958 resultados para MODULATION SPECTRUM


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Cognitive radio networks sense spectrum occupancy and manage themselvesto operate in unused bands without disturbing licensed users. The detection capability of aradio system can be enhanced if the sensing process is performed jointly by a group of nodesso that the effects of wireless fading and shadowing can be minimized. However, taking acollaborative approach poses new security threats to the system as nodes can report falsesensing data to reach a wrong decision. This paper makes a review of secure cooperativespectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks. The main objective of these protocols is toprovide an accurate resolution about the availability of some spectrum channels, ensuring thecontribution from incapable users as well as malicious ones is discarded. Issues, advantagesand disadvantages of such protocols are investigated and summarized.


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Multilevel converters provide an attractive solution to bring the benefits of speed-controlled rotational movement to high-power applications. Therefore, multilevel inverters have attracted wide interest in both the academic community and in the industry for the past two decades. In this doctoral thesis, modulation methods suitable especially for series connected H-bridge multilevel inverters are discussed. A concept of duty cycle modulation is presented and its modification is proposed. These methods are compared with other well-known modulation schemes, such as space-vector pulse width modulation and carrier-based modulation schemes. The advantage of the modified duty-cycle modulation is its algorithmic simplicity. A similar mathematical formulation for the original duty cycle modulation is proposed. The modified duty cycle modulation is shown to produce well-formed phase-to-neutral voltages that have lower total harmonic distortion than the space-vector pulse width modulation and the duty cycle modulation. The space-vector-based solution and the duty cycle modulation, on the other hand, result in a better-quality line-to-line voltage and current waveform. The voltage of the DC links in the modules of the series-connected H-bridge inverter are shown to fluctuate while they are under load. The fluctuation causes inaccuracies in the voltage production, which may result in a failure of the flux estimator in the controller. An extension for upper-level modulation schemes, which changes the switching instants of the inverter so that the output voltage meets the reference voltage accurately regardless of the DC link voltages, is proposed. The method is shown to reduce the error to a very low level when a sufficient switching frequency is used. An appropriate way to organize the switching instants of the multilevel inverter is to make only one-level steps at a time. This causes restrictions on the dynamical features of the modulation schemes. The produced voltage vector cannot be rotated several tens of degrees in a single switching period without violating the above-mentioned one-level-step rule. The dynamical capabilities of multilevel inverters are analyzed in this doctoral thesis, and it is shown that the multilevel inverters are capable of operating even in dynamically demanding metal industry applications. In addition to the discussion on modulation schemes, an overvoltage in multilevel converter drives caused by cable reflection is addressed. The voltage reflection phenomenon in drives with long feeder cables causes premature insulation deterioration and also affects the commonmode voltage, which is one of the main reasons for bearing currents. Bearing currents, on the other hand, cause fluting in the bearings, which results in premature bearing failure. The reflection phenomenon is traditionally prevented by filtering, but in this thesis, a modulationbased filterless method to mitigate the overvoltage in multilevel drives is proposed. Moreover, the mitigation method can be implemented as an extension for upper-level modulation schemes. The method exploits the oscillations caused by two consecutive voltage edges so that the sum of the oscillations results in a mitigated peak of the overvoltage. The applicability of the method is verified by simulations together with experiments with a full-scale prototype.


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The aim of this study was to investigate herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1)- and measles virus (MV)-induced cell death. HSV-1 with deletion in genes encoding infected cell protein (ICP)4 and protein kinase Us3 (d120) induced apoptosis and cathepsin activation in epithelial (HEp-2) and monocytic (U937) cells. Inhibition of cathepsin activity decreased the amount of d120-induced apoptosis indicating that d120-induced apoptosis could be cathepsin-mediated. Also, HSV-1 infection increased caspase activation suggesting that d120-induced apoptosis is probably caspase-mediated. Cystatin treatment decreased the activity of cathepsins and the replication of HSV-1 indicating that cathepsins contribute to HSV-1 infection. Interestingly, d120 induced also necroptosis in monocytic cells. This is the first report on necroptosis in HSV-1- infected cells. MV induced apoptosis in uninfected bystander T lymphocytes, probably via interaction of MV-infected monocytes with uninfected lymphocytes. The expression of death receptor Fas was clearly increased on the surface of lymphocytes. The number of apoptotic cells and the activation of cathepsins and caspases were increased in MVinfected U937 cells suggesting that MV-induced apoptosis could be cathepsin- and caspase-mediated. Cystatin treatment inhibited cathepsin activities but not MV-induced apoptosis. Besides HSV-1-induced apoptosis, innate immune responses were studied in HSV-1-infection. HSV-1 viruses with either ICP4 and Us3, or Us3 deletion only, increased the expression of Toll-like receptor (TLR)3 and stimulated its downstream pathways leading to increased expression of type I interferon gene and to functional interferons. These findings suggest that besides controlling apoptosis, HSV-1 ICP4 and Us3 genes are involved in the control of TLR3 response in infected cell.


