute to this process, but also interact with each other to a certain degree, leading to a variable exposure time requirement in order for the process of spatial knowledge acquisition (SKA) to occur. The cognitive factors that the authors discuss include a variety of individual user differences such as: knowledge and experience; cognitive gender differences; aptitude and spatial orientation skill; and finally, cognitive styles. Environmental factors discussed include: Size, Spatial layout complexity and landmark distribution. It may seem obvious that since every individual's brain is unique - not only through experience, but also through genetic predisposition that a one size fits all approach to training would be illogical. Furthermore, considering that various cognitive differences may further emerge when a certain stimulus is present (e.g. complex environmental space), it would make even more sense to understand how these factors can impact spatial memory, and to try to adapt the training session by providing visual/auditory cues as well as by changing the exposure time requirements for each individual. The impact of this research domain is important to VE training in general, however within service and military domains, guaranteeing appropriate spatial training is critical in order to ensure that disorientation does not occur in a life or death scenario.
We analyze the causes of the century-long increase in geomagnetic activity, quantified by annual means of the aa index, using observations of interplanetary space, galactic cosmic rays, the ionosphere, and the auroral electrojet, made during the last three solar cycles. The effects of changes in ionospheric conductivity, the Earth's dipole tilt, and magnetic moment are shown to be small; only changes in near-Earth interplanetary space make a significant contribution to the long-term increase in activity. We study the effects of the interplanetary medium by applying dimensional analysis to generate the optimum solar wind-magnetosphere energy coupling function, having an unprecedentedly high correlation coefficient of 0.97. Analysis of the terms of the coupling function shows that the largest contributions to the drift in activity over solar cycles 20-22 originate from rises in the average interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) strength, solar wind concentration, and speed; average IMF orientation has grown somewhat less propitious for causing geomagnetic activity. The combination of these factors explains almost all of the 39% rise in aa observed over the last three solar cycles. Whereas the IMF strength varies approximately in phase with sunspot numbers, neither its orientation nor the solar wind density shows any coherent solar cycle variation. The solar wind speed peaks strongly in the declining phase of even-numbered cycles and can be identified as the chief cause of the phase shift between the sunspot numbers and the aa index. The rise in the IMF magnitude, the largest single contributor to the drift in geomagnetic activity, is shown to be caused by a rise in the solar coronal magnetic field, consistent with a rise in the coronal source field, modeled from photospheric observations, and an observed decay in cosmic ray fluxes.
Threat-relevant stimuli such as fear faces are prioritized by the human visual system. Recent research suggests that this prioritization begins during unconscious processing: A specialized (possibly subcortical) pathway evaluates the threat relevance of visual input, resulting in preferential access to awareness for threat stimuli. Our data challenge this claim. We used a continuous flash suppression (CFS) paradigm to present emotional face stimuli outside of awareness. It has been shown using CFS that salient (e.g., high contrast) and recognizable stimuli (faces, words) become visible more quickly than less salient or less recognizable stimuli. We found that although fearful faces emerge from suppression faster than other faces, this was wholly explained by their low-level visual properties, rather than their emotional content. We conclude that, in the competition for visual awareness, the visual system prefers and promotes unconscious stimuli that are more “face-like,” but the emotional content of a face has no effect on stimulus salience.
Ventricular myocytes are exposed to various pathologically important cell stresses in vivo. In vitro, extreme stresses (sorbitol-induced hyperosmotic shock in the presence or absence of okadaic acid, and anisomycin) were applied to ventricular myocytes cultured from neonatal rat hearts to induce a robust activation of the 46 and 54 kDa stress-activated protein kinases (SAPKs). These activities were increased in nuclear extracts of cells in the absence of any net import of SAPK protein. Phosphorylation of ATF2 and c-Jun was increased as shown by the appearance of reduced-mobility species on SDS/PAGE, which were sensitive to treatment with protein phosphatase 2A. Hyperosmotic shock and anisomycin had no effect on the abundance of ATF2. In contrast, cell stresses induced a greater than 10-fold increase in total c-Jun immunoreactivity detected on Western blots with antibody to c-Jun (KM-1). Cycloheximide did not inhibit this increase, which we conclude represents phosphorylation of c-Jun. This conclusion was supported by use of a c-Jun(phospho-Ser-73) antibody. Immunostaining of cells also showed increases in nuclear phospho-c-Jun in response to hyperosmotic stress. Severe stress (hyperosmotic shock+okadaic acid for 2 h) induced proteins (migrating at approx. 51 and 57 kDa) that cross-reacted strongly with KM-1 antibodies in both the nucleus and the cytosol. These may represent forms of c-Jun that had undergone further modification. These studies show that stresses induce phosphorylation of transcription factors in ventricular myocytes and we suggest that this response may be pathologically relevant.
Pro-inflammatory cytokines may be important in the pathophysiological responses of the heart. We investigated the activation of the three mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) subfamilies ¿c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs), p38-MAPKs and extracellularly-responsive kinases (ERKs) by interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) or tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) in primary cultures of myocytes isolated from neonatal rat ventricles. Both cytokines stimulated a rapid (maximal within 10 min) increase in JNK activity. Although activation of JNKs by IL-1 beta was transient returning to control values within 1 h, the response to TNF alpha was sustained. IL-1 beta and TNF alpha also stimulated p38-MAPK phosphorylation, but the response to IL-1 beta was consistently greater than TNF alpha. Both cytokines activated ERKs, but to a lesser degree than that induced by phorbol esters. The transcription factors, c-Jun and ATF2, are phosphorylated by the MAPKs and are implicated in the upregulation of c-Jun. IL-1 beta and TNF alpha stimulated the phosphorylation of c-Jun and ATF2. However, IL-1 beta induced a greater increase in c-Jun protein. Inhibitors of protein kinase C (PKC) (Ro318220, GF109203X) and the ERK cascade (PD98059) attenuated the increase in c-Jun induced by IL-1 beta, but LY294002 (an inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol 3' kinase) and SB203580 (an inhibitor of p38-MAPK, which also inhibits certain JNK isoforms) had no effect. These data illustrate that some of the pathological effects of IL-1 beta and TNF alpha may be mediated through the MAPK cascades, and that the ERK cascade, rather than JNKs or p38-MAPKs, are implicated in the upregulation of c-Jun by IL-1 beta.