850 resultados para New service development
Este proyecto de investigación se basa fundamentalmente en diversas actividades concernientes a la investigación y desarrollo de nuevos fármacos. Estos estudios se llevan a cabo sobre nuevos derivados de las siguientes drogas líderes utilizadas en el tratamiento del SIDA: zidovudina (AZT), lamivudina (3TC), didanosina (ddI) y un tipo particular de Inhibidores No Nucleosídicos de la Transcriptasa Reversa (INNTR) conocidos como "diarilpirimidinas" (DAPYs). Se plantean para el presente proyecto los siguientes objetivos específicos:1. Diseño racional y síntesis de nuevos compuestos,2. Evaluación de actividades biológicas y citotoxicidad,3. Estudio de las propiedades fisicoquímicas de interés biológico y farmacéutico,4. Estudios farmacocinéticos y biofarmacéuticos.De esta manera, se ha considerado un estudio integrador, tendiente a conocer y entender el posible comportamiento en el organismo de nuevas entidades químicas de interés farmacéutico (NEQF). Así, nuestra hipótesis de trabajo se sustenta en que la variación de las propiedades fisicoquímicas y farmacocinéticas de las drogas actualmente en uso o en etapas de experimentación, podrá incidir favorablemente en la farmacoterapia del SIDA.Cabe destacar que la aplicación de diversos métodos computacionales, constituye una herramienta muy importante que se utilizada para cada uno de los objetivos planteados ya que brinda información complementaria y una ayuda invalorable para el diseño racional de drogas.Así, se diseñarán, prepararán y caracterizarán NEQF, estudiando en detalle sus propiedades moleculares. Se espera que la información generada represente una contribución para el desarrollo de nuevas opciones terapéuticas efectivas frente al agente causativo del SIDA, enfermedad para la cuál la opción de una terapia efectiva está lejos de ser la ideal.Como el proyecto se desarrolla dentro de un ámbito académico, las actividades previstas permitirán a los becarios y tesistas: 1) ampliar y profundizar los conocimientos teóricos relacionados con los temas de estudio; 2) desarrollar su capacidad creativa; 3) posibilitar el trabajo multidisciplinario. Es decir, se formarán recursos humanos altamente capacitados en el diseño y desarrollo de NEQF, finalizando las tesis doctorales en ejecución e incorporando nuevos jóvenes farmacéuticos.A partir de los resultados que se logren en el campo científico y académico, se espera contribuir a la promoción del conocimiento en el área del diseño y del desarrollo de Compuestos Farmacéuticos Activos. Es de nuestro especial interés que los resultados lleven a un posicionamiento del grupo en el área de la Química Medicinal, de la Bioorgánica y de la Biofarmacia.Con relación a la importancia del proyecto, cabe destacar que la Química Medicinal es una disciplina poco desarrollada en nuestro país, por lo tanto contribuirá no sólo a la generación de conocimiento en el área, sino también a la formación de recursos humanos. Cabe destacar la participación de jóvenes farmacéuticos que son los beneficiarios de dicho proceso de formación. Por otra parte, el desarrollo de NEQF conlleva en sí mismo un impacto social y económico importante, y redunda en beneficio de la salud de la población. Teniendo en cuenta la realidad actual, y considerando que la solución final para el tratamiento del SIDA aún no se ha alcanzado, optimizar la actividad/efectividad de fármacos conocidos y estudiar nuevas moléculas que actúen sobre diversas dianas biológicas constituye una esperanza para el tratamiento eficaz de esta enfermedad. Finalmente, teniendo en cuenta que la finalidad del proyecto es desarrollar nuevos agentes anti VIH con potencial aplicación clínica, es de esperar poder interaccionar con la industria farmacéutica y transferir los resultados a la misma.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Maschinenbau, Diss., 2012
Since the specific heat transfer coefficient (UA) and the volumetric mass transfer coefficient (kLa) play an important role for the design of biotechnological processes, different techniques were developed in the past for the determination of these parameters. However, these approaches often use imprecise dynamic methods for the description of stationary processes and are limited towards scale and geometry of the bioreactor. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to develop a new method, which overcomes these restrictions. This new approach is based on a permanent production of heat and oxygen by the constant decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in continuous mode. Since the degradation of H2O2 at standard conditions only takes place by the support of a catalyst, different candidates were investigated for their potential (regarding safety issues and reaction kinetic). Manganese-(IV)-oxide was found to be suitable. To compensate the inactivation of MnO2, a continuous process with repeated feeds of fresh MnO2 was established. Subsequently, a scale-up was successfully carried out from 100 mL to a 5 litre glass bioreactor (UniVessel®)To show the applicability of this new method for the characterisation of bioreactors, it was compared with common approaches. With the newly established technique as well as with a conventional procedure, which is based on an electrical heat source, specific heat transfer coefficients were measured in the range of 17.1 – 24.8 W/K for power inputs of about 50 – 70 W/L. However, a first proof of concept regarding the mass transfer showed no constant kLa for different dilution rates up to 0.04 h-1.Based on this, consecutive studies concerning the mass transfer should be made with higher volume flows, due to more even inflow rates. In addition, further experiments are advisable, to analyse the heat transfer in single-use bioreactors and in larger common systems.
