886 resultados para Morte - Aspectos psicológicos
This study aimed to seize the general social representations of doctors and nurses who work in ICUs on the process of death and dying. We also aimed to know the social representations of these professionals in relation to death and the process of dying of people who are under their care, identify factors that influence the construction of these representations and identify similarities and differences between the two professions. The study was conducted from the perspective of the Theory of Social Representations of Serge Moscovici and the Central Nucleus of Jean-Claude Abric. The study was conducted in the Intensive Care Unit of Natal Hospital Center, a private hospital of the city of Natal - Rio Grande do Norte. This is descriptive and exploratory research. Twenty-four (24) professionals were interviewed, twelve (12) nurses and twelve (12) doctors. Data were collected through two instruments: Test of Free Association of Words, semi-structured interview. Later, they were coded, categorized and analyzed according to Content Analysis of Bardin (1977). The words evoked after the use of inducing words - death and dying - and the interviews, led to three thematic categories: Death and dying as a biological event, death and dying as a psychosocial event, death and dying as a transcendental event. As final considerations, we believe that the social representations of the group are translated in death and dying as biological and psychosocial events and anchored in the transcendental aspects, we do not see obvious differences in the testimonies of doctors and nurses , and the factors that interfere the construction of these offices is the culture, including religion
Understanding the meaning of death for student nurses is the subject of this research. The motivation for the meeting place of my difficulties as a person and especially as a teacher in the face of nursing students in dealing with death on a day-to-day hospital during the undergraduate course. Death became known that this evil looms before men and destabilizing, causing often irreversible mental disorders when faced with family loss. Therefore, it is appropriate to study it the possibility of making us reflect on our way of living life and dealing with human beings from the perspective of finitude. Aimed to understand the meaning of death for nursing students. For this purpose, it was based on the following guiding question: What is the meaning of death for you as a nursing student? From this perspective, the study was developed within a qualitative dimension of the phenomenological approach. To perform ten students were interviewed during the month of July 2009. Emerged from these interviews a variety of feelings such as fear, anxiety, insecurity, failure, sadness, as the sensory experience of each. To understand the meaning units that emerged from the empirical data which constitute the essence of this research were fundamental studies dealing with Heidegger about the death in a phenomenological perspective, as well as authors Bicudo, D'Assunção, Dastur, Morin, Boff, Kübler-Ross, Boemer, among others. From the understanding of the phenomenon, we can say that death produces mixed feelings in these students that lead to selfprotection, understood, often as a departure from the other, at the approach of death. However, it proved to be sensitive and receptive to the approach of death in other dimensions, beyond the highly technical aspects, pointing to a paradigm shift that has the yeast's own willingness to change. In addition, the research highlights the weaknesses in the education of nurses regarding the understanding of the whole human death and the need to overcome them.
En esta investigación, tratamos de poner de relieve los aspectos cognitivos y culturales que subyacen a las metáforas en el lenguaje. Partimos de la premisa de que nuestra comprensión a cerca del mundo se construye socio-cognitivamente, sendo la metáfora un elemento clave de esta construcción. Por lo tanto, tenemos la intención de mirar debajo de la teoría de la Teoría Cognitiva de la Metáfora, visto desde el análisis del poema Morte e Vida Severina, de João Cabral de Melo Neto, la metáfora de la vida y muerte, inferíveis en el corpus forma patrones discursivos, llamado por nosotros como el Construccionismo del Bloques. Estas metáforas se encuentran en el nivel conceptual de nuestro lenguaje, emitido por modelos cognitivos idealizados, y mostrar las relaciones entre la lengua, la cultura y la cognición. Vemos una red de integración que implica la metáfora primaria llamada, elaborado a partir de los esquemas y los dominios conceptuales y metáforas congruentes, con la participación de la noción de marco.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
