901 resultados para Nineteenth-century
El artículo explora el surgimiento de la figura del extranjero indeseable en las legislaciones nacionales latinoamericanas, desde la Independencia hasta finales de la década de 1930, aproximadamente, de forma paralela a la política de inmigración en los Estados Unidos. Las restricciones sobre la entrada libre de extranjeros que establecieron las repúblicas, durante las primeras décadas de la Independencia, estaban relacionadas con el modelo del ciudadano idealizado. El análisis de los impedimentos para la entrada de extranjeros muestra cómo, durante el siglo XIX, el extranjero “deseado” fue definido cada vez más en contraste con los rasgos negativos de los “indeseables”, bajo el supuesto objetivo de “defender la nación”.
Este artículo muestra los orígenes del variado constitucionalismo creado durante la revolución de la Nueva Granada en la década de 1810. Contrasta la noción revolucionaria de “constitución” con aquella propia de la sociedad monárquica y muestra sus rasgos distintivos, así como los mecanismos mediante los cuales fue elaborada y puesta en vigor. Subraya cómo ese concepto entrañaba un horizonte de profunda ruptura con la sociedad en la cual nacía. En este sentido, el artículo interroga los aportes historiográficos que señalan los orígenes de la historia constitucional colombiana en 1821, remontándose a las experiencias político revolucionarias de la primera década del siglo XIX, por medio de una reevaluación del aporte constitucional neogranadino frente al gaditano.
Uno de los libros más leídos por los hispanoamericanos desde mediados del siglo XIX, es el Manuel de urbanidad, de Manuel Antonio Carreño. Hasta hace pocas décadas, fue texto de lectura obligatoria en la mayoría de las escuelas hispanohablantes de Latinoamérica. La familiaridad con el libro y con su autor, alimentó la creencia de que Carreño era nativo de la patria de origen de cada uno de esos receptores. El impacto que produjeron los consejos para orientar el desempeño de sus receptores en el espacio público, marcó la oferta de este letrado decimonónico desde el instante que apareció la obra. Sin lugar a dudas, el manual está señalado como un fenómeno editorial del continente, imposible de ignorar en nuestros días.
Escritas durante la primera mitad del siglo XX, Canaima, La vorágine, y Sangama son tres novelas de la selva en las cuales aparece una representación del mundo indígena del Amazonas o del Orinoco. Se ha repetido que se trataba de novelas progresistas, que encerraban una crítica del sistema social de la época, y más particularmente del genocidio acarreado por la explotación del caucho durante el “ciclo da borracha”. Sin embargo estas ficciones nos proporcionan un enfoque ambiguo de la realidad indígena. Una visión impregnada por las mismas concepciones del siglo XIX que favorecieron los excesos, maltratos y masacres que dichas novelas pretenden denunciar. Este ensayo se propone analizar la matriz científica de estas representaciones, insistiendo en el paradigma racialista decimónico, derivado de la teoría evolucionista y de la ideología del progreso. Los indios de las ficciones se desplazan como fantasmas en un universo mágico, embrujado, o infernal que carece de realidad. Este “flor” romántico es la proyección literaria de una estrategia biopolítica que se da en las sociedades de la época: la cuestión gira en torno a la construcción del pueblo nacional. Los “aparecidos” del espacio novelesco son un momento de unas estrategias discursivas más globales: se trata de construir una homegeneidad nacional a partir de una etnicidad ficticia que requiere el rechazo del “otro atrasado”. El espectro es la huella o el testigo de esta violencia fundadora.
Presenta las reseñas de los libros: Aymer Granados, coordinador. Las revistas en la historia intelectual de América Latina: redes, política, sociedad y cultura. México: Juan Pablos Editor / Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana- Cuajimalpapa, 2012, 328 pp. -- Manuel Llorca-Jaña. The British Textile Trade in South America in The Nineteenth Century. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012, 380 pp . -- Adriana Puiggrós. De Simón Rodríguez a Paulo Freire. Educación para la integración iberoamericana. Bogotá: Convenio Andrés Bello, 2005, 131 pp. Lola Vásquez y otros, coordinadores, La presencia salesiana en Ecuador. Perspectivas históricas y sociales. Quito: Abya-Yala / Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, 2012, 765 pp.
