955 resultados para MAC UCI NEO


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In this study, we demonstrate that the prototype B. breve strain UCC2003 possesses specific metabolic pathways for the utilisation of lacto-N-tetraose (LNT) and lacto-N-neotetraose (LNnT), which represent the central moieties of Type I and Type II human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs), respectively. Using a combination of experimental approaches, the enzymatic machinery involved in the metabolism of LNT and LNnT was identified and characterised. Homologs of the key genetic loci involved in the utilisation of these HMO substrates were identified in B. breve, B. bifidum, B. longum subsp. infantis and B. longum subsp. longum using bioinformatic analyses, and were shown to be variably present among other members of the Bifidobacterium genus, with a distinct pattern of conservation among human-associated bifidobacterial species.


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O delírium, vulgarmente conhecido como estado confusional agudo, é actualmente uma das doenças mentais mais prevalentes nos doentes internados nas UCI’s. Para a American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACCN, 2011) e para a Society of Critical Care Medicine (2013) a taxa de delírium pode chegar aos 60% nos doentes em respiração espontânea e aos 80% nos doentes sob ventilação mecânica. A AACCN (2011) e Barr et al (2013) salientam que a presença de delírium é um importante predictor independente de prognóstico negativo, que está associado quer a uma maior mortalidade, quer a uma maior duração do internamento e da ventilação mecânica, quer ainda a uma maior necessidade de reintubação. Estima-se que cada doente internado numa UCI apresente mais de dez factores de risco para o desenvolvimento de delírium, os quais devem ser identificados pelos enfermeiros, já que vários estudos comprovam bons resultados associados à realização de intervenções de enfermagem preventivas desta patologia. (Faria & Moreno, 2013) No âmbito de uma pós-licenciatura em enfermagem em pessoa em situação crítica, foi realizado um estudo exploratório-descritivo numa UCI do HGO, que pretendeu identificar os factores de risco associados ao desenvolvimento de delírium em 57 doentes internados. Vários factores foram identificados (idade, género, antecedentes pessoais, fármacos, gravidade clínica, entre outros) e foram assinaladas intervenções de enfermagem preventivas. Com esta comunicação pretendemos dar a conhecer os resultados e as conclusões deste estudo primário sob o ponto de vista da enfermagem.


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The notion of commodification is a fascinating one. It entails many facets, ranging from subjective debates on desirability of commodification to in depth economic analyses of objects of value and their corresponding markets. Commodity theory is therefore not just defined by a single debate, but spans a plethora of different discussions. This thesis maps and situates those theories and debates and selects one specific strain to investigate further. This thesis argues that commodity theory in its optima forma deals with the investigation into what sets commodities apart from non-commodities. It proceeds to examine the many given answers to this question by scholars ranging from the mid 1800’s to the late 2000’s. Ultimately, commodification is defined as a process in which an object becomes an element of the total wealth of societies in which the capitalist mode of production prevails. In doing so, objects must meet observables, or indicia, of commodification provided by commodity theories. Problems arise when objects are clearly part of the total wealth in societies without meeting established commodity indicia. In such cases, objects are part of the total wealth of a society without counting as a commodity. This thesis examines this phenomenon in relation to the novel commodities of audiences and data. It explains how these non-commodities (according to classical theories) are still essential elements of industry. The thesis then takes a deep dive into commodity theory using the theory on the construction of social reality by John Searle.


