1000 resultados para Magnetic Schrödinger Operators
The renormalization properties of gauge-invariant composite operators that vanish when the classical equations of motion are used (class II^a operators) and which lead to diagrams where the Adler-Bell-Jackiw anomaly occurs are discussed. It is shown that gauge-invariant operators of this kind do need, in general, nonvanishing gauge-invariant (class I) counterterms.
OBJECTIVES: Lesion detection and characterization in multiple sclerosis (MS) are an essential part of its clinical diagnosis and an important research field. In this pilot study, we applied the recently introduced two inversion-contrast magnetization-prepared rapid gradient echo sequence (MP2RAGE) to patients with early-stage MS.¦MATERIALS AND METHODS: The MP2RAGE is a 3-dimensional (3D) magnetization-prepared rapid gradient echo derivative providing homogeneous T1 weighting and simultaneous T1 mapping. The MP2RAGE performance was compared with that of 2 clinical routine sequences (2D fluid-attenuated inversion recovery [FLAIR] and 3D magnetization-prepared rapid gradient echo [MP-RAGE]) and 2 state-of-the art clinical research sequences (the 3D FLAIR-SPACE [sampling perfection with application-optimized contrasts by using different flip-angle evolutions], a fluid-attenuated variable flip-angle fast spin echo technique, and the 3D double-inversion recovery SPACE). A cohort of 10 early-stage female MS patients (age, 31.6 ± 4.7 years; disease duration, 3.8 ± 1.9 years; median expanded disability status scale score, 1.75) and 10 age- and gender-matched controls were enrolled after approval of the local institutional review board was obtained. Multiple sclerosis lesions were identified and assigned to brain locations and tissue types by two experienced physicians in all 5 contrasts. Subsequently, lesions were manually delineated for comparison and statistical analysis of lesion count, volume and quantitative measures.¦RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The results show that the 3D T1-weighted high-resolution MP2RAGE contrast provides a sensitive means for MS lesion assessment. The additional quantitative T1 relaxation time maps obtained with the MP2RAGE provide further potential diagnostic and prognostic information that could help (a) to better discriminate lesion subtypes and (b) to stage and predict the activity and the evolution of MS. Results also indicate that the T2-weighted double-inversion recovery and FLAIR-SPACE contrasts are attractive complements to the MP2RAGE for lesion detection.
The agricultural potential is generally assessed and managed based on a one-dimensional vision of the soil profile, however, the increased appreciation of sustainable production has stimulated studies on faster and more accurate evaluation techniques and methods of the agricultural potential on detailed scales. The objective of this study was to investigate the possibility of using soil magnetic susceptibility for the identification of landscape segments on a detailed scale in the region of Jaboticabal, São Paulo State. The studied area has two slope curvatures: linear and concave, subdivided into three landscape segments: upper slope (US, concave), middle slope (MS, linear) and lower slope (LS, linear). In each of these segments, 20 points were randomly sampled from a database with 207 samples forming a regular grid installed in each landscape segment. The soil physical and chemical properties, CO2 emissions (FCO2) and magnetic susceptibility (MS) of the samples were evaluated represented by: magnetic susceptibility of air-dried fine earth (MS ADFE), magnetic susceptibility of the total sand fraction (MS TS) and magnetic susceptibility of the clay fraction (MS Cl) in the 0.00 - 0.15 m layer. The principal component analysis showed that MS is an important property that can be used to identify landscape segments, because the correlation of this property within the first principal component was high. The hierarchical cluster analysis method identified two groups based on the variables selected by principal component analysis; of the six selected variables, three were related to magnetic susceptibility. The landscape segments were differentiated similarly by the principal component analysis and by the cluster analysis using only the properties with higher discriminatory power. The cluster analysis of MS ADFE, MS TS and MS Cl allowed the formation of three groups that agree with the segment division established in the field. The grouping by cluster analysis indicated MS as a tool that could facilitate the identification of landscape segments and enable the mapping of more homogeneous areas at similar locations.
We have studied the effect of heat treatment on the magnetic properties and on the martensitic transition of the Ni50Mn30Al20 alloy. A mixed L21+B2 state is obtained in the as-prepared sample, while no L21 order is retained in the sample quenched from high temperature. For the two heat treatments, the samples order antiferromagnetically, but there is evidence of coexisting ferromagnetic interactions. A martensitic transition occurs below the magnetic one for quenched samples. However, the martensitic transition is inhibited in the as-prepared sample.
Microstructural and magnetic measurements of the evolution by heat treatment of initially amorphous Nd16Fe76B8 alloys prepared by melt spinning are presented. Evidence of magnetic hardening above a threshold temperature induced by magnetic isolation of the Nd2Fe14B grains is provided. A thermodynamic and kinetic explanation of local melting of the intergranular nanostructured Nd¿rich eutectic phase at temperatures below 900 K based on capillary effects is presented. A subsequent Ostwald ripening process moves Nd to wet intimately the hard magnetic grains, becoming, on cooling, a real paramagnetic isolating thin film (~2.5 nm). By using a simple analogy, it is shown that the switching magnetization field in a single¿domain crystal can be drastically affected through the exchange coupling to neighboring grains with different orientation of the easy axis. This effect should be important enough to reinforce the coercive field of polycrystalline hard magnetic materials and explains the observed enhancement from 0.9 to 1.9 T.
