956 resultados para News radio stations
Proclamation of a Great Galapagos Marine Reserve. Recovery of the Marine Iguana Population After the El Niño Catastrophe. The Española Tortoises - a Very Special Case. A Botanical Workshop at the Darwin Station. The Campaign to Save the Hawaiian Petrel. Visitors to the Galapagos National Park. Re-opening of the Cristobal Bonifaz Building. Joint Operational Planning. Meeting of the Permanent Commission for the South Pacific. Galapagos Conservationists Receive WWF Award.
Donacion Japonesa. Japanese Donation. Nuevo Gerente en la ECCD. New Manager for the CDRS. Un "Rose-breasted Grosbeak" en Galapagos. A Rose-breasted Grosbeak in Galapagos.
Donation Made in Memory of Last Grandchild of Ecuador's First President. Deaths of CDF Board Members. Major Gift by Mrs. Louise Van Straelen-Poirier. Itasca to Galápagos. Station Research Vessel.
Change in Directorship at the Charles Darwin Research Station. H.R.H. Prince Henri of Luxembourg Visits Galápagos. 25 More Years : Agreement Renewed Between the Ecuadorian Government and the Charles Darwin Foundation to Operate the Charles Darwin Research Station. A Dawn of Despair : Journey to Alcedo.
Ecología de los Chivos Ferales (Capra hircus) en el Volcán Alcedo. Ecology of Feral Goats (Capra hircus) on Alcedo Volcano. Pepino War, 1992.
One Hundred and Fifty Years Ago. The Great Fire on Isabela. Campaign for a CDF Endowment Fund. The Extraordinary Consequences of the Extraordinary El Niño. Eternal Vigilance.
President Febres Cordero visits the Galapagos. Ordeal by fire and water. Unusual reports on the Galapagos albatross. Protecting the Hawaiian Petrel. Sealion gives birth to twins. CDF officers decorated by the Government of Ecuador. Staff changes. The question of re-introducing Galapagos hawks to certain islands - a clarification. Visits and events at the Charles Darwin Research Station.
The 25th anniversary of the Galapagos National Park. Fire at the Darwin Research Station. The control of introduced mammals. Good news about the Hood tortoises. The endangered land iguanas. Penguins, cormorants and flamingos in 1984. A workshop on national parks. International conservation award to Secretary Ripley. Visits and events at the Charles Darwin Research Station.
Plant nursery at CDRS. Tortoises from Cerro Paloma, Isabela Threatened. Goats damage Volcán Alcedo, Isabela. Collections at the CDRS Museum. Goats on Pinta again? Is there a Guadalupe River in Galápagos? Eastern kingbird sighting. Words out of the past.
It is Scalesia atractyloides! The Marine Biology Laboratory Renaissance. The CDRS Research Vessel Beagle. Alcedo Update. Benefit Art Show Held on Santa Cruz. New Construction. Geological Activity? High Technology Science. More Pinta News. First Record of the Green Heron (Butorides viriscens) in the Galápagos Islands. Galápagos Explorer Goes Aground. A Flight Over Isabela's Northern Volcanoes.
Esta dissertação apresenta um conjunto de reflexões sobre produção de subjetividades em experiências de produção audiovisual no espaço educativo formal e teve como base uma pesquisa-intervenção com um grupo adolescentes prosumidores em uma escola pública de ensino fundamental na periferia metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, no município de Duque de Caxias. O referencial teórico de Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze e Felix Guatarri orientam estas reflexões e a experiência de campo, que utilizou o método cartográfico como estratégia investigativa e que foi constituída do acompanhamento de uma oficina de vídeo produção, um dispositivo que provocou processos de subjetivação em seus participantes. A pesquisa também conta com a análise de contextos mais abrangentes que interferem diretamente nos processos de subjetivação observados como os contextos sócio-espacial e cultural que se insere o público pesquisado, a influência dos meios de comunicação, mais especificamente da TV e o universo de utilização das tecnologias da informação e da comunicação no contexto educacional com ênfase na produção audiovisual realizada por crianças e adolescentes no Brasil e em outros países.
Sea Cucumber Fishing Boat Captured. Park Warden Wounded by Bullet in Confrontation Between Illegal Sea Cucumber Fishermen and Patrol Personnel of the Galápagos National Park. Peaceful Demonstration to Reject Violence in Galápagos. Conflict in the Galápagos Biological Reserve for Marine Resources, a Statement by the President of the Charles Darwin Foundation. Rediscovery of an "Extinct" Endemic Plant, the Floreana Flax Linum cratericola. The Arrival of Marek's Disease to Galápagos. Mortality of Giant Tortoises at El Chato, Isla Santa Cruz. The Darwin Station Begins a Monthly Program on Local Television. Account of a Historical Crossing of Isthmus Perry.
In many micro- and nano-scale technological applications high sensitivity displacement sensors are needed, especially in ultraprecision metrology and manufacturing. In this work a new way of sensing displacement based on radio frequency resonant cavities is presented and experimentally demonstrated using a first laboratory prototype. The principle of operation of the new transducer is summarized and tested. Furthermore, an electronic interface that can be used together with the displacement transducer is designed and proved. It has been experimentally demonstrated that very high and linear sensitivity characteristic curves, in the range of some kHz/nm; are easily obtainable using this kind of transducer when it is combined with a laboratory network analyzer. In order to replace a network analyzer and provide a more affordable, self-contained, compact solution, an electronic interface has been designed, preserving as much as possible the excellent performance of the transducer, and turning it into a true standalone positioning sensor. The results obtained using the transducer together with a first prototype of the electronic interface built with cheap discrete elements show that positioning accuracies in the micrometer range are obtainable using this cost-effective solution. Better accuracies would also be attainable but using more involved and costly electronics interfaces.
Beach surface temperature is recorded every morning between 7h30 and 8h00 at each coastal station. On figure 2, 3, 4 and 5 it has been plotted daily variation and mean variation computed on 7, 15 and 30 days basis of sea surface temperature. However it seems that variations of dynamic height anomaly are reflecting more accurately the stages of the coastal upwelling than the sea surface temperature.