933 resultados para Newborn-infants
Els infants adoptats presenten algunes especificitats que poden afectar la seva integració i evolució escolar (Palacios, 2007b; Dalen, 2007). Aquest ha estat el motiu de la present recerca que té tres finalitats: obtenir una descripció de les característiques dels infants adoptats en les etapes d’Educació Infantil i de Primària, mitjançant l’observació externa realitzada pels seus tutors d’aula; analitzar les necessitats dels mestres per atendre convenientment els nens procedents de l’adopció; posar els fonaments d’un programa escola-família per millorar l’adaptació escolar del nen i de la nena adoptats. En l’estudi van participar-hi 42 professors de 18 escoles de Catalunya. Les variables escollides per a analitzar els resultats del qüestionari, dissenyat per a la recerca, van ser les següents: etapa d’escolarització dels infants adoptats, sexe, anys d’escolarització dels menors, país d’origen dels nens, temps que fa que van ser adoptats i anys d’experiència del mestre. Atenent a aquestes variables, es va realitzar una anàlisi quantitativa i una anàlisi qualitativa. La quantitativa va consistir en un estudi descriptiu i un inferencial sobre la visió dels mestres dels infants adoptats i la relació amb la família adoptiva i la qualitativa en la categorització de les respostes dels mestres arran de les seves necessitats de formació per a atendre els menors procedents de l’adopció i del tractament a l’aula del fet adoptiu.
Pallister-Killian syndrome (PKS) is a potentially lethal disorder with facial dysmorphism, pigmentary skin anomalies, developmental delay and major visceral anomalies, such as diaphragmatic hernia, anorectal malformation, and congenital heart disease. PKS is causally associated with mosaic tetrasomy of chromosome 12p. A routine chromosome analysis in peripheral lymphocytes usually fails to detect the mosaic state. A prompt diagnosis rests on clinical awareness and a subsequent chromosome or molecular analysis in fibroblasts, buccal mucosal cells, or bone marrow cells. We report here on three infants with PKS. One infant had aortic dilatation, a previously unreported association in PKS. More importantly, all infants showed a recognizable, though mild, pattern of skeletal changes mainly affecting axial bones, including delayed ossification of the vertebral bodies and pubic bones, flared anterior ribs, and broad metaphyses of the long bones, particularly of the femora. These skeletal changes should be considered as a useful diagnostic sign in PKS. Awareness of the axial skeletal alterations can be helpful in prompting clinicians to search for mosaic tetrasomy 12p and perform chromosomal analysis in appropriate tissue types.
BACKGROUND: While survival rates of extremely preterm infants have improved over the last decades, the incidence of neurodevelopmental disability (ND) in survivors remains high. Representative current data on the severity of disability and of risk factors associated with poor outcome in this growing population are necessary for clinical guidance and parent counselling. METHODS: Prospective longitudinal multicentre cohort study of preterm infants born in Switzerland between 24(0/7) and 27(6/7) weeks gestational age during 2000-2008. Mortality, adverse outcome (death or severe ND) at two years, and predictors for poor outcome were analysed using multilevel multivariate logistic regression. Neurodevelopment was assessed using Bayley Scales of Infant Development II. Cerebral palsy was graded after the Gross Motor Function Classification System. RESULTS: Of 1266 live born infants, 422 (33%) died. Follow-up information was available for 684 (81%) survivors: 440 (64%) showed favourable outcome, 166 (24%) moderate ND, and 78 (11%) severe ND. At birth, lower gestational age, intrauterine growth restriction and absence of antenatal corticosteroids were associated with mortality and adverse outcome (p < 0.001). At 36(0/7) weeks postmenstrual age, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, major brain injury and retinopathy of prematurity were the main predictors for adverse outcome (p < 0.05). Survival without moderate or severe ND increased from 27% to 39% during the observation period (p = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: In this recent Swiss national cohort study of extremely preterm infants, neonatal mortality was determined by gestational age, birth weight, and antenatal corticosteroids while neurodevelopmental outcome was determined by the major neonatal morbidities. We observed an increase of survival without moderate or severe disability.
