798 resultados para New technology informational
The successful restructuring of Chinese industries is of immense importance not only for the continued development of China but also to the stability of the world economy. The transformation of the Chinese wool textile industry illustrates well the many problems and pressures currently facing most Chinese industries. The Chinese wool textile industry has undergone major upheaval and restructuring in its drive to modernize and take advantage of developments in world textile markets. Macro level ownership and administrative reforms are well advanced as is the uptake of new technology and equipment. However, the changing market and institutional environment also demands an increasing level of sophistication in mill management decisions including product selection, input procurement, product pricing, investment appraisal, cost analysis and proactive identification of new market and growth opportunities. This paper outlines a series of analyses that have been integrated into a decision-making model designed to assist mill managers with these decisions. Features of the model include a whole-of-mill approach, a design based on existing mill structures and information systems, and the capacity for the model to be tailored to individual mills. All of these features facilitate the adoption of the model by time and resource constrained managers seeking to maintain the viability of their enterprises in the face of extremely dynamic market conditions.
No mundo contemporâneo as formas de atingir desempenho máximo são cruciais, resulta em altos investimentos em tecnologia com o intuito de melhorar, entre outros, o desempenho dos trabalhadores, por serem esses os responsáveis pela produção eficiente ou não de bens e serviços. A tecnologia tem sido essencial neste processo, tais recursos estão à disposição de toda e qualquer empresa. Resta então, otimizar o desempenho dos trabalhadores frente a tal cenário. Neste, a liderança que sempre foi marcante nos processos administrativos, precisa ser reavaliada com o objetivo de conhecer como ela se dá nas equipes virtuais. O trabalho em equipe num mesmo local ganhou força desde a última década e continua sendo propulsora de desempenho na década atual. Contudo, tais equipes ganharam novo papel: o de compartilhar o desenvolvimento de um bem ou serviço em locais distintos. Nasceram, então, as equipes virtuais. Este trabalho objetiva compreender como a liderança estimula a motivação dos integrantes de equipes virtuais. Com intuito de responder ao objetivo do trabalho foi realizado um estudo de caso exploratório em uma empresa multinacional francesa instalada na região metropolitana de São Paulo. O caso é composto por 10 sujeitos que cobrem todo território nacional, para a qual foi realizada entrevista pelos mesmos meios de comunicação utilizado pelos sujeitos. Como resultado obteve-se a idéia de que a liderança é de alta relevância para o caso estudado. Identificou-se que nas equipes virtuais há elementos facilitadores e dificultadores, de ordem pessoal, organizacional e de infra-estrutura.(AU)
O projeto de pesquisa Características comunicacionais do documentarismo na Internet: estudo de caso site Porta Curtas apresenta as características encontradas na exibição de documentários na Internet com as atuais tecnologias disponíveis. Tal gênero audiovisual migrou para a Internet junto a outros gêneros audiovisuais, como o telejornalismo, a telenovela e os filmes de ficção, todos com características específicas. Foi definido como corpus do trabalho o site Porta Curtas, especializado em produção audiovisual e que disponibiliza aos usuários da Internet diversas produções documentais e ficcionais gratuitamente. Espera-se, a partir deste trabalho, que adota a metodologia estudo de caso do site Porta Curtas, especializado em exibição de vídeos dos gêneros ficção e documentário, provocar novos estudos no sentido de possibilitar um maior desenvolvimento de estudos sobre a produção de documentários para as novas tecnologias que estão cada vez mais presentes no cotidiano dos processos comunicacionais, possibilitadas pelos efeitos da convergência tecnológica, assim como oferecer à comunidade científica detalhes analíticos sobre o objeto da pesquisa.(AU)
O trabalho trata da tecnologia de radiodifusão em processo de digitalização. Estabelece os elementos históricos fundamentais que contribuíram para a consolidação de uma indústria da comunicação, características demonstradas nos debates e argumentações em torno da digitalização do setor. Através da descrição das tecnologias digitais a serem empregadas na transição foi possível identificar os potenciais tecnológicos que são formatados socialmente nos atos pela padronização técnica, expondo as limitações e o teor conservador que uma nova tecnologia pode representar.(AU)