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Questo studio si concentra sull'ischemia critica cronica dell'arto inferiore (CLTI), una patologia globale con gravi complicanze e impatto sociale elevato. Recentemente, la "Medial Artery Calcification" (MAC) è emersa come fattore prognostico significativo nei pazienti con CLTI e malattia grave dei vasi del piede, ma le informazioni sono principalmente retrospettive. Questa tesi esplora la relazione tra MAC e CLTI in tre sezioni. Nella sezione clinica, 248 pazienti sono stati divisi in gruppi MAC per valutare l'impatto prospettico sulla guarigione e sul salvataggio dell'arto. Nella sezione isto-patologica, campioni arteriosi di 26 pazienti sottoposti ad amputazione maggiore sono stati analizzati per comprendere la relazione tra MAC, aterosclerosi e occlusione vascolare. Nella sezione di arterializzazione, 16 pazienti sottoposti all'arterializzazione delle vene del piede (AVP) sono stati esaminati per valutare i risultati clinici prospettici. I risultati della sezione clinica indicano che la presenza di MAC severa è associata a risultati clinici peggiori nei pazienti affetti da CLTI. L'analisi isto-patologica mostra una prevalenza elevata di MAC rispetto all'aterosclerosi, con una associazione importante tra MAC e iperplasia intimale. L'AVP presenta risultati promettenti nei pazienti affetti da CLTI. In conclusione, la MAC influisce sui risultati clinici della CLTI, e l'AVP potrebbe essere una strategia efficace di trattamento.


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La tesi affronta il tema del design applicato all’ambito healthcare, in particolare la ricerca è indirizzata all’approfondimento della malattia celiaca. Attraverso un approccio integrato al design, è stato progettato un servizio volto a sostenere il paziente celiaco neo-diagnosticato nei 30 giorni immediatamente successivi alla diagnosi. Il progetto si compone di una serie di strumenti riprogettati a partire dai servizi promossi dall’Associazione Italiana Celiachia, disegnati a misura di utente, con l’obiettivo di semplificare il contatto con l’Associazione e coinvolgere, informare e sensibilizzare, sia gli attori interni che gli attori esterni al contesto. È stato studiato l’aspetto psicologico e psico-sociale della malattia per una progettazione che tenesse conto dei reali bisogni e delle necessità dei pazienti celiaci, così che l’esperienza di diagnosi risulti meno impattante e sia facilitato il passaggio verso un cambiamento dello stile di vita.


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Placental tissue injury is concomitant with tumor development. We investigated tumor-driven placental damage by tracing certain steps of the protein synthesis and degradation pathways under leucine-rich diet supplementation in MAC16 tumor-bearing mice. Cell signaling and ubiquitin-proteasome pathways were assessed in the placental tissues of pregnant mice, which were distributed into three groups on a control diet (pregnant control, tumor-bearing pregnant, and pregnant injected with MAC-ascitic fluid) and three other groups on a leucine-rich diet (pregnant, tumor-bearing pregnant, and pregnant injected with MAC-ascitic fluid). MAC tumor growth down-regulated the cell-signaling pathways of the placental tissue and decreased the levels of IRS-1, Akt/PKB, Erk/MAPK, mTOR, p70S6K, STAT3, and STAT6 phosphorylated proteins, as assessed by the multiplex Millipore Luminex assay. Leucine supplementation maintained the levels of these proteins within the established cell-signaling pathways. In the tumor-bearing group (MAC) only, the placental tissue showed increased PC5 mRNA expression, as assessed by quantitative RT-PCR, decreased 19S and 20S protein expression, as assessed by Western blot analysis, and decreased placental tyrosine levels, likely reflecting up-regulation of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. Similar effects were found in the pregnant injected with MAC-ascitic fluid group, confirming that the effects of the tumor were mimicked by MAC-ascitic fluid injection. Although tumor progression occurred, the degradation pathway-related protein levels were modulated under leucine-supplementation conditions. In conclusion, tumor evolution reduced the protein expression of the cell-signaling pathway associated with elevated protein degradation, thereby jeopardizing placental activity. Under the leucine-rich diet, the impact of cancer on placental function could be minimized by improving the cell-signaling activity and reducing the proteolytic process.


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The theme of human formation is at the centre of the philosophy of education, whose aim is precisely the process of human promotion brought about by education. Starting from the critical vigilance proper to philosophy, the text sketches a phenomenology of the present time, verifying that the ideas prevailing in education at present are centred on the critique of reason and on the notions of truth and objectivity. This neo-pragmatism, which in the attempt to oppose metaphysics becomes deeply metaphysical, reducing everything to language, is contested by the authors with Marx's thoughts as a historicising philosophy that concerns not abstract subjects, but real individuals, historical subjects that are constituted as a synthesis of social relations. To that end, the authors resort to the historical ontological reflection on human formation contained in Marx's Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844. The article concludes by defending the proposition that access to the classics is a necessary condition for human formation.


