986 resultados para Minimum norm solution


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Softcatalà is a non-profit associationcreated more than 10 years ago to fightthe marginalisation of the Catalan languagein information and communicationtechnologies. It has led the localisationof many applications and thecreation of a website which allows itsusers to translate texts between Spanishand Catalan using an external closed-sourcetranslation engine. Recently,the closed-source translation back-endhas been replaced by a free/open-sourcesolution completely managed by Softcatalà: the Apertium machine translationplatform and the ScaleMT web serviceframework. Thanks to the opennessof the new solution, it is possibleto take advantage of the huge amount ofusers of the Softcatalà translation serviceto improve it, using a series ofmethods presented in this paper. In addition,a study of the translations requestedby the users has been carriedout, and it shows that the translationback-end change has not affected theusage patterns.


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The continuous wavelet transform is obtained as a maximumentropy solution of the corresponding inverse problem. It is well knownthat although a signal can be reconstructed from its wavelet transform,the expansion is not unique due to the redundancy of continuous wavelets.Hence, the inverse problem has no unique solution. If we want to recognizeone solution as "optimal", then an appropriate decision criterion hasto be adopted. We show here that the continuous wavelet transform is an"optimal" solution in a maximum entropy sense.


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This work provides a general framework for the design of second-order blind estimators without adopting anyapproximation about the observation statistics or the a prioridistribution of the parameters. The proposed solution is obtainedminimizing the estimator variance subject to some constraints onthe estimator bias. The resulting optimal estimator is found todepend on the observation fourth-order moments that can be calculatedanalytically from the known signal model. Unfortunately,in most cases, the performance of this estimator is severely limitedby the residual bias inherent to nonlinear estimation problems.To overcome this limitation, the second-order minimum varianceunbiased estimator is deduced from the general solution by assumingaccurate prior information on the vector of parameters.This small-error approximation is adopted to design iterativeestimators or trackers. It is shown that the associated varianceconstitutes the lower bound for the variance of any unbiasedestimator based on the sample covariance matrix.The paper formulation is then applied to track the angle-of-arrival(AoA) of multiple digitally-modulated sources by means ofa uniform linear array. The optimal second-order tracker is comparedwith the classical maximum likelihood (ML) blind methodsthat are shown to be quadratic in the observed data as well. Simulationshave confirmed that the discrete nature of the transmittedsymbols can be exploited to improve considerably the discriminationof near sources in medium-to-high SNR scenarios.


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Verkkoon kytkettävien laitteiden määrä on lisääntynyt viime vuosina, joka luo tarpeen reitittimille ja niiden ominaisuuksille. On muodostunut uusi tarve laitteille, jotka voivat yhdistää erilaisia verkkoja toisiinsa. Tällaisen reitittimen rakentamiseen tarvitaan vakaa alusta. Tällaisella alustalla luodaan mahdollisuus kuormittaa järjestelmää ilman suuria ongelmia. Tällainen alusta on Open Platform, joka on suunniteltu tällaisille toiminnoille ja yhdessä oikeanlaisen verkkoratkaisun kanssa sitä voidaan käyttää sille suunnitellussa ympäristössä. Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena on arvioida neljää eri reititysohjelmistoa ja kahta eri IP pinoa. Työssä käytetyt testit on suunniteltu arviointia varten ja niiden tarkoituksena on tuoda esille ohjelmistoissa esiintyvät viat ja ongelmat. Kaikki testit ovat samoja kaikille ohjelmille ja tehdään samassa ympäristössä. Testit analysoidaan niiden ajon jälkeen ja niiden tulosten avulla tehdään päätös mitä näistä ohjelmistoista tullaan käyttämään seuraavan sukupolven avoimella alustalla, joka tulee toimimaan Nokian Intelligent Service Nodessa. Tämä verkon laite toimii yhdyskäytävänäerilaisten verkkojen välillä.


