913 resultados para Military dictatorship in Argentina
Desde tiempos de José Carlos Mariátegui, la crítica literaria indigenista viene articulando un discurso etnocentrista cuyo eje de producción se sitúa en Perú y los países vecinos, pero rara vez se ha mencionado una obra argentina que trate sobre las desigualdades que sufren los indígenas de ese país. Ni siquiera la academia argentina ha analizado ninguna novela desde la óptica indigenista.En un país cuyos gobiernos, desde el siglo XIX, han tratado de borrar cualquier traza de sangre indígena en su población, ya sea mediante la asimilación, exterminio o invisibilidad, y cuyas zonas de mayor asentamiento indígena se encuentran lejos del hegemónico Buenos Aires, las narraciones de problemas sociales ajenos quedaban encajonadas en el recóndito mundo de la literatura regional.Sin embargo, durante los años de eclosión del movimiento indigenista, escritores argentinos se hicieron eco de los sufrimientos y demandas de sus compatriotas indígenas por medio de novelas que sobrepasaron el peyorativo epíteto regionalista y que incomprensiblemente, han sido olvidadas.En este artículo, que forma parte de un estudio más amplio, se aborda el silencio crítico, se contextualiza la producción indigenista de la época y se analizan brevemente algunas de las obras.
Little research has examined the impact of being an accompanying spouse on British military foreign postings. The aim of this qualitative study was to investigate the experiences of 13 military spouses from 11 different overseas locations. Data were collected via an online forum and thematic content analysis was conducted. Key findings revealed that, regardless of the location, reactions to overseas posting varied considerably and were related to the military spouse's personality and personal circumstances, as well as their relationship with family, husband and their support networks. Spouses experienced a loss of control over their lives that was in some cases psychologically distressing. The findings corroborate and extend the findings from a previous study that was limited to one location, further highlighting the need for pre-established support resources from the military and healthcare professionals to be readily accessible for all military spouses. Importantly, such support provision may also facilitate the military spouse in regaining some control over their everyday life, enhancing their well-being and the experience for the family.
A timely, and uniquely historical, look at how war turns soldiers, and all of us, into tourists. Holidays in the Danger Zone exposes the mundane and everyday entanglements between two seemingly opposed worlds—warfare and tourism. Debbie Lisle shows how a tourist sensibility shapes the behavior of soldiers in warespecially the experiences of Western military forces in “exotic” settings. This includes not only R&R but also how battlefields themselves become landscapes of leisure and tourism. It further explores how a military sensibility shapes the development of tourism in the postwar context, from “Dark Tourism” (engaging with displays of conflict and atrocity) to exhibitions of conflict in museums and at memorial sites, as well as in advertising, film, journals, guidebooks, blogs, and photography. Focused on how war and tourism reinforce prevailing modes of domination, Holidays in the Danger Zone critically examines the long historical arc of the war-tourism nexus from nineteenth-century imperialism to World War I and World War II, from the Cold War to globalization and the War on Terror.
Attitudes towards a regional military force are of paramount importance when exploring public support for regional integration. Until now, however, scholarly research has not considered the influence of attitudes towards a regional military mechanism in the sub-Saharan African context. Using Afrobarometer data, we demonstrate that military concerns are vital when exploring Tanzanian attitudes towards the proposed political federation of the East African Community (EAC), the East African Federation (EAF). More specifically, opposition to military cooperation strongly influences Tanzanian scepticism of the EAF. This finding is highly relevant given that referendums in the participating member states must be passed to facilitate political integration. Heightened opposition towards military cooperation raises the possibility of the public rejecting a politically integrated EAC. This poses a potential obstacle to the implementation of joint security policies and crucial mechanisms to provide a more stable region at large. We account for alternative explanations of Tanzanian opinion formation and reflect on the strength of military-orientated concerns for investigating public support for the East African project specifically and regional integration in sub-Saharan Africa more widely.
Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Ensino de História e Geografia no 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Ensino Secundário, Universidade de Lisboa, 2013
Tese de doutoramento, Educação (História da Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015
In spite of the strong historical links that connect Europe with South America, EU studies are underdeveloped in the latter region. This article takes stock of how European politics in general, and European integration in particular, are studied and taught in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay in order to assess such paradox and evaluate its prospects.
Through an examination of the travel works of William Bulfin, Tales of the Pampas (1900) and Kathleen Nevin's You'll Never Go Back this paper considers the representation of the Irish in Argentina and the contribution of these narratives in the construction of identity and the reconstruction of the emigrant identity into an exilic one. Escaping one colonial framework (Britain/Ireland), travelling to and writing from within another postcolonial construct (Argentina and the Spanish Empire), this paper analyses how Bulfin and Nevin use language as a tool to construct, and even invent, an Irish identity. This identity is inextricably linked to home and the desire to return there. Despite this desire, Argentina becomes internalised to some extent, which in Bulfin can be seen in the mix of the Spanish, English and Irish languages in his stories, highlighting that the Irish were doing with language what they had already done with their lives; trying to adapt it to their new situation. In Nevin, the contrast between us and them (Irish and 'Native') demonstrates her attempts to shape an exilic rather than emigrant mentality. Through these texts I analyse how Argentina never quite becomes a new home, but a place where Irish identity is played out and acquires form.