Implantada no Brasil na década de 50, a TV a mídia de maior abrangência e poder ideológico entre seus públicos encara sua segunda grande transformação: ela deixa de ser analógica e passa a ser digital. Com isso, traz à tona novas possibilidades de recepção e a possível convergência de meios. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o processo de instalação do Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão Digital Terrestre (SBTVD-t) a partir do clipping on-line do Fórum Nacional pela Democratização da Comunicação (FNDC). A análise desse material teve como foco averiguar se o FNDC foi tendencioso ou não na veiculação de matérias voltadas aos aspectos técnicos da nova tecnologia, em detrimento de seu potencial social. Para tanto, optou-se por uma pesquisa de base quantitativa em que as informações e os dados coletados levaram à constatação de que o FNDC se mostra pouco eficaz como aparato crítico-apreciativo da grande mídia, além de não cumprir alguns de seus objetivos ao reproduzir discursos e ideologias de outros veículos. Da mesma forma, verificou-se ainda que o Governo Federal também fugiu aos objetivos listados nos decretos presidenciais que instituem e dispõem sobre a implantação do SBTVD.(AU)
Essa pesquisa discorre sobre possibilidades e entraves na aplicação do Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão Digital Interativa Terrestre (SBTVDI-T) nos Sistemas de Ensino a Distância (EAD) de nível superior. Justifica-se a importância da pesquisa pelas especulações que o nascimento do SBTVDI gera quanto a suas contribuições tecnológicas, algumas delas voltadas especificamente para o sistema de ensino. Objetiva-se coletar e analisar as possibilidades e impasses da nova tecnologia em relação a EAD de nível superior, considerando a visão dos profissionais envolvidos na implantação da nova TV brasileira. A metodologia da dissertação está composta de pesquisas documentais e bibliográficas que fundamentam a televisão digital brasileira, interatividade e EAD relacionadas com entrevistas em profundidade com os desenvolvedores e pesquisadores da nova tecnologia, sistematizadas pelo método da análise interpretativa. Concluí-se que TV digital pode ser aliada à EAD, independente do grau de ensino, mas ainda é inconclusiva sua participação específica na convergência entre as tecnologias da informação e da comunicação (TIC) disponíveis.
Once again this publication is produced to celebrate and promote good teaching and learning support and to offer encouragement to those imaginative and innovative staff who continue to wish to challenge students to learn to maximum effect. It is hoped that others will pick up some good ideas from the articles contained in this volume. We had changed our editorial approach in drawing together the articles for this 2005/6 edition (our third) of the ABS Good Practice Guide. Firstly we have expanded our contributors beyond ABS academics. This year?s articles have also been written by staff from other areas of the University, a PhD student, a post-doctoral researcher and staff working in learning support. We see this as an acknowledgement that the learning environment involves a range of people in the process of student support. We have also expanded the maximum length of the articles from two to five pages, in order to allow greater reflection on the issues. The themes of the papers cluster around issues relating to diversity (widening participation and internationalisation of the student body), imaginative use of new technology (electronic reading on BlackboardTM ) and reflective practitioners, (reflection on rigour and relevance; on how best to train students in research ethics, relevance in the curriculum and the creativity of the teaching process) Discussion of efforts to train the HE teachers of the future looks forward to the next academic year when the Higher Education Academy?s professional standards will be introduced across the sector. In the last volume we mentioned the launch of the School?s Research Centre in Higher Education Learning and Management (HELM). Since then HELM has stimulated a lot of activity across the School (and University) particularly linking research and teaching. A list of the HELM seminars is listed as an appendix to this publication. Further details can be obtained from Catherine Foster (c.s.foster@aston.ac.uk) who coordinates the HELM seminars. HELM has also won its first independent grant from the EU Leonardo programme to look at the effect of business education on employment. In its annual report to the ABS Research Committee HELM listed for 2004 and 2005, 11 refereed journal articles, 4 book chapters, 3 published conference papers, 18 conference papers, one official reports and £72,500 of grant money produced in this research area across the School. I hope that this shows that reflection on learning is live and well in ABS. May I thank the contributors for taking time out of their busy schedules to write the articles and to Julie Green, the Quality Manager, for putting our diverse approaches into a coherent and publishable form.