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Uusia keinoja kullan erottamiseksi malmista on etsitty viimeaikoina taloudellisista ja ympäristöllisistä syistä kautta maailman. Syanidointimenetelmä on hallinnut kullan talteenottoayli sata vuotta. Menetelmässä kulta liuotetaan laimeaan syanidiliuokseen, jostase otetaan talteen aktiivihiilen avulla. Syanidin käyttöä pyritään kuitenkin vähentämään sen myrkyllisyyden takia. Lisäksi nykyään louhitaan enenemässä määrin malmia, josta on hankala rikastaa kulta kustannustehokkaasti syanidia käyttäen. Kullan talteenottoa syanidi- ja kloridiliuoksesta on selvitetty kirjallisuuden avulla. Kullan kemiaan liuotuksen aikana on perehdytty ennen kullan talteenottoa aktiivihiilellä. Aktiivihiilen elinkaari kullan adsorbenttinaon käsitelty valmistuksesta hylkäämiseen mukaan lukien hiilen myrkyttyminen prosessissa ja regenerointi. Aktiivi-hiilen käyttäytyminen syanidi- ja kloridiliuoksessa on selvitetty erikseen. Kullan talteenottoa kuparipitoisista malmeista on käsitelty. Kullan talteenottoa kloridiliuoksesta aktiivihiiltä käyttäen on tutkittu kokeellisesti. Pääasialliset tutkimuskohteet ovat adsorption kinetiikka, kuparin vaikutus adsorptioon, aktiivihiilen vaikutus adsorptioonja adsorboituneiden metallien strippaus hiilestä selektiivisesti. Hapettavan stippauksen vaikutus kullan desorptioon hiilestä on tutkittu yksityiskohtaisesti. Kullan erotusmenetelmät kuparimalmista aktiivihiiltä käyttäen on selvitetty diplomityön tulosten pohjalta. Diplomityön keskeisten tulosten perusteella kulta ei välttämättä saostu aktiivihiilen pinnalle kloridiliuoksesta. Havainto varmistettiin ladattujen hiilipartikkelien pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskooppikuvista ja partikkeleille tehdyistä mikroanalyyseistä. Kullan pelkistyminen metalliseksi kullaksi aktiivihiilessä voitaneen välttää käyttämällä erittäin hapettavia olosuhteita. Aktiivihiili ilmeisesti hapettuu näissä olosuhteissa, mikä mahdollistaa kultakloridin adsorboitumisen hiileen.


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OBJECTIVES: Resuscitation in severe head injury may be detrimental when given with hypotonic fluids. We evaluated the effects of lactated Ringer's solution (sodium 131 mmol/L, 277 mOsm/L) compared with hypertonic saline (sodium 268 mmol/L, 598 mOsm/L) in severely head-injured children over the first 3 days after injury. DESIGN: An open, randomized, and prospective study. SETTING: A 16-bed pediatric intensive care unit (ICU) (level III) at a university children's hospital. PATIENTS: A total of 35 consecutive children with head injury. INTERVENTIONS: Thirty-two children with Glasgow Coma Scores of <8 were randomly assigned to receive either lactated Ringer's solution (group 1) or hypertonic saline (group 2). Routine care was standardized, and included the following: head positioning at 30 degrees; normothermia (96.8 degrees to 98.6 degrees F [36 degrees to 37 degrees C]); analgesia and sedation with morphine (10 to 30 microg/kg/hr), midazolam (0.2 to 0.3 mg/kg/hr), and phenobarbital; volume-controlled ventilation (PaCO2 of 26.3 to 30 torr [3.5 to 4 kPa]); and optimal oxygenation (PaO2 of 90 to 105 torr [12 to 14 kPa], oxygen saturation of >92%, and hematocrit of >0.30). MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Mean arterial pressure and intracranial pressure (ICP) were monitored continuously and documented hourly and at every intervention. The means of every 4-hr period were calculated and serum sodium concentrations were measured at the same time. An ICP of 15 mm Hg was treated with a predefined sequence of interventions, and complications were documented. There was no difference with respect to age, male/female ratio, or initial Glasgow Coma Score. In both groups, there was an inverse correlation between serum sodium concentration and ICP (group 1: r = -.13, r2 = .02, p < .03; group 2: r = -.29, r2 = .08, p < .001) that disappeared in group 1 and increased in group 2 (group 1: r = -.08, r2 = .01, NS; group 2: r = -.35, r2 =.12, p < .001). Correlation between serum sodium concentration and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) became significant in group 2 after 8 hrs of treatment (r = .2, r2 = .04, p = .002). Over time, ICP and CPP did not significantly differ between the groups. However, to keep ICP at <15 mm Hg, group 2 patients required significantly fewer interventions (p < .02). Group 1 patients received less sodium (8.0 +/- 4.5 vs. 11.5 +/- 5.0 mmol/kg/day, p = .05) and more fluid on day 1 (2850 +/- 1480 vs. 2180 +/- 770 mL/m2, p = .05). They also had a higher frequency of acute respiratory distress syndrome (four vs. 0 patients, p = .1) and more than two complications (six vs. 1 patient, p = .09). Group 2 patients had significantly shorter ICU stay times (11.6 +/- 6.1 vs. 8.0 +/- 2.4 days; p = .04) and shorter mechanical ventilation times (9.5 +/- 6.0 vs. 6.9 +/- 2.2 days; p = .1). The survival rate and duration of hospital stay were similar in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment of severe head injury with hypertonic saline is superior to that treatment with lactated Ringer's solution. An increase in serum sodium concentrations significantly correlates with lower ICP and higher CPP. Children treated with hypertonic saline require fewer interventions, have fewer complications, and stay a shorter time in the ICU.


