1000 resultados para Modelação computacional de transporte sólido
In this work, seven samples of humic acids extracted from gleysoils were investigated. These studies, using NMR CP/MAS 13C techniques, did not show significant correlation between the E4/E6 ratio and the degree of aromaticity. However, dipolar dephasing (DD) measurements of condensed aromatic or substituted carbons showed a negative correlation of 0.94. Also, there was a good correlation between the amount of semiquinone free radicals measured by the EPR technique and condensed aromatic rings measured by NMR CP/MAS 13C with the DD technique. The content of semiquinone free radicals was quantified by EPR spectroscopy and was correlated with the humification (degree of aromaticity) of the humic substances. The results indicated that the E4/E6 ratio identifies the degree of aromatic rings condensation. It was also found that the degree of aromaticity, measured by NMR, as frequently presented in the literature (by conventional CP/MAS), underestimates aromatic rings in condensed structures.
Environmental concern is growing in the current days and there is global agreement to banish production and use of persistent organic pollutants (POP). The synthetic insecticides chlordecone and mirex, classified as POPs, have similar structures and they are potentially toxic. This work uses properties and physicochemical constants related to the pesticides and computational simulation to evaluate the leach phenomenon and persistency in soil. The largest tendency of persistence of the compound is found to be in the surface of soil, but even low concentration in water represents a high risk due to bioaccumulation in adipose tissue.
A computational quantum chemistry experiment is described of Diels-Alder reactions between 2-cycloenones and cyclopentadiene. The effects of FMO-Frontier Molecular Orbitals (HOMO-LUMO) and of the withdrawing nature of substituents at the C=C bond of cycloenones were evaluated. The calculations were made using HF/STO-3G and B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) methods. The FMO based indexes are in agreement with the experimentally observed reactivity order. NBO - Natural Bond Orbitals - analysis was used to ascertain the effect of C=C substituents on the dienophile reactivity.
The thermal decomposition of hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB)/ammonium nitrate (AN) based propellants, so called smokeless formulations, and raw materials were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetry (TG). The thermoanalytical profile of different components and of propellant were evaluated and the Arrhenius parameters for the thermal decomposition of the propellant sample were determined by the Ozawa method. The kinetic parameters of the thermal decomposition of propellant samples were determined by DSC measurements. The values obtained for activation energy (Ea) and pre-exponential factor were 163 kJ mol-1 and 1.94x10(6) min-1.
Mitjançant imatges estereoscòpiques es poden detectar la posició respecte de la càmera dels objectes que apareixen en una escena. A partir de les diferències entre les imatges captades pels dos objectius es pot determinar la profunditat dels objectes. Existeixen diversitat de tècniques de visió artificial que permeten calcular la localització dels objectes, habitualment amb l’objectiu de reconstruir l’escena en 3D. Aquestes tècniques necessiten una gran càrrega computacional, ja que utilitzen mètodes de comparació bidimensionals, i per tant, no es poden utilitzar per aplicacions en temps real. En aquest treball proposem un nou mètode d’anàlisi de les imatges estereoscòpiques que ens permeti obtenir la profunditat dels objectes d’una escena amb uns resultats acceptables. Aquest nou mètode es basa en transformar la informació bidimensional de la imatge en una informació unidimensional per tal de poder fer la comparació de les imatges amb un baix cost computacional, i dels resultats de la comparació extreure’n la profunditat dels objectes dins l’escena. Això ha de permetre, per exemple, que aquest mètode es pugui implementar en un dispositiu autònom i li permeti realitzar operacions de guiatge a través d’espais interiors i exteriors.
Enzymes are extremely efficient catalysts. Here, part of the mechanisms proposed to explain this catalytic power will be compared to quantitative experimental results and computer simulations. Influence of the enzymatic environment over species along the reaction coordinate will be analysed. Concepts of transition state stabilisation and reactant destabilisation will be confronted. Divided site model and near-attack conformation hypotheses will also be discussed. Molecular interactions such as covalent catalysis, general acid-base catalysis, electrostatics, entropic effects, steric hindrance, quantum and dynamical effects will also be analysed as sources of catalysis. Reaction mechanisms, in particular that catalysed by protein tyrosine phosphatases, illustrate the concepts.
