1000 resultados para Museu Nacional (Brazil)
Unequal sex ratios lead to the loss of genetic variability, decreasing the viability of populations in the long term. Anthropogenic activities often disturb the natural habitats and can cause alterations in sex ratio and morphological characteristics of several species. Forest fragmentation is a major conservation concern, so that understanding its effects in natural populations is essential. In this study, we evaluated the sex ratio and the morphological characteristics of Rufous Gnateaters (Conopophaga lineata (Wied, 1831)) in small and large forest fragments in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Birds (n = 89) were sexed by plumage characteristics and molecular markers. The molecular analysis showed that plumage is not a totally reliable method for sexing Rufous Gnateaters. We observed that sex ratio did not differ between large and small forest fragments, but birds in small fragments had larger wings and tarsus. Wing and tarsus changes may affect the movement ability of individuals within and among forest fragments. In conclusion, Rufous Gnateaters have been able to survive in both small and large Atlantic rain forest fragments without altering their sex ratio, but morphological changes can be prejudicial to their long term survival.
Minasia ramosa, a new species from Brazil, is here described and illustrated. The species is endemic to the campos rupestres of the Serra do Cabral, a western extension of the Espinhaco Range in Minas Gerais. Minasia ramosa is characterized by its narrow ensiform leaves, paniculate inflorescence and totally setuliferous cypselae. The affinities of this species are discussed.
Apocynaceae sensun strictum from the Mucuge Municipal Park, Bahia, Brazil, including the valid publication of two names in Mandevilla Lindl. The flora of Rauvolfioideae and Apocynoideae, which together form Apocynaceae s.s., from the Mucuge Municipal Park, Chapada Diamantina, State of Bahia, Brazil, is presented. Eight species and five genera were recognized. Mandevilla is the most diverse genus, With four species: M. scabra (Hoffmans. ex Roem. & Schult.) K. Schum., M. tenuifolia (J.C. Mikan) Woodson, M. bahiensis (Woodson) M.F. Sales & Kinoshita-Gouvea, and M.microphylla (Stadelm.) M.F. Sales & Kinoshita-Gouvea, the last two are a new status and a new combination, respectively, whose names are being validly published here. The four remaining genera are each represented by one species: Couma rigida Mull. Arg., Stipecoma peltigera (Stadelm.) Mull Arg,, Temnadenia violacea (Veil.) Miers, and Himatanthus bracteatus (A. DC.) Woodson. Identification key, descriptions, comments and illustrations are presented for every species.
The Fernando de Noronha Archipelago (Pernambuco State, Brazil), a national marine park, is formed by 21 islands and islets of volcanic origin. An update of the checklist of the benthic cnidarians from some of the archipelago`s reef environments, as well as a study of their corals and calcified hydroids morphometry, was the major goal of this work. Fieldwork was undertaken in February 2005 and in April 2006 and observations were carried out at 13 stations during snorkeling and/or scuba diving up to 30 m deep. Thirty-four species of cnidarians were recorded, of which 17 are new occurrences for the studied area. When added to the species previously listed in the literature, the total number of benthic cnidarians recorded for the Archipelago increases to 57. Stephanocoenia michelini, a new occurrence of zooxanthellate coral, is worthy of mention, as well as the calcified hydroid Millepora braziliensis. Mussismilia hispida tenuisepta showed several variations among its skeletal characters that surpassed the limits of intraspecific morphological variation when compared to those of Mussismilia hispida.
Both sexes of a new genus and species of Ectinosomatidae (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) from sublittoral sediments collected on the inner continental shelf in Ubatuba, Sao Paulo State (Brazil) are described in detail. Chaulionyx gen. n. (type species: C. paivacarvalhoi sp. n.) differs from all known genera in the presence of a conspicuous bifid spine on the prehensile P1 endopod. It can be differentiated from other genera with a prehensile endopod (Halophytophilus Brian, 1919; Bradyellopsis Brian, 1925; Klieosoma Hicks & Schriever, 1985) by the presence of distinctive subrectangular middorsal pores on the urosomites and the unarmed male sixth legs. The genus Lineosoma Wells, 1965 is recognized as a paraphyletic taxon and relegated to a junior subjective synonym of Noodtiella Wells, 1965. Arenosetella pectinata Chappuis, 1954a is removed from its floating position in Ectinosomoides Nicholls, 1945, transferred to the genus Noodtiella as N. pectinata comb. n. and considered the senior subjective synonym of N. toukae Mitwally & Montagna, 2001. Dichotomous keys are provided for the identification of the 18 valid species of Noodtiella and the 21 valid genera of the family Ectinosomatidae. Halophytophilus aberrans Wells & Rao, 1987 is placed species incertae sedis in the family.