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BACKGROUND: The vitamin D-endocrine system is thought to play a role in physiologic processes that range from mineral metabolism to immune function. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] is the accepted biomarker for vitamin D status. Skin color is a key determinant of circulating 25(OH)D concentrations, and genes responsible for melanin content have been shown to be under strong evolutionary selection in populations living in temperate zones. Little is known about the effect of latitude on mean concentrations of 25(OH)D in dark-skinned populations. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to describe the distribution of 25(OH)D and its subcomponents in 5 population samples of African origin from the United States, Jamaica, Ghana, South Africa, and the Seychelles. DESIGN: Participants were drawn from the Modeling of the Epidemiologic Transition Study, a cross-sectional observational study in 2500 adults, ages 25-45 y, enrolled between January 2010 and December 2011. Five hundred participants, ∼50% of whom were female, were enrolled in each of 5 study sites: Chicago, IL (latitude: 41°N); Kingston, Jamaica (17°N); Kumasi, Ghana (6°N); Victoria, Seychelles (4°S); and Cape Town, South Africa (34°S). All participants had an ancestry primarily of African origin; participants from the Seychelles trace their history to East Africa. RESULTS: A negative correlation between 25(OH)D and distance from the equator was observed across population samples. The frequency distribution of 25(OH)D in Ghana was almost perfectly normal (Gaussian), with progressively lower means and increasing skewness observed at higher latitudes. CONCLUSIONS: It is widely assumed that lighter skin color in populations outside the tropics resulted from positive selection, driven in part by the relation between sun exposure, skin melanin content, and 25(OH)D production. Our findings show that robust compensatory mechanisms exist that create tolerance for wide variation in circulating concentrations of 25(OH)D across populations, suggesting a more complex evolutionary relation between skin color and the vitamin D pathway. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT02111902.


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Contrast enhancement is an image processing technique where the objective is to preprocess the image so that relevant information can be either seen or further processed more reliably. These techniques are typically applied when the image itself or the device used for image reproduction provides poor visibility and distinguishability of different regions of interest inthe image. In most studies, the emphasis is on the visualization of image data,but this human observer biased goal often results to images which are not optimal for automated processing. The main contribution of this study is to express the contrast enhancement as a mapping from N-channel image data to 1-channel gray-level image, and to devise a projection method which results to an image with minimal error to the correct contrast image. The projection, the minimum-error contrast image, possess the optimal contrast between the regions of interest in the image. The method is based on estimation of the probability density distributions of the region values, and it employs Bayesian inference to establish the minimum error projection.


