911 resultados para MINIMIZING EARLINESS
In image processing, segmentation algorithms constitute one of the main focuses of research. In this paper, new image segmentation algorithms based on a hard version of the information bottleneck method are presented. The objective of this method is to extract a compact representation of a variable, considered the input, with minimal loss of mutual information with respect to another variable, considered the output. First, we introduce a split-and-merge algorithm based on the definition of an information channel between a set of regions (input) of the image and the intensity histogram bins (output). From this channel, the maximization of the mutual information gain is used to optimize the image partitioning. Then, the merging process of the regions obtained in the previous phase is carried out by minimizing the loss of mutual information. From the inversion of the above channel, we also present a new histogram clustering algorithm based on the minimization of the mutual information loss, where now the input variable represents the histogram bins and the output is given by the set of regions obtained from the above split-and-merge algorithm. Finally, we introduce two new clustering algorithms which show how the information bottleneck method can be applied to the registration channel obtained when two multimodal images are correctly aligned. Different experiments on 2-D and 3-D images show the behavior of the proposed algorithms
gvSIG Mini es una aplicación open-source de usuario final cliente móvil de Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales IDEs con licencia GNU/ GPL, diseñada para teléfonos móviles Java y Android que permite la visualización y navegación sobre cartografía digital estructurada en tiles procedente de servicios web OGC como WMS(-C) y de servicios como OpenStreetMap (OSM), Yahoo Maps, Maps Bing, así como el almacenamiento en caché para reducir al mínimo el ancho de banda. gvSIG Mini puede acceder a servicios geoespaciales como NameFinder, para la búsqueda de puntos de interés y YOURS (Yet Another OpenStreetMap Routing Service) para el cálculo de rutas y la renderización de la información vectorial el lado del cliente. Por otra parte, gvSIG Mini también ofrece servicio de localización GPS. La versión de gvSIG Mini para Android, posee algunas características adicionales como son el soporte de localización Android o el uso del lacelerómetro para centrado. Esta versión también hace uso de servicios como son la predicción del tiempo o TweetMe que permite compartir una localización utilizando el popular servicio social Twitter. gvSIG Mini es una aplicación que puede ser descargada y usada libremente, convirtiéndose en una plataforma para el desarrollo de nuevas soluciones y aplicaciones en el campo de Location Based Services (LBS). gvSIG Mini ha sido desarrollado por Prodevelop, S.L. No es un proyecto oficial de gvSIG, pero se une a la familia a través del catálogo de extensiones no oficiales de gvSIG. Phone Cache es una extensión que funciona sobre gvSIG 1.1.2 que permite generar una caché, para poder utilizar gvSIG Mini para Java en modo desconectado
The objectives of this work are twofold. First, it aims to reflect on student internship placements as a tool for developing the engineering curriculum. Secondly, we present a webbased software for the efficient management of enterprise internships. This tool is scalable, allowing the management of an increased number of students while minimizing the requirement for managing time
La coordinació i assignació de tasques en entorns distribuïts ha estat un punt important de la recerca en els últims anys i aquests temes són el cor dels sistemes multi-agent. Els agents en aquests sistemes necessiten cooperar i considerar els altres agents en les seves accions i decisions. A més a més, els agents han de coordinar-se ells mateixos per complir tasques complexes que necessiten més d'un agent per ser complerta. Aquestes tasques poden ser tan complexes que els agents poden no saber la ubicació de les tasques o el temps que resta abans de que les tasques quedin obsoletes. Els agents poden necessitar utilitzar la comunicació amb l'objectiu de conèixer la tasca en l'entorn, en cas contrari, poden perdre molt de temps per trobar la tasca dins de l'escenari. De forma similar, el procés de presa de decisions distribuït pot ser encara més complexa si l'entorn és dinàmic, amb incertesa i en temps real. En aquesta dissertació, considerem entorns amb sistemes multi-agent amb restriccions i cooperatius (dinàmics, amb incertesa i en temps real). En aquest sentit es proposen dues aproximacions que permeten la coordinació dels agents. La primera és un mecanisme semi-centralitzat basat en tècniques de subhastes combinatòries i la idea principal es minimitzar el cost de les tasques assignades des de l'agent central cap als equips d'agents. Aquest algoritme té en compte les preferències dels agents sobre les tasques. Aquestes preferències estan incloses en el bid enviat per l'agent. La segona és un aproximació d'scheduling totalment descentralitzat. Això permet als agents assignar les seves tasques tenint en compte les preferències temporals sobre les tasques dels agents. En aquest cas, el rendiment del sistema no només depèn de la maximització o del criteri d'optimització, sinó que també depèn de la capacitat dels agents per adaptar les seves assignacions eficientment. Addicionalment, en un entorn dinàmic, els errors d'execució poden succeir a qualsevol pla degut a la incertesa i error de accions individuals. A més, una part indispensable d'un sistema de planificació és la capacitat de re-planificar. Aquesta dissertació també proveeix una aproximació amb re-planificació amb l'objectiu de permetre als agent re-coordinar els seus plans quan els problemes en l'entorn no permeti la execució del pla. Totes aquestes aproximacions s'han portat a terme per permetre als agents assignar i coordinar de forma eficient totes les tasques complexes en un entorn multi-agent cooperatiu, dinàmic i amb incertesa. Totes aquestes aproximacions han demostrat la seva eficiència en experiments duts a terme en l'entorn de simulació RoboCup Rescue.
