957 resultados para National Research Council (U.S.). Highway Research Board


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Johnson's SB distribution is a four-parameter distribution that is transformed into a normal distribution by a logit transformation. By replacing the normal distribution of Johnson's SB with the logistic distribution, we obtain a new distributional model that approximates SB. It is analytically tractable, and we name it the "logitlogistic" (LL) distribution. A generalized four-parameter Weibull model and the Burr XII model are also introduced for comparison purposes. Using the distribution "shape plane" (with axes skew and kurtosis) we compare the "coverage" properties of the LL, the generalized Weibull, and the Burr XII with Johnson's SB, the beta, and the three-parameter Weibull, the main distributions used in forest modelling. The LL is found to have the largest range of shapes. An empirical case study of the distributional models is conducted on 107 sample plots of Chinese fir. The LL performs best among the four-parameter models.


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The aim of this study was to examine the effects of cadence and power output on physiological and biomechanical responses to incremental arm-crank ergometry (ACE). Ten male subjects (mean +/- SD age, 30.4 +/-5.4 y; height, 1.78 +/-0.07 m; mass, 86.1 +/-14.2 kg) undertook 3 incremental ACE protocols to determine peak oxygen uptake (VO2 peak; mean of 3 tests: 3.07 +/- 0.17 L.min-1) at randomly assigned cadences of 50, 70, or 90 r.min-1. Heart rate and expired air were continually monitored. Central (RPE-C) and local (RPE-L) ratings of perceived exertion were recorded at volitional exhaustion. Joint angles and trunk rotation were analysed during each exercise stage. During submaximal power outputs of 50, 70, and 90 W, oxygen consumption (VO2) was lowest for 50 r.min-1 and highest for 90 r.min-1 (p < 0.01). VO2 peak was lowest during 50 r.min-1 (2.79 +/-0.45 L.min-1; p < 0.05) when compared with both 70 r.min-1 and 90 r.min-1 (3.16 +/-0.58, 3.24 +/-0.49 L.min-1, respectively; p > 0.05). The difference between RPE-L and RPE-C at volitional exhaustion was greatest during 50 r.min-1 (2.9 +/- 1.6) when compared with 90 r.min-1 (0.9 +/- 1.9, p < 0.05). At VO2 peak, shoulder range of motion (ROM) and trunk rotation were greater for 50 and 70 r.min-1 when compared with 90 r.min-1 (p < 0.05). During submaximal power outputs, shoulder angle and trunk rotation were greatest at 50 r.min-1 when compared with 90 r.min-1 (p < 0.05). VO2 was inversely related to both trunk rotation and shoulder ROM during submaximal power outputs. The results of this study suggest that the greater forces required at lower cadences to produce a given power output resulted in greater joint angles and range of shoulder and trunk movement. Greater isometric contractions for torso stabilization and increased cost of breathing possibly from respiratory-locomotor coupling may have contributed increased oxygen consumption at higher cadences.


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Healthcare and the wider social determinants of health are the keystone of a number of complex progressive social justice issues that evoke complex emotions. As the demography of Ireland rapidly changes, the practices and expectations of some asylum seekers presents new opportunities for the providers of health service provision and reform. This paper looks at some of the emotions evoked in health care issues and draws on observations and interviews from empirical fieldwork carried out for the Health Research Board. The research was conducted both in the Adelaide and Meath Hospital, incorporating the National Children’s Hospital, Tallaght and in a number of refugee reception centres in Ireland. At one level honouring faith choices within a healthcare setting is a societal acknowledgement made to people at their most vulnerable, that the potent and cathartic transformative rituals they value are significant in mediating and managing their emotions - at another level, it is a practical and a symbolic communication of a statutory commitment to inter-culturalism and community cohesion..


