944 resultados para Mercury emissions
In [HgCl2(Pyp)](n) (Pyp = pyrazine, C4H4N2), chloride-bridged HgCl4/2 strands are connected into layers by pyrazine molecules. The Hg atom is on a site of symmetry 2/m, the unique Cl atom is on a mirror plane, the unique N atom is on a twofold rotation axis, and the unique C and H atoms are in general positions.
The crystal structure of [HgCl2(Pyo)](n) (Pyo = pyridazine, C4H4N2) consists of chloride-bridged strands of octahedrally coordinated mercuric centers, connected by the two neighboring N atoms of pyridazine molecules. All atoms lie in special positions:Hg with site symmetry 2/m and the others on mirror planes.
The crystal structure of [HgBr2(Pyo)](n) (Pyo = pyridazine, C4H4N2) consists of strands of octahedrally coordinated mercuric centers asymmetrically bridged by bromide and connected by the two neighboring N atoms of pyridazine molecules to complete the octahedral coordination of mercury. The Hg atoms lie on inversion centers.
The water and sewerage sectors' combined emissions account for just over 1% of total UK emissions, while household water heating accounts for a further 5%. Energy use, particularly electricity, is the largest source of emissions in the sector. Water efficiency measures should therefore result in reduced emissions from a lower demand for water and wastewater treatment and pumping, as well as from decreased domestic water heating. Northern Ireland Water (NI Water) is actively pursuing measures to reduce its carbon footprint. This paper investigated the carbon impacts of implementing a household water efficiency programme in Northern Ireland. Assuming water savings of 59.6 L/prop/day and 15% uptake among households, carbon savings of 0.6% of NI Water's current net operational emissions are achievable from reduced treatment and pumping. Adding the carbon savings from reduced household water heating gives savings equivalent to 6.2% of current net operational emissions. Cost savings to NI Water are estimated as 300,000 per year. The cost of the water efficiency devices is approximately 1.6 million, but may be higher depending on the number of devices distributed relative to the number installed. This paper has shown clear carbon benefits to water efficiency, but further research is needed to examine social and cost impacts. © IWA Publishing 2013.
Despite the extensive geographical range of palaeolimnological studies designed to assess the extent of surface water acidification in the United Kingdom during the 1980s, little attention was paid to the status of surface waters in the North York Moors (NYM). In this paper, we present sediment core data from a moorland pool in the NYM that provide a record of air pollution contamination and surface water acidification. The 41-cm-long core was divided into three lithostratigraphic units. The lower two comprise peaty soils and peats, respectively, that date to between approximately 8080 and 6740 cal. BP. The uppermost unit comprises peaty lake muds dating from between approximately ad 1790 and the present day (ad 2006). The lower two units contain pollen dominated by forest taxa, whereas the uppermost unit contains pollen indicative of open landscape conditions similar to those of the present. Heavy metal, spheroidal carbonaceous particle, mineral magnetics and stable isotope analysis of the upper sediments show clear evidence of contamination by air pollutants derived from fossil-fuel combustion over the last c. 150years, and diatom analysis indicates that the naturally acidic pool became more acidic during the 20th century. We conclude that the exceptionally acidic surface waters of the pool at present (pH=c. 4.1) are the result of a long history of air pollution and not because of naturally acidic local conditions. We argue that the highly acidic surface waters elsewhere in the NYM are similarly acidified and that the lack of evidence of significant recovery from acidification, despite major reductions in the emissions of acidic gases that have taken place over the last c. 30years, indicates the continuing influence of pollutant sulphur stored in catchment peats, a legacy of over 150years of acid deposition.
Efficient scrubbing of mercury vapour from natural gas streams has been demonstrated both in the laboratory and on an industrial scale, using chlorocuprate(ii) ionic liquids impregnated on high surface area porous solid supports, resulting in the effective removal of mercury vapour from natural gas streams. This material has been commercialised for use within the petroleum gas production industry, and has currently been running continuously for three years on a natural gas plant in Malaysia. Here we report on the chemistry underlying this process, and demonstrate the transfer of this technology from gram to ton scale.
Under the European Union Renewable Energy Directive each Member State is mandated to ensure that 10% of transport energy (excluding aviation and marine transport) comes from renewable sources by 2020. The Irish Government intends to achieve this target with a number of policies including ensuring that 10% of all vehicles in the transport fleet are powered by electricity by 2020. This paper investigates the impact of the 10% electric vehicle target in Ireland in 2020 using a dynamic programming based long term generation expansion planning model. The model developed optimizes power dispatch using hourly electricity demand curves up to 2020, while incorporating generator characteristics and certain operational requirements such as energy not served and loss of load probability while satisfying constraints on environmental emissions, fuel availability and generator operational and maintenance costs. Two distinct scenarios are analysed based on a peak and off-peak charging regimes in order to simulate the effects of the electric vehicles charging in 2020. The importance and influence of the charging regimes on the amount of energy used and tailgate emissions displaced is then determined.
Discrimination of different species in various target scopes within a single sensing platform can provide many advantages such as simplicity, rapidness, and cost effectiveness. Here we design a three-input colorimetric logic gate based on the aggregation and anti-aggregation of gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) for the sensing of melamine, cysteine, and Hg2+. The concept takes advantages of the highly specific coordination and ligand replacement reactions between melamine, cysteine, Hg2+, and Au NPs. Different outputs are obtained with the combinational inputs in the logic gates, which can serve as a reference to discriminate different analytes within a single sensing platform. Furthermore, besides the intrinsic sensitivity and selectivity of Au NPs to melamine-like compounds, the “INH” gates of melamine/cysteine and melamine/Hg2+ in this logic system can be employed for sensitive and selective detections of cysteine and Hg2+, respectively.
This paper examines a large structural component and its supply chain. The component is representative of that used in the production of civil transport aircraft and is manufactured from carbon fibre epoxy resin prepreg, using traditional hand layup and autoclave cure. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is used to predict the component’s production carbon emissions. The results determine the distribution of carbon emissions within the supply chain, identifying the dominant production processes as carbon fibre manufacture and composite part manufacture. The elevated temperature processes of material and part creation, and the associated electricity usage, have a significant impact on the overall production emissions footprint. The paper also demonstrates the calculation of emissions footprint sensitivity to the geographic location and associated energy sources of the supply chain. The results verify that the proposed methodology is capable of quantitatively linking component and supply chain specifics to manufacturing processes and thus identifying the design drivers for carbon emissions in the manufacturing life of the component.
Structural and functional information encoded in DNA combined with unique properties of nanomaterials could be of use for the construction of novel biocomputational circuits and intelligent biomedical nanodevices. However, at present their practical applications are still limited by either low reproducibility of fabrication, modest sensitivity, or complicated handling procedures. Here, we demonstrate the construction of label-free and switchable molecular logic gates (AND, INHIBIT, and OR) that use specific conformation modulation of a guanine- and thymine-rich DNA, while the optical readout is enabled by the tunable metamaterials which serve as a substrate for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (MetaSERS). Our MetaSERS-based DNA logic is simple to operate, highly reproducible, and can be stimulated by ultra-low concentration of the external inputs, enabling an extremely sensitive detection of mercury ions down to 2×10-4 ppb, which is four orders of magnitude lower than the exposure limit allowed by United States Environmental Protection Agency
No presente trabalho, foi avaliado o desempenho e a aplicabilidade do eléctrodo de filme fino de mercúrio, em estudos de especiação dinâmica de metais vestigiais. Para tal, foram utilizadas duas técnicas electroanalíticas de redissolução: a clássica Voltametria de Redissolução Anódica (ASV) e a recentemente desenvolvida, Cronopotenciometria de Redissolução com varrimento do potencial de deposição (SSCP). As propriedades de troca-iónica e de transporte de massa de películas mistas preparadas a partir de dois polímeros com características distintas, o Nafion (NA) e o 4-Poliestireno sulfonato de sódio (PSS), foram avaliadas, antes da sua aplicação no âmbito da especiação de metais. Estas películas de NA-PSS demonstraram uma elevada sensibilidade, reprodutibilidade, estabilidade mecânica, bem como, propriedades de anti-bloqueio adequadas na modificação química do eléctrodo de filme fino de mercúrio (TMFE) e, na sua aplicação na determinação de catiões metálicos vestigiais em amostras complexas, por ASV. Para além disso, o desempenho de membranas do polielectrólito PSS em estudos de voltametria de troca-iónica (IEV) foi estudado. O objectivo desta investigação foi reunir as condições ideais na preparação de películas de PSS estáveis e com uma densidade de carga negativa elevada, de modo a aumentar a acumulação electrostática de catiões metálicos no filme polimérico e por conseguinte, conseguir incrementos no sinal voltamétrico. O desempenho e aplicabilidade do TMFE em estudos de especiação de metais vestigiais foram extendidos à SSCP como técnica analítica. Dada a elevada sensibilidade e resolução evidenciada pelo TMFE, este revelou ser uma alternativa adequada aos eléctrodos de mercúrio convencionais, podendo ser utilizado durante um dia de trabalho, sem degradação aparente do sinal analítico de SCP. As curvas de SSCP obtidas experimentalmente utilizando o TMFE estavam em concordância com aquelas previstas pela teoria. Para além disso, a constante de estabilidade (K) calculada a partir do desvio do potencial de meia-onda, para dois sistemas metal-complexo lábeis, aproxima-se não só do valor teórico, como também daquele obtido utilizando o eléctrodo de mercúrio de gota suspensa (HMDE). Adicionalmente, o critério experimental de labilidade inerente a esta técnica foi validado e o grau de labilidade para um dado sistema metal-complexo foi determinado, utilizando o filme fino de mercúrio depositado sob um eléctrodo rotativo (TMF-RDE). Este eléctrodo é muito útil na determinação de parâmetros cinéticos, como é o caso da constante de velocidade de associação (ka), uma vez que as condições hidrodinâmicas, durante a etapa de deposição, se encontram bem definidas.
O Mercúrio é um dos metais pesados mais tóxicos existentes no meio ambiente, é persistente e caracteriza-se por bioamplificar e bioacumular ao longo da cadeia trófica. A poluição com mercúrio é um problema à escala global devido à combinação de emissões naturais e emissões antropogénicas, o que obriga a políticas ambientais mais restritivas sobre a descarga de metais pesados. Consequentemente o desenvolvimento de novos e eficientes materiais e de novas tecnologias para remover mercúrio de efluentes é necessário e urgente. Neste contexto, alguns materiais microporosos provenientes de duas famílias, titanossilicatos e zirconossilicatos, foram investigados com o objectivo de avaliar a sua capacidade para remover iões Hg2+ de soluções aquosas. De um modo geral, quase todos os materiais estudados apresentaram elevadas percentagens de remoção, confirmando que são bons permutadores iónicos e que têm capacidade para serem utilizados como agentes descontaminantes. O titanossilicato ETS-4 foi o material mais estudado devido à sua elevada eficiência de remoção (>98%), aliada à pequena quantidade de massa necessária para atingir essa elevada percentagem de remoção. Com apenas 4 mg⋅dm-3 de ETS-4 foi possível tratar uma solução com uma concentração igual ao valor máximo admissível para descargas de efluentes em cursos de água (50 μg⋅dm-3) e obter água com qualidade para consumo humano (<1.0 μg⋅dm-3), de acordo com a legislação Portuguesa (DL 236/98). Tal como para outros adsorbentes, a capacidade de remoção de Hg2+ do ETS- 4 depende de várias condições experimentais, tais como o tempo de contacto, a massa, a concentração inicial de mercúrio, o pH e a temperatura. Do ponto de vista industrial as condições óptimas para a aplicação do ETS-4 são bastante atractivas, uma vez que não requerem grandes quantidades de material e o tratamento da solução pode ser feito à temperatura ambiente. A aplicação do ETS-4 torna-se ainda mais interessante no caso de efluentes hospitalares, de processos de electro-deposição com níquel, metalúrgica, extracção de minérios, especialmente ouro, e indústrias de fabrico de cloro e soda cáustica, uma vez que estes efluentes apresentam valores de pH semelhantes ao valor de pH óptimo para a aplicação do ETS-4. A cinética do processo de troca iónica é bem descrita pelo modelo Nernst-Planck, enquanto que os dados de equilíbrio são bem ajustados pelas isotérmicas de Langmuir e de Freundlich. Os parâmetros termodinâmicos, ΔG° and ΔH° indicam que a remoção de Hg2+ pelo ETS-4 é um processo espontâneo e exotérmico. A elevada eficiência do ETS-4 é confirmada pelos valores da capacidade de remoção de outros materiais para os iões Hg2+, descritos na literatura. A utilização de coluna de ETS-4 preparada no nosso laboratório, para a remoção em contínuo de Hg2+ confirma que este material apresenta um grande potencial para ser utilizado no tratamento de águas. ABSTRACT: Mercury is one of the most toxic heavy metals, exhibiting a persistent character in the environment and biota as well as bioamplification and bioaccumulation along the food chain. Natural inputs combined with the global anthropogenic sources make mercury pollution a planetary-scale problem, and strict environmental policies on metal discharges have been enforced. The development of efficient new materials and clean-up technologies for removing mercury from effluents is, thus, timely. In this context, in my study, several microporous materials from two families, titanosilicates and zirconosilicates were investigated in order to assess their Hg2+ sorption capacity and removal efficiency, under different operating conditions. In general, almost all microporous materials studied exhibited high removal efficiencies, confirming that they are good ion exchangers and have potential to be used as Hg2+ decontaminant agents. Titanosilicate ETS-4 was the material most studied here, by its highest removal efficiency (>98%) and lowest mass necessary to attain it. Moreover, according with the Portuguese legislation (DL 236/98) it is possible to attain drinking water quality (i.e. [Hg2+]< 1.0 μg⋅dm-3) by treating a solution with a Hg2+ concentration equal to the maximum value admissible for effluents discharges into water bodies (50 μg⋅dm-3), using only 4 mg⋅dm-3 of ETS-4. Even in the presence of major freshwater cations, ETS-4 removal efficiency remains high. Like for other adsorbents, the sorption capacity of ETS-4 for Hg2+ ions is strongly dependent on the operating conditions, such as contact time, mass, initial Hg2+ concentration and solution pH and, to a lesser extent, temperature. The optimum operating conditions found for ETS-4 are very attractive from the industrial point of view because the application of ETS-4 for the treatment of wastewater and/or industrial effluents will not require larges amounts of adsorbent, neither energy supply for temperature adjustments becoming the removal process economically competitive. These conditions become even more interesting in the case of medical institutions liquid, nickel electroplating process, copper smelter, gold ore tailings and chlor-alkali effluents, since no significant pH adjustments to the effluent are necessary. The ion exchange kinetics of Hg2+ uptake is successfully described by the Nernst-Planck based model, while the ion exchange equilibrium is well fitted by both Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. Moreover, the feasibility of the removal process was confirmed by the thermodynamic parameters (ΔG° and ΔH°) which indicate that the Hg2+ sorption by ETS-4 is spontaneous and exothermic. The higher efficiency of ETS-4 for Hg2+ ions is corroborate by the values reported in literature for the sorption capacity of other adsorbents for Hg2+ ions. The use of an ETS-4 fixed-bed ion exchange column, manufactured in our laboratory, in the continuous removal of Hg2+ ions from solutions confirms that this titanosilicate has potential to be used in industrial water treatment.
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