The level of information provided by ink evidence to the criminal and civil justice system is limited. The limitations arise from the weakness of the interpretative framework currently used, as proposed in the ASTM 1422-05 and 1789-04 on ink analysis. It is proposed to use the likelihood ratio from the Bayes theorem to interpret ink evidence. Unfortunately, when considering the analytical practices, as defined in the ASTM standards on ink analysis, it appears that current ink analytical practices do not allow for the level of reproducibility and accuracy required by a probabilistic framework. Such framework relies on the evaluation of the statistics of the ink characteristics using an ink reference database and the objective measurement of similarities between ink samples. A complete research programme was designed to (a) develop a standard methodology for analysing ink samples in a more reproducible way, (b) comparing automatically and objectively ink samples and (c) evaluate the proposed methodology in a forensic context. This report focuses on the first of the three stages. A calibration process, based on a standard dye ladder, is proposed to improve the reproducibility of ink analysis by HPTLC, when these inks are analysed at different times and/or by different examiners. The impact of this process on the variability between the repetitive analyses of ink samples in various conditions is studied. The results show significant improvements in the reproducibility of ink analysis compared to traditional calibration methods.
Is institutional quality a major driver of economic development? This paper tackles the question by focusing on the within-country variation of growth rates of GDP per capita. While previous attempts using this methodology have controlled for many of the standard de- terminants of the empirical growth literature, we argue that such ap- proach is not adequate if good institutions are the main reason behind decisions to invest in human or physical capital accumulation or to engage in international trade. Our regressions exclude the proximate causes of growth in order to estimate the overall e¤ect of institutional quality. Perhaps surprisingly, we nd no support for the thesis that institutional quality improves economic growth. These results encourage a reconsideration of the evidence provided elsewhere in the literature.
Clinical epidemiology is the most currently used name for a comparatively new branch of medicine covering a certain number of activities related to the practice of clinical medicine, but using epidemiological techniques and methods. Clinical epidemiology has only just begun to be known in Europe, whereas units are being increasingly developed and expanded in North America, particularly within the clinical departments of hospitals. The methods it offers are valid for both practicing physicians and hospital doctors (or those being trained in hospitals) and serve the purpose of promoting a better quality medical service, especially where a more adequate evaluation of the effectiveness of diagnostic methods, therapy and prognosis in medicine is concerned. Clinical epidemiology proposes a methodology of medical reasoning and of decision-making, as well as techniques intended to facilitate the indispensable task of keeping up with advances in medical knowledge.