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BACKGROUND: Published work assessing psychosocial stress (job strain) as a risk factor for coronary heart disease is inconsistent and subject to publication bias and reverse causation bias. We analysed the relation between job strain and coronary heart disease with a meta-analysis of published and unpublished studies. METHODS: We used individual records from 13 European cohort studies (1985-2006) of men and women without coronary heart disease who were employed at time of baseline assessment. We measured job strain with questions from validated job-content and demand-control questionnaires. We extracted data in two stages such that acquisition and harmonisation of job strain measure and covariables occurred before linkage to records for coronary heart disease. We defined incident coronary heart disease as the first non-fatal myocardial infarction or coronary death. FINDINGS: 30?214 (15%) of 197?473 participants reported job strain. In 1·49 million person-years at risk (mean follow-up 7·5 years [SD 1·7]), we recorded 2358 events of incident coronary heart disease. After adjustment for sex and age, the hazard ratio for job strain versus no job strain was 1·23 (95% CI 1·10-1·37). This effect estimate was higher in published (1·43, 1·15-1·77) than unpublished (1·16, 1·02-1·32) studies. Hazard ratios were likewise raised in analyses addressing reverse causality by exclusion of events of coronary heart disease that occurred in the first 3 years (1·31, 1·15-1·48) and 5 years (1·30, 1·13-1·50) of follow-up. We noted an association between job strain and coronary heart disease for sex, age groups, socioeconomic strata, and region, and after adjustments for socioeconomic status, and lifestyle and conventional risk factors. The population attributable risk for job strain was 3·4%. INTERPRETATION: Our findings suggest that prevention of workplace stress might decrease disease incidence; however, this strategy would have a much smaller effect than would tackling of standard risk factors, such as smoking. FUNDING: Finnish Work Environment Fund, the Academy of Finland, the Swedish Research Council for Working Life and Social Research, the German Social Accident Insurance, the Danish National Research Centre for the Working Environment, the BUPA Foundation, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, the Medical Research Council, the Wellcome Trust, and the US National Institutes of Health.


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In 1975 two Cambridge scientists published a short article in Nature which announced the discovery of monoclonal antibodies. The article concluded ‘Such cultures could be valuable for medical and industrial use’. The interest which developed by the end of the decade in the industrial and financial possibilities of the new prospects opening up in biotechnology was to throw the apparent ‘failure’ to follow‐up the potentialities of this discovery into a public prominence rarely achieved by scientific discoveries. By the time Mrs Thatcher came to power it had become a scandal, another example of Britain's apparent inability to exploit effectively the brilliance of its scientific base. It was to explore both the process of scientific discovery and the conditions in Cambridge which nurtured it, and the issues which this particular discovery raised in the area of technology transfer (and the changes of policy that ensued), that the Wellcome Trust's History of Twentieth Century Medicine Group and the Institute of Contemporary British History organised this special witness seminar. It was held at the Wellcome Trust in London on 24 September 1993. The seminar was chaired by Sir Christopher Booth and introduced by Dr Robert Bud of the Science Museum. Those participating included the two authors of the Nature article, Dr César Milstein and Dr Georges Köhler, who received a Nobel Prize for their research, Dr Basil Bard (National Research Development Corporation [NRDC] 1950–74), Sir James Gowans (Secretary of the Medical Research Council [MRC] 1977–87), Sir John Gray (Secretary of the MRC 1968–77), John Newell (BBC World Service science correspondent 1969–79), Dr David Owen (MRC), and Dr David Secher (Laboratory of Molecular Biology [LMB], Cambridge). There were also contributions from Dr Ita Askonas (former head of immunology at the National Institute for Medical Research), Dr John Galloway (former member of MRC headquarters staff), Dr David Tyrrell (former Director, MRC Common Cold Unit), Professor Miles Weatherall (head of Therapeutic Research Division, Wellcome Research Laboratories 1967–75), Dr Guil Winchester (post‐doctoral fellow, Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine), and Dr Peter Williams (former Director of the Wellcome Trust). The organisers would like to thank the Wellcome Trust for hosting and sponsoring the seminar. We would like to dedicate this publication to the memory of Georges Köhler, who sadly died in April 1995 before this could appear.


