967 resultados para Nursing homes and assisted living facilities and reports


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Pain management for older adults in long-term care (LTC) has been recognized as a problem internationally. The purpose of this study was to explore the role of a clinical nurse specialist (CNS) and nurse practitioner (NP) as change champions during the implementation of an evidence-based pain protocol in LTC. In this exploratory, multiple-case design study, we collected data from two LTC homes in Ontario, Canada. Three data sources were used: participant observation of an NP and a CNS for 18 hours each over a 3-week period; CNS and NP diaries recording strategies, barriers, and facilitators to the implementation process; and interviews with members of the interdisciplinary team to explore perceptions about the NP and CNS role in implementing the pain protocol. Data were analyzed using thematic content analysis. The NP and CNS used a variety of effective strategies to promote pain management changes in practice including educational outreach with team members, reminders to nursing staff to highlight the pain protocol and educate about practice changes, chart audits and feedback to the nursing staff, interdisciplinary working group meetings, ad hoc meetings with nursing staff, and resident assessment using advanced skills. The CNS and NP are ideal champions to implement pain management protocols and likely other quality improvement initiatives.


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OBJECTIVES: Older dentate adults are a high caries risk group who could potentially benefit from the use of the atraumatic restorative treatment (ART). This study aimed to compare the survival of ART and a conventional restorative technique (CT) using rotary instruments and a resin-modified glass-ionomer for restoring carious lesions as part of a preventive and restorative programme for older adults after 2 years.

METHODS: In this randomised controlled clinical trial, 99 independently living adults (65-90 years) with carious lesions were randomly allocated to receive either ART or conventional restorations. The survival of restorations was assessed by an independent and blinded examiner 6 months, 1 year and 2 years after restoration placement.

RESULTS: Ninety-six (67.6%) and 121 (76.6%) restorations were assessed in the ART and CT groups, respectively, after 2 years. The cumulative restoration survival percentages after 2 years were 85.4% in the ART and 90.9% in the CT group. No statistically significant between group differences were detected (p=0.2050, logistic regression analysis).

CONCLUSIONS: In terms of restoration survival, ART was as effective as a conventional restorative approach to treat older adults after 2 years. This technique could be a useful tool to provide dental care for older adults particularly in the non-clinical setting. (Trial Registration number: ISRCTN 76299321).

CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The results of this study show that ART presented survival rates similar to conventional restorations in older adults. ART appears to be a cost-effective way to provide dental care to elderly patients, particularly in out of surgery facilities, such as nursing homes.


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Background: No studies have been conducted in the UK context to date that categorise medications in terms of appropriateness for patients with advanced dementia, or that examine medication use in these vulnerable patients.

Objectives: The objectives of this study were to categorise the appropriateness of a comprehensive list of medications and medication classes for use in patients with advanced dementia; examine the feasibility of conducting a longitudinal prospective cohort study to collect clinical and medication use data; and determine the appropriateness of prescribing for nursing home residents with advanced dementia in Northern Ireland (NI), using the categories developed.

Methods: A three-round Delphi consensus panel survey of expert clinicians was used to categorise the appropriateness of medications for patients with advanced dementia [defined as having Functional Assessment Staging (FAST) scores ranging from 6E to 7F]. This was followed by a longitudinal prospective cohort feasibility study that was conducted in three nursing homes in NI. Clinical and medication use for participating residents with advanced dementia (FAST scores ranging from 6E to 7F) were collected and a short test of dementia severity administered. These data were collected at baseline and every 3 months for up to 9 months or until death. For those residents who died during the study period, data were also collected within 14 days of death. The appropriateness ratings from the consensus panel survey were retrospectively applied to residents’ medication data at each data collection timepoint to determine the appropriateness of medications prescribed for these residents.

Results: Consensus was achieved for 87 (90 %) of the 97 medications and medication classes included in the survey. Fifteen residents were recruited to participate in the longitudinal prospective cohort feasibility study, four of whom died during the data collection period. Mean numbers of medications prescribed per resident were 16.2 at baseline, 19.6 at 3 months, 17.4 at 6 months and 16.1 at 9 months. Fourteen residents at baseline were taking at least one medication considered by the consensus panel to be never appropriate, and approximately 25 % of medications prescribed were considered to be never appropriate. Post-death data collection indicated a decrease in the proportion of never appropriate medications and an increase in the proportion of always appropriate medications for those residents who died.

