966 resultados para Neuronal Protein 22


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Mathematical analysis of the subthreshold oscillatory properties of inferior olivary neurons in vitro indicates that the oscillation is nonlinear and supports low dimensional chaotic dynamics. This property leads to the generation of complex functional states that can be attained rapidly via phase coherence that conform to the category of “generalized synchronization.” Functionally, this translates into neuronal ensemble properties that can support maximum functional permissiveness and that rapidly can transform into robustly determined multicellular coherence.


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The mechanism by which mutations in the superoxide dismutase (SOD1) gene cause motor neuron degeneration in familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is unknown. Recent reports that neuronal death in SOD1-familial ALS is apoptotic have not documented activation of cell death genes. We present evidence that the enzyme caspase-1 is activated in neurons expressing mutant SOD1 protein. Proteolytic processing characteristic of caspase-1 activation is seen both in spinal cords of transgenic ALS mice and neurally differentiated neuroblastoma (line N2a) cells with SOD1 mutations. This activation of caspase-1 is enhanced by oxidative challenge (xanthine/xanthine oxidase), which triggers cleavage and secretion of the interleukin 1β converting enzyme substrate, pro-interleukin 1β, and induces apoptosis. This N2a culture system should be an instructive in vitro model for further investigation of the proapoptotic properties of mutant SOD1.


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Ischemic stroke is the most common life-threatening neurological disease and has limited therapeutic options. One component of ischemic neuronal death is inflammation. Here we show that doxycycline and minocycline, which are broad-spectrum antibiotics and have antiinflammatory effects independent of their antimicrobial activity, protect hippocampal neurons against global ischemia in gerbils. Minocycline increased the survival of CA1 pyramidal neurons from 10.5% to 77% when the treatment was started 12 h before ischemia and to 71% when the treatment was started 30 min after ischemia. The survival with corresponding pre- and posttreatment with doxycycline was 57% and 47%, respectively. Minocycline prevented completely the ischemia-induced activation of microglia and the appearance of NADPH-diaphorase reactive cells, but did not affect induction of glial acidic fibrillary protein, a marker of astrogliosis. Minocycline treatment for 4 days resulted in a 70% reduction in mRNA induction of interleukin-1β-converting enzyme, a caspase that is induced in microglia after ischemia. Likewise, expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase mRNA was attenuated by 30% in minocycline-treated animals. Our results suggest that lipid-soluble tetracyclines, doxycycline and minocycline, inhibit inflammation and are neuroprotective against ischemic stroke, even when administered after the insult. Tetracycline derivatives may have a potential use also as antiischemic compounds in humans.


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SNARE [soluble NSF (N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein) attachment protein receptor] proteins are essential for membrane fusion and are conserved from yeast to humans. Sequence alignments of the most conserved regions were mapped onto the recently solved crystal structure of the heterotrimeric synaptic fusion complex. The association of the four α-helices in the synaptic fusion complex structure produces highly conserved layers of interacting amino acid side chains in the center of the four-helix bundle. Mutations in these layers reduce complex stability and cause defects in membrane traffic even in distantly related SNAREs. When syntaxin-4 is modeled into the synaptic fusion complex as a replacement of syntaxin-1A, no major steric clashes arise and the most variable amino acids localize to the outer surface of the complex. We conclude that the main structural features of the neuronal complex are highly conserved during evolution. On the basis of these features we have reclassified SNARE proteins into Q-SNAREs and R-SNAREs, and we propose that fusion-competent SNARE complexes generally consist of four-helix bundles composed of three Q-SNAREs and one R-SNARE.


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Mutations in either of two human presenilin genes (PS1 and PS2) cause Alzheimer’s disease. Here we describe genetic and physical interactions between Caenorhabditis elegans SEL-10, a member of the Cdc4p family of proteins, and SEL-12, a C. elegans presenilin. We show that loss of sel-10 activity can suppress the egg-laying defective phenotype associated with reducing sel-12 activity, and that SEL-10 can physically complex with SEL-12. Proteins of the Cdc4p family have been shown to target proteins for ubiquitin-mediated turnover. The functional and physical interaction between sel-10 and sel-12 therefore offers an approach to understanding how presenilin levels are normally regulated.


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During evolution, chloroplasts have relinquished the majority of their genes to the nucleus. The products of transferred genes are imported into the organelle with the help of an import machinery that is distributed across the inner and outer plastid membranes. The evolutionary origin of this machinery is puzzling because, in the putative predecessors, the cyanobacteria, the outer two membranes, the plasma membrane, and the lipopolysaccharide layer lack a functionally similar protein import system. A 75-kDa protein-conducting channel in the outer envelope of pea chloroplasts, Toc75, shares ≈22% amino acid identity to a similarly sized protein, designated SynToc75, encoded in the Synechocystis PCC6803 genome. Here we show that SynToc75 is located in the outer membrane (lipopolysaccharide layer) of Synechocystis PCC6803 and that SynToc75 forms a voltage-gated, high conductance channel with a high affinity for polyamines and peptides in reconstituted liposomes. These findings suggest that a component of the chloroplast protein import system, Toc75, was recruited from a preexisting channel-forming protein of the cyanobacterial outer membrane. Furthermore, the presence of a protein in the chloroplastic outer envelope homologous to a cyanobacterial protein provides support for the prokaryotic nature of this chloroplastic membrane.


