1000 resultados para NTM-centralen i Egentliga Finland


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Julkaisussa: Dell' arcano del mare di Ruberto Dudleo ... parte seconda del tomo terzo contenente il libro sesto. Vol III


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Julkaisussa: Dell' arcano del mare di Ruberto Dudleo ... parte seconda del tomo terzo contenente il libro sesto. Vol III


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Julkaisussa: Dell' arcano del mare di Ruberto Dudleo ... parte seconda del tomo terzo contenente il libro sesto. Vol III


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Julkaisussa: Dell' arcano del mare di Ruberto Dudleo ... parte seconda del tomo terzo contenente il libro sesto. Vol III


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Julkaisussa: Dell' arcano del mare di Ruberto Dudleo ... parte seconda del tomo terzo contenente il libro sesto. Vol III


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Julkaisussa: Cosmographia : hic finit cosmographia Ptolemei impressa opa dominici de lapis ciuis Bononiensis


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Julkaisussa: Cosmographia : hic finit cosmographia Ptolemei impressa opa dominici de lapis ciuis Bononiensis


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Julkaisussa: Le petit atlas maritime : recueil de cartes et plans des quatre parties du monde en cinq volumes. Vol. III


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The term urban heat island (UHI) refers to the common situation in which the city is warmer than its rural surroundings. In this dissertation, the local climate, and especially the UHI, of the coastal city of Turku (182,000 inh.), SW Finland, was studied in different spatial and temporal scales. The crucial aim was to sort out the urban, topographical and water body impact on temperatures at different seasons and times of the day. In addition, the impact of weather on spatiotemporal temperature differences was studied. The relative importance of environmental factors was estimated with different modelling approaches and a large number of explanatory variables with various spatial scales. The city centre is the warmest place in the Turku area. Temperature excess relative to the coldest sites, i.e. rural areas about 10 kilometers to the NE from the centre, is on average 2 °C. Occasionally, the UHI intensity can be even 10 °C. The UHI does not prevail continuously in the Turku area, but occasionally the city centre can be colder than its surroundings. Then the term urban cool island or urban cold island (UCI) is used. The UCI is most common in daytime in spring and in summer, whereas during winter the UHI prevails throughout the day. On average, the spatial temperature differences are largest in summer, whereas the single extreme values are often observed in winter. The seasonally varying sea temperature causes the shift of relatively warm areas towards the coast in autumn and inland in spring. In the long term, urban land use was concluded to be the most important factor causing spatial temperature differences in the Turku area. The impact was mainly a warming one. The impact of water bodies was emphasised in spring and autumn, when the water temperature was relatively cold and warm, respectively. The impact of topography was on average the weakest, and was seen mainly in proneness of relatively low-lying places for cold air drainage during night-time. During inversions, however, the impact of topography was emphasised, occasionally outperforming those of urban land use and water bodies.


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Kartan esitystekniikka: maastokartta.


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Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan


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Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan


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Syftet med denna vårdvetenskapliga avhandling är att tränga djupare in i fenomenet utanförskap genom att studera utanförskap och dess förhållande till och inverkan på människans hälsa och lidande. Frågeställningarna gäller vad utanförskap är och hur lidandet i utanförskap ser ut. Avhandlingen har ett vårdvetenskapligt perspektiv enligt den caritativa traditionen som utvecklats vid Åbo Akademi i Vasa. Målet med studien är att bidra med en större förståelse inom vården för det lidande som människor upplever då de befinner sig i utanförskap. Avhandlingen görs som en kvalitativ studie bestående av två delar, dels av en teoretisk studie, dels en empirisk undersökning. Den teoretiska delen består av en översikt av tidigare forskning, där materialet utgörs av nitton vetenskapliga artiklar. Materialet i den empiriska delen av studien utgörs av samtal med samt skrivna berättelser av forskningspersoner. Forskningspersonerna kommer från två olika kontexter: dels utländska studerande som studerar i Finland, dels personer som upplevt utanförskap i förhållande till ett religiöst samfund. Båda delarna av studien tolkas genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar att utanförskap kan erfaras inom många olika kontexter. Ur den teoretiska delen av studien steg följande teman fram som lidande i utanförskap: ensamhet, främlingskap, förluster, stigma och skam, social smärta samt mental ohälsa. Den empiriska delen av studien visar att utanförskap som upplevs inom en religiös kontext är ett svårare och djupare lidande än det som upplevs av utländska studerande. Teman om lidande i utanförskap som steg fram ur den empiriska studien är: social smärta, språkbarriär och nya sociala koder. Dessutom framkom positiva aspekter: utanförskap som ett äventyr och som samhörighet. Tolkningen av det gemensamma resultatet utmynnade i tre kategorier: det inre lidandet, det yttre lidandet och positiva aspekter av utanförskap. Med en ökad förståelse för lidandet i utanförskap kan vi möta människor i deras lidande och vara delaktiga i att lindra deras lidande.