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ABSTRACT Tractor traveling speed can influence the quality of spraying depending on the application technology used. This study aimed to evaluate the droplet spectrum, the deposition and uniformity of spray distribution with different spraying systems and traveling speeds of a self-propelled sprayer in two phenological stages of the cotton plant (B9 and F13). The experimental design was randomized blocks and treatments were three spraying techniques: common flat spray tips; tilted flat jet with air induction, at 120 L ha-1; and rotary atomizer disk, 20 L ha-1, combined with four traveling speeds: 12, 15, 18 and 25 km h-1, with four replications. Spraying deposition was evaluated for both leaf surfaces from the cotton plant apex and base (stage B9) and middle part of the plant (stage F13) with a cupric marker. A laser particle analyzer also assessed the droplet spectrum. The centrifugal power spray system produces more homogeneous droplet spectrum and increased penetration of droplets into the canopy in both phenological stages. Variation on the operating conditions necessary for increased traveling speed negatively influences the pattern of spraying deposits.


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The objective of this master’s thesis is to investigate the loss behavior of three-level ANPC inverter and compare it with conventional NPC inverter. The both inverters are controlled with mature space vector modulation strategy. In order to provide the comparison both accurate and detailed enough NPC and ANPC simulation models should be obtained. The similar control model of SVM is utilized for both NPC and ANPC inverter models. The principles of control algorithms, the structure and description of models are clarified. The power loss calculation model is based on practical calculation approaches with certain assumptions. The comparison between NPC and ANPC topologies is presented based on results obtained for each semiconductor device, their switching and conduction losses and efficiency of the inverters. Alternative switching states of ANPC topology allow distributing losses among the switches more evenly, than in NPC inverter. Obviously, the losses of a switching device depend on its position in the topology. Losses distribution among the components in ANPC topology allows reducing the stress on certain switches, thus losses are equally distributed among the semiconductors, however the efficiency of the inverters is the same. As a new contribution to earlier studies, the obtained models of SVM control, NPC and ANPC inverters have been built. Thus, this thesis can be used in further more complicated modelling of full-power converters for modern multi-megawatt wind energy conversion systems.


