538 resultados para Myo-inositol
Epidemiological studies previously identified cis-5,8,11,14,17-eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) as the biologically active component of fish oil of benefit to the cardiovascular system. Although clinical investigations demonstrated its usefulness in surgical procedures, its mechanism of action still remained unclear. It was shown in this thesis, that EPA partially blocked the contraction of aortic smooth muscle cells to the vasoactive agents KCl and noradrenaline. The latter effect was likely caused by reducing calcium influx through receptor-operated channels, supporting a recent suggestion by Asano et al (1997). Consistently, EPA decreased noradrenaline-induced contractures in aortic tissue, in support of previous reports (Engler, 1992b). The observed effect of EPA on cell contractions to KCl was not simple due to blocking calcium influx through L-type channels, consistent with a previous suggestion by Hallaq et al (1992). Moreover, EPA caused a transient increase in [Ca2+]i in the absence of extracellular calcium. To resolve this it was shown that EPA increased inositol phosphate formation which, it is suggested, caused the release of calcium from an inositol phosphate-dependent internal binding site, possibly that of an intracellular membrane or superficial sarcoplasmic reticulum, producing the transient increase in [Ca2+]i. As it was shown that the cellular contractile filaments were not desensitised to calcium by EPA, it is suggested that the transient increase in [Ca2+]i subsequently blocks further cell contraction to KCl by activating membrane-associated potassium channels. Activation of potassium channels induces the cellular efflux of potassium ions, thereby hyperpolarising the plasma membrane and moving the membrane potential farther from the activation range for calcium channels. This would prevent calcium influx in the longer term and could explain the initial observed effect of EPA to block cell contraction to KCl.
C-reactive protein (CRP) is the prototypic acute phase serum protein in humans. CRP is currently one of the best markers of inflammatory disease and disease activity. One of the keys cells involved in inflammation within chronic inflammatory diseases is the monocyte. Monocytes are able to modulate inflammation through cytokine expression, cytosolic peroxide formation, adhesion molecule expression and subsequent adhesion/migration to sites of inflammation. CRP has been previously shown to bind directly to monocytes through Fc receptors. However this observation is not conclusive and requires further investigation. The effects of incubation of CRP with human primary and monocytic cell lines were examined using monocytic cytokine expression, adhesion molecule expression and adhesion to endothelial cells and intracellular peroxide formation, as end points. Monocytic intracellular signalling events were investigated after interaction of CRP with specific CRP receptors on monocytes. These initial signalling events were examined for their role in modulating monocytic adhesion molecule and cytokine expression. Monocyte recruitment and retention in the vasculature is also influenced by oxidative stress. Therefore the effect of 6 weeks of antioxidant intervention in vivo was examined on monocytic adhesion molecule expression, adhesion to endothelial cells ex vivo and on serum CRP concentrations, pre- and post- supplementation with the antioxidants vitamin C and vitaInin E. In summary, CRP is able to bind FcγRIIa. CRP binding FcγR initiates an intracellular signalling cascade that phosphorylates the non-receptor tyrosine kinase, Syk, associated with intracellular tyrosine activating motifs on the cytoplasmic tail of Fcγ receptors. CRP incubations increased phosphatidyl inositol turnover and Syk phosphorylation ultimately lead to Ca2+ mobilisation in monocytes. CRP mediated Syk phosphorylation in monocytes leads to an increase in CD 11b and IL-6 expression. CRP engagement with monocytes also leads to an increase in peroxide production, which can be inhibited in vitro using the antioxidants α-tocopherol and ascorbic acid. CRP mediated CD 11b expression is not redox regulated by CRP mediated changes in cytosolic peroxides. The FcyRIla polymorphism at codon 131 effects the phenotypic driven changes described in monocytes by CRP, where R/R allotypes have a greater increase in CD11b, in response to CRP, which may be involved in promoting the monocytic inflammatory response. CRP leads to an increase in the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which alters the immune phenotype of circulating monocytes. Vitamin C supplementation reduced monocytic adhesion to endothelial cells, but had no effect on serum levels of CRP. Where long-term antioxidant intervention may provide benefit from the risk of developing vascular inflammatory disease, by reducing monocytic adhesion to the vasculature. In conclusion CRP appears to be much more than just a marker of ongoing inflammation or associated inflammatory disease and disease activity. This data suggests that at pathophysiological concentrations, CRP may be able to directly modulate inflammation through interacting with monocytes and thereby alter the inflammatory response associated with vascular inflammatory diseases.