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RESUMO: O cancro de mama e o mais frequente diagnoticado a indiv duos do sexo feminino. O conhecimento cientifico e a tecnologia tem permitido a cria ção de muitas e diferentes estrat egias para tratar esta patologia. A Radioterapia (RT) est a entre as diretrizes atuais para a maioria dos tratamentos de cancro de mama. No entanto, a radia ção e como uma arma de dois canos: apesar de tratar, pode ser indutora de neoplasias secund arias. A mama contralateral (CLB) e um orgão susceptivel de absorver doses com o tratamento da outra mama, potenciando o risco de desenvolver um tumor secund ario. Nos departamentos de radioterapia tem sido implementadas novas tecnicas relacionadas com a radia ção, com complexas estrat egias de administra ção da dose e resultados promissores. No entanto, algumas questes precisam de ser devidamente colocadas, tais como: E seguro avançar para tecnicas complexas para obter melhores indices de conformidade nos volumes alvo, em radioterapia de mama? O que acontece aos volumes alvo e aos tecidos saudaveis adjacentes? Quão exata e a administração de dose? Quais são as limitações e vantagens das técnicas e algoritmos atualmente usados? A resposta a estas questes e conseguida recorrendo a m etodos de Monte Carlo para modelar com precisão os diferentes componentes do equipamento produtor de radia ção(alvos, ltros, colimadores, etc), a m de obter uma descri cão apropriada dos campos de radia cão usados, bem como uma representa ção geometrica detalhada e a composição dos materiais que constituem os orgãos e os tecidos envolvidos. Este trabalho visa investigar o impacto de tratar cancro de mama esquerda usando diferentes tecnicas de radioterapia f-IMRT (intensidade modulada por planeamento direto), IMRT por planeamento inverso (IMRT2, usando 2 feixes; IMRT5, com 5 feixes) e DCART (arco conformacional dinamico) e os seus impactos em irradia ção da mama e na irradia ção indesejada dos tecidos saud aveis adjacentes. Dois algoritmos do sistema de planeamento iPlan da BrainLAB foram usados: Pencil Beam Convolution (PBC) e Monte Carlo comercial iMC. Foi ainda usado um modelo de Monte Carlo criado para o acelerador usado (Trilogy da VARIAN Medical Systems), no c odigo EGSnrc MC, para determinar as doses depositadas na mama contralateral. Para atingir este objetivo foi necess ario modelar o novo colimador multi-laminas High- De nition que nunca antes havia sido simulado. O modelo desenvolvido est a agora disponí vel no pacote do c odigo EGSnrc MC do National Research Council Canada (NRC). O acelerador simulado foi validado com medidas realizadas em agua e posteriormente com c alculos realizados no sistema de planeamento (TPS).As distribui ções de dose no volume alvo (PTV) e a dose nos orgãos de risco (OAR) foram comparadas atrav es da an alise de histogramas de dose-volume; an alise estati stica complementar foi realizadas usando o software IBM SPSS v20. Para o algoritmo PBC, todas as tecnicas proporcionaram uma cobertura adequada do PTV. No entanto, foram encontradas diferen cas estatisticamente significativas entre as t ecnicas, no PTV, nos OAR e ainda no padrão da distribui ção de dose pelos tecidos sãos. IMRT5 e DCART contribuem para maior dispersão de doses baixas pelos tecidos normais, mama direita, pulmão direito, cora cão e at e pelo pulmão esquerdo, quando comparados com as tecnicas tangenciais (f-IMRT e IMRT2). No entanto, os planos de IMRT5 melhoram a distribuição de dose no PTV apresentando melhor conformidade e homogeneidade no volume alvo e percentagens de dose mais baixas nos orgãos do mesmo lado. A t ecnica de DCART não apresenta vantagens comparativamente com as restantes t ecnicas investigadas. Foram tamb em identi cadas diferen cas entre os algoritmos de c alculos: em geral, o PBC estimou doses mais elevadas para o PTV, pulmão esquerdo e cora ção, do que os algoritmos de MC. Os algoritmos de MC, entre si, apresentaram resultados semelhantes (com dferen cas at e 2%). Considera-se que o PBC não e preciso na determina ção de dose em meios homog eneos e na região de build-up. Nesse sentido, atualmente na cl nica, a equipa da F sica realiza medi ções para adquirir dados para outro algoritmo de c alculo. Apesar de melhor homogeneidade e conformidade no PTV considera-se que h a um aumento de risco de cancro na mama contralateral quando se utilizam t ecnicas não-tangenciais. Os resultados globais dos estudos apresentados confirmam o excelente poder de previsão com precisão na determinação e c alculo das distribui ções de dose nos orgãos e tecidos das tecnicas de simulação de Monte Carlo usados.