Conclusions: This study is the first to develop and apply medication appropriateness indicators for patients with advanced dementia in the UK setting. The Delphi consensus panel survey of expert clinicians was a suitable method of developing such indicators. It is feasible to collect information on quality of life, functional performance, physical comfort, neuropsychiatric symptoms and cognitive function for this subpopulation of nursing home residents with advanced dementia.


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BACKGROUND: Physical inactivity has been associated with obesity and related chronic diseases. Understanding built environment (BE) influences on specific domains of physical activity (PA) around homes and workplaces is important for public health interventions to increase population PA.

PURPOSE: To examine the association of home and workplace BE features with PA occurring across specific life domains (work, leisure, and travel).

METHODS: Between 2012 and 2013, telephone interviews were conducted with participants in four Missouri metropolitan areas. Questions included sociodemographic characteristics, home and workplace supports for PA, and dietary behaviors. Data analysis was conducted in 2013; logistic regression was used to examine associations between BE features and domain-specific PA.

RESULTS: In home neighborhoods, seven of 12 BE features (availability of fruits and vegetables, presence of shops and stores, bike facilities, recreation facilities, crime rate, seeing others active, and interesting things) were associated with leisure PA. The global average score of home neighborhood BE features was associated with greater odds of travel PA (AOR=1.99, 95% CI=1.46, 2.72); leisure PA (AOR=1.84, 95% CI=1.44, 2.34); and total PA (AOR=1.41, 95% CI=1.04, 1.92). Associations between workplace neighborhoods' BE features and workplace PA were small but in the expected direction.

CONCLUSIONS: This study offers empirical evidence on BE supports for domain-specific PA. Findings suggest that diverse, attractive, and walkable neighborhoods around workplaces support walking, bicycling, and use of public transit. Public health practitioners, researchers, and worksite leaders could benefit by utilizing worksite domains and measures from this study for future BE assessments.


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In the framework of health services research sponsored by the Swiss National Science Foundation, a research was undertaken of the activity of the large majority of the public health nurses working in the Swiss cantons of Vaud and Fribourg (total population 700,000). During one week, 130 nurses gathered, with a specially devised instrument, data on 4165 patient visits. Studying the duration of the contacts, one has distinguished contact duration per se (DC), duration of the travel time preceding the contact (DD), and total duration in relation with the contact (DTC-addition of the first two). It was noted that the three durations increased significantly with patient age (as regard travel time, this is explained by the higher proportion of home visits in higher age groups, as compared with visits at a health center). Examined according to location of the visit, contact duration per se (without travel) is higher for visits at home and in nursing homes than for those taking place at a health center. Looked at in respect to the care given (technical care, or basic nursing care, or both simultaneously), our data show that the provision of basic nursing care (alone or with technical care) doubles contact duration (from 20 to 42-45'). The analyses according to patient age shows that, at an advanced age (beyond 80 years particularly), there is an important increase of the visits where both types of care are given. However, contact duration per se shows a significant raise with age only for the group "technical care only"; it can be demonstrated that this is due to the fact that older patients require more complex technical acts (e.g., bladder care, as compared with simpler acts such as injection). A model of the relationships between patient age and contact duration is proposed: it is because of the increase in the proportions of home visits, of visits including basic nursing care, and of more complex technical acts that older persons require more of the working time of public health nurses.