Concanavalin A, a T cell mitogen enhanced DNA synthesis in murine splenocytes. Amongst the early signals prior to this event was an increase in cytosolic calcium derived from both intra- and extracellular sources. The requirements for extracellular calcium persisted for four hours after the lectin administration which itself was needed for six hours. Putative calcium channel antagonists and calmodulin inhibitors blocked ihe increase in DNA synthesis. The calcium signal was mimicked by application of the ionophore, A23187, although no increase in DNA synthesis occurred. An activator of protein kinase C, 12-0- tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate, had little effect in isolation but the combined application of these two agents greatly enhanced DNA synthesis. The natural mediators of these events are presumed to be inositol trisphosphate and diacylglycerol derived from phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate hydrolysis. Lectin application and protein kinase C activation both increased intracellular pH possibly as a result of Na'l'/H"'' exchange since amiloride an inhibitor of this antiporter inhibited lectin induced DNA synthesis. The calcium and hydrogen ionic changes occur within minutes of lectin application; the protracted requirement for this mitogen suggests further signalling mechanisms occur to elicit maximum DNA synthesis in these cells. Gonadectomy caused an increase in thymic and splenic weight. Spleno-cytes derived from castrated mice showed no change in mitogen response whereas those from ovariectomised mice demonstrated a reduced lectin sensitivity. Testosterone, 5 a dihydrotestosterone, a and 0 oestradiol all inhibited lectin induced DNA synthesis but only at pharmacological concentrations. Testosterone glucuronide and cholesterol were without effect Studies with mouse serum fractions of differing steroidal status were unable to confirm the presence or absence of serum factors which might mediate the effects of steroid on lymphoid cells, all fractions tested inhibited lymphocyte transformation. Both interleukin-2 and lipopolysaccharide induced splenocyte mitogene-sis was also impaired by high steroid concentrations in vitro, suggesting that steroids mediate their effect by a non-specific, non-receptor-mediated event.
In the ciliate Paramecium, a variety of well characterized processes are regulated by Ca2+, e.g. exocytosis, endocytosis and ciliary beat. Therefore, among protozoa, Paramecium is considered a model organism for Ca2+ signaling, although the molecular identity of the channels responsible for the Ca2+ signals remains largely unknown. We have cloned - for the first time in a protozoan - the full sequence of the gene encoding a putative inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate (Ins(1,4,5)P3) receptor from Paramecium tetraurelia cells showing molecular characteristics of higher eukaryotic cells. The homologously expressed Ins(1,4,5)P3-binding domain binds [3H]Ins(1,4,5)P3, whereas antibodies unexpectedly localize this protein to the osmoregulatory system. The level of Ins(1,4,5)P3-receptor expression was reduced, as shown on a transcriptional level and by immuno-staining, by decreasing the concentration of extracellular Ca2+ (Paramecium cells rapidly adjust their Ca2+ level to that in the outside medium). Fluorochromes reveal spontaneous fluctuations in cytosolic Ca2+ levels along the osmoregulatory system and these signals change upon activation of caged Ins(1,4,5)P3. Considering the ongoing expulsion of substantial amounts of Ca2+ by the osmoregulatory system, we propose here that Ins(1,4,5)P3 receptors serve a new function, i.e. a latent, graded reflux of Ca2+ to fine-tune [Ca2+] homeostasis.
