999 resultados para Machine costs


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The development of increasingly sophisticated and powerful computers in the last few decades has frequently stimulated comparisons between them and the human brain. Such comparisons will become more earnest as computers are applied more and more to tasks formerly associated with essentially human activities and capabilities. The expectation of a coming generation of "intelligent" computers and robots with sensory, motor and even "intellectual" skills comparable in quality to (and quantitatively surpassing) our own is becoming more widespread and is, I believe, leading to a new and potentially productive analytical science of "information processing". In no field has this new approach been so precisely formulated and so thoroughly exemplified as in the field of vision. As the dominant sensory modality of man, vision is one of the major keys to our mastery of the environment, to our understanding and control of the objects which surround us. If we wish to created robots capable of performing complex manipulative tasks in a changing environment, we must surely endow them with (among other things) adequate visual powers. How can we set about designing such flexible and adaptive robots? In designing them, can we make use of our rapidly growing knowledge of the human brain, and if so, how at the same time, can our experiences in designing artificial vision systems help us to understand how the brain analyzes visual information?


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This paper focuses on the analysis of the relationship between maritime trade and transport cost in Latin America. The analysis is based on disaggregated (SITC 5 digit level) trade data for intra Latin maritime trade routes over the period 1999-2004. The research contributes to the literature by disentangling the effects of transport costs on the range of traded goods (extensive margin) and the traded volumes of goods (intensive margin) of international trade in order to test some of the predictions of the trade theories that introduce firm heterogeneity in productivity, as well as fixed costs of exporting. Recent investigations show that spatial frictions (distance) reduce trade mainly by trimming the number of shipments and that most firms ship only to geographically proximate customers, instead of shipping to many destinations in quantities that decrease in distance. Our analyses confirm these findings and show that the opposite pattern is observed for ad-valorem freight rates that reduce aggregate trade values mainly by reducing the volume of imported goods (intensive margin).


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Ellis, D.I., Broadhurst, D., Rowland, J.J. and Goodacre, R. (2005) Rapid detection method for microbial spoilage using FT-IR and machine learning. In: Rapid Methods for Food and Feed Quality Determination, (Eds) van Amerongen, A., Barug, D and Lauwaars, M., Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, Netherlands, in press.


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Janet Taylor, Ross D King, Thomas Altmann and Oliver Fiehn (2002). Application of metabolomics to plant genotype discrimination using statistics and machine learning. 1st European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB). (published as a journal supplement in Bioinformatics 18: S241-S248).


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Draper, J., Darby, R.M., Beckmann, M., Maddison, A.L., Mondhe, M., Sheldrick, C., Taylor, J., Goodacre, R., and Kell, D.B. (2002) Metabolic Engineering, metabolite profiling and machine learning to investigate the phloem-mobile signal in systemic acquired resistance in tobacco. First International Congress on Plant Metabolomics, Wageningen, The Netherlands


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Ellis, D. I., Broadhurst, D., Kell, D. B., Rowland, J. J., Goodacre, R. (2002). Rapid and quantitative detection of the microbial spoilage of meat by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and machine learning. ? Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 68, (6), 2822-2828 Sponsorship: BBSRC


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Clare, A. and King R.D. (2002) Machine learning of functional class from phenotype data. Bioinformatics 18(1) 160-166


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R. Zwiggelaar, Q. Yang, E. Garcia-Pardo and C.R. Bull, 'Using spectral information and machine vision for bruise detection on peaches and apricots', Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 63 (4), 323-332 1996)


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Jones, E. H. G., Thomas, Ned, and King, Alan, 'Machine Translation and the Internet', Mercator Media Forums (2001) 5(1) pp.84-98 RAE2008


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Studies suggest that income replacement is low for many workers with serious occupational injuries and illnesses. This review discusses three areas that hold promise for raising benefits to workers while reducing workers' compensation costs to employers: improving safety, containing medical costs, and reducing litigation. In theory, workers' compensation increases the costs to employers of injuries and so provides incentives to improve safety. Yet, taken as a whole, research does not provide convincing evidence that workers' compensation reduces injury rates. Moreover, unlike safety and health regulation, workers' compensation focuses the attention of employers on individual workers. High costs may lead employers to discourage claims and litigate when claims are filed. Controlling medical costs can reduce workers' compensation costs. Most studies, however, have focused on costs and have not addressed the effectiveness of medical care or patient satisfaction. Research also has shown that workers' compensation systems can reduce the need for litigation. Without litigation, benefits can be delivered more quickly and at lower costs.


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BoostMap is a recently proposed method for efficient approximate nearest neighbor retrieval in arbitrary non-Euclidean spaces with computationally expensive and possibly non-metric distance measures. Database and query objects are embedded into a Euclidean space, in which similarities can be rapidly measured using a weighted Manhattan distance. The key idea is formulating embedding construction as a machine learning task, where AdaBoost is used to combine simple, 1D embeddings into a multidimensional embedding that preserves a large amount of the proximity structure of the original space. This paper demonstrates that, using the machine learning formulation of BoostMap, we can optimize embeddings for indexing and classification, in ways that are not possible with existing alternatives for constructive embeddings, and without additional costs in retrieval time. First, we show how to construct embeddings that are query-sensitive, in the sense that they yield a different distance measure for different queries, so as to improve nearest neighbor retrieval accuracy for each query. Second, we show how to optimize embeddings for nearest neighbor classification tasks, by tuning them to approximate a parameter space distance measure, instead of the original feature-based distance measure.