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Cette thèse cherche à comprendre comment les transformations bureaucratiques influencent l’activité professionnelle des infirmières et du personnel soignant d’expérience dans le domaine des soins aux personnes âgées en perte d’autonomie depuis les années 90 au Québec. Elle s’inscrit dans une profonde remise en question de l’État-providence, de sa régulation hiérarchique, de son rapport avec le marché privé, et particulièrement des agences privées de placement du personnel. Prenant en compte le déploiement inégal des changements imposés de façon top down et promus par des considérations économiques visant une plus grande « performance » des services publics, plus près du milieu de vie de la personne, notre démarche tient aussi compte de la dimension relationnelle propre au travail infirmier, qui s’illustre par des formes différenciées tenant compte des modèles de pratique préconisés. Notre démarche s’attarde finalement aux rapports entre l’activité professionnelle et la prise de la retraite. À travers l’exploration du nouveau rôle attendu de l’infirmière, dont les habiletés de « chef » ou de « gestion d’équipe de travail » sont sollicitées à titre d’« intervenante pivot » ou de « gestionnaire de cas », et de la place importante qu’occupe la notion de compétences relationnelles dans la prescription de nouvelles modalités des services, plus près des besoins spécifiques de la personne, les données empiriques se présentent sous la forme d’un tableau hétérogène qui montre que ce ne sont pas toutes les infirmières qui souscrivent à ce type de pratique professionnelle. Leur âge, expérience et trajectoire professionnelle, le poste occupé ou encore le milieu de pratique influenceront le rapport entre leurs activités professionnelles et le cadre bureaucratique en transformation. La base empirique de la recherche est constituée d’une collecte de données réalisée entre janvier 2003 et juillet 2006 et qui comprend 9 entrevues exploratoires, 7 entrevues semi-dirigées auprès de retraité-e-s, infirmières, infirmières auxiliaires, 17 réunions incluant majoritairement des membres de la direction d’établissements, ainsi que des syndicats, 21 observations directes avec des infirmières, infirmières auxiliaires, préposées aux bénéficiaires et auxiliaires familiales et sociales, la passation de 112 questionnaires auprès de ces différentes catégories professionnelles, et 7 entrevues semi-dirigées complémentaires, réparties dans 4 établissements différents, sur deux territoires. Quatre grands constats ressortent de notre matériel empirique. Premièrement, la dimension relationnelle au sein des activités professionnelles du personnel soignant d’expérience ainsi que sa perception en ce qui concerne les compétences et l’âge présentent des formes contrastées, voire opposées. Si certains membres du personnel soignant estiment que les interactions professionnelles se sont considérablement réduites à la suite des transformations des dernières années et que la compétence n’est pas reliée à l’âge des professionnelles, les observations directes indiquent, au contraire, un rapport étroit entre ces deux derniers éléments qui s’illustre à travers de riches relations interpersonnelles. Les données quantitatives montrent, quant à elles, qu’une écrasante majorité de répondantes estiment que les compétences associées à leurs fonctions sont reconnues par l’organisation (89,3%), probablement sous l’angle de la conformité aux descriptions de travail, et qu’elles bénéficient d’une marge d’autonomie dans leur travail (83%). Deuxièmement, des résultats s’opposent également en ce qui concerne l’influence du cadre bureaucratique sur les « capacités » ou l’« intérêt » des infirmières d’expérience à maintenir un lien à l’emploi à la date d’éligibilité à la retraite. La majorité des répondantes s’estiment « incapables » de conserver un tel lien alors qu’une minorité d’entre elles exprime un intérêt face au nouveau rôle souhaité chez l’infirmière. Quantitativement, la prise de la retraite à bas âge est toutefois marquante, surtout pour celles qui occupent une fonction et possèdent une rémunération élevée (ex. cadres). Troisièmement, des contrastes apparaissent aussi en ce qui concerne les formes que prennent les rivalités entre les infirmières d’expérience et d’autres catégories professionnelles ainsi que dans les rapports intergénérationnels. Même si les trois quarts (76,2%) des répondantes d’expérience estiment que la répartition du travail devrait être le fruit d’une discussion entre elles et les plus jeunes, et non une imposition de la direction, près de la totalité (92,6%) veulent garder leurs acquis sociaux même si elles savent que la prochaine génération de travailleuses n’aura pas les mêmes avantages. Leur rapport face aux professionnelles d’agences privées de placement est également paradoxal. Huit répondantes sur dix (78,6%) perçoivent le fait que l’établissement recourt aux agences de placement contribue à alourdir leur travail, alors qu’une partie envisage de poursuivre leur activité professionnelle après leur date d’éligibilité à la retraite, par l’intermédiaire de ces mêmes agences. Finalement, il ressort de ce portrait hétérogène que la confrontation des changements du cadre bureaucratique sur l’activité professionnelle se manifestera différemment selon la vision paradigmatique qu’aura le personnel soignant de sa pratique. Les résultats quantitatifs et qualitatifs soulignent que ce paradigme sera influencé par trois dimensions : le territoire de pratique, le type d’établissement de services et l’unité spécifique de travail. Le style de gestion (traditionnel ou intégrateur) influencera également l’impact de ces changements. L’analyse et l’interprétation de l’influence différenciée des transformations bureaucratiques sur l’activité professionnelle s’illustrent par la manifestation de rapports plus conflictuels avec les autorités administrative et professionnelle, ainsi que dans les relations interprofessionnelles. Ces conflits ont émergé lors du passage d’un cadre bureaucratique historiquement construit sur un modèle médical (cure) qui considère la personne comme un « malade chronique » et associé à un style de gestion traditionnel, voire autoritaire, surtout dans certains CHSLD, à une approche « milieu de vie » privilégiant un modèle d’accompagnement (care) favorisant des services associés aux besoins spécifiques de la personne en perte d’autonomie, à titre de « partenaire actif ». Le style de gestion intégrateur de ce dernier modèle rapproche les domaines administratif et de soins de santé, approche que nous retrouvons davantage, mais non exclusivement, dans le cadre de soins à domicile. Une des conclusions majeures de cette thèse est la possibilité d’« enrichir les qualifications de base » (Le Boterf, 2005) des professionnelles lorsque le cadre bureaucratique et le style de gestion institués tendent vers un modèle care/intégrateur, ce qui constitue une forme de « compromis social » (Oiry, 2004). La « surutilisation » des effectifs (O’Brian-Pallas et al., 2005) qui en résulte peut expliquer, en partie, l’incontournable force d’attraction vers la retraite, dès la date d’admissibilité, du personnel soignant, quitte à ce qu’il poursuive ensuite ses activités professionnelles, selon des exigences personnelles, par le biais d’agences privées de placement. Les « fissures » (Laville, 2005) de la frontière entre les services publics et ceux du marché privé ne peuvent alors que s’accentuer, surtout lorsqu’on constate que le cinquième des effectifs, soit 14, 000 infirmières de 55 ans et plus, est potentiellement admissible à la retraite dès maintenant (OIIQ, 2008a).