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Disease resistance in plants is often controlled by a gene-for-gene mechanism in which avirulence (avr) gene products encoded by pathogens are specifically recognized, either directly or indirectly, by plant disease resistance (R) gene products. Members of the NBS-LRR class of R genes encode proteins containing a putative nucleotide binding site (NBS) and carboxyl-terminal leucine-rich repeats (LRRs). Generally, NBS-LRR proteins do not contain predicted transmembrane segments or signal peptides, suggesting they are soluble cytoplasmic proteins. RPM1 is an NBS-LRR protein from Arabidopsis thaliana that confers resistance to Pseudomonas syringae expressing either avrRpm1 or avrB. RPM1 protein was localized by using an epitope tag. In contrast to previous suggestions, RPM1 is a peripheral membrane protein that likely resides on the cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane. Furthermore, RPM1 is degraded coincident with the onset of the hypersensitive response, suggesting a negative feedback loop controlling the extent of cell death and overall resistance response at the site of infection.


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The pir gene of plasmid R6K encodes the protein, π, a replication and transcription factor. Two translational options for the pir gene give rise to two forms of π protein: a 35.0-kDa form (π35.0) and a shortened 30.5-kDa form (π30.5). Although both proteins bind to a series of 22-bp direct repeats essential for plasmid R6K replication, only π35.0 can bind to a site in the (A⋅T)-rich segment of its γ ori and activate the γ ori in vivo and in vitro. However, unlike π35.0, π30.5can inhibit in vivo and in vitro replication (activated by π35.0). We propose that the two forms of π might have distinct functions in replication. We show that although both forms of π produce dimers, the nature of these dimers is not identical. The N-terminal 37 amino acid residues appear to control the formation of the more stable π35.0 dimers, whereas another, apparently weaker interface holds together dimers of π30.5. We speculate that the leucine zipper-like motif, absent in π30.5, controls very specific functions of π protein.


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Relationships were examined between spatial learning and hippocampal concentrations of the α, β2, and γ isoforms of protein kinase C (PKC), an enzyme implicated in neuronal plasticity and memory formation. Concentrations of PKC were determined for individual 6-month-old (n = 13) and 24-month-old (n = 27) male Long–Evans rats trained in the water maze on a standard place-learning task and a transfer task designed for rapid acquisition. The results showed significant relationships between spatial learning and the amount of PKC among individual subjects, and those relationships differed according to age, isoform, and subcellular fraction. Among 6-month-old rats, those with the best spatial memory were those with the highest concentrations of PKCγ in the particulate fraction and of PKCβ2 in the soluble fraction. Aged rats had increased hippocampal PKCγ concentrations in both subcellular fractions in comparison with young rats, and memory impairment was correlated with higher PKCγ concentrations in the soluble fraction. No age difference or correlations with behavior were found for concentrations of PKCγ in a comparison structure, the neostriatum, or for PKCα in the hippocampus. Relationships between spatial learning and hippocampal concentrations of calcium-dependent PKC are isoform-specific. Moreover, age-related spatial memory impairment is associated with altered subcellular concentrations of PKCγ and may be indicative of deficient signal transduction and neuronal plasticity in the hippocampal formation.


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Objectives: To determine whether routine oral and enteral nutritional supplementation can improve the weight, anthropometry, and survival of adult patients.


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The current paper describes a line of cultured rat hepatoma cells (McA-RH7777 cells) that mimics the behavior of rat liver by producing an excess of mRNA for sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1c (SREBP-1c) as opposed to SREBP-1a. These two transcripts are derived from a single gene by use of alternative promoters that are separated by many kilobases in the genome. The high level of SREBP-1c mRNA is abolished when cholesterol synthesis is blocked by compactin, an inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA (HMG CoA) reductase that inhibits cholesterol synthesis. Levels of SREBP-1c mRNA are restored by mevalonate, the product of the HMG CoA reductase reaction, and by ligands for the nuclear hormone receptor LXR, including 22(R)-hydroxycholesterol and T0901317. These data suggest that transcription of the SREBP-1c gene in hepatocytes requires tonic activation of LXR by an oxysterol intermediate in the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway. Reduction of this intermediate lowers SREBP-1c levels, and this in turn is predicted to lower the rates of fatty acid biosynthesis in liver.