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Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the assistance quality through the perception of the users and municipal health managers (mayors, health secretaries and screening team). Methods: A transversal and descriptive study was carried out. Results: The sample was comprised by 359 users and 48 managers. Medical assistance was considered excellent by 79.6% of the users, 93.7% of the managers, 87.5% of the health secretaries and 100% of the screening team. Reception received a great evaluation by 73.8% of the users and 93.8% of the selectors. Conclusion: The assistance model used at the Ophthalmologic Clinic of Divinolândia obtained a high level of satisfaction pleasing both users and managers.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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It has recently been reported that machined and microrough (micro) Brazilian titanium (Ti) implants have good production standards. The aim of this study was to evaluate in vivo bone formation around 2 different implant surfaces placed in dog's mandible. Thirty-two screw-typed Ti implants were used in this study. Mandibular premolars were extracted in 8 dogs and, after 12 weeks, 2 machined (Neodent Titamax, Brazil) and 2 micro implants (Neodent Titamax Porous, Brazil) were placed in each animal. Biopsies were taken at 3 and 8 weeks post-implantation and stained with Stevenel's blue and Alizarin red for histomorphometric measurements of bone-to-implant contact (BIC), bone area between threads (BABT) and bone area within the mirror area (BAMA). Data were analyzed statistically by two-way ANOVA (α=0.05). While at 3 weeks micro implants exhibited significantly more BIC than machined ones (55 ± 12.5% and 35.6 ± 15%, p<0.05), no significant difference in such parameter was detected at 8 weeks (51.2 ± 21% and 48.6 ± 18.1%, p>0.05). There were no significant differences in BABT and BAMA between the implants. Micro surfaces promoted higher contact osteogenesis. These data indicate that this commercial micro Ti implant surface enhances contact osteogenesis at an early post-implantation period when compared to the machined one.


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No ano de 2003 Francisco de Oliveria publicou um artigo intitulado "O Ornitorrinco" no qual fez considerações críticas sobre a conjectura politico-social daquele momento histórico. Tal artigo é permeado por um paralelo entre o evolucionismo darwinista e a visão do autor sobre a sociedade brasileira contemporânea. Entretanto, ao fazer tal analogia ele incorre numa série de equívocos teóricos sobre a teoria evolucionista. Tais equívocos consistem, em grande parte, numa substuição indevida entre aquilo que ficou conhecido como Darwinismo Social e a teoria neodarwinista como entendida pelos seus atuais proponentes. O presente trabalho identifica estes equívocos e os contextualiza dentro da teoria neodarwiniana. Além disso, fazemos um recorte histórico do processo de formação do pensamento evolucionista para enfatizar que a associação entre biologia e darwinismo social é mais complexa do que geralmente se assume.


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Este ensaio visa sistematizar os primeiros resultados de uma pesquisa, ainda em curso, sobre o processo de legitimação da fotografia pelo sistema de arte no Brasil, cujo foco principal é o museu. Os museus de arte da cidade de São Paulo foram escolhidos para dar início a essa investigação. Primeiramente, será abordada, em linhas gerais, a presença da fotografia no Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo e na Bienal de São Paulo, dada a vinculação de origem do Museu de Arte Contemporânea com essas duas instituições paulistanas. Na seqüência será analisada a formação do acervo fotográfico do Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade de São Paulo durante a década de 1970. Por fim, esse percurso permitirá observar que a atuação de Walter Zanini, o primeiro diretor do Museu, e as particularidades da posição do MAC-USP no sistema de arte no Brasil naquele período resultaram no entendimento da fotografia prioritariamente no âmbito da arte contemporânea de caráter experimental e não como obra de arte autônoma, segundo os princípios da chamada fotografia artística.