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Les défis associés au phénomène du vieillissement démographique de la population se manifestent sous plusieurs formes et à de nombreux égards. Il y a des questions générales comme celles qui touchent l’économique et d’autres, plus spécifiques et situées, comme celles des modalités assurant des services et des soins adéquats aux personnes vulnérables. Par exemple, le colloque « La qualité de l’expérience des usagers et des proches : vers la personnalisation des soins et des services sociaux », programmé dans le cadre des Entretiens Jacques Cartier à l’automne 2014, s’était donné comme objectif d’examiner l’expérience personnelle des usagers relativement aux prestations de soins de santé et à l’organisation des services sociaux. L’origine de ces réflexions réside dans la nécessité de trouver un meilleur équilibre des pouvoirs dans les relations d’aide ou la prestation de soin. Cette problématique sous-entend l’idée de rendre les usagers capables d’un certain contrôle par l’adoption d’approches permettant aux professionnels de faire des ajustements personnalisés. Cette thèse de doctorat s’inscrit directement dans le prolongement de cette problématique. La recherche vise à examiner les conditions en mesure de rendre possible, dans les Centres d’hébergement et de soins de longue durée (CHSLD), un rapport au monde catégorisé par ce que le sociologue Laurent Thévenot nomme le régime de la familiarité. Le régime de la familiarité fait référence aux réalités où l’engagement des personnes se déploie dans l’aisance. Autrement dit, ce régime d’engagement correspond à un rapport au milieu où la personne est en mesure de déployer ses habitudes, d’habiter le moment et de se sentir chez elle. Comme le montre Thévenot, ce type d’engagement commande la conception d’un monde qui offre aux personnes la possibilité d’articuler les modalités de leurs actions sur des repères qui font sens personnellement pour eux. Ainsi, l’objet de la recherche consiste à mieux comprendre la participation du design à la conception d’un milieu d’hébergement capable d’accueillir ce type d’engagement pragmatique. Les orientations associées à la conception de milieux d’hébergement capables de satisfaire de telles exigences correspondent largement aux ambitions qui accompagnent le développement des approches du design centrées sur l’usager, du design d’expériences et plus récemment du design empathique. Cela dit, malgré les efforts investis en ce sens, les capacités d’appropriation des usagers restent un problème pour lequel les réponses sont précaires. La thèse interroge ainsi le fait que les développements des approches de design, qui ont fait de l’expérience des usagers une préoccupation de premier plan, sont trop souvent restreints par des questions de méthodes et de procédures. Le développement de ces connaissances se serait fait au détriment de l’examen précis des savoir-être également nécessaires pour rendre les designers capables de prendre au sérieux les enjeux associés aux aspirations de ces approches. Plus spécifiquement, la recherche précise les qualités de l’expérience des établissements dont le design permet l’engagement en familiarité. L’enquête s’appuie sur une analyse des jugements posés par des équipes d’évaluation de la qualité du milieu de vie des CHSLD présents sur le territoire Montréalais. L’analyse a mené à la caractérisation de cinq qualités : l’accueillance, la convivialité, la flexibilité, la prévenance et la stabilité. Finalement, sous la forme d’un essai réflexif, un tableau de savoir-être est suggéré comme manière de rendre les designers capables de mettre en œuvre des milieux d’hébergement présentant les qualités identifiées. Cet essai est également l’occasion du développement d’un outil réflexif pour une pédagogie et une pratique vertueuse du design.