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Alcohol consumption during pregnancy can potentially affect the developing fetus in devastating ways, leading to a range of physical, neurological, and behavioral alterations most accurately termed Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). Despite the fact that it is a preventable disorder, prenatal alcohol exposure today constitutes a leading cause of intellectual disability in the Western world. In Western countries where prevalence studies have been performed the rates of FASD exceed, for example, autism spectrum disorders, Down’s syndrome and cerebral palsy. In addition to the direct effects of alcohol, children and adolescents with FASD are often exposed to a double burden in life, as their neurological sequelae are accompanied by adverse living surroundings exposing them to further environmental risk. However, children with FASD today remain remarkably underdiagnosed by the health care system. This thesis forms part of a larger multinational research project, The Collaborative Initiative on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (the CIFASD), initiated by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) in the U.S.A. The general aim of the present thesis was to examine a cohort of children and adolescents growing up with fetal alcohol-related damage in Finland. The thesis consists of five studies with a broad focus on diagnosis, cognition, behavior, adaptation and brain metabolic alterations in children and adolescents with FASD. The participants consisted of four different groups: one group with histories of prenatal exposure to alcohol, the FASD group; one IQ matched contrast group mostly consisting of children with specific learning disorder (SLD); and two typically-developing control groups (CON1 and CON2). Participants were identified through medical records, random sampling from the Finnish national population registry and email alerts to students. Importantly, the participants in the present studies comprise a group of very carefully clinically characterized children with FASD as the studies were performed in close collaboration with leading experts in the field (Prof. Edward Riley and Prof. Sarah Mattson, Center for Behavioral Teratology, San Diego State University, U.S.A; Prof. Eugene Hoyme, Sanford School of Medicine, University of South Dakota, U.S.A.). In the present thesis, the revised Institute of Medicine diagnostic criteria for FASD were tested on a Finnish population and found to be a reliable tool for differentiating among the subgroups of FASD. A weighted dysmorphology scoring system proved to be a valuable additional adjunct in quantification of growth deficits and dysmorphic features in children with FASD (Study 1). The purpose of Study 2 was to clarify the relationship between alcohol-related dysmorphic features and general cognitive capacity. Results showed a significant correlation between dysmorphic features and cognitive capacity, suggesting that children with more severe growth deficiency and dysmorphic features have more cognitive limitations. This association was, however, only moderate, indicating that physical markers and cognitive capacity not always go hand in hand in individuals with FASD. Behavioral problems in the FASD group proved substantial compared to the typically developing control group. In Study 3 risk and protective factors associated with behavioral problems in the FASD group were explored further focusing on diagnostic and environmental factors. Two groups with elevated risks for behavioral problems emerged: length of time spent in residential care and a low dysmorphology score proved to be the most pervasive risk factor for behavioral problems. The results underscore the clinical importance of appropriate services and care for less visibly alcohol affected children and highlight the need to attend to children with FASD being raised in institutions. With their background of early biological and psychological impairment compounded with less opportunity for a close and continuous caregiver relationship, such children seem to run an especially great risk of adverse life outcomes. Study 4 focused on adaptive abilities such as communication, daily living skills and social skills, in other words skills that are important for gradually enabling an independent life, maintain social relationships and allow the individual to become integrated into society. The results showed that adaptive abilities of children and adolescents growing up with FASD were significantly compromised compared to both typically-developing peers and IQ-matched children with SLD. Clearly different adaptive profiles were revealed where the FASD group performed worse than the SLD group, who in turn performed worse than the CON1 group. Importantly, the SLD group outperformed the FASD group on adaptive behavior in spite of comparable cognitive levels. This is the first study to compare adaptive abilities in a group of children and adolescents with FASD relative to both a contrast group of IQ-matched children with SLD and to a group of typically-developing peers. Finally, in Study 5, through magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRS) evidence of longstanding neurochemical alterations were observed in adolescents and young adults with FASD related to alcohol exposure in utero 14-20 years earlier. Neurochemical alterations were seen in several brain areas: in frontal and parietal cortices, corpus callosum, thalamus and frontal white matter areas as well as in the cerebellar dentate nucleus. The findings are compatible with neuropsychological findings in FASD. Glial cells seemed to be more affected than neurons. In conclusion, more societal efforts and resources should be focused on recognizing and diagnosing FASD, and supporting subgroups with elevated risk of poor outcome. Without adequate intervention children and adolescents with FASD run a great risk of marginalization and social maladjustment, costly not only to society but also to the lives of the many young people with FASD.


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The objectives of this study were to isolate Klebsiella pneumoniae from different sources in three dairy cattle herds, to use the pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) to measure genotypic similarities between isolates within a dairy herd, to verify the production of extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) by the double-disk synergy test (DDST), and to use the PCR to detect the main ESBLs subgroups genes. Three dairy farms were selected based on previous mastitis outbreaks caused by K. pneumoniae. Milk samples were collected from lactating cows and from the bulk tank. Swabs were performed in different locations, including milking parlors, waiting room, soil, animal's hind limbs and rectum. K. pneumoniae was isolated from 27 cases of intramammary infections (IMI) and from 41 swabs. For farm A isolates from IMI and bulk tank were considered of the same PGFE subtype. One isolate from a bulk tank, three from IMI cases and four from environmental samples were positive in the DDST test. All eight DDST positive isolates harbored the bla shv gene, one harbored the bla tem gene, and three harbored the bla ctx-m gene, including the bulk tank isolate. Our study confirms that ESBL producing bacteria is present in different locations in dairy farms, and may be responsible for IMI. The detection of ESBLs on dairy herds could be a major concern for both public and animal health.


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The influence of voltage on the conductance of toad skin was studied to identify the time course of the activation/deactivation dynamics of voltage-dependent Cl- channels located in the apical membrane of mitochondrion-rich cells in this tissue. Positive apical voltage induced an important conductance inhibition which took a few seconds to fully develop and was instantaneously released by pulse inversion to negative voltage, indicating a short-duration memory of the inhibiting factors. Sinusoidal stimulation at 23.4 mM [Cl-] showed hysteresis in the current versus voltage curves, even at very low frequency, suggesting that the rate of voltage application was also relevant for the inhibition/releasing effect to develop. We conclude that the voltage modulation of apical Cl- permeability is essentially a fast process and the apparent slow components of activation/deactivation obtained in the whole skin are a consequence of a gradual voltage build-up across the apical membrane due to voltage sharing between apical and basolateral membranes