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Crystal growth is an essential phase in crystallization kinetics. The rate of crystal growth provides significant information for the design and control of crystallization processes; nevertheless, obtaining accurate growth rate data is still challenging due to a number of factors that prevail in crystal growth. In industrial crystallization, crystals are generally grown from multi-componentand multi-particle solutions under complicated hydrodynamic conditions; thus, it is crucial to increase the general understanding of the growth kinetics in these systems. The aim of this work is to develop a model of the crystal growth rate from solution. An extensive literature review of crystal growth focuses on themodelling of growth kinetics and thermodynamics, and new measuring techniques that have been introduced in the field of crystallization. The growth of a singlecrystal is investigated in binary and ternary systems. The binary system consists of potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP, crystallizing solute) and water (solvent), and the ternary system includes KDP, water and an organic admixture. The studied admixtures, urea, ethanol and 1-propanol, are employed at relatively highconcentrations (of up to 5.0 molal). The influence of the admixtures on the solution thermodynamics is studied using the Pitzer activity coefficient model. Theprediction method of the ternary solubility in the studied systems is introduced and verified. The growth rate of the KDP (101) face in the studied systems aremeasured in the growth cell as a function of supersaturation, the admixture concentration, the solution velocity over a crystal and temperature. In addition, the surface morphology of the KDP (101) face is studied using ex situ atomic force microscopy (AFM). The crystal growth rate in the ternary systems is modelled on the basis of the two-step growth model that contains the Maxwell-Stefan (MS) equations and a surface-reaction model. This model is used together with measuredcrystal growth rate data to develop a new method for the evaluation of the model parameters. The validation of the model is justified with experiments. The crystal growth rate in an imperfectly mixed suspension crystallizer is investigatedusing computational fluid dynamics (CFD). A solid-liquid suspension flow that includes multi-sized particles is described by the multi-fluid model as well as by a standard k-epsilon turbulence model and an interface momentum transfer model. The local crystal growth rate is determined from calculated flow information in a diffusion-controlled crystal growth regime. The calculated results are evaluated experimentally.


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For a family of reduced games satisfying a monotonicity property, we introduced the reduced equal split-off set, an extension of the equal split-off set (Branzei et. al, 2006), and study its relation with the core. Regardless of the reduction operation we consider, the intersection between both sets is either empty or a singleton containing the lexmax solution (Arin et al., 2008). We also provide a procedure for computing the lexmax solution for a class of games that includes games with large core (Sharkey, 1982). [JEL Classification: C71]


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The major task of policy makers and practitioners when confronted with a resource management problem is to decide on the potential solution(s) to adopt from a range of available options. However, this process is unlikely to be successful and cost effective without access to an independently verified and comprehensive available list of options. There is currently burgeoning interest in ecosystem services and quantitative assessments of their importance and value. Recognition of the value of ecosystem services to human well-being represents an increasingly important argument for protecting and restoring the natural environment, alongside the moral and ethical justifications for conservation. As well as understanding the benefits of ecosystem services, it is also important to synthesize the practical interventions that are capable of maintaining and/or enhancing these services. Apart from pest regulation, pollination, and global climate regulation, this type of exercise has attracted relatively little attention. Through a systematic consultation exercise, we identify a candidate list of 296 possible interventions across the main regulating services of air quality regulation, climate regulation, water flow regulation, erosion regulation, water purification and waste treatment, disease regulation, pest regulation, pollination and natural hazard regulation. The range of interventions differs greatly between habitats and services depending upon the ease of manipulation and the level of research intensity. Some interventions have the potential to deliver benefits across a range of regulating services, especially those that reduce soil loss and maintain forest cover. Synthesis and applications: Solution scanning is important for questioning existing knowledge and identifying the range of options available to researchers and practitioners, as well as serving as the necessary basis for assessing cost effectiveness and guiding implementation strategies. We recommend that it become a routine part of decision making in all environmental policy areas.


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INTRODUCTION: Periprosthetic femur fracture (PFF) is a serious complication after total hip arthroplasty that can be treated using different internal fixation devices. However, the outcomes with curved non-locking plates with eccentric holes in this indication have not been reported previously. The objectives of this study were to determine: (1) the union rate; (2) the complication rate; (3) autonomy in a group of patients with a Vancouver type B PFF who were treated with this plate. HYPOTHESIS: Use of this plate results in a high union rate with minimal mechanical complications. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty-three patients with a mean age of 79 years±13 (41-98) who had undergone fixation of Vancouver type B PFF with this plate between 2002 and 2007 were included in the study. The time to union and Parker Mobility Score were evaluated. The revision-free survival (all causes) was calculated using Kaplan-Meier analysis. The average follow-up was 42 months±20 (16-90). RESULTS: Union was obtained in all patients in a mean of 2.4 months±0.6 (2-4). One patient had varus malunion of the femur. The Parker Mobility Score decreased from 5.93±1.94 (2-9) to 4.93±1.8 (1-9) (P=0.01). Two patients required a surgical revision: one for an infection after 4.5 years and one for stem loosening. The survival of the femoral stem 5 years after fracture fixation was 83.3%±12.6%. CONCLUSION: Use of a curved plate with eccentric holes for treating type B PFF led to a high union rate and a low number of fixation-related complications. However, PFF remains a serious complication of hip arthroplasty that is accompanied by high morbidity and mortality rates. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Retrospective study, level IV.