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The present essay’s central argument or hypothesis is, consequently, that the mechanisms accelerating a wealth concentrating and exclusionary economy centred on the benefit and overprotection of big business—with a corresponding plundering of resources that are vital for life—generated forms of loss and regression in the right to healthcare and the dismantling of institutional protections. These are all expressed in indicators from 1990-2005, which point not only to the deterioration of healthcare programs and services but also to the undermining of the general conditions of life (social reproduction) and, in contrast to the reports and predictions of the era’s governments, a stagnation or deterioration in health indicators, especially for those most sensitive to the crisis. The present study’s argument is linked together across distinct chapters. First, we undertake the necessary clarification of the categories central to the understanding of a complex issue; clarifying the concept of health itself and its determinants, emphasizing the necessity of taking on an integral understanding as a fundamental prerequisite to unravelling what documents and reports from this era either leave unsaid or distort. Based on that analysis, we will explain the harmful effects of global economic acceleration, the monopolization and pillaging of strategic healthcare goods; not only those which directly place obstacles on the access to health services, but also those like the destructuration of small economies, linked to the impoverishment and worsening of living modes. Thinking epidemiologically, we intend to show signs of the deterioration of broad collectivities’ ways of life as a result of the mechanisms of acceleration and pillage. We will then collect disparate evidence of the deterioration of human health and ecosystems to, finally, establish the most urgent conclusions about this unfortunate period of our social and medical history.


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Introduction: Care home residents are at particular risk from medication errors, and our objective was to determine the prevalence and potential harm of prescribing, monitoring, dispensing and administration errors in UK care homes, and to identify their causes. Methods: A prospective study of a random sample of residents within a purposive sample of homes in three areas. Errors were identified by patient interview, note review, observation of practice and examination of dispensed items. Causes were understood by observation and from theoretically framed interviews with home staff, doctors and pharmacists. Potential harm from errors was assessed by expert judgement. Results: The 256 residents recruited in 55 homes were taking a mean of 8.0 medicines. One hundred and seventy-eight (69.5%) of residents had one or more errors. The mean number per resident was 1.9 errors. The mean potential harm from prescribing, monitoring, administration and dispensing errors was 2.6, 3.7, 2.1 and 2.0 (0 = no harm, 10 = death), respectively. Contributing factors from the 89 interviews included doctors who were not accessible, did not know the residents and lacked information in homes when prescribing; home staff’s high workload, lack of medicines training and drug round interruptions; lack of team work among home, practice and pharmacy; inefficient ordering systems; inaccurate medicine records and prevalence of verbal communication; and difficult to fill (and check) medication administration systems. Conclusions: That two thirds of residents were exposed to one or more medication errors is of concern. The will to improve exists, but there is a lack of overall responsibility. Action is required from all concerned.