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With the increased use of "Virtual Machines" (VMs) as vehicles that isolate applications running on the same host, it is necessary to devise techniques that enable multiple VMs to share underlying resources both fairly and efficiently. To that end, one common approach is to deploy complex resource management techniques in the hosting infrastructure. Alternately, in this paper, we advocate the use of self-adaptation in the VMs themselves based on feedback about resource usage and availability. Consequently, we define a "Friendly" VM (FVM) to be a virtual machine that adjusts its demand for system resources, so that they are both efficiently and fairly allocated to competing FVMs. Such properties are ensured using one of many provably convergent control rules, such as AIMD. By adopting this distributed application-based approach to resource management, it is not necessary to make assumptions about the underlying resources nor about the requirements of FVMs competing for these resources. To demonstrate the elegance and simplicity of our approach, we present a prototype implementation of our FVM framework in User-Mode Linux (UML)-an implementation that consists of less than 500 lines of code changes to UML. We present an analytic, control-theoretic model of FVM adaptation, which establishes convergence and fairness properties. These properties are also backed up with experimental results using our prototype FVM implementation.


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The Java programming language has been widely described as secure by design. Nevertheless, a number of serious security vulnerabilities have been discovered in Java, particularly in the component known as the Bytecode Verifier. This paper describes a method for representing Java security constraints using the Alloy modeling language. It further describes a system for performing a security analysis on any block of Java bytecodes by converting the bytes into relation initializers in Alloy. Any counterexamples found by the Alloy analyzer correspond directly to insecure code. Analysis of a real-world malicious applet is given to demonstrate the efficacy of the approach.


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There has been an increased use of the Doubly-Fed Induction Machine (DFIM) in ac drive applications in recent times, particularly in the field of renewable energy systems and other high power variable-speed drives. The DFIM is widely regarded as the optimal generation system for both onshore and offshore wind turbines and has also been considered in wave power applications. Wind power generation is the most mature renewable technology. However, wave energy has attracted a large interest recently as the potential for power extraction is very significant. Various wave energy converter (WEC) technologies currently exist with the oscillating water column (OWC) type converter being one of the most advanced. There are fundemental differences in the power profile of the pneumatic power supplied by the OWC WEC and that of a wind turbine and this causes significant challenges in the selection and rating of electrical generators for the OWC devises. The thesis initially aims to provide an accurate per-phase equivalent circuit model of the DFIM by investigating various characterisation testing procedures. Novel testing methodologies based on the series-coupling tests is employed and is found to provide a more accurate representation of the DFIM than the standard IEEE testing methods because the series-coupling tests provide a direct method of determining the equivalent-circuit resistances and inductances of the machine. A second novel method known as the extended short-circuit test is also presented and investigated as an alternative characterisation method. Experimental results on a 1.1 kW DFIM and a 30 kW DFIM utilising the various characterisation procedures are presented in the thesis. The various test methods are analysed and validated through comparison of model predictions and torque-versus-speed curves for each induction machine. Sensitivity analysis is also used as a means of quantifying the effect of experimental error on the results taken from each of the testing procedures and is used to determine the suitability of the test procedures for characterising each of the devices. The series-coupling differential test is demonstrated to be the optimum test. The research then focuses on the OWC WEC and the modelling of this device. A software model is implemented based on data obtained from a scaled prototype device situated at the Irish test site. Test data from the electrical system of the device is analysed and this data is used to develop a performance curve for the air turbine utilised in the WEC. This performance curve was applied in a software model to represent the turbine in the electro-mechanical system and the software results are validated by the measured electrical output data from the prototype test device. Finally, once both the DFIM and OWC WEC power take-off system have been modeled succesfully, an investigation of the application of the DFIM to the OWC WEC model is carried out to determine the electrical machine rating required for the pulsating power derived from OWC WEC device. Thermal analysis of a 30 kW induction machine is carried out using a first-order thermal model. The simulations quantify the limits of operation of the machine and enable thedevelopment of rating requirements for the electrical generation system of the OWC WEC. The thesis can be considered to have three sections. The first section of the thesis contains Chapters 2 and 3 and focuses on the accurate characterisation of the doubly-fed induction machine using various testing procedures. The second section, containing Chapter 4, concentrates on the modelling of the OWC WEC power-takeoff with particular focus on the Wells turbine. Validation of this model is carried out through comparision of simulations and experimental measurements. The third section of the thesis utilises the OWC WEC model from Chapter 4 with a 30 kW induction machine model to determine the optimum device rating for the specified machine. Simulations are carried out to perform thermal analysis of the machine to give a general insight into electrical machine rating for an OWC WEC device.