En entornos donde los recursos son precederos y la asignación de recursos se repite en el tiempo con el mismo conjunto o un conjunto muy similar de agentes, las subastas recurrentes pueden ser utilizadas. Una subasta recurrente es una secuencia de subastas donde el resultado de una subasta puede influenciar en las siguientes. De todas formas, este tipo de subastas tienen problemas particulares cuando la riqueza de los agentes esta desequilibrada y los recursos son precederos. En esta tesis se proponen algunos mecanismos justos o equitativos para minimizar los efectos de estos problemas. En una subasta recurrente una solución justa significa que todos los participantes consiguen a largo plazo sus objetivos en el mismo grado o en el grado más parecido posible, independientemente de su riqueza. Hemos demostrado experimentalmente que la inclusión de justicia incentiva a los bidders en permanecer en la subasta minimizando los problemas de las subastas recurrentes.
O sector da saúde a nível nacional e internacional atravessa uma fase de digitalização de processos. As organizações de saúde têm por isso sido confrontadas com a realização de projectos de sistemas de informação. Sendo a sua área de actuação sensível, é essencial diminuir o impacto da mudança provocada pela implementação de sistemas de informação para a saúde, maximizando a eficiência dos sistemas de informação e minimizando o impacto negativo na prestação de cuidados de saúde. Um dos principais problemas de um processo de mudança é o impacto nos profissionais, que exercem resistência, podendo inviabilizar o projecto de sistemas de informação. Neste âmbito, surge a gestão da mudança, que pretende suportar a mudança organizacional. Tendo em conta a importância dos sistemas de informação para a actividade das organizações de saúde, pretende-se estudar o comportamento dos profissionais e da organização durante o processo, ou seja, as características dos processos da gestão de mudança em projectos de sistemas de informação de saúde. A metodologia de investigação utilizada seguiu um método qualitativo interpretativo com base num estudo de caso. A instituição escolhida foi o Centro Hospitalar de S. Francisco, Leiria. Procurou-se ainda uma confrontação dos principais resultados obtidos através da realização de um inquérito alargado a profissionais de outras organizações de saúde. Com os resultados obtidos espera-se poder auxiliar as organizações na definição de estratégias para maximizar a aceitação dos sistemas de informação e minimizar a resistência dos profissionais. Os resultados do estudo indiciam já uma tendência das organizações de saúde na aplicação de estratégias para minimizar o impacto dos processos de mudança nos projectos de sistemas de informação.