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A novel protein superfamily with over 600 members was discovered by iterative profile searches and analyzed with powerful bioinformatics and information visualization methods. Evidence exists that these proteins generate a radical species by reductive cleavage of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) through an unusual Fe-S center. The superfamily (named here Radical SAM) provides evidence that radical-based catalysis is important in a number of previously well- studied but unresolved biochemical pathways and reflects an ancient conserved mechanistic approach to difficult chemistries. Radical SAM proteins catalyze diverse reactions, including unusual methylations, isomerization, sulfur insertion, ring formation, anaerobic oxidation and protein radical formation. They function in DNA precursor, vitamin, cofactor, antibiotic and herbicide biosynthesis and in biodegradation pathways. One eukaryotic member is interferon-inducible and is considered a candidate drug target for osteoporosis; another is observed to bind the neuronal Cdk5 activator protein. Five defining members not previously recognized as homologs are lysine 2,3-aminomutase, biotin synthase, lipoic acid synthase and the activating enzymes for pyruvate formate-lyase and anaerobic ribonucleotide reductase. Two functional predictions for unknown proteins are made based on integrating other data types such as motif, domain, operon and biochemical pathway into an organized view of similarity relationships.


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In neurons, translation of dendritically localized mRNAs is thought to play a role in affecting synaptic efficacy. Inasmuch as components of the translation machinery may be limiting in dendrites, we investigated the mechanisms by which translation of five dendritically localized mRNAs is initiated. The 5′ leader sequences of mRNAs encoding the activity-regulated cytoskeletal protein, the α subunit of calcium–calmodulin-dependent kinase II, dendrin, the microtubule-associated protein 2, and neurogranin (RC3) were evaluated for their ability to affect translation in the 5′ untranslated region of a monocistronic reporter mRNA. In both neural and nonneural cell lines, the activity-regulated cytoskeletal protein, microtubule-associated protein 2, and α-CaM Kinase II leader sequences enhanced translation, whereas the dendrin and RC3 5′ untranslated regions slightly inhibited translation as compared with controls. When cap-dependent translation of these constructs was suppressed by overexpression of a protein that binds the cap-binding protein eIF4E, it was revealed that translation of these mRNAs had both cap-dependent and cap-independent components. The cap-independent component was further analyzed by inserting the 5′ leader sequences into the intercistronic region of dicistronic mRNAs. All five leader sequences mediated internal initiation via internal ribosome entry sites (IRESes). The RC3 IRES was most active and was further characterized after transfection in primary neurons. Although translation mediated by this IRES occurred throughout the cell, it was relatively more efficient in dendrites. These data suggest that IRESes may increase translation efficiency at postsynaptic sites after synaptic activation.


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Programmed cell death (PCD) during neuronal development and disease has been shown to require de novo RNA synthesis. However, the time course and regulation of target genes is poorly understood. By using a brain-biased array of over 7,500 cDNAs, we profiled this gene expression component of PCD in cerebellar granule neurons challenged separately by potassium withdrawal, combined potassium and serum withdrawal, and kainic acid administration. We found that hundreds of genes were significantly regulated in discreet waves including known genes whose protein products are involved in PCD. A restricted set of genes was regulated by all models, providing evidence that signals inducing PCD can regulate large assemblages of genes (of which a restricted subset may be shared in multiple pathways).


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Erythropoietin (EPO) promotes neuronal survival after hypoxia and other metabolic insults by largely unknown mechanisms. Apoptosis and necrosis have been proposed as mechanisms of cellular demise, and either could be the target of actions of EPO. This study evaluates whether antiapoptotic mechanisms can account for the neuroprotective actions of EPO. Systemic administration of EPO (5,000 units/kg of body weight, i.p.) after middle-cerebral artery occlusion in rats dramatically reduces the volume of infarction 24 h later, in concert with an almost complete reduction in the number of terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling of neurons within the ischemic penumbra. In both pure and mixed neuronal cultures, EPO (0.1–10 units/ml) also inhibits apoptosis induced by serum deprivation or kainic acid exposure. Protection requires pretreatment, consistent with the induction of a gene expression program, and is sustained for 3 days without the continued presence of EPO. EPO (0.3 units/ml) also protects hippocampal neurons against hypoxia-induced neuronal death through activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases and protein kinase Akt-1/protein kinase B. The action of EPO is not limited to directly promoting cell survival, as EPO is trophic but not mitogenic in cultured neuronal cells. These data suggest that inhibition of neuronal apoptosis underlies short latency protective effects of EPO after cerebral ischemia and other brain injuries. The neurotrophic actions suggest there may be longer-latency effects as well. Evaluation of EPO, a compound established as clinically safe, as neuroprotective therapy in acute brain injury is further supported.