The reproductive cycle of Ophionereis reticulata, a common sediment-rocky shore-interface ophiuroid, was examined monthly from January 2002 to January 2003 at Praia Grande beach (Sao Sesbatiao, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil). Mature individuals were found from January 2002 to April 2002 and from November 2002 to January 2003. Spawning was regcorded from January 2002 to March 2002 and from November 2002 to January 2003. Mature sperm is still present in April which could be involved in the fertilization of the last oocytes spawned in March and April. November and December marked the final point in the maturation process, with a high concentration of yolk and lipid nutrients in the oocytes. Ophionereis reticulata showed, for the period analyzed, a single spawning period, during spring and summer.
Maranta is a neotropical genus, species of which are found in moist and shaded habitats in forests and in the cerrado. During the preparation of Maranta`s monograph for the Flora Neotropica, four new species were discovered and are now described: Maranta longiflora S.Vieira & V.C.Souza, Maranta coriacea S.Vieira & V.C.Souza, Maranta pulchra S.Vieira & V.C.Souza and Maranta purpurea S.Vieira & V.C.Souza. These species are found in dry habitats, frequently near watercourses or occasionally in humid and shaded places. Two, M. pulchra and M. purpurea, seem to be endemic to the state of Mato Grosso. (C) 2008 The Linnean Society of London.
A new species of Vriesea Lindl. belonging to section Xiphion (E. Morren) E. Morren ex Mez. - V. sanfranciscana Versieux & Wand.- is described and illustrated. The species is only known to occur in the Serra da Canastra National Park, located in the southwestern Minas Gerais, Brazil, and is morphologically related to V. atropurpurea Silveira from serra do Cipo, Espinhaco range.
The geographic variation and hemipenial morphology of Siagonodon brasiliensis are described based on a comprehensive sample, allowing the reappraisal of its generic identity, and the proposal of a new nomenclatural combination. We suggest that the presence of two supralabials, as mentioned in the original description of S. brasiliensis, is not a common feature for this species, occurring at low frequencies throughout its geographic distribution. Based on a diagnosis presented in a recently published paper, as well as on additional external traits and on hemipenial characters, we recognize Siagonodon brasiliensis as a species of the genus Tricheilostoma. In addition, a new species of worm snake of the genus Siagonodon is described from the savannas of the state of Tocantins, Brazil. The new species differs from other congeners by having a slightly acuminate snout in lateral and ventral views, subcircular rostral in dorsal view, and 12 scale rows around middle of tail. The diagnosis of the genus Siagonodon is revised and expanded based on direct observation of morphological characters.
The mid-Araguaia River basin in central Brazil is considered a priority area for biodiversity conservation, and Parque Estadual do Cantao (PEC) is one of the most important protected areas in this ecotone between Cerrado and Amazonia. This area suffers an intensive human pressure with high rates of deforestation, and still remains poorly studied in terms of biodiversity. From June 2007 to November 2008 we sampled small mammals from both banks of the mid-Araguaia River, in the states of Tocantins and Para. Data are given about morphological traits, geographic distribution and natural history of 22 species of small non-volant mammals (eight marsupials and 14 rodents) surveyed at PEC and its surroundings. We also present mitochondrial phylogenetic analyses that allow species identification within the genera: Oecomys, Oligoryzomys and Rhipidomys, and delineate an undescribed species of Thrichomys. Based on morphologic and molecular data, we describe a new species of Rhipidomys previously assigned to R. nitela, which is apparently endemic to the Araguaia-Tocantins basin in the Cerrado. Additionally, our phylogenetic analyses provide support for the role played by the Araguaia River as an important geographic barrier for two sister species of Rhipidomys.