Astrocytes in the rat thalamus display spontaneous [Ca2+]i oscillations that are due to intracellular release, but are not dependent on neuronal activity. In this study we have investigated the mechanisms involved in these spontaneous [Ca2+]i oscillations using slices loaded with Fluo-4 AM (5 μM) and confocal microscopy. Bafilomycin A1 incubation had no effect on the number of spontaneous [Ca2+]i oscillations indicating that they were not dependent on vesicular neurotransmitter release. Oscillations were also unaffected by ryanodine. Phospholipase C (PLC) inhibition decreased the number of astrocytes responding to metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR) activation but did not reduce the number of spontaneously active astrocytes, indicating that [Ca2+]i increases are not due to membrane-coupled PLC activation. Spontaneous [Ca2+]i increases were abolished by an IP3 receptor antagonist, whilst the protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor chelerythrine chloride prolonged their duration, indicating a role for PKC and inositol 1,4,5,-triphosphate receptor activation. BayK8644 increased the number of astrocytes exhibiting [Ca2+]i oscillations, and prolonged the responses to mGluR activation, indicating a possible effect on store-operated Ca2+ entry. Increasing [Ca2+]o increased the number of spontaneously active astrocytes and the number of transients exhibited by each astrocyte. Inhibition of the endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase by cyclopiazonic acid also induced [Ca2+]i transients in astrocytes indicating a role for cytoplasmic Ca2+ in the induction of spontaneous oscillations. Incubation with 20 μM Fluo-4 reduced the number of astrocytes exhibiting spontaneous increases. This study indicates that Ca2+ has a role in triggering Ca2+ release from an inositol 1,4,5,-triphosphate sensitive store in astrocytes during the generation of spontaneous [Ca2+]i oscillations
The contractile state of microcirculatory vessels is a major determinant of the blood pressure of the whole systemic circulation. Continuous bi-directional communication exists between the endothelial cells (ECs) and smooth muscle cells (SMCs) that regulates calcium (Ca2+) dynamics in these cells. This study presents theoretical approaches to understand some of the important and currently unresolved microcirculatory phenomena. ^ Agonist induced events at local sites have been shown to spread long distances in the microcirculation. We have developed a multicellular computational model by integrating detailed single EC and SMC models with gap junction and nitric oxide (NO) coupling to understand the mechanisms behind this effect. Simulations suggest that spreading vasodilation mainly occurs through Ca 2+ independent passive conduction of hyperpolarization in RMAs. Model predicts a superior role for intercellular diffusion of inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate (IP3) than Ca2+ in modulating the spreading response. ^ Endothelial derived signals are initiated even during vasoconstriction of stimulated SMCs by the movement of Ca2+ and/or IP3 into the EC which provide hyperpolarizing feedback to SMCs to counter the ongoing constriction. Myoendothelial projections (MPs) present in the ECs have been recently proposed to play a role in myoendothelial feedback. We have developed two models using compartmental and 2D finite element methods to examine the role of these MPs by adding a sub compartment in the EC to simulate MP with localization of intermediate conductance calcium activated potassium channels (IKCa) and IP3 receptors (IP 3R). Both models predicted IP3 mediated high Ca2+ gradients in the MP after SMC stimulation with limited global spread. This Ca 2+ transient generated a hyperpolarizing feedback of ∼ 2–3mV. ^ Endothelium derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF) is the dominant form of endothelial control of SMC constriction in the microcirculation. A number of factors have been proposed for the role of EDHF but no single pathway is agreed upon. We have examined the potential of myoendothelial gap junctions (MEGJs) and potassium (K+) accumulation as EDHF using two models (compartmental and 2D finite element). An extra compartment is added in SMC to simulate micro domains (MD) which have NaKα2 isoform sodium potassium pumps. Simulations predict that MEGJ coupling is much stronger in producing EDHF than alone K+ accumulation. On the contrary, K+ accumulation can alter other important parameters (EC V m, IKCa current) and inhibit its own release as well as EDHF conduction via MEGJs. The models developed in this study are essential building blocks for future models and provide important insights to the current understanding of myoendothelial feedback and EDHF.^
Microcirculatory vessels are lined by endothelial cells (ECs) which are surrounded by a single or multiple layer of smooth muscle cells (SMCs). Spontaneous and agonist induced spatiotemporal calcium (Ca2+) events are generated in ECs and SMCs, and regulated by complex bi-directional signaling between the two layers which ultimately determines the vessel tone. The contractile state of microcirculatory vessels is an important factor in the determination of vascular resistance, blood flow and blood pressure. This dissertation presents theoretical insights into some of the important and currently unresolved phenomena in microvascular tone regulation. Compartmental and continuum models of isolated EC and SMC, coupled EC-SMC and a multi-cellular vessel segment with deterministic and stochastic descriptions of the cellular components were developed, and the intra- and inter-cellular spatiotemporal Ca2+ mobilization was examined. Coupled EC-SMC model simulations captured the experimentally observed localized subcellular EC Ca2+ events arising from the opening of EC transient receptor vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) channels and inositol triphosphate receptors (IP3Rs). These localized EC Ca2+ events result in endothelium-derived hyperpolarization (EDH) and Nitric Oxide (NO) production which transmit to the adjacent SMCs to ultimately result in vasodilation. The model examined the effect of heterogeneous distribution of cellular components and channel gating kinetics in determination of the amplitude and spread of the Ca2+ events. The simulations suggested the necessity of co-localization of certain cellular components for modulation of EDH and NO responses. Isolated EC and SMC models captured intracellular Ca2+ wave like activity and predicted the necessity of non-uniform distribution of cellular components for the generation of Ca2+ waves. The simulations also suggested the role of membrane potential dynamics in regulating Ca2+ wave velocity. The multi-cellular vessel segment model examined the underlying mechanisms for the intercellular synchronization of spontaneous oscillatory Ca2+ waves in individual SMC. From local subcellular events to integrated macro-scale behavior at the vessel level, the developed multi-scale models captured basic features of vascular Ca2+ signaling and provide insights for their physiological relevance. The models provide a theoretical framework for assisting investigations on the regulation of vascular tone in health and disease.