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OBJECTIVE: to estimate the prevalence of contraceptive use and associated factors among adolescents attending public schools on Santiago Island, Cape Verde. METHODS: a cross-sectional study was carried out with 368 sexually active adolescents aged 13-17years attending eight public elementary and high schools, randomly selected, on Santiago Island, Cape Verde, between January and March 2007. Poisson regression with robust variance was used for the multiple analysis of risk factors, at a 5% level of significance. RESULTS: among 368 adolescents, 69.3% reported having used a contraceptive method during the last act of sexual intercourse. The most frequently used method were condom (94.9%) and pill (26.4%). Factors significantly and positively associated with contraceptive use were: living in the capital (PR=1.23; CI95%: 1.07; 1.39); having dated and had sexual intercourse (PR =1.53; CI95%: 1.14;2.06); and having more than nine years of schooling (PR=1.19; CI95%: 1.02; 1.38). CONCLUSIONS: more educated adolescents who studied in Praia (the capital city) and were dating at the time of the study were more likely to use contraception. The high prevalence of condom use and the association between contraception use and years of schooling among adolescents may indicate that sexual and reproductive health policies have produced positive outcomes that may account for the decrease in HIV infection.


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BACKGROUND: Original sevoflurane (Sevo A) is made with water, while a generic sevoflurane (Sevocris) is produced with propylene glycol as a stabilizing additive. We investigated whether the original and generic sevoflurane preparations differed in terms of their minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) values and hemodynamic effects. METHODS: Sixteen pigs weighing 31.6±1.8 kg were randomly assigned to the Sevo A or Sevocris groups. After anesthesia induction via mask with the appropriate sevoflurane preparation (6% in 100% oxygen), the MAC was determined for each animal. Hemodynamic and oxygenation parameters were measured at 0.5 MAC, 1 MAC and 1.5 MAC. Histopathological analyses of lung parenchyma were performed. RESULTS: The MAC in the Sevo A group was 4.4±0.5%, and the MAC in the Sevocris group was 4.1±0.7%. Hemodynamic and metabolic parameters presented significant differences in a dose-dependent pattern as expected, but they did not differ between groups. Cardiac indices and arterial pressures decreased in both groups when the sevoflurane concentration increased from 0.5 to 1 and 1.5 MAC. The oxygen delivery index (DO2I) decreased significantly at 1.5 MAC. CONCLUSION: Propylene glycol as an additive for sevoflurane seems to be as safe as a water additive, at least in terms of hemodynamic and pulmonary effects.


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No Brasil, não há relato de estudos de Salmonella em gambás, sendo assim, este trabalho tem por objetivo determinar a frequência de isolamento de Salmonella enterica em gambás (D. aurita e D. albiventris) no Estado de São Paulo. No período de janeiro de 2005 a dezembro de 2006, foram necropsiados 106 D. aurita e 40 D. albiventris e colhidos fragmentos de intestinos delgado, grosso e suabe da cloaca. As amostras foram plaqueadas diretamente em ágar Mac Conkey, paralelamente suspendidas nos caldos Rappaport-Vassiliadis e Tetrationato e posteriormente plaqueados em ágar XLT4. As colônias sugestivas de Salmonella foram confirmadas através de provas bioquímicas e sorotipagem. Encontrou-se Salmonella enterica em 17,0% (18/106) dos D. aurita. Destes, 50% apresentaram positividade no intestino delgado (ID), 88,9% no intestino grosso (IG) e 66,7% na cloaca. Da espécie S. enterica, as subespécies encontradas foram: diarizonae (11,1%) houtenae e enterica (5,5% cada um); enquanto da subespécie S. enterica enterica os sorotipos foram Newport (83,3%), Typhimurium e Cerro (5,5% cada um). Nos D. albiventris, 17,5% (7/40) eram positivos, sendo que se encontraram 42,8% no ID, 85,7% no IG e 71,4% na cloaca. O sorotipo mais prevalente também foi Newport (71,4%), seguido por Typhimurium, Bareilly e Thompson (14,3% cada um). Através dos resultados obtidos neste estudo pode-se comprovar a presença de Salmonella enterica no trato intestinal de gambás no Brasil.