967 resultados para POLITICA FINANCIERA


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Incluye Bibliografía


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This survey provides an overview of the economic performance of countries of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) for the year 2008 and their outlook for 2009. The report comprises three chapters. The first provides a regional comparative analysis of the main macroeconomic variables, namely GDP growth, inflation, fiscal and external accounts, as well as fiscal, monetary and other policies, particularly those specifically devised to cope with the ongoing global economic crisis. The second chapter deals with two topics relevant for economic development in the region: economic growth and small and medium enterprises development from an analytical and empirical perspective. The last chapter presents country briefs of the seven most developed countries (MDCs) in the Caribbean – Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago – together with a subregional assessment of the eight member countries of the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU).


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The bursting of the property bubble – subprime mortgage crisis – in 2007 in the United States has engendered panic, recession fears and turmoil in the global financial system. Although the United States economy grew by 0.6 per cent in the last quarter of 2007, down from 4.9 per cent in the previous quarter, day by day worsening scenarios emerge, from escalating oil prices, to a depreciating dollar and financial institutions’ bailout by the Federal Reserve. Many economists and policy makers share the view that a subprime-led recession – i.e. two consecutive quarters with negative growth – is inevitable and will be much deeper and longer than the 2001 dot-com downturn. Moreover, the critical situation of the financial system has driven some analysts to argue that should the monetary policy response fails to restore confidence among investors, the outcome would be the worst crisis seen since the Great Depression. This pessimism is not only among specialists. Indeed, in late March 2008 the Consumer Confidence Index in the United States recorded its lowest level since February 1992. A recession in the United States will undoubtedly have an important impact on the world economy, despite the continuous rapid growth experienced by emerging economies, particularly China and India. The purpose of this article is threefold: first, to characterize the current situation in the United States economy; second, to discuss the economic policy responses; and finally, to elaborate on how Caribbean economies may be affected.


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En el marco de la gestión de los flujos de capital, algunas economías emergentes han afrontado, después de la crisis mundial, dilemas en términos de políticas económicas relacionados con las operaciones de instrumentos financieros, en un contexto de abundante liquidez actual en las economías avanzadas. Sin embargo, la regulación de los derivados en moneda extranjera en las economías emergentes no ha sido suficientemente tratada ni en la literatura, ni por las instituciones financieras. Aquí se analizan las medidas aplicadas en el Brasil y la República de Corea. Primero, se constata que la amplitud de las regulaciones a las operaciones de derivados en moneda extranjera depende de los agentes y del tipo de contrato. Segundo, se requiere una institucionalidad interna eficaz para la formulación y aplicación de regulaciones. Tercero, los países no debieran limitar su margen normativo mediante acuerdos multilaterales o bilaterales, y dejar espacio para la regulación financiera interna.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Understanding the women’s political manifest at the present national scenario through analyzing the historicity and complexity of women’s movement and their contradictions regarding females / feminists actions in public and political areas. Thus, I give emphasis to the 30s and its “green blouses” and 60’s with “the marchadeiras” showing how those conservatives movements and their facist trend took on organized actions. And, also acting on the opposite way of democratic areas and the struggles for increasing the rights and advocating the maintenance of a status quo, keeping female traditional practices. Those women, who were living in the most visible female conjunctures and resistance to authoritarian governments, have taken positions that were holding back the progress in the game, contributing to reflux before the conquest of rights and gender equity.


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Este texto trae consideraciones respecto de una investigación que se está desarrollando en escuelas públicas Marília (SP). El objetivo es observar cómo la democracia es experimentada en la existencia cotidiana de vida escolar y cómo los derechos humanos y la cuestión de género aparecen en las relaciones sociales y en su proyecto político-pedagógico. Se supone que la educación democrática sólo se concretará en la escuela si dos dimensiones de la educación escolar son trabajados: la escuela como locus de participación democrática y los estudios basados en la ética y los derechos humanos, que no podrán descartar la cuestión del género. Hemos elaborado que la educación para la ciudadanía no puede descartar la ciudadanía política, además de los derechos humanos y cuestiones de género, de lo contrario, no niños y niñas sensibles a ellos.


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Brazil was one of the four countries of Latin America to be elected in this century, the first time a woman for president. But does the fact of having a woman in the highest office of the Republic reflects the reality of women's political participation in Brazil? And how will the female representation in the media of the country? To answer these questions, this article is a literature review of these topics, showing that, despite having a woman in the highest office of the Republic, women's political participation and their representation in the media is lagging behind.


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Premio Extraordinario, Área de Sociales y Jurídicas


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Programa de doctorado: Estudios económicos, sociales y culturales en el Atlántico.