It is undeniable that all the extraordinary technological advances in contemporary society have increased the severe patients expectation and quality of life, especially cancer patients. On the other hand, it is easily verifiable by many researches that it was not possible to advance in the same proportion in caring for the human experience of death. Much is said about the anguish of a man facing death, of cancer patients in terminal stage, about their families, and very little about the feelings, anxieties and ways of coping with the medical professional who deals with this situation, specifically the clinical oncologist. Little is known about the experience of the doctor who has learned to take death as an enemy to be defeated, and increasingly is compelled to live at length with his advertisement. However, we started to watch in recent years a growing interest of researchers in this issue. This study seeks to add to this interest in order to understand the experience of clinical oncologists that accompany dying patients, the meanings they attach to death, ways of coping and the implications for providing care. This is a qualitative study in which was used as a tool for data collection an in-depth interview with the projective using script and scenes. Gadameriana Hermeneutics was used for analysis and interpretation of narratives. The subjects were 10 clinical oncologists who work at two institutions from cancer treatments in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, chosen from a variation in the time working in the specialty (minimum of one year, even old ones). However, you can bring some initial results for the dialogue. It was found that the death is still a topic that causes many difficulties in the daily lives of these professionals, the choice for oncology involves dealing with death without preparation in medical education; being close to the patient in the final moment, supporting the family, coping with own pain of loss and the inability to heal. These are central elements of the narratives. We also have investment in medical training and continuing education in setting up a demand that permeates the discourse of participants. Being able to listen to the subjective world of clinical oncologists will support the work not only for them as other professionals who deal with patients with advanced cancer, providing evidence to understand to what extent the meanings attributed to its know-how before patients on the verge of death interfere with the production of care and allow identify coping strategies in everyday life of these professionals that hinder or facilitate coping with death, promote or preclude the care with others and with themselves. It is hoped that research can contribute to the field of knowledge about the know-how in clinical oncology and their terminal-care-death oncologist-patient relationships, bringing runways capable of promoting a better quality of care in the production of all involved in this process: professionals, patients and families
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBRC
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR
Através de estudo experimental, verificou-se que, embora o quadro clínico-patológico seja essencialmente o mesmo, o búfalo é pelo menos duas vezes mais resistente que o bovino à ação tóxica de Arrabidaea bilabiata (Sprague) Sandw. Os experimentos demonstraram também, que as folhas novas desta planta são duas vezes (em outubro, fim da época de seca) ou uma vez e meio (em maio, fim da época de chuva) mais tóxicas do que as folhas maduras, e que a planta é mais tóxica em outubro. Esses dados indicam que a menor incidência de intoxicação por plantas do grupo das que causam morte súbita, em búfalos na Amazônia, deva-se, em parte, à maior resistência dessa espécie animal. Também parece importante a coincidência do habitat preferencial dos búfalos (várzea) com o habitat de A. bilabiata, planta menos tóxica que Palicourea marcgravii St.Hil., encontrada em terra firme que é o habitat preferido pelos bovinos.
Descrevem-se os quadros clínico-patológicos e laboratoriais de equinos inoculados experimentalmente com a peçonha de Caudisona durissa terrificus (Crotalus durissus terrificus na antiga nomenclatura), com a finalidade de fornecer subsídios que favoreçam a compreensão desse tipo de acidente ofídico em equinos. O veneno liofilizado foi diluído em 1ml de solução salina a 0,9% e inoculado por via subcutânea em cinco equinos, nas doses de 0,12mg/kg (um animal), 0,066mg/kg (dois animais) e 0,03mg/kg (dois animais). O veneno causou a morte do equino que recebeu a dose de 0,12mg/kg e de um dos dois que receberam a dose de 0,066mg/kg, com evolução de 27h27min e 52h29min, respectivamente. O segundo animal que recebeu a dose de 0,066mg/kg também adoeceu, mas recuperou-se após 12 dias da inoculação. A dose de 0,03mg/kg determinou quadros não fatais do envenenamento, com período de evolução que variou entre 6 e 10 dias. O quadro clínico caracterizou-se por considerável aumento de volume no local de inoculação (escápula) que se estendeu por todo o membro, apatia e cabeça baixa, alterações locomotoras evidenciadas pelo arrastar das pinças no solo, decúbito e dificuldade para levantar, redução dos reflexos auricular, palatal, do lábio superior e de ameaça, e aumento das frequências cardíaca e respiratória. Os exames laboratoriais revelaram leucocitose por neutrofilia e linfocitose em apenas dois animais. Houve aumento das enzimas creatina quinase (CK), dehidrogenase láctica (DHL) e da ureia, e também redução nos níveis séricos de cálcio, fósforo e magnésio. O tempo de tromboplastina parcial ativada (TTPA) aumentou nos equinos que morreram. Os achados de necropsia foram edema do tecido subcutâneo em todo o membro em que foi aplicado o veneno, sufusões no epicárdio dos ventrículos cardíacos esquerdo e direito, e bexiga com áreas hemorrágicas em grande parte da mucosa. Ao exame histopatológico observaram-se fígado com moderada vacuolização difusa, afetando mais a zona intermediária do lóbulo hepático, leve dilatação dos sinusoides hepáticos em algumas áreas e rim com leve dilatação dos túbulos uriníferos, principalmente no córtex.