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Developing students’ enterprise and proactive approaches to life have been goals of Finnish public education since its introduction. Still, education in Finland today is criticized for not reaching these goals and for overlooking the development of students’ enterprise. The role of enterprise education is ambivalent. On the one hand, enterprise education is advocated as the solution to many of the alleged problems in public education; on the other hand, the pedagogical ideas that enterprise education builds on appear to coincide with the contemporary understanding of “good education.” The thesis discusses what sets enterprise education apart from other types of education and teaching. Notably, the pedagogical foundations for enterprise education are not necessarily solid or sufficiently explored. Thus, the overall aim of the thesis is to explore the conditions for developing enterprise in education. Sloyd, as a school subject that promotes handicraft-based education, has long been attributed as having the potential to develop students’ character and person; similarly, it is also identified as being well suited for developing student enterprise. Enterprise education is not specific to sloyd, however. In fact, developing enterprise is a cross-curricular goal for basic education. In a subject-focused educational structure and culture, the development of an enterprising mindset in students is a common concern for all teachers. Thus, an understanding of the conditions for enterprise education must not be limited to one school subject; rather, the nature of the phenomenon requires a cross-curricular approach. Altogether, the conditions for enterprise education appear to be in need of further research. In addition to a subject-focused structure, other influencing factors that are mentioned in discussions on enterprise education include the need for a more enterprising working culture in school. Importantly, another key factor is the individual teacher’s pedagogical philosophy, which constitutes the frame of reference that informs how he or she understands and interprets his or her profession. Notably, the conditions for enterprise education are poor unless a teacher’s pedagogical philosophy emphasizes a focus on enterprise. The empirical research uses a hermeneutical approach and focuses on exploring teachers’ views on the conditions for reaching the national goals related to students’ enterprise. The interview study was conducted among class and subject teachers around Swedish-speaking Finland. The study shows that teachers view themselves as the most important factor for a focus on enterprise. Teachers have also identified a vast number of contextual factors that influence, support, or counteract a focus on enterprise. Structure, culture, resources, and curriculum, as well as numerous societal factors, all interact to affect the conditions for enterprise education. The prevailing culture of subject focus poses a challenge to enterprise education. At the same time, however, a focus on enterprise can be seen as a natural tendency in grades one to six. Indeed, teachers of all grade levels interpret the development of a proactive approach to life as one of education’s core values. Altogether, the thesis offers a deepened and nuanced understanding of the conditions for enterprise education. While the public education system in Finland seems to have some favourable basic conditions for enterprise education, multifaceted challenges must be faced if the national goals related to enterprise are to be reached.


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The bedrock of old crystalline cratons is characteristically saturated with brittle structures formed during successive superimposed episodes of deformation and under varying stress regimes. As a result, the crust effectively deforms through the reactivation of pre-existing structures rather than by through the activation, or generation, of new ones, and is said to be in a state of 'structural maturity'. By combining data from Olkiluoto Island, southwestern Finland, which has been investigated as the potential site of a deep geological repository for high-level nuclear waste, with observations from southern Sweden, it can be concluded that the southern part of the Svecofennian shield had already attained structural maturity during the Mesoproterozoic era. This indicates that the phase of activation of the crust, i.e. the time interval during which new fractures were generated, was brief in comparison to the subsequent reactivation phase. Structural maturity of the bedrock was also attained relatively rapidly in Namaqualand, western South Africa, after the formation of first brittle structures during Neoproterozoic time. Subsequent brittle deformation in Namaqualand was controlled by the reactivation of pre-existing strike-slip faults.In such settings, seismic events are likely to occur through reactivation of pre-existing zones that are favourably oriented with respect to prevailing stresses. In Namaqualand, this is shown for present day seismicity by slip tendency analysis, and at Olkiluoto, for a Neoproterozoic earthquake reactivating a Mesoproterozoic fault. By combining detailed field observations with the results of paleostress inversions and relative and absolute time constraints, seven distinctm superimposed paleostress regimes have been recognized in the Olkiluoto region. From oldest to youngest these are: (1) NW-SE to NNW-SSE transpression, which prevailed soon after 1.75 Ga, when the crust had sufficiently cooled down to allow brittle deformation to occur. During this phase conjugate NNW-SSE and NE-SW striking strike-slip faults were active simultaneous with reactivation of SE-dipping low-angle shear zones and foliation planes. This was followed by (2) N-S to NE-SW transpression, which caused partial reactivation of structures formed in the first event; (3) NW-SE extension during the Gothian orogeny and at the time of rapakivi magmatism and intrusion of diabase dikes; (4) NE-SW transtension that occurred between 1.60 and 1.30 Ga and which also formed the NW-SE-trending Satakunta graben located some 20 km north of Olkiluoto. Greisen-type veins also formed during this phase. (5) NE-SW compression that postdates both the formation of the 1.56 Ga rapakivi granites and 1.27 Ga olivine diabases of the region; (6) E-W transpression during the early stages of the Mesoproterozoic Sveconorwegian orogeny and which also predated (7) almost coaxial E-W extension attributed to the collapse of the Sveconorwegian orogeny. The kinematic analysis of fracture systems in crystalline bedrock also provides a robust framework for evaluating fluid-rock interaction in the brittle regime; this is essential in assessment of bedrock integrity for numerous geo-engineering applications, including groundwater management, transient or permanent CO2 storage and site investigations for permanent waste disposal. Investigations at Olkiluoto revealed that fluid flow along fractures is coupled with low normal tractions due to in-situ stresses and thus deviates from the generally accepted critically stressed fracture concept, where fluid flow is concentrated on fractures on the verge of failure. The difference is linked to the shallow conditions of Olkiluoto - due to the low differential stresses inherent at shallow depths, fracture activation and fluid flow is controlled by dilation due to low normal tractions. At deeper settings, however, fluid flow is controlled by fracture criticality caused by large differential stress, which drives shear deformation instead of dilation.