Il riconoscimento delle gesture è un tema di ricerca che sta acquisendo sempre più popolarità, specialmente negli ultimi anni, grazie ai progressi tecnologici dei dispositivi embedded e dei sensori. Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di utilizzare alcune tecniche di machine learning per realizzare un sistema in grado di riconoscere e classificare in tempo reale i gesti delle mani, a partire dai segnali mioelettrici (EMG) prodotti dai muscoli. Inoltre, per consentire il riconoscimento di movimenti spaziali complessi, verranno elaborati anche segnali di tipo inerziale, provenienti da una Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) provvista di accelerometro, giroscopio e magnetometro. La prima parte della tesi, oltre ad offrire una panoramica sui dispositivi wearable e sui sensori, si occuperà di analizzare alcune tecniche per la classificazione di sequenze temporali, evidenziandone vantaggi e svantaggi. In particolare, verranno considerati approcci basati su Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), Hidden Markov Models (HMM), e reti neurali ricorrenti (RNN) di tipo Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), che rappresentano una delle ultime evoluzioni nel campo del deep learning. La seconda parte, invece, riguarderà il progetto vero e proprio. Verrà impiegato il dispositivo wearable Myo di Thalmic Labs come caso di studio, e saranno applicate nel dettaglio le tecniche basate su DTW e HMM per progettare e realizzare un framework in grado di eseguire il riconoscimento real-time di gesture. Il capitolo finale mostrerà i risultati ottenuti (fornendo anche un confronto tra le tecniche analizzate), sia per la classificazione di gesture isolate che per il riconoscimento in tempo reale.
An 1180-cm long core recovered from Lake Lyadhej-To (68°15'N, 65°45'E, 150 m a.s.l.) at the NW rim of the Polar Urals Mountains reflects the Holocene environmental history from ca. 11,000 cal. yr BP. Pollen assemblages from the diamicton (ca. 11,000-10,700 cal. yr BP) are dominated by Pre-Quaternary spores and redeposited Pinaceae pollen, pointing to a high terrestrial input. Turbid and nutrient-poor conditions existed in the lake ca. 10,700-10,550 cal. yr BP. The chironomid-inferred reconstructions suggest that mean July temperature increased rapidly from 10.0 to 11.8 °C during this period. Sparse, treeless vegetation dominated on the disturbed and denuded soils in the catchment area. A distinct dominance of planktonic diatoms ca. 10,500-8800 cal. yr BP points to the lowest lake-ice coverage, the longest growing season and the highest bioproductivity during the lake history. Birch forest with some shrub alder grew around the lake reflecting the warmest climate conditions during the Holocene. Mean July temperature was likely 11-13 °C and annual precipitation-400-500 mm. The period ca. 8800-5500 cal. yr BP is characterized by a gradual deterioration of environmental conditions in the lake and lake catchment. The pollen- and chironomid-inferred temperatures reflect a warm period (ca. 6500-6000 cal. BP) with a mean July temperature at least 1-2 °C higher than today. Birch forests disappeared from the lake vicinity after 6000 cal. yr BP. The vegetation in the Lyadhej-To region became similar to the modern one. Shrub (Betula nana, Salix) and herb tundra have dominated the lake catchment since ca. 5500 cal. yr BP. All proxies suggest rather harsh environmental conditions. Diatom assemblages reflect relatively short growing seasons and a longer persistence of lake-ice ca. 5500-2500 cal. yr BP. Pollen-based climate reconstructions suggest significant cooling between ca. 5500 and 3500 cal. yr BP with a mean July temperature 8-10 °C and annual precipitation-300-400 mm. The bioproductivity in the lake remained low after 2500 cal. yr BP, but biogeochemical proxies reflect a higher terrestrial influx. Changes in the diatom content may indicate warmer water temperatures and a reduced ice cover on the lake. However, chironomid-based reconstructions reflect a period with minimal temperatures during the lake history.