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Earlier research shows that breast augmentation is positively correlated with positive psychological states. The aim of this study was to explore the shared values, feelings, and thoughts within the culture of breast enlargement among women visiting Internet-based forums when considering and/or undergoing esthetic plastic surgery. The study used a netnographic method for gathering and analyzing data. The findings show that the women used the Internet forum to provide emotional support to other women. Through electronic postings, they cared for and nursed each others’ anxiety and feelings throughout the whole process. Apart from the process, another central issue was that the women's relationships were frequently discussed; specifically their relationship to themselves, their environment, and with the surgeons. The findings suggest that Internet forums represent a channel through which posters can share values, feelings, and thoughts from the position of an agent of action as well as from a position as the object of action. These dual positions and the medium endow the women with a virtual nursing competence that would otherwise be unavailable. By introducing the concept of torrenting as a means of sharing important self-care information, the authors provide a concept that can be further explored in relation to post modern self-care strategies within contemporary nursing theories and practice.


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Objective: It has been shown that specific competence is necessary for preventing and managing conflicts in healthcare settings. The aim of this descriptive and correlation study was to investigate and compare the self-reported conflict management competence (CMC) of nursing students who were on the point of graduating (NSPGs), and the CMC of registered nurses (RNs) with professional experience. Methods: The data collection, which consisted of soliciting answers to items measuring CMC in the Nurse Professional Competence (NPC) Scale, was performed as a purposive selection of 11 higher education institutions (HEIs) in Sweden. Three CMC items from the NPC Scale were answered by a total of 569 nursing students who were on the point of graduating and 227 RN registered nurses with professional experience. Results: No significant differences between NSPGs and RNs were found, and both groups showed a similar score pattern, with the lowest score for the item: “How do you perceive your ability to develop the group and strengthen competence in conflict management and problem-solving, based on knowledge of group dynamics?”. RNs with long professional experience (>24 months) rated their overall CMC as significantly better than RNs with short (<24 months) professional experience did (p = .05). NSPGs who had experience of international studies during their nursing education reported higher CMC, compared with those who did not have this experience (p = .03). RNs who reported a high degree of utilisation of CMC during the previous month scored higher regarding self-reported overall CMC (p < .0001). Conclusions: Experience of international studies during nursing education, or long professional experience, resulted in higher self-reported CMC. Hence, the CMC items in the NPC Scale can be suitable for identifying self-reported conflict management competence among NSPGs and RNs


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This article explores recent shifts in health-care policy and the implications for rural nursing in Australia. Health-care reforms have resulted in the implementation of a 'market forces' ideology, creating tensions between economic imperatives and the need for equity and greater access in rural service delivery. New models of health-service delivery have been developed that have significant implications for the way rural health care is defined, practised and received. The issues surrounding the context of rural nursing practice and service delivery are discussed.


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Patients who suffer an adverse event (AE) are more likely to die or suffer permanent disability. Many AEs are preventable. Nurses have long played a pivotal role in the prevention of AEs. Much of the literature to date pertains to the role of nurses in the prevention of AEs such as falls, pressure areas and deep vein thrombosis. Prominent risk factors for AEs are the presence of physiological abnormality, failure to recognize or correct physiological abnormality, advanced patient age and location of patient room. Ongoing physiological assessment of patients is a nursing responsibility and the assessment findings of nurses underpin many patient care decisions. The early recognition and correction of physiological abnormality can improve patient outcomes by reducing the incidence of AEs, making nurses' ability to identify, interpret and act on physiological abnormality a fundamental factor in AE prediction and prevention. This paper will examine the role of nurses in AE prevention, using cardiac arrest as an example, from the perspective of physiological safety; that is, accurate physiological assessment and the early correction of physiological abnormality.


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Aim: The aim of this study was to review the team-nursing approach to care adopted by two general medical wards in a large private hospital. The delivery model of care was reviewed to determine the factors that enhance and/or hinder the timely delivery, continuity and communication of care.
Method: All nursing and ancillary staff who worked on two medical wards at a private teaching hospital were invited to participate in the study. Thirty eight participants from the two wards took part in focus group discussions, individual interviews and completed the Staff Continuity of Care Questionnaire. Findings: Findings indicated that achieving functionally sound teamwork is a complex task that is affected by the interplay of a number of organisational, patient and staff factors. Its smooth application is further affected by the uncertain and changing conditions on the wards, which are difficult to control and impact on the smooth delivery of patient care. The findings revealed strengths and weaknesses in teamwork, communication of care, documentation and discharge planning. The results also highlighted factors that enhance and hinder the smooth delivery of care. This paper details the factors that influence the delivery of care from the perspectives of nursing staff and makes recommendations to enhance the delivery of patient care using a team-nursing approach.