Ian McEwan‘s novel Saturday deals with the complex issues of conflict and transformation in the age of terrorism. The plot presents one internal dilemma and several interpersonal altercations that occur within a mere twenty-four hours: a) Perowne (the protagonist) vs. himself, in face of his ambivalent thoughts regarding British military participation in the war in the Middle East; b) The protagonist vs. Baxter, a ruffian from East End, in the context of a car accident; c) Perowne vs. a fellow anaesthetist, Jay Strauss, during a squash game; d) Perowne‘s daughter, Daisy vs. her grandfather, John Grammaticus, both poets and rivals; e) Perowne‘s family vs. Baxter, who intrudes the protagonist‘s house. In this paper, I exemplify, analyse and discuss how: a) Understanding the causes of what we call evil constitutes an important step towards mutual understanding; b) Both science and arts (which Perowne considers, at first, irrelevant) are important elements in the process of transformation; c) Both personal and interpersonal conflicts are intrinsic to human nature — but they also propitiate healthy changes in behaviour and opinion, through reflection. In order to do so, I resort to Saturday, and to the work of several specialists in the field of conflict management.
O presente estudo tem como objectivo desenvolver a História de vida de um conjunto de deportados enviados para Timor na sequência das lutas sociais vividas nos finais da 1ª República e das revoltas reviralhistas contra a imposição da ditadura militar. Data do início do século XVI a chegada dos primeiros missionários portugueses a Timor mas durante séculos a presença portuguesa foi muito ténue, restringindo-se somente a missionários, militares, funcionários da administração e degredados, naturais não só da Metrópole, mas também das restantes Colónias. Dado o contexto, a chegada de um elevado número de homens a Timor teve com certeza um enorme impacto. Através da reconstrução da História de vida de cada um, pretendemos compreender quais foram as consequências disto no que respeita os contextos sociais e traços culturais locais.
Le 11 septembre 1973, un coup d’État orchestré par les Forces Armées chiliennes met fin à trois années de gouvernement socialiste dirigé par Salvador Allende. Augusto Pinochet, à la tête du putsch, installe au pouvoir une violente dictature militaire pour dix-sept ans. Événement synonyme de trauma et instigateur d’une période répressive, ou sauvetage national venant freiner la descente aux enfers socialistes? La mémoire de la société chilienne demeure fragmentée vis-à-vis de son passé récent. Cette étude cherche à définir la transmission intergénérationnelle de la mémoire du passé répressif. Menée sur deux fronts, soit à Santiago et à Montréal, la présente recherche s’applique à établir quelles sont les interprétations du passé récent de la génération « postmémoire », c’est-à-dire des personnes nées peu avant ou durant la dictature. Les représentations, les perceptions, ainsi que les canaux d’apprentissage seront mis en perspective selon le territoire, afin de dégager les discours communs et antagonistes. Prenant assise sur des sources orales, ce mémoire présentera les différentes versions du passé selon vingt-huit témoignages.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Die wichtigsten Quellen für die Erforschung des Wirtschaftsleben in den Militärlagern im Norden Britanniens sind die im Kastell Vindolanda gefundenen Holztäfelchen mit Texten aus dem Lageralltag von ca. 90-120 n. Chr. sowie die archäologischen Funde aus der Region. Nicht zuletzt aufgrund dieser Quellenlage wurde der Betrachtungszeitraum auf die Zeit von Agricola bis Hadrianus begrenzt. Es hat sich gezeigt, daß das Wirtschaftsleben in den römischen Militärlagern im Norden Britanniens dieser Epoche einerseits bürokratische Züge trägt, da Führungspersonen in Militär und Verwaltung im Rahmen redistributiver Strukturen viele Güter beschafften, die an die Soldaten gegen Abzüge vom Sold ausgegeben wurden. Andererseits stand diesem Verfahren eine beeindruckende Dynamik im Marktgeschehen gegenüber, die durch die Erfordernisse der Heeresversorgung und des individuellen Konsums der Soldaten entstand. Zu den Bereichen der Wirtschaftstätigkeit, in denen ein starker Einfluß der Bürokratie herrschte, zählten insbesondere die Versorgung mit den Grundnahrungsmitteln (v. a. Getreide, Bier). Hypothesen über ein militärisches Redistributivsystem für Olivenöl unter der Ägide des praefectus annonae wurden allerdings nicht bestätigt. Die Existenz einer zentralen Behörde für die Heeresversorgung im Reich für die Principatszeit nicht nachgewiesen werden. Es zeigte sich statt dessen eine in der Forschung bisher nicht so deutlich gesehene Verantwortung und Aktivität unterer militärischer Entscheidungsträger vor Ort. Die Märkte an der britannischen Grenze bieten eine sehr viel differenzierteres Bild als man es von Handelsplätzen am äußersten Rande der romanisierten Welt vielleicht erwartet hätte. Vor allem zeichneten sie sich durch ein breites Angebot an Waren aus, die über große Entfernungen heran transportiert worden waren (Wein, Oliven, mediterrane Fischcaucen, Pfeffer, Importkeramik). Im Bereich des Handwerks sind im Norden Britanniens durch archäologische Funde und die Tätigkeitsbezeichnungen von Handwerkern in den Texten aus Vindolanda vielfältige Zeugnisse eines Engagements der Militärs präsent.
El objetivo general de la presente monografía es analizar la incidencia de los cambios en el entorno regional en la reformulación de la agenda de seguridad de Japón y en el Tratado de Seguridad Nipo-Americano durante el periodo 2001-2010. Para llevar a cabo este objetivo es necesario abordar, como un primer capítulo, los cambios en el escenario regional que representan un desafío para la seguridad de Japón. En el segundo capítulo, se describirá el alcance y ajustes que ha tenido la alianza Nipo-Americana; finalmente, en el tercer capítulo se explicará como Japón ha reformulado su agenda de seguridad en respuesta a los nuevos desafíos regionales.