The Flaviviridae is a family of about 70 mostly arthropod-borne viruses many of which are major public health problems with members being present in most continents. Among the most important are yellow fever (YF), dengue with its four serotypes and Japanese encephalitis virus. A live attenuated virus is used as a cost effective, safe and efficacious vaccine against YF but no other live flavivirus vaccines have been licensed. The rise of recombinant DNA technology and its application to study flavivirus genome structure and expression has opened new possibilities for flavivirus vaccine development. One new approach is the use of cDNAs encopassing the whole viral genome to generate infectious RNA after in vitro transcription. This methodology allows the genetic mapping of specific viral functions and the design of viral mutants with considerable potential as new live attenuated viruses. The use of infectious cDNA as a carrier for heterologous antigens is gaining importance as chimeric viruses are shown to be viable, immunogenic and less virulent as compared to the parental viruses. The use of DNA to overcome mutation rates intrinsic of RNA virus populations in conjunction with vaccine production in cell culture should improve the reliability and lower the cost for production of live attenuated vaccines. The YF virus despite a long period ignored by researchers probably due to the effectiveness of the vaccine has made a come back, both in nature as human populations grow and reach endemic areas as well as in the laboratory being a suitable model to understand the biology of flaviviruses in general and providing new alternatives for vaccine development through the use of the 17D vaccine strain.
Forensic examinations of ink have been performed since the beginning of the 20th century. Since the 1960s, the International Ink Library, maintained by the United States Secret Service, has supported those analyses. Until 2009, the search and identification of inks were essentially performed manually. This paper describes the results of a project designed to improve ink samples' analytical and search processes. The project focused on the development of improved standardization procedures to ensure the best possible reproducibility between analyses run on different HPTLC plates. The successful implementation of this new calibration method enabled the development of mathematical algorithms and of a software package to complement the existing ink library.
This report provides, for the first time, a snapshot of the meals-on-wheels service in Ireland and gives a unique insight into client and provider perceptions of the service. The research findings underline the dual importance of the service for clients, who noted that it is a vital source of both nutritious meals and social contact and connectivity to the wider community. From a supply side perspective, the research findings point to the wide organisational diversity that exists within the service and the critical role that volunteers play, as well as highlighting difficulties that many services currently experience.
This document details the HSE's Palliative Care Services - Five Year Medium Term Development Framework (2009 - 2013). It has been developed using a holistic, system-wide, approach to addressing the level of need identified by both the Baseline Study on the Provision of Hospice / Specialist Palliative Care Services in Ireland (2006) as well as the HSE Audit of Palliative Care Service Provision (2007). The HSE Audit was conducted by each of the four HSE Administrative Areas, in conjunction with Area Development Committees, against the recommendations of the Report of the National Advisory Committee on Palliative Care 2001 (the NACPC Report). Therefore, this document is grounded in the recommendations of the NACPC Report, (e.g. palliative care definition, palliative care service areas, staffing and bed number ratios), and informed by the findings of the HSE Audit. The purpose of this document is not to replace the recommendations of the NACPC Report from a policy context, nor does it represent a new national strategy for palliative care. This document details the required actions and initiatives necessary to address the gaps in palliative care service provision, against the recommendations set out in the NACPC Report.
The sociocultural changes that led to the genesis of Romance languages widened the gap between oral and written patterns, which display different discoursive and linguistic devices. In early documents, discoursive implicatures connecting propositions were not generally codified, so that the reader should furnish the correctinterpretation according to his own perception of real facts; which can still be attested in current oral utterances. Once Romance languages had undergone several levelling processes which concluded in the first standardizations, implicatures became explicatures and were syntactically codified by means of univocal new complexconjunctions. As a consequence of the emergence of these new subordination strategies, a freer distribution of the information conveyed by the utterances is allowed. The success of complex structural patterns ran alongside of the genesis of new narrative genres and the generalization of a learned rhetoric. Both facts are a spontaneous effect of new approaches to the act of reading. Ancient texts were written to be read to a wide audience, whereas those printed by the end of the XV th century were conceived to be read quietly, in a low voice, by a private reader. The goal of this paper is twofold, since we will show that: a) The development of new complex conjunctions through the history of Romance languages accommodates to four structural patterns that range from parataxis tohypotaxis. b) This development is a reflex of the well known grammaticalization path from discourse to syntax that implies the codification of discoursive strategies (Givón 2 1979, Sperber and Wilson 1986, Carston 1988, Grice 1989, Bach 1994, Blackemore 2002, among others]