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In the present study, using noise-free simulated signals, we performed a comparative examination of several preprocessing techniques that are used to transform the cardiac event series in a regularly sampled time series, appropriate for spectral analysis of heart rhythm variability (HRV). First, a group of noise-free simulated point event series, which represents a time series of heartbeats, was generated by an integral pulse frequency modulation model. In order to evaluate the performance of the preprocessing methods, the differences between the spectra of the preprocessed simulated signals and the true spectrum (spectrum of the model input modulating signals) were surveyed by visual analysis and by contrasting merit indices. It is desired that estimated spectra match the true spectrum as close as possible, showing a minimum of harmonic components and other artifacts. The merit indices proposed to quantify these mismatches were the leakage rate, defined as a measure of leakage components (located outside some narrow windows centered at frequencies of model input modulating signals) with respect to the whole spectral components, and the numbers of leakage components with amplitudes greater than 1%, 5% and 10% of the total spectral components. Our data, obtained from a noise-free simulation, indicate that the utilization of heart rate values instead of heart period values in the derivation of signals representative of heart rhythm results in more accurate spectra. Furthermore, our data support the efficiency of the widely used preprocessing technique based on the convolution of inverse interval function values with a rectangular window, and suggest the preprocessing technique based on a cubic polynomial interpolation of inverse interval function values and succeeding spectral analysis as another efficient and fast method for the analysis of HRV signals


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Reactive arthritis (ReA) is an inflammatory joint disease, which belongs to the group of Spondyloarthritis (SpA). It may occur after infections with certain gram-negative bacteria such as Salmonella and Yersinia. SpAs are strongly associated with the human leucocyte antigen (HLA)-B27. Despite active research, the mechanism by which HLA-B27 causes disease susceptibility is still unknown. However, HLA-B27 has a tendency to misfold during assembly. It is possible that the misfolding of HLA-B27 could alter signaling pathways and/or molecules involved in inflammatory response in cells. We have earlier discovered that in HLA-B27-positive cells the interaction between the host and causative bacteria is disturbed. Our recent studies indicate that the expression of HLA-B27 may alter certain signaling molecules by disturbing their activation. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the expression of HLA-B27 disturbs the signaling molecules, especially the phosphorylation of transcription factor STAT1. STAT1 is an important mediator of inflammatory responses. Our results show that the phosphorylation of the STAT1 is significantly altered in HLA-B27-expressing U937 monocytic cells compared with control cells. STAT1 tyrosine 701 is more strongly phosphorylated in HLAB27- expressing cells; whereas the phosphorylation of STAT1 serine 727 is prolonged. Phosphorylation of STAT1 was discovered to be dependent on protein kinase PKR. Furthermore, we found out that the expression of posttranscriptional gene regulator HuR was altered in HLA-B27-expressing cells. We also detected that HLA-B27-positive cells secrete more interleukin 6, which is an important mediator of inflammation. These results help to understand how HLA-B27 may confer susceptibility to SpAs.


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The effect of several ions (Cl-, Na+, K+, Ca2+) on the rate of plasminogen (Pg) activation by recombinant staphylokinase (rSTA) is reported. Both monovalent and divalent ions affect the rate at which Pg is activated by rSTA, in a concentration-dependent manner (range 0-100 mM). In almost all cases, a decrease of the initial velocity of activation was observed. Cl- showed the most striking inhibitory effect at low concentrations (64% at 10 mM). However, in the presence of a fibrin surface, this inhibition was attenuated to 38%. Surprisingly, 10 mM Ca2+ enhanced the Pg activation rate 21% when a polymerized fibrin matrix was present. These data support the idea that ions can modulate the rate of Pg activation through a mechanism that may be associated with changes in the molecular conformation of the zymogen. This effect is strongly dependent on the presence of a fibrin clot.


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Fibronectin (FN), a large family of plasma and extracellular matrix (ECM) glycoproteins, plays an important role in leukocyte migration. In normal central nervous system (CNS), a fine and delicate mesh of FN is virtually restricted to the basal membrane of cerebral blood vessels and to the glial limitans externa. Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an inflammatory CNS demyelinating disease, was induced in Lewis rats with a spinal cord homogenate. During the preclinical phase and the onset of the disease, marked immunolabelling was observed on the endothelial luminal surface and basal lamina of spinal cord and brainstem microvasculature. In the paralytic phase, a discrete labelling was evident in blood vessels of spinal cord and brainstem associated or not with an inflammatory infiltrate. Conversely, intense immunolabelling was present in cerebral and cerebellar blood vessels, which were still free from inflammatory cuffs. Shortly after clinical recovery minimal labelling was observed in a few blood vessels. Brainstem and spinal cord returned to normal, but numerous inflammatory foci and demyelination were still evident near the ventricle walls, in the cerebral cortex and in the cerebellum. Intense expression of FN in brain vessels ascending from the spinal cord towards the encephalon preceded the appearance of inflammatory cells but faded away after the establishment of the inflammatory cuff. These results indicate an important role for FN in the pathogenesis of CNS inflammatory demyelinating events occurring during EAE.