The field of application of mass spectrometry (MS) has increased considerably due to the development of ionization techniques. Other factors that have stimulated the use of MS are the tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) and sequential mass spectrometry (MSn) techniques. However, the interpretation of the MS/MS and MSn data may lead to speculative conclusions. Thus, various quantum chemical methods have been applied for obtaining high quality thermochemical data in gas phase. In this review, we show some applications of computational quantum chemistry to understand the formation and fragmentation of gaseous ions of organic compounds in a MS analysis.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the environmental distribution of benzo(a)pirene, a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, by the EQC model. The modeling of the contaminant distribution was accomplished by means of the fugacity model applied to a hypothetical scenario constituted by air, water, soil and sediment. The modeling and simulations revealed that the soil is the preferential compartment. We also discuss the implications of the results about fate and ecological risks associated with benzo(a)pirene. We concluded that the emissions of HPAs can not be ignored and bioaccumulation among others risks can be induced.
Basic concepts that play an important role in some organic reactions are revisited in this paper, which reports a pedagogical experience involving undergraduate and graduate students. A systematic procedure has been applied in order to use widespread available computational tools. This paper aims to discuss the use of computers in teaching electrophilic addition reactions to alkenes. Two classical examples have been investigated: addition to non-conjugated alkenes and addition to conjugated dienes. The results were compared with those normally discussed in organic textbooks. Several important concepts, such as conformational analysis and energy control (kinetic and thermodynamic) involved in reaction mechanisms can be taught more efficiently if one connects theoretical and practical tools.
The ornamental rock industry generates huge amounts of wastes during the process of extraction and sawing of rock blocks. The ornamental rock powder waste is a non-biodegradable material, which represents the increase in environmental problem. The waste was collected from a granitic rock sawing plant located in Santo Antônio de Pádua, Rio de Janeiro. The chemical-environmental characterization and classification of the waste were done according to ABNT standards. The results showed that the granitic rock powder waste should be classified as Class II A - "No Inert", because of its high concentrations of lead, chrome, iron and manganese.
The first computational implementation that automates the procedures involved in the calculation of infrared intensities using the charge-charge flux-dipole flux model is presented. The atomic charges and dipoles from the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules (QTAIM) model was programmed for Morphy98, Gaussian98 and Gaussian03 programs outputs, but for the ChelpG parameters only the Gaussian programs are supported. Results of illustrative but new calculations for the water, ammonia and methane molecules at the MP2/6-311++G(3d,3p) theoretical level, using the ChelpG and QTAIM/Morphy charges and dipoles are presented. These results showed excellent agreement with analytical results obtained directly at the MP2/6-311++G(3d,3p) level of theory.
Recently lipases have been increasing in prominence due to its wide industrial application. The lipase production can be influenced by different variables such as the producing microorganism, carbon sources, aeration and agitation conditions, inductor type and the geometry of the reactor. Biosurfactants are composites of surface active produced by microbial cells which reduce superficial and interfacial tensions. The objective of this study was to verify the influence of different process variables in the lipase production during a fermentative process. The results showed that the concomitant production of lipases and biosurfactant was possible in different cultivation conditions.
This study explores the similarities between solid and liquid acid catalysts highlighting the advantages and the main challenges of heterogeneous catalytic processes. We describe the main developments in technical procedures like selection of compounds and reaction models involved in: increasing acidity, characterization of solid acidity and in coke formation.
This paper is focused on a review of the design features and the electrochemistry characterization of anode-supported planar SOFC. Studies and results of metallic alloy interconnectors and recovery for protection against corrosion and for contact layer are showed. Moreover a discussion of examples of measurements of impedance spectrometry, according to the literature and our experimental results are made. For the anode supported fuel cells the power density varies from 0.1 to 0.5 Wcm², according to results in the literature (showed in this paper). For electrolyte supported fuel cell the power density can be 10 Wcm-2 for high temperatures. An English-Portuguese glossary of most used terms in SOFC stack is given for greater clarity and to introduce new terms to the reader.
In this work, the combustion process of ammonium dinitramide, ADN, has been modeled in two different situations: decomposition in open environment, with abundant air and decomposition in a rocket motor internal environmental conditions. The profiles of the two processes were achieved, based on molar fractions of the species that compose the products of ADN combustion. The velocity of formation and quantity of species in the open environment was bigger than the ones in the rocket motor environment, showing the effect of the different atmosphere in the reactions kinetics.