---------ABSTRACT:Breast cancer is the most frequent in women. Scienti c knowledge and technology have created many and di erent strategies to treat this pathology. Radiotherapy (RT) is in the actual standard guidelines for most of breast cancer treatments. However, radiation is a two-sword weapon: although it may heal cancer, it may also induce secondary cancer. The contralateral breast (CLB) is a susceptible organ to absorb doses with the treatment of the other breast, being at signi cant risk to develop a secondary tumor. New radiation related techniques, with more complex delivery strategies and promising results are being implemented and used in radiotherapy departments. However some questions have to be properly addressed, such as: Is it safe to move to complex techniques to achieve better conformation in the target volumes, in breast radiotherapy? What happens to the target volumes and surrounding healthy tissues? How accurate is dose delivery? What are the shortcomings and limitations of currently used treatment planning systems (TPS)? The answers to these questions largely rely in the use of Monte Carlo (MC) simulations using state-of-the-art computer programs to accurately model the di erent components of the equipment (target, lters, collimators, etc.) and obtain an adequate description of the radiation elds used, as well as the detailed geometric representation and material composition of organs and tissues. This work aims at investigating the impact of treating left breast cancer using di erent radiation therapy (RT) techniques f-IMRT (forwardly-planned intensity-modulated), inversely-planned IMRT (IMRT2, using 2 beams; IMRT5, using 5 beams) and dynamic conformal arc (DCART) RT and their e ects on the whole-breast irradiation and in the undesirable irradiation of the surrounding healthy tissues. Two algorithms of iPlan BrainLAB TPS were used: Pencil Beam Convolution (PBC)and commercial Monte Carlo (iMC). Furthermore, an accurate Monte Carlo (MC) model of the linear accelerator used (a Trilogy R VARIANR) was done with the EGSnrc MC code, to accurately determine the doses that reach the CLB. For this purpose it was necessary to model the new High De nition multileaf collimator that had never before been simulated. The model developed was then included on the EGSnrc MC package of National Research Council Canada (NRC). The linac was benchmarked with water measurements and later on validated against the TPS calculations. The dose distributions in the planning target volume (PTV) and the dose to the organs at risk (OAR) were compared analyzing dose-volume histograms; further statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS v20 software. For PBC, all the techniques provided adequate coverage of the PTV. However, statistically significant dose di erences were observed between the techniques, in the PTV, OAR and also in the pattern of dose distribution spreading into normal tissues. IMRT5 and DCART spread low doses into greater volumes of normal tissue, right breast, right lung, heart and even the left lung than tangential techniques (f-IMRT and IMRT2). However,IMRT5 plans improved distributions for the PTV, exhibiting better conformity and homogeneity in target and reduced high dose percentages in ipsilateral OAR. DCART did not present advantages over any of the techniques investigated. Di erences were also found comparing the calculation algorithms: PBC estimated higher doses for the PTV, ipsilateral lung and heart than the MC algorithms predicted. The MC algorithms presented similar results (within 2% di erences). The PBC algorithm was considered not accurate in determining the dose in heterogeneous media and in build-up regions. Therefore, a major e ort is being done at the clinic to acquire data to move from PBC to another calculation algorithm. Despite better PTV homogeneity and conformity there is an increased risk of CLB cancer development, when using non-tangential techniques. The overall results of the studies performed con rm the outstanding predictive power and accuracy in the assessment and calculation of dose distributions in organs and tissues rendered possible by the utilization and implementation of MC simulation techniques in RT TPS.