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Intermediate filament (IF) proteins constitute an extremely large multigene family of developmentally and tissue-regulated cytoskeleton proteins abundant in most vertebrate cell types. Astrocyte precursors of the CNS usually express vimentin as the major IF. Astrocyte maturation is followed by a switch between vimentin and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) expression, with the latter being recognized as an astrocyte maturation marker. Levels of GFAP are regulated under developmental and pathological conditions. Upregulation of GFAP expression is one of the main characteristics of the astrocytic reaction commonly observed after CNS lesion. In this way, studies on GFAP regulation have been shown to be useful to understand not only brain physiology but also neurological disease. Modulators of GFAP expression include several hormones such as thyroid hormone, glucocorticoids and several growth factors such as FGF, CNTF and TGFß, among others. Studies of the GFAP gene have already identified several putative growth factor binding domains in its promoter region. Data obtained from transgenic and knockout mice have provided new insights into IF protein functions. This review highlights the most recent studies on the regulation of IF function by growth factors and hormones.


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Melatonin, the pineal hormone produced during the dark phase of the light-dark cycle, modulates neuronal acetylcholine receptors located presynaptically on nerve terminals of the rat vas deferens. Recently we showed the presence of high affinity nicotine-binding sites during the light phase, and low and high affinity binding sites during the dark phase. The appearance of the low affinity binding sites was due to the nocturnal melatonin surge and could be mimicked by exposure to melatonin in vitro. The aim of the present research was to identify the receptor subtypes responsible for the functional response during the light and the dark phase. The rank order of potency of agonists was dimethylphenylpiperazinium (DMPP) = cytisine > nicotine > carbachol and DMPP = nicotine = cytisine > carbachol, during the light and dark phase, respectively, due to an increase in apparent affinity for nicotine. Mecamylamine similarly blocked the DMPP response during the light and the dark phase, while the response to nicotine was more efficiently blocked during the light phase. In contrast, methyllycaconitine inhibited the nicotine-induced response only at 21:00 h. Since a7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) have low affinity for nicotine in binding assays, we suggest that a mixed population composed of a3ß4 - plus a7-bearing nAChR subtypes is present at night. This plasticity in receptor subtypes is probably driven by melatonin since nicotine-induced contraction in organs from animals sacrificed at 15:00 h and incubated with melatonin (100 pg/ml, 4 h) is not totally blocked by mecamylamine. Thus melatonin, by acting directly on the short adrenergic neurons that innervate the rat vas deferens, induces the appearance of the low affinity binding site, probably an a7 nAChR subtype.


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Intercellular communication may be regulated by the differential expression of subunit gap junction proteins (connexins) which form channels with differing gating and permeability properties. Endothelial cells express three different connexins (connexin37, connexin40, and connexin43) in vivo. To study the differential regulation of expression and synthesis of connexin37 and connexin43, we used cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells which contain these two connexins in vitro. RNA blots demonstrated discordant expression of these two connexins during growth to confluency. RNA blots and immunoblots showed that levels of these connexins were modulated by treatment of cultures with transforming growth factor-ß1. To examine the potential ability of these connexins to form heteromeric channels (containing different connexins within the same hemi-channel), we stably transfected connexin43-containing normal rat kidney (NRK) cells with connexin37 or connexin40. In the transfected cells, both connexin proteins were abundantly produced and localized in identical distributions as detected by immunofluorescence. Double whole-cell patch-clamp studies showed that co-expressing cells exhibited unitary channel conductances and gating characteristics that could not be explained by hemi-channels formed of either connexin alone. These observations suggest that these connexins can readily mix with connexin43 to form heteromeric channels and that the intercellular communication between cells is determined not only by the properties of individual connexins, but also by the interactions of those connexins to form heteromeric channels with novel properties. Furthermore, modulation of levels of the co-expressed connexins during cell proliferation or by cytokines may alter the relative abundance of different heteromeric combinations.