Around 1930, Argentina was one of the richest, most dynamic and modern countries in Latin America and, at the same time, the only one on the continent that had not separated Church from State. This observation can be summed up and singled out among the many hypotheses during the last decades that have permitted the questioning of the most schematic, linear and teleological reports concerning the secularization process. This article puts forward a report concerning the double process of state and ecclesiastical construction in Argentina in the Nineteenth Century. Its purpose is to suggest keys for understanding said report that permit the comprehension of special features concerning the type of laicism that Argentina adopted at the beginning of the Twentieth Century.
Resistivity imaging was carried out on four large Roman barrows at Bartlow in Cambridgeshire. The geophysical survey formed part of a wider research project designed to record and assess the landscape context of the largest surviving Roman burial mounds in Britain. The barrows today range in height from 6.6 m to 13.2 m and their steep profile loosed particular practical and modelling challenges. Data were obtained using a Campus Geopulse resistance meter with up to 50 electrodes spaced at 1 m intervals and lines up to 76 m long. A total of 24 lines was obtained. Topographic corrections were applied to the pseudosections, whichwere inverted using Res 2 Dinv and Res3 Dinv. Resistivity imaging was particularly successful in identifying evidence for the antiquarian explorations of the site. Central collapse features or in-filled tunnels image as high resistance features in all barrows and in one (Barrow IV) there is also a low resistance feature in the approximate position of a known antiquarian tunnel. Barrow VI had a thick covering of high-resistivity that may relate to nineteenth century landscaping and reconstruction of this monument. Resistivity imaging also revealed possible evidence for ancient revetments in all four large barrows. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Although ways of thinking about the past have changed, in Britain the reporting of excavations has followed a series of shared conventions for nearly 100 years. This article considers two of them. It investigates the relationship between accounts of stratigraphic evidence and the publication of the associated artefacts and ecofacts and suggests that it results from the combination of two separate intellectual traditions in the late nineteenth century. It also identifies certain widely shared proportions between the separate components of excavation monographs published over a long period of time. Their existence has never been acknowledged. The excavation report has become a well-established literary genre and authors who are familiar with such texts unconsciously reproduce the same structures in their writing.
This article is about the politics of landscape ideas, and the relationship between landscape, identity and memory. It explores these themes through the history of the Victoria Falls, and the tourist resort that developed around the waterfall after 1900. Drawing on oral and archival sources, including popular natural history writing and tourist guides, it investigates African and European ideas about the waterfall, and the ways that these interacted and changed in the course of colonial appropriations of the Falls area. The tourist experience of the resort and the landscape ideas promoted through it were linked to Edwardian notions of Britishness and empire, ideas of whiteness and settler identities that transcended new colonial borders, and to the subject identities accommodated or excluded. Cultures of colonial authority did not develop by simply overriding local ideas, they involved fusions, exchanges and selective appropriations of them. The two main African groups I am concerned with here are the Leya, who lived in small groups around the Falls under a number of separate chiefs, and the powerful Lozi rulers, to whom they paid tribute in the nineteenth century. The article highlights colonial authorities' celebration of aspects of the Lozi aristocracy's relationship with the river, and their exclusion of the Leya people who had a longer and closer relationship with the waterfall. It also touches on the politics of recent attempts to reverse this exclusion, and the controversial rewriting of history this has involved.