BACKGROUND: The use of valproic acid in the first trimester of pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of spina bifida, but data on the risks of other congenital malformations are limited. METHODS: We first combined data from eight published cohort studies (1565 pregnancies in which the women were exposed to valproic acid, among which 118 major malformations were observed) and identified 14 malformations that were significantly more common among the offspring of women who had received valproic acid during the first trimester. We then assessed the associations between use of valproic acid during the first trimester and these 14 malformations by performing a case-control study with the use of the European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies (EUROCAT) antiepileptic-study database, which is derived from population-based congenital-anomaly registries. Registrations (i.e., pregnancy outcomes with malformations included in EUROCAT) with any of these 14 malformations were compared with two control groups, one consisting of infants with malformations not previously linked to valproic acid use (control group 1), and one consisting of infants with chromosomal abnormalities (control group 2). The data set included 98,075 live births, stillbirths, or terminations with malformations among 3.8 million births in 14 European countries from 1995 through 2005. RESULTS: Exposure to valproic acid monotherapy was recorded for a total of 180 registrations, with 122 registrations in the case group, 45 in control group 1, and 13 in control group 2. As compared with no use of an antiepileptic drug during the first trimester (control group 1), use of valproic acid monotherapy was associated with significantly increased risks for 6 of the 14 malformations under consideration; the adjusted odds ratios were as follows: spina bifida, 12.7 (95% confidence interval [CI], 7.7 to 20.7); atrial septal defect, 2.5 (95% CI, 1.4 to 4.4); cleft palate, 5.2 (95% CI, 2.8 to 9.9); hypospadias, 4.8 (95% CI, 2.9 to 8.1); polydactyly, 2.2 (95% CI, 1.0 to 4.5); and craniosynostosis, 6.8 (95% CI, 1.8 to 18.8). Results for exposure to valproic acid were similar to results for exposure to other antiepileptic drugs. CONCLUSIONS: The use of valproic acid monotherapy in the first trimester was associated with significantly increased risks of several congenital malformations, as compared with no use of antiepileptic drugs or with use of other antiepileptic drugs.
Purpose: To analyze if the use of Phenobarbital compared with Levetiracetam, it’s associated with more neurodevelopmental problems in newborns treated for neonatal seizures. As a secondary objective identify which are the most affected areas of the neurodevelopment: cognition, socio-‐emotional, motor or language skills.Design: A 5 years long clinical trial administering, with double-‐blind and a randomized distribution of the sample, Phenobarbital or Levetiracetam for the management of neonatal seizures
Darrerament hem investigat l’emergència del metallenguatge en els infants en contextos d’interaccions comunicatives naturals (Ivern, 2006) i hem establert un sistema de categories metalingüístiques per tal d’identifi car i conceptualitzar aquells comportaments relacionats amb la refl exió sobre el llenguatge, tot emmarcat en una perspectiva evolutiva. Els participants han estat 32 infants, 16 nens i 16 nenes, d’edats compreses entre els 2 anys i 8 mesos i els 8 anys, tots ells de parla castellana. Entre altres aspectes hem analitzat les funcions que compleix, atenent especialment a la relació tripartida entre metallenguatge, metacognició i recursivitat. En darrer terme, ens ha semblat interessant analitzar la relació del metallenguatge amb la teoria de la ment i el sentit de l’humor. La naturalesa metalingüística de l’humor ha estat estudiada des de principis dels anys setanta (Shultz, 1974 i Cazden, 1976) fi ns l’actualitat (Puche, 2001; Puche i Lozano, 2002). Bona part de l’nterès que ha desvetllat és per la seva importància com a indicador de l’activitat cognitiva. A continuació exposem una refl exió breu sobre el paper que juga el sentit de l’humor en els infants des de la perspectiva de la psicologia cognitiva.