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The purpose of this paper is to review the scientific literature from August 2007 to July 2010. The review is focused on more than 420 published papers. The review will not cover information coming from international meetings available only in abstract form. Fingermarks constitute an important chapter with coverage of the identification process as well as detection techniques on various surfaces. We note that the research has been very dense both at exploring and understanding current detection methods as well as bringing groundbreaking techniques to increase the number of marks detected from various objects. The recent report from the US National Research Council (NRC) is a milestone that has promoted a critical discussion on the state of forensic science and its associated research. We can expect a surge of interest in research in relation to cognitive aspect of mark and print comparison, establishment of relevant forensic error rates and statistical modelling of the selectivity of marks' attributes. Other biometric means of forensic identification such as footmarks or earmarks are also covered in the report. Compared to previous years, we noted a decrease in the number of submission in these areas. No doubt that the NRC report has set the seed for further investigation of these fields as well.


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La non-violence fait référence à une idéologie et un ensemble de pratiques qui ont pour caractéristique commune de rejeter la violence sous toutes ses formes dans l’actualisation quotidienne. La non-violence est cependant devenue également un outil auquel certains recourrent dans des objectifs qui ne servent pas nécessairement le bien commun. En d’autres termes, la non-violence n’est pas systématiquement un outil de paix. Elle est un moyen d’obtenir ce que l’on veut, sans recourir à la violence. Cette thèse propose une vision de la non-violence au service du bien commun. Elle puise dans l’historicité de grands événements et acteurs qui ont utilisé la non-violence pour libérer une collectivité de formes d’oppression qui amenuisaient la dignité humaine. Elle fait référence à des auteurs et acteurs qui ont influencé le théologien processuel David Ray Griffin dans sa propre démarche d’enseignement et de recherche théologiques sur une quarantaine d’années, soient de la guerre du Vietnam à celle d’Iraq. Les dates survolées vont de 1968 à 2008. Une première démarche entreprise par la recherche est de comprendre le plus précisément possible quelles sont les avenues les plus récentes concernant la non-violence et d’explorer ses influences sur la vie et la carrière du théologien processuel États-Unien David Ray Griffin. En second lieu, une rétrospective historique des événements marquants aux États-Unis permet de cerner le contexte au sein duquel Griffin a évolué et comment son discours a laissé transparaître ces influences historiques, sociales et académiques. Une analyse plus centrée sur la politique extérieure des États-Unis en matière d’économie et de militarisme aiguille vers l’identification de signes que Griffin qualifie lui-même d’anti-théologiques, ce qui l’incite à élaborer une vision paradigmatique globalisante, équilibrée selon lui, où les ressources planétaires sont redistribuées dans un souci d’équité et de justice. Pour ce faire, un tribunal international, une religion globale, à l’image de ce que propose la pensée processuelle whiteheadienne-hartshornienne sont proposés. Griffin en brosse les grands traits dans un discours où l’exhortation s’assortit d’une méthodologie et d’une pédagogie éprouvés depuis 40 ans. Une grille d’analyse des textes griffiniens est par la suite élaborée, structurant les différentes composantes fondamentales de sa pensée. Un modèle d’intégration des valeurs de la non-violence est dégagé des lectures, applicable à d’autres disciplines. Appuyé sur une tradition authentique d’auteurs non-violents, David Ray Griffin présente les caractéristiques d’un homme de paix, duquel les idéaux débordent le cadre national pour rejoindre le planétaire, dans une visée résolument sotériologique. Cette visée devient urgente alors que les événements des attentats terroristes du World Trade Center du 11 septembre 2001 font dire à Griffin que non seulement les États-Unis sont engagés dans une démarche impérialiste démoniaque, mais qu’ils contribuent de manière accélérée à la destruction de la planète. Il faut absolument, croit-il, renverser le courant et devenir, pour le monde, un leader de la réparation des écosystèmes, des économies et des sociétés. S’adjoignant des auteurs d’autres disciplines, et toujours dans un cadre processuel, Griffin entreprend le long périple pédagogique qu’est celui de convaincre le plus grand nombre d’individus possible que le temps est venu d’agir.


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Primera conferencia. Bibliotecas y Repositorios Digitales: Gestión del Conocimiento, Acceso Abierto y Visibilidad Latinoamericana. (BIREDIAL) Mayo 9 al 11 de 2011. Bogotá, Colombia.


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Introducción: Los dolores y las lesiones musculo esqueléticas que sufren los trabajadores en toda la industria, se han convertido en un problema de preocupación a nivel nacional e internacional. Objetivos: Caracterizar la presencia de sintomatología osteomuscular en el personal asistencial de una IPS Materno Infantil de tercer nivel de atención en la ciudad de Bogotá, mediante la aplicación de la encuesta Nórdica, identificando su relación con el área de trabajo en el cual se desempeñan. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal mediante la aplicación de la encuesta Nórdica a todo el personal asistencial diurno de una IPS Materno Infantil de III nivel de la ciudad de Bogotá que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Resultados: Del 100% de la población estudiada (n: 49), el 65,3% correspondían al género femenino y el 34.7% al masculino, la mayoría de la población laboraba menos de 12 horas. El área del cuerpo en la que manifestaron tener más sintomatología en los últimos 12 meses fue en espalda alta con una prevalencia de 46,9%. El área del cuerpo que más manifestaron les impedía trabajar en los últimos 12 meses fue en mano y muñeca derecha con una prevalencia del 6,1% y el área que manifestaron les impedía trabajar en los últimos 7 días fue en espalda alta con una prevalencia de 16,3%.