This paper contrasts the effects of trade, inward FDI and technological development upon the demand for skilled and unskilled workers in the UK. By focussing on industry level data panel data on smaller firms, the paper also contrasts these effects with those generated by large scale domestic investment. The analysis is placed within the broader context of shifts in British industrial policy, which has seen significant shifts from sectoral to horizontal measures and towards stressing the importance of SMEs, clusters and new technology, all delivered at the regional scale. This, however, is contrasted with continued elements of British and EU regional policy which have emphasised the attraction of inward investment in order to alleviate regional unemployment. The results suggest that such policies are not naturally compatible; that while both trade and FDI benefit skilled workers, they have adverse effects on the demand for unskilled labour in the UK. At the very least this suggests the need for a range of policies to tackle various targets (including in this case unemployment and social inclusion) and the need to integrate these into a coherent industrial strategy at various levels of governance, whether regional and/or national. This has important implications for the form of any 'new' industrial policy.
The dramatic GDP and export growth of Ireland over the last decade forms a marked contrast with that of its nearest neighbour Northern Ireland. In Ireland, export volume growth averaged 15.5% p.a. from 1991 to 1999 compared with 6.3% from Northern Ireland. Using data on individual manufacturing plants this paper considers the determinants of export performance in the two areas. Larger, externally owned plants with higher skill levels are found to have the highest export propensities in both areas. Other influences (plant age, R&D, etc.) prove more strongly conditional on location, plant size, and ownership. Structural factors (e.g. ownership, industry) explain almost all of the difference in export propensity between larger plants in Northern Ireland and Ireland but only around one-third of that between smaller plants. Significant differences are also evident between plants in terms of their sources of new technology. For indigenously owned plants, inhouse R&D is important. For externally owned plants, R&D conducted elsewhere in the group - typically outside Ireland and Northern Ireland - proves more significant. This external dependency and lower than expected export propensity on the part of small plants in Northern Ireland represent significant policy challenges for the future.© 2006 Scottish Economic Society. Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
The European telecommunications sector is undergoing major structural change in the face of new technology, privatisation and European Commission directives requiring market liberalisation. This study considers the comparative performance of the major European telecommunications operators between 1978 and 1998. This period encompasses an era of state monopolies, market liberalisation initiatives and a number of privatisations. The objectives are to assess: the extent so far to which market liberalisation and privatisation have impacted on the efficiency with which telecommunications services are provided in Europe; and changes in the performance of the different telecommunications operators over time with a view to providing an insight into the comparative efficiency performance of the different telecommunications operators in Europe. Performance is measured in terms of profit margins and labour and total factor productivity.
The role of information in high-technology markets is critical (Dutta, Narasimhan and Rajiv 1999; Farrell and Saloner 1986; Weiss and Heide 1993). In these markets, the volatility and volume of information present managers and researchers with the considerable challenge of monitoring such information and examining how potential customers may respond to it. This article examines the effects of the type and volume of information on the market share of different technological standards in the Local Area Networks (LAN) industry. We identify three different types of information: technological, availability and adoption. Our empirical application suggests that all three types of information have significant effects on the market share of a technological standard, but their direction and magnitude differ. More specifically, technology-related information is negatively related to market share as it demonstrates that the underlying technology is immature and still evolving. Both availability and adoption-related information have a positive effect on market share, but the former is larger than the latter. We conclude that high-tech firms should emphasize the dissemination of information, especially availability-related, as part of their promotional strategy for a new technology. Otherwise, they may risk missing an opportunity to achieve a higher share and establish their market presence.
New technology means that self-measurement or testing of blood pressure (BP) is potentially available for many people but few data exist on how common it is. A community survey in Birmingham, UK in June 2005 (2931 responders; response rate 54%) of self-testing of BP showed that 9% of a randomly selected population sample had self-tested their own BP. Greater public awareness of BP through self-testing has the potential to improve the detection and treatment of BP but this will only be possible if professionals are aware of it.