Aims: To assess the relationship between maternal clinical chorioamnionitis and neonatal outcome in preterm very-low birthweight (VLBW) infants. Methods: An observational case-control study was conducted in the Neonatology Services of 12 acute-care teaching hospitals in Spain. Between January 2004 and December 2006, all consecutive VLBW (F1500 g) infants born to a mother with clinical chorioamnionitis were enrolled. Controls were infants without chorioamnionitis matched by gestational age who were born immediately after each index case. Results: There were 165 cases and 163 controls. A significantly higher percentage of cases than controls required intubation (53% vs. 35.8%), had normal intrauterine growth (98.1% vs. 84.7%), were born in a tertiary center (inborn) (95.1% vs. 89.1%), from single gestations (76.4% vs. 65.6%) and vaginal delivery (47.3% vs. 33.3%), showed a lowerApgar score at 5 min, and presented a higher rate of earlyonset sepsis (10.4% vs. 1.2%). Older maternal age (32.5 vs. 30.8 years), premature labor (67.3% vs. 25.8%), premature rupture of membranes (61.3% vs. 25.8%), and antibiotic treatment (88.5% vs. 52.3%) were significantly more frequent among cases than controls. Conclusions: After controlling by gestational age, maternal chorioamnionitis was associated with neonatal depression and early sepsis but not with other prematurity-related complications.
Aims: To assess the relationship between maternal clinical chorioamnionitis and neonatal outcome in preterm very-low birthweight (VLBW) infants. Methods: An observational case-control study was conducted in the Neonatology Services of 12 acute-care teaching hospitals in Spain. Between January 2004 and December 2006, all consecutive VLBW (F1500 g) infants born to a mother with clinical chorioamnionitis were enrolled. Controls were infants without chorioamnionitis matched by gestational age who were born immediately after each index case. Results: There were 165 cases and 163 controls. A significantly higher percentage of cases than controls required intubation (53% vs. 35.8%), had normal intrauterine growth (98.1% vs. 84.7%), were born in a tertiary center (inborn) (95.1% vs. 89.1%), from single gestations (76.4% vs. 65.6%) and vaginal delivery (47.3% vs. 33.3%), showed a lowerApgar score at 5 min, and presented a higher rate of earlyonset sepsis (10.4% vs. 1.2%). Older maternal age (32.5 vs. 30.8 years), premature labor (67.3% vs. 25.8%), premature rupture of membranes (61.3% vs. 25.8%), and antibiotic treatment (88.5% vs. 52.3%) were significantly more frequent among cases than controls. Conclusions: After controlling by gestational age, maternal chorioamnionitis was associated with neonatal depression and early sepsis but not with other prematurity-related complications.
OBJECTIVE: Previous studies have shown that premature birth and the immaturity of the child can affect the quality of the parent-child relationship. The present study examines the relationship between maternal and infant interactional behavior over time and infant perinatal risk factors as well as maternal perinatal recollected traumatic experience. Few studies have explored the relationship between maternal stress and the quality of parent-infant interaction. DESIGN: Mother-child interaction was recorded at 6 and 18 months of infant's age, in a population of 47 preterm infants (GA<34 weeks) and 25 full-term infants, born in 1998, during a play interaction. According to the Care Index, sensitivity, control and unresponsiveness have been used to code maternal interactional characteristics, and cooperation, compliance-compulsiveness, difficulty and passivity have been used to code the infant's interactional characteristics. The level of maternal stress was evaluated with the Perinatal Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Questionnaire (PPQ), and the infant's perinatal risk factors were assessed with the Perinatal Risk Inventory (PERI). RESULTS: Mothers of high-risk infants, as well as mothers that had experienced traumatic stress in the perinatal period, were less sensitive and more controlling at 6 months. The interactional behavior of the preterm infant was different from that of the full-term infant at 18 months of age, and was correlated with maternal traumatic stress but not with perinatal risk factors. CONCLUSION: These results underline the importance of maternal traumatic experience related to premature birth and its potential long lasting influence on mother-child interactional behavior.