[1] Cloud cover is conventionally estimated from satellite images as the observed fraction of cloudy pixels. Active instruments such as radar and Lidar observe in narrow transects that sample only a small percentage of the area over which the cloud fraction is estimated. As a consequence, the fraction estimate has an associated sampling uncertainty, which usually remains unspecified. This paper extends a Bayesian method of cloud fraction estimation, which also provides an analytical estimate of the sampling error. This method is applied to test the sensitivity of this error to sampling characteristics, such as the number of observed transects and the variability of the underlying cloud field. The dependence of the uncertainty on these characteristics is investigated using synthetic data simulated to have properties closely resembling observations of the spaceborne Lidar NASA-LITE mission. Results suggest that the variance of the cloud fraction is greatest for medium cloud cover and least when conditions are mostly cloudy or clear. However, there is a bias in the estimation, which is greatest around 25% and 75% cloud cover. The sampling uncertainty is also affected by the mean lengths of clouds and of clear intervals; shorter lengths decrease uncertainty, primarily because there are more cloud observations in a transect of a given length. Uncertainty also falls with increasing number of transects. Therefore a sampling strategy aimed at minimizing the uncertainty in transect derived cloud fraction will have to take into account both the cloud and clear sky length distributions as well as the cloud fraction of the observed field. These conclusions have implications for the design of future satellite missions. This paper describes the first integrated methodology for the analytical assessment of sampling uncertainty in cloud fraction observations from forthcoming spaceborne radar and Lidar missions such as NASA's Calipso and CloudSat.
We consider the problem of scattering of time-harmonic acoustic waves by an unbounded sound-soft rough surface. Recently, a Brakhage Werner type integral equation formulation of this problem has been proposed, based on an ansatz as a combined single- and double-layer potential, but replacing the usual fundamental solution of the Helmholtz equation with an appropriate half-space Green's function. Moreover, it has been shown in the three-dimensional case that this integral equation is uniquely solvable in the space L-2 (Gamma) when the scattering surface G does not differ too much from a plane. In this paper, we show that this integral equation is uniquely solvable with no restriction on the surface elevation or slope. Moreover, we construct explicit bounds on the inverse of the associated boundary integral operator, as a function of the wave number, the parameter coupling the single- and double-layer potentials, and the maximum surface slope. These bounds show that the norm of the inverse operator is bounded uniformly in the wave number, kappa, for kappa > 0, if the coupling parameter h is chosen proportional to the wave number. In the case when G is a plane, we show that the choice eta = kappa/2 is nearly optimal in terms of minimizing the condition number.
Accumulation of surplus phosphorus (P) in the soil and the resulting increased transport of P in land runoff contribute to freshwater eutrophication. The effects of increasing soil P (19–194 mg Olsen-P (OP) kg−1) on the concentrations of particulate P (PP), and sorption properties (Qmax, k and EPCo) of suspended solids (SS) in overland flow from 15 unreplicated field plots established on a dispersive arable soil were measured over three monitoring periods under natural rainfall. Concentrations of PP in plot runoff increased linearly at a rate of 2.6 μg litre−1 per mg OP kg−1 of soil, but this rate was approximately 50% of the rate of increase in dissolved P (< 0.45 μm). Concentrations of SS in runoff were similar across all plots and contained a greater P sorption capacity (mean + 57%) than the soil because of enrichment with fine silt and clay (0.45–20 μm). As soil P increased, the P enrichment ratio of the SS declined exponentially, and the values of P saturation (Psat; 15–42%) and equilibrium P concentration (EPCo; 0.7–5.5 mg litre−1) in the SS fell within narrower ranges compared with the soils (6–74% and 0.1–10 mg litre−1, respectively). When OP was < 100 mg kg−1, Psat and EPCo values in the SS were smaller than those in the soil and vice-versa, suggesting that eroding particles from soils with both average and high P fertility would release P on entering the local (Rosemaund) stream. Increasing soil OP from average to high P fertility increased the P content of the SS by approximately 10%, but had no significant (P > 0.05) effect on the Psat, or EPCo, of the SS. Management options to reduce soil P status as a means of reducing P losses in land runoff and minimizing eutrophication risk may therefore have more limited effect than is currently assumed in catchment management.
Analytical potential energy functions which are valid at all dissociation limits have been derived for the ground states of SO2 and O3. The procedure involves minimizing the errors between the observed vibrational spectra and spectra calculated by a variational procedure. Good agreement is obtained between the observed and calculated spectra for both molecules. Comparisons are made between anharmonic force fields, previously determined from the spectral data, and the force fields obtained by differentiating the derived analytical functions at the equilibrium configurations.