Este trabajo tiene como meta el desarrollo de un sistema de neurorrehabilitación mediante realidad virtual para pacientes con problemas motores en las extremidades superiores provocados por un daño cerebral. Para entender y enfrentarse de manera correcta al problema, se han revisado todos los aspectos concernientes al daño cerebral y déficits motores derivados así como las terapias empleadas para su rehabilitación, como las que utilizan tecnologías asistidas como la realidad virtual. Se han expuesto las ventajas que han llevado a utilizar esta terapia en el proyecto y se han mencionado algunos estudios de investigación previos y con resultados favorables. Por último, se ha hecho hincapié en las novedades (embodiment y neuronas espejo) que aporta este proyecto con las que se podría acelerar la rehabilitación de los pacientes incidiendo en la plasticidad cerebral. En lo que se refiere al desarrollo del entorno, se ha utilizado el motor de videojuegos Unity 3D, con el que se ha integrado el dispositivo Myo Armband, para capturar el movimiento, y las gafas de realidad virtual Oculus Rift DK2. Durante la terapia, el paciente tiene que superar una serie de niveles definidos por el terapeuta y, para ello, debe realizar un alcance y tocar un botón un número de veces por cada nivel. En cada nivel, el esfuerzo que tiene que realizar el paciente es distinto, dependiendo de la distancia a la que se encuentre el botón (relativa al calibrado previo del paciente) e igualmente, está definido por el terapeuta. También se lleva a cabo un registro de las aceleraciones y del porcentaje de acierto del paciente en un fichero, para llevar un control de su progreso. Como conclusión, cabe mencionar que el entorno desarrollado es adaptable a las posibilidades de cada paciente, permitiendo una recuperación óptima. Se trata de un sistema de bajo coste, intuitivo y que lleva a cabo un registro de datos de la actividad del paciente, lo que posibilita, como trabajo futuro, el control de forma remota por parte del terapeuta. Todos estos aspectos dejan abierta la posibilidad de que el paciente lo utilice a domicilio, con las ventajas que conlleva. Del mismo modo, el sistema se podría adaptar fácilmente para la rehabilitación de las extremidades inferiores. Tras su análisis, los investigadores expertos en la materia del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas afirman que el sistema satisface con creces su propósito. Con todo esto, se concluye que este entorno tiene un excelente presente y un futuro muy prometedor.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
New pollen and radiocarbon data from an 8.6-m coastal section, Cape Shpindler (69°43' N; 62°48' E), Yugorski Peninsula, document the latest Pleistocene and Holocene environmental history of this low Arctic region. Twelve AMS 14C dates indicate that the deposits accumulated since about 13,000 until 2000 radiocarbon years BP. A thermokarst lake formed ca. 13,000-12,800 years BP, when scarce arctic tundra vegetation dominated the area. By 12,500 years BP, a shallow lake existed at the site, and Arctic tundra with Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Salix, Saxifraga, and Artemisia dominated nearby vegetation. Climate was colder than today. Betula nana became dominant during the Early Preboreal period about 9500 years BP, responding to a warm event, which was one of the warmest during the Holocene. Decline in B. nana and Salix after 9500 years BP reflects a brief event of Preboreal cooling. A subsequent increase in Betula and Alnus fruticosa pollen percentages reflects amelioration of environmental conditions at the end of Preboreal period (ca. 9300 years BP). A decline in arboreal taxa later, with a dramatic increase in herb taxa, reflects a short cold event at about 9200 years BP. The pollen data reflect a northward movement of tree birch, peaking at the middle Boreal period, around 8500 years BP. Open Betula forest existed on the Kara Sea coast of the Yugorski Peninsula during the Atlantic period (8000-4500 years BP), indicating that climate was significantly warmer than today. Deteriorating climate around the Atlantic-Subboreal boundary (ca. 4500 years BP) is recorded by a decline in Betula percentages. Sedimentation slowed at the site, and processes of denudation and/or soil formation started at the beginning of the Subatlantic period, when vegetation cover on Yugorski Peninsula shifted to near-modern assemblages.