The GABAergic system modulates respiratory activity and undergoes substantial changes during early life. Because this maturation process is sensitive to stress, we tested the hypothesis that gestational stress (GS) alters development of GABAergic modulation of respiratory control in rat pups. The respiratory responses to the selective GABAA receptor agonist muscimol were compared between pups born to dams subjected to GS (bright light and predator odor; 20 min/day from G9 to G19) or maintained under standard (control) conditions. Respiratory activity was measured on 1 and 4 days old pups of both sexes using in vivo (whole body plethysmography) and in vitro (isolated brainstem-spinal cord preparation) approaches. In intact pups, muscimol injection (0.75 mg/kg; i.p.) depressed minute ventilation; this response was less in GS pups, and at P4, muscimol augmented minute ventilation in GS females. Bath application of muscimol (0.01-0.5 μM) onto brainstem preparations decreased inspiratory (C4) burst frequency and amplitude in a dose-dependent manner; the responsiveness decreased with age. However, GS had limited effects on these results. We conclude that the results obtained in vivo are consistent with our hypothesis and show that GS delays maturation of GABAergic modulation of respiratory activity. The differences in the results observed between experimental approaches (in vivo versus in vitro) indicate that the effect of prenatal stress on maturation of GABAergic modulation of respiratory control mainly affects the peripheral/metabolic components of the respiratory control system.
The low GFR of newborns is maintained by various factors including the renin-angiotensin system. We previously established the importance of angiotensin II in the newborn kidney, using the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor perindoprilat. The present study was designed to complement these observations by evaluating the role of angiotensin-type 1 (AT(1)) receptors, using losartan, a specific AT(1)-receptor blocker. Increasing doses of losartan were infused into anesthetized, ventilated, newborn rabbits. Renal function and hemodynamic variables were assessed using inulin and para-aminohippuric acid clearances as markers of GFR and renal plasma flow, respectively. Losartan 0.1 mg/kg slightly decreased mean blood pressure (-11%) and increased diuresis (+22%). These changes can be explained by inhibition of the AT(1)-mediated vasoconstrictive and antidiuretic effects of angiotensin, and activation of vasodilating and diuretic AT(2) receptors widely expressed in the neonatal period. GFR and renal blood flow were not modified. Losartan 0.3 mg/kg decreased mean blood pressure significantly (-15%), probably by inhibiting systemic AT(1) receptors. GFR significantly decreased (-25%), whereas renal blood flow remained stable. The decrease in filtration fraction (-21%) indicates predominant efferent vasodilation. At 3 mg/kg, the systemic hypotensive effect of losartan was marked (mean blood pressure, -28%), with decreased GFR and renal blood flow (-57% and -51%, respectively), a stable filtration fraction, and an increase in renal vascular resistance by 124%. The renal response to this dose can be considered as reflex vasoconstriction of afferent and efferent arterioles, rather than specific receptor antagonism. We conclude that under physiologic conditions, the renin-angiotensin is critically involved in the maintenance of GFR in the immature kidney.
In 1992, the American academy of paediatrics has recommended that infants be placed on their backs to sleep, because prone sleeping has been correlated with sudden infant death syndrome. Following this article, medical paediatric community has documented an exponential increase in the diagnosis of posterior cranial deformities, which were considered as the consequence of unrelieved pressure onto the occiput during infant sleep. These last 15 years, management of posterior positional plagiocephaly has evolved but is still not standardized; it varies according to local specificities, and medical or parental preferences. Treatment of deformational plagiocephaly includes preventive counseling, repositioning adjustments and exercises, physiotherapy, osteopathy, treatment by dynamic cranial orthosis. On extremely rare occasions, corrective surgery is proposed. This article aims at reviewing the epidemiologic, diagnostic, and various therapeutic options of posterior positional plagiocephaly.