Editorial: The contributions to this special issue of the International Journal of Technology Management are all based on selected papers presented at the European Conference on Management of Technology held at Aston University, Birmingham, UK in June 1995. This conference was held on behalf of the International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT) and was the first of the association’s major conferences to be held outside North America. The overall theme of the conference was ‘Technological Innovation and Global Challenges’. Altogether more than 130 papers were presented within four sub-themes and twenty seven topic sessions. This special issue draws on papers within five difference topic sessions: ‘Small firm linkages’; ‘The global company’; ‘New technology based firms’; ‘Financing innovation’; ‘Technology and development’. Together they cover a wide range of issues around the common question of accessing resources for innovation in small and medium sized enterprises. They present a global perspective on this important subject with authors from The Netherlands, Canada, USA, Ireland, France, Finland, Brazil and UK. A wide range of subjects are covered including the move away from public support for innovation, the role of alliances and networks, linkages to larger enterprises and the social implications associated with small enterprise innovation in developing countries.
This thesis examines the process of knowledge acquisition by Malaysian manufacturing firms through their involvement in international strategic alliances. The strategic alliances can be with or without equity involvement. Firms involved with a foreign partner with equity involvement are joint venture firms while non-equity involvement are firms that engaged in contractual agreements. Using empirical evidence from 65 international alliances gathered through a survey conducted in high-technology manufacturing sectors, several factors that influence the process of knowledge acquisition are examined. The factors are: learning capacity, experience, goals, active involvement and accessibility to the foreign knowledge. Censored regression analysis and ordered probit analysis are used to analyse the effects of these factors on knowledge acquisition and its determinant parts, and the effects of knowledge acquisition and its determinants on the performance of the alliances. A second questionnaire gathered evidence relating to the factors, which encouraged tacit knowledge transfer between the foreign and Malaysian partners in international alliances. The key findings of the study are: knowledge acquisition in international strategic alliances is influenced by five determining factors; learning capacity, experience, articulated goals, active involvement and accessibility; new technology knowledge, product development knowledge and manufacturing process knowledge are influenced differently by the determining factors; knowledge acquisition and its determinant factors have a significant impact on the firm’s performance; cultural differences tend to moderate the effect on the firm’s performance; acquiring tacit knowledge is not only influenced by the five determinant factors but also by other factors, such as dependency, accessibility, trust, manufacturing control, learning methods and organisational systems; Malaysian firms involved in joint ventures tend to acquire more knowledge than those involved in contractual agreements, but joint ventures also exhibit higher degrees of dependency than contractual agreements; and the presence of R&D activity in the Malaysian partner encourages knowledge acquisition, but the amount of R&D expenditure has no effect on knowledge acquisition.
This thesis examines the British Bus and Tram Industry from 1889 to 1988. The first determinant of the pattern of industrial relations is the development of the labour-process. The labour process changes with the introduction of new technology (electrified trams and mechanised buses), the concentration and centralisation of ownership, the decline of competition, changing market position, municipal and state regulation, ownership and control. The tram industry, as a consequence of electrification, is almost wholly municipally owned and the history of the labour process from horse-trams to the decline of the industry is examined. The bus industry has a less unified structure and is examined by sector; London, Municipal, and Territorial/Provincial. The small independent sector is largely ignored. The labour process is examined from the horse-bus to the present day. The development of resistance in the labour process is discussed both as a theoretical problematic (the `Braverman Debate') and through the process of unionisation, the centralisation and bureaucratisation of the unions, the development of national bargaining structures (National Joint Industrial Council and the National Council for the Omnibus Industry), and the development of resistance to those processes. This resistance takes either a syndicalist form, or under Communist Party leadership the form of rank and file movements, or simply unofficial organisations of branch officials. The process of centralisation of the unions, bureaucratisation and the institutionalisation of bargaining and the relationship between this process and the role of the Unions in the Labour Party is examined. Neo-corporatism, that is the increasing integration of the leadership of the main Union, the T.G.W.U.with the Labour Party and with the State is discussed. In theoretical terms, this thesis considers the debate around the notion of `labour process', the relationship between labour process and labour politics and between labour process and labour history. These relationships are placed within a discussion of class consciousness.