Simulations of the last 500 yr carried out using the Third Hadley Centre Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere GCM (HadCM3) with anthropogenic and natural (solar and volcanic) forcings have been analyzed. Global-mean surface temperature change during the twentieth century is well reproduced. Simulated contributions to global-mean sea level rise during recent decades due to thermal expansion (the largest term) and to mass loss from glaciers and ice caps agree within uncertainties with observational estimates of these terms, but their sum falls short of the observed rate of sea level rise. This discrepancy has been discussed by previous authors; a completely satisfactory explanation of twentieth-century sea level rise is lacking. The model suggests that the apparent onset of sea level rise and glacier retreat during the first part of the nineteenth century was due to natural forcing. The rate of sea level rise was larger during the twentieth century than during the previous centuries because of anthropogenic forcing, but decreasing natural forcing during the second half of the twentieth century tended to offset the anthropogenic acceleration in the rate. Volcanic eruptions cause rapid falls in sea level, followed by recovery over several decades. The model shows substantially less decadal variability in sea level and its thermal expansion component than twentieth-century observations indicate, either because it does not generate sufficient ocean internal variability, or because the observational analyses overestimate the variability.
Historical smoke concentrations at monthly resolution for the early twentieth century are found for Kew Observatory, London, using the atmospheric electricity proxy technique. Smoke particles modify the electrical properties of urban air: an increase in smoke concentration reduces air's electrical conductivity and increases the Potential Gradient (PG). Calibrated PG data are available from Kew since 1898, and air conductivity was measured routinely between 1909 and 1979 using the technique developed by C.T.R. Wilson. Automated smoke observations at the same site overlap with the atmospheric electrical measurements from 1921, providing an absolute calibration to smoke concentration. This shows that the late nineteenth century winter smoke concentrations at Kew were approximately 100 times greater than contemporary winter smoke concentrations. Following smoke emission regulations reducing the smoke concentration, the electrical parameters of the urban air did not change dramatically. This is suggested to be due to a composition change, with an increase in the abundance of small aerosol compensating for the decrease in smoke. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The concept of “working” memory is traceable back to nineteenth century theorists (Baldwin, 1894; James 1890) but the term itself was not used until the mid-twentieth century (Miller, Galanter & Pribram, 1960). A variety of different explanatory constructs have since evolved which all make use of the working memory label (Miyake & Shah, 1999). This history is briefly reviewed and alternative formulations of working memory (as language-processor, executive attention, and global workspace) are considered as potential mechanisms for cognitive change within and between individuals and between species. A means, derived from the literature on human problem-solving (Newell & Simon, 1972), of tracing memory and computational demands across a single task is described and applied to two specific examples of tool-use by chimpanzees and early hominids. The examples show how specific proposals for necessary and/or sufficient computational and memory requirements can be more rigorously assessed on a task by task basis. General difficulties in connecting cognitive theories (arising from the observed capabilities of individuals deprived of material support) with archaeological data (primarily remnants of material culture) are discussed.
The immediate impetus for the colony at Lingfield in Surrey was the desire by the Women's Farm and Garden Association to enable women who had worked on the land during the First World War to be able to farm on their own account. However the motivation for the colony can also be traced back to late nineteenth-century ideals. The colony soon ran into problems which were exacerbated by the adverse agricultural conditions of the early 1920s. The association responded constructively but the colony was wound down from 1929. At one level the colony could be seen as a failure, yet this article argues that the 19 colony provided a rural community where single women lived in a mutually supportive environment.
The author starts from a historical viewpoint to suggest that, at primary level, we have tended to perpetuate a nineteenth-century notion of music education. This is evident in the selection and organisation of musical content in curriculum documents, the scope of the teacher-pupil transaction implicit in these and the assumptions about music education which underpin research on practice conducted at official policy level. In light of the introduction of the 1999 Revised Primary School Curriculum, with its change in emphasis, she notes that it is timely to reconsider the situation. Central to this is the need to challenge the notion of music as a set of delineated skills, to explore the relationship between the primary teacher and music, and to move towards a notion of research which acknowledges the richness of multiple interpretations teachers bring to the curriculum.