Reclaimed water provides an important contribution to the water balance in water-scarce Jordan, but the quality of this water presents both benefits and challenges. Careful management of reclaimed water is required to maximize the nutrient benefits while minimizing the salinity risks. This work uses a multi-disciplinary research approach to show that soil response to irrigation with reclaimed water is a function of the management strategies adopted on the farm by the water user. The adoption of management methods to maintain soil productivity can be seen to be a result of farmers’ awareness to potentially plant-toxic ions in the irrigation water (70% of Jordan Valley farmers identified salinization as a hazard from irrigation with reclaimed water). However, the work also suggests that farmers’ management capacity is affected by the institutional management of water. About a third (35%) of farmers in the Jordan Valley claimed that their ability to manage salinization was limited by water shortages. Organizational interviews revealed that institutional awareness of soil management challenges was quite high (34% of interviewees described salinization as a risk from water reuse), but strategies to address this challenge at the institutional level require greater development.
An isolate of Gliocladium virens from disease affected soil in a commercial tomato greenhouse proved highly antagonistic to Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici, used together with an isolate of the nematophagus fungus Verticillium chlamydosporium. Significant disease control was obtained when young mycelial preparation (on a food-base culture) of the G. virens together with V. chlamydosporium was applied in potting medium. Similar results were observed when a Trichoderma harzianum isolate was treated in combination with the V. chlamydosporium isolate. Most promising, in terms of minimizing the Fusarium wilt of tomato incidence, was also the effect of the bacteria associated with entomopathogenic nematodes (Steinernema spp.), Pseudomonas oryzihabitans and Xenorhabdus nematophilus.
Proportion estimators are quite frequently used in many application areas. The conventional proportion estimator (number of events divided by sample size) encounters a number of problems when the data are sparse as will be demonstrated in various settings. The problem of estimating its variance when sample sizes become small is rarely addressed in a satisfying framework. Specifically, we have in mind applications like the weighted risk difference in multicenter trials or stratifying risk ratio estimators (to adjust for potential confounders) in epidemiological studies. It is suggested to estimate p using the parametric family (see PDF for character) and p(1 - p) using (see PDF for character), where (see PDF for character). We investigate the estimation problem of choosing c 0 from various perspectives including minimizing the average mean squared error of (see PDF for character), average bias and average mean squared error of (see PDF for character). The optimal value of c for minimizing the average mean squared error of (see PDF for character) is found to be independent of n and equals c = 1. The optimal value of c for minimizing the average mean squared error of (see PDF for character) is found to be dependent of n with limiting value c = 0.833. This might justifiy to use a near-optimal value of c = 1 in practice which also turns out to be beneficial when constructing confidence intervals of the form (see PDF for character).
Using liposomes to deliver drugs to and through human skin is controversial, as their function varies with type and composition. Thus they may act as drug carriers controlling release of the medicinal agent. Alternatively, they may provide a localized depot in the skin so minimizing systemic effects or can be used for targeting delivery to skin appendages (hair follicles and sweat glands). Liposomes may also enhance transdermal drug delivery, increasing systemic drug concentrations. With such a multiplicity of functions, it is not surprising that mechanisms of liposomal delivery of therapeutic agents to and through the skin are unclear. Accordingly, this article provides an overview of the modes and mechanisms of action of different vesicles as drug delivery vectors in human skin. Our conclusion is that vesicles, depending on the composition and method of preparation, can vary with respect to size, lamellarity, charge, membrane fluidity or elasticity and drug entrapment. This variability allows for multiple functions ranging from local to transdermal effects. Application to dissimilar skins (animal or human) via diverse protocols may reveal different mechanisms of action with possible vesicle skin penetration reaching different depths, from surface assimilation to (rarely) the viable tissue and subsequent systemic absorption.
An orthogonal forward selection (OFS) algorithm based on leave-one-out (LOO) criteria is proposed for the construction of radial basis function (RBF) networks with tunable nodes. Each stage of the construction process determines an RBF node, namely, its center vector and diagonal covariance matrix, by minimizing the LOO statistics. For regression application, the LOO criterion is chosen to be the LOO mean-square error, while the LOO misclassification rate is adopted in two-class classification application. This OFS-LOO algorithm is computationally efficient, and it is capable of constructing parsimonious RBF networks that generalize well. Moreover, the proposed algorithm is fully automatic, and the user does not need to specify a termination criterion for the construction process. The effectiveness of the proposed RBF network construction procedure is demonstrated using examples taken from both regression and classification applications.