Eight new species of the spider genus Chrysometa Simon, 1894 (Araneae, Tetragnathidae) are described and illustrated. Chrysometa nubigena n. sp., C. waikoxi n. sp., C. petrasierwaldae n. sp., C. santosi n. sp., C. yanomami n. sp., C. candianii n. sp., C. lomanhungae n. sp., and C. saci n. sp. Those species were collected in a study on the diversity of spider communities along altitudinal gradients in Brazilian Amazonia. C. saci was captured at the Serra do Tapirapeco (Barcelos), while all the other species are from the Pico da Neblina (Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira), the highest mountain in Brazil. We provide new records for C. boraceia, C. flava, C. guttata, C. minuta and C. opulenta, and we describe the male of C. minuta for the first time. We also present the first results on the diversity and altitudinal distribution of the species of Chrysometa at the Pico da Neblina and Serra do Tapirapeco. We sampled the first locality at six different elevations, and obtained 336 specimens distributed in 12 species. Richness and abundance, as well as relative importance peaked at the highest sites sampled (2,000 and 2,400 m). The three most abundant species showed a segregated distribution, being dominant or exclusively distributed in different altitudes. At the Serra do Tapirapeco, sampling at four different elevations up to 1200 m, we only obtained 40 individuals divided in four species, and there was no clear relation to altitude. Most of the new species were found at mid and high altitude sites, while species from lower altitude sites represented widespread species. The comparison with other neotropical spiders inventories highlights the high diversity recorded at Pico da Neblina, which could be assigned to the large environmental variation covered in this work and to the sampling of high-altitude environments. Inventories in the Andean region and other information in the literature also seem to support the association of Chrysometa with high altitude environments.
In this paper we describe and illustrate Orthophytum argentum as a new species from campos rupestres of Espinhaco Range, morphologically similar to Orthophytum toscanoi.
A checklist of the 14 genera and 34 species of Bromeliaceae from the Parque Estadual do Rio Preto in Sao Goncalo do Rio Preto municipality, Minas Gerais state, southeastern Brazil, is presented. The Tillandsioideae was the most diverse subfamily and was found to be concentrated in rocky field areas. Bromelioideae is also a species rich subfamily, but its taxa have shown a preference to forested areas and savannas at lower altitudes. Pitcairnioideae is highlighted by its level of endemism, but has only four species. Cryptanthus micrus, a new species found in this area is described and illustrated. Our cluster analysis indicated that the Rio Preto State Park has a Bromeliaceae flora more similar to that from Pico do Itambe and Grao Mogol State Parks. Taxa like Dyckia glandulosa, Orthophytum itambense and Vriesea medusa, which were previously considered to be endemic to Pico do Itambe, now have their area of occurrence extended to Rio Preto. These new occurrences highlight the importance to create a corridor joining these neighboring reserves to connect populations of narrowly ranged or rare species. In this work we present pictures of 19 species in their habitats within the park, and we hope that these illustrations will help in the identification and conservation of these taxa.
A new species of the tree toad genus Dendrophryniscus is described from a rainforest habitat at Parque Nacional de Serra das Lontras, municipality of Arataca, southern Bahia, Brazil. Dendrophryniscus oreites sp. nov. is related to the Atlantic forest brevipollicatus group by hand morphology, skin texture, ventral coloration and bromelicolous habits. The new species differs from related species by having a larger size, warty skin, inner finger reduced with presence of a dark nuptial pad in males, and a yellowish coloration with discrete dorsal pattern. This discovery highlights the importance of southern Bahia in terms of conservation, and for our understanding of the evolution of the frog diversity within the Atlantic Rainforest.
A new species of Characidae, Moenkhausia celibela, is described from the Rio Amazonas at Santarem, Rio Marau, several localities in the Rio Tapajos, Rio Curua-Una, Rio Xingu and Rio Jari, all from the Amazon basin, Brazil. The new species is distinguished from its congeners, except species included in Gery`s 1992 Moenkhausia lepidura group, by presenting a dark blotch on the upper caudal-fin lobe, and the lower lobe is hyaline or light grey. Moenkhausia celibela is distinguished from the species of the M. lepidura group by the absence of a humeral spot and the presence of a roughly triangular and dark spot at the caudal-fin base, extending posteriorly along the middle caudal-fin rays, and distinctly separate from the spot on the upper caudal-fin lobe.