We have developed a differential scanning calorimeter capable of working under applied magnetic fields of up to 5 T. The calorimeter is highly sensitive and operates over the temperature range 10¿300 K. It is shown that, after a proper calibration, the system enables determination of the latent heat and entropy changes in first-order solid¿solid phase transitions. The system is particularly useful for investigating materials that exhibit the giant magnetocaloric effect arising from a magnetostructural phase transition. Data for Gd5(Si0.1Ge0.9)4 are presented.
Synthetic aluminum-substituted maghemites were characterized by total chemical analysis, powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), Mössbauer spectroscopy (ME), and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). The aim was to determine the structural, magnetic, and hyperfine properties of γ-Fe2-xAl xO3 as the Al concentration is varied. The XRD results of the synthetic products were indexed exclusively as maghemite. Increasing Al for Fe substitution decreased the mean crystalline dimension and shifted all diffraction peaks to higher º2θ angles. The a0 dimension of the cubic unit cell decreased with increasing Al according to the equation a o = 0.8385 - 3.63 x 10-5 Al (R²= 0.94). Most Mössbauer spectra were composed of one sextet, but at the highest substitution rate of 142.5 mmol mol-1 Al, both a doublet and sextet were obtained at 300 K. All hyperfine parameters from the sub-spectra were consistent with high-spin Fe3+ (0.2 a 0.7 mms-1) and suggested a strong superparamagnetic component associated with the doublet. The magnetic hyperfine field of the sextets decreased with the amount of Al-substitution [Bhf (T) = 49.751 - 0.1202Al; R² = 0.94] while the linewidth increased linearly. The saturation magnetization also decreased with increasing isomorphous substitution.
The transport and magnetotransport properties of the metallic and ferromagnetic SrRuO3 (SRO) and the metallic and paramagnetic LaNiO3 (LNO) epitaxial thin films have been investigated in fields up to 55 T at temperatures down to 1.8 K . At low temperatures both samples display a well-defined resistivity minimum. We argue that this behavior is due to the increasing relevance of quantum corrections to the conductivity (QCC) as temperature is lowered; this effect being particularly relevant in these oxides due to their short mean free path. However, it is not straightforward to discriminate between contributions of weak localization and renormalization of electron-electron interactions to the QCC through temperature dependence alone. We have taken advantage of the distinct effect of a magnetic field on both mechanisms to demonstrate that in ferromagnetic SRO the weak-localization contribution is suppressed by the large internal field leaving only renormalized electron-electron interactions, whereas in the nonmagnetic LNO thin films the weak-localization term is relevant.
A comparative study of LaxBi1-xMnO3 thin films grown on SrTiO3 substrates is reported. It is shown that these films grow epitaxially in a narrow pressure-temperature range. A detailed structural and compositional characterization of the films is performed within the growth window. The structure and the magnetization of this system are investigated. We find a clear correlation between the magnetization and the unit-cell volume that we ascribe to Bi deficiency and the resultant introduction of a mixed valence on the Mn ions. On these grounds, we show that the reduced magnetization of LaxBi1-xMnO3 thin films compared to the bulk can be explained quantitatively by a simple model, taking into account the deviation from nominal composition and the Goodenough-Kanamori-Anderson rules of magnetic interactions.
Three Sm(2 Å)/Fe(3 Å) multilayers have been made using two electron beams in a high vacuum chamber onto very thin Kapton foils at different substrate temperatures, (Ts=40°C, 150°C and 230°C), with the same total thickness of 3000 Å. We have found that the substrate temperature strongly affects structure and magnetic properties of the samples. For a substrate temperature of 150°C the sample behaves as a three dimensional random magnet.
The structure, magnetic response, and dielectric response of the grown epitaxial thin films of the orthorhombic phase of YMnO3 oxide on Nb:SrTiO3 (001) substrates have been measured. We have found that a substrate-induced strain produces an in-plane compression of the YMnO3 unit cell. The magnetization versus temperature curves display a significant zero-field cooling (ZFC)-field cooling hysteresis below the Nel temperature (TN 45 K). The dielectric constant increases gradually (up to 26%) below the TN and mimics the ZFC magnetization curve. We argue that these effects could be a manifestation of magnetoelectric coupling in YMnO3 thin films and that the magnetic structure of YMnO3 can be controlled by substrate selection and/or growth conditions.
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was the investigation of the impact of real-time adaptive motion correction on image quality in navigator-gated, free-breathing, double-oblique three-dimensional (3D) submillimeter right coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Free-breathing 3D right coronary MRA with real-time navigator technology was performed in 10 healthy adult subjects with an in-plane spatial resolution of 700 x 700 microm. Identical double-oblique coronary MR-angiograms were performed with navigator gating alone and combined navigator gating and real-time adaptive motion correction. Quantitative objective parameters of contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and vessel sharpness and subjective image quality scores were compared. RESULTS: Superior vessel sharpness, increased CNR, and superior image quality scores were found with combined navigator gating and real-time adaptive motion correction (vs. navigator gating alone; P < 0.01 for all comparisons). CONCLUSION: Real-time adaptive motion correction objectively and subjectively improves image quality in 3D navigator-gated free-breathing double-oblique submillimeter right coronary MRA.
We report on the growth and characterization of SrRuO3 single layers and SrRuO3/SrTiO3/SrRuO3 heterostructures grown on SrTiO3(100) substrates. The thickness dependence of the coercivity was determined for these single layers. Heterostructures with barrier thickness tb=1, 2.5, and 4 nm were fabricated, with electrodes having thickness ranging from 10 to 100 nm. The hysteresis loops of heterostructures with tb=2.5¿nm, 4 nm reveal uncoupled magnetic switching of the electrodes. Therefore, these heterostructures can be